Creating Cust Specific POWL Query PDF

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Creating a customer specific query:

1. Enter transaction POWL_QUERY to create a new query

a. Press ‘New Entries’ to create a new query.
b. Enter a query ID in Z* or your own namespace.
c. Assign the new query to an existing type (using the /XNFE/* prefix)
d. Set Sync. call checkbox to active.
e. Choose a ‘Refresh Type’ you prefer (NFE Standard refresh type is ‘Every List Visit’)

f. Enter your company specific requirements -> using Query Parameters & Query
Settings option.

g. (optional) Calculated Dates

Enter Configuration screen for predefined dates -> using Calculated Dates

Enter your preferred calculated date values

These calculated date(s) will be updated every day and every application refresh.

h. Query Parameters: You can enter default values for all search criteria
i. For Example: NORMPRCH is set as default Business Process Type

i. Query Settings: You can change some settings of the search criteria.

i. Mandatory active: You have to fill in some value on the UI

ii. Read Only active: Value is fixed, visible to the user but not changeable
iii. Hidden active: The field will not appear on the UI, so this value will be not
considered for the document search.
iv. Quick search active: Search fields will be directly accessible in the search
criteria section (can be hidden using Show/ Hide Quick Criteria Maintenance)

j. Save your settings (and assign them to a transport request).

i. Table POWL_QUERY is of type ‘G’, so you need a customizing transport
request for the entries.

2. Enter transaction POWL_QUERYR to assign your new query to one application

a. Press ‘New Entries’ to make a new assignment
b. All NFE POWL Application will start with prefix /XNFE/*
c. Add application ID and Query ID (created in step 1)
d. With the fields ‘Query sequence no’ & ‘Tab sequence no’ the order of the query
within the application can be controlled. These are integer fields.
i. Category sequence No: Sequence of appearance of categories (if used)
ii. Query sequence No: Sequence of queries (within a category)
iii. Tab sequence No: Sequence of tabs (adjustable via POWL personalize ->
Layout -> Tab Strip)
e. POWL also provides the administrator/ user the possibility to group queries using
categories. For this POWL provides transaction ‘POWL_CAT’.
Categories are not shipped in the SAP NFE standard.
f. Set the ‘Activate’ Flag to create an active and visible query.

g. (Optional): Assign the query to a specific role entering a name of a role in the field
i. This only enables the query those user assigned to this role.
ii. If no role entry is maintained, this query is visible to every user/ role.
h. Save your settings (and assign them to a transport request).
i. Table POWL_QUERY_ROL is of type ‘G’, so you need a customizing transport
request for the entries.
3. Enter your Workplace/ Monitor with the new created query.

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