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Description of Art Piece

History of Boba

My art piece shows that Boba is a black round ball made out of Tapioca and can be
mixed with different flavors of drinks such as Grape, Line and Mango. Boba was invented
somewhere in Taiwan by Lui Han Chieh and can be called by many different names. Boba
contains tapioca seeds, sugar, water, fruit juice, calcium lactate, seaweed extract, malic acid,
potassium sorbate, coloring, and fruit flavoring. This delicious treat is a very popular drink and
we all love it!
Description of Art Piece:
I picked this topic, because Chain Reactions are very fun to create, which I love to do.
Also, it’s really cool to watch it work. This is a very simple one, about how to wake yourself up
when you sleep. This is based on an idea made by Joseph Herscher, a great Chain Reaction Rube
Goldberg) creator. The hat is strapped around your head. When your head drops down, the block
will pull up, hitting the ball in the process. The ball will roll into the bucket, heavier than the
other one. While the bucket is trying to balance, it will (hopefully!) move the wood up and down,
causing the feather to move up and down. It’s best to freeze the feather first, so you get tickled,
by something cold!
Description of Art Piece
The topic that I chose is LEGO because I love Lego and have tons of sets. I chose a sculpture of a giant
Lego trident that I made. I saw someone else make someone make this and I made one of my own. The
rod was about 2 feet long before I realized I could have used actual bricks. I originally built it as a trident
but gave up and kept adding more pieces to it. It probably took a year to build. It’s broken completely at
least 3 times. I only recently rebuilt it and added. I chose this because it is my longest lego creation and
one of my most daunting creations ever.
Description of Art Piece

I picked the topic of how Minecraft affects your brain because Minecraft is my favorite
video game. I also chose this topic because I knew that Minecraft boosts your creativity
beforehand and I wanted to know what else Minecraft does. I chose to draw my picture by using
the one that was the most convenient. I was already doing most of my studies online, so I didn’t
want to do a video or graphic art. Between painting, drawing, dancing, or music, I like drawing
the most. That’s why I drew my picture.

Picture of Art Work

Description of Art Piece

For this project, I chose to research how to make slime. If you don’t know what slime is, it’s a
substance made from glue and borax. With slime, you can add different ingredients to customize
it or make the texture different. I researched how to make slime because I like to make slime. It’s
easy and fun. Also, getting sources was not too hard. There are many videos on YouTube on how
to make slime. Websites also have been made about slime. For my art piece, I decided to do a
drawing. Painting would be too hard for the details, dance or music wouldn’t have worked, and I
didn’t know how to film a video on my computer. So, I decided to draw.

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