2016 Gulf of Alaska Pink Salmon Fishery Disaster Relief

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2016 Gulf of Alaska Pink Salmon Fishery Disaster Relief

August 5, 2019
On January 18, 2017, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce declared the 2016 Gulf of Alaska pink salmon
fishery a disaster under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Following
this declaration, Congress appropriated $56.3 million to Alaska to address losses to the seven
management areas in the Gulf of Alaska affected by the fishery failure: Kodiak, Prince William Sound,
Chignik, Lower Cook Inlet, South Alaska Peninsula, Southeast Alaska, and Yakutat.

On July 1, 2019, NOAA approved a $53.8 million distribution plan to restore losses from the 2016 Gulf of
Alaska pink salmon fishery disaster. These funds will support research and provide payments to
fishermen, crew and processors in the affected regions. The distribution of funds will be administered by
the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC).

The remaining $2.4 million in disaster relief funds appropriated by Congress will be distributed to
municipalities that were affected by the disaster. The PSMFC is currently working with the State of
Alaska and NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service to identify a process for distributing the funds to

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How will the disaster funds be allocated?

The approved distribution plan allocates funds to three categories: research, fishery participants,
and processors. The funds will be distributed as follows:

$3.63 million for Research. Funds will be used for applied research or research activities to improve
the resource managers’ ability to better understand pink salmon ecology and abundance and
improve pink salmon forecasts in the future. The following projects will be funded:
• $450,000 for the Kodiak Pink Salmon Saltwater Marking Sampling Plan
• $2,500,000 for the Alaska Hatchery Research Program
• $680,000 for the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring Survey
See the attachment to this document for additional details on the research projects.

$31.8 million to Fishery Participants. Funds will be distributed to Commercial Fisheries Entry
Commission (CFEC) permit holders named on Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) fish
tickets that fished for pink salmon in 2016 and had a demonstrated revenue loss in the fishery. Crew
members will be eligible for compensation based on the CFEC permit holder being eligible to receive
disaster funds.

$17.7 million to Processors. Funds will be distributed to processors that processed pink salmon in
2016 in the affected management areas and had a demonstrated revenue loss for pink salmon.
Processing workers will be eligible for an equal share of 15% of an eligible processor’s total disaster

2. Who is eligible to receive disaster funds?

CFEC permit holders, Annette Island Reserve fishery participants, fishing crew, processors and
processing workers that meet specific criteria will be eligible to receive a payment.

CFEC permit holders

CFEC permit holders that meet the following criteria will be eligible for a payment:
a) Must have held a CFEC permit card for salmon in 2016,
b) Must have fished for pink salmon in the affected areas in 2016,
c) CFEC permit holders in Southeast, Prince William Sound, Kodiak and South Alaska Peninsula
must have documented ADF&G fish ticket landings equal to or greater than 1,000 pounds of
pink salmon landed in 2016. Participants in Yakutat, Lower Cook Inlet and Chignik must
have a minimum of one pink salmon landing in 2016.
d) CFEC permit holders must have a demonstrated loss of 2016 pink salmon exvessel revenue
(value) compared to their average pink salmon exvessel value during the most recent five
even years from 2006 through 2014 as calculated from ADF&G and CFEC landings and value
data. See question #7 for details on a demonstrated loss for CFEC permit holders.
Annette Island Reserve fishery participants
Fishery participants in the Annette Island Reserve that do not hold a CFEC permit card must meet
the following criteria to be eligible for a payment:
a) Must have fished for pink salmon in the Annette Island Reserve in 2016 and had landings
equal to or greater than 1,000 pounds of pink salmon.
b) Annette Island Reserve participants must demonstrate a loss of 2016 pink salmon exvessel
revenue compared to their average pink salmon exvessel revenue during the most recent
five even years from 2006 through 2014.
Fishing Crew
Crew members for the 2016 salmon fishery in the affected areas and identified as fishing crew by an
eligible CFEC permit holder will be eligible for payment if the CFEC permit holder is eligible to
receive a disaster payment.

Processors that meet the following criteria will be eligible for a payment:
a) Processed pink salmon in one or more affected area in 2016,
b) Had 2016 pink salmon first wholesale value of $10,000 or greater, determined based on
Commercial Operator’s Annual Report (COAR) data,
c) Have a demonstrated gross first wholesale revenue (value) loss in 2016 compared to the five
even year average gross first wholesale value from 2006 through 2014 as calculated from
ADF&G and CFEC landings and value data. See question #9 for details on a demonstrated loss
for processors.
Processing workers
Eligible processing workers identified by an eligible processor will be eligible for an equal share of
15% of the processor’s total disaster payment. An eligible processing worker:

a) Was employed at an eligible plant, performing hourly work during any part of July and
August of 2016 and listed as eligible for rehire.
b) Worked a minimum of 100 hours and a maximum of 420 hours at the plant during the
months of July and/or August 2016. (420 hours is equivalent to 47.6 hours/week for July and
August of 2016).
3. I am a CFEC permit holder, how do I know if I am eligible for a payment?

The PSMFC will use permit holder, fishery landings, and value data from ADF&G and CFEC to
determine payment eligibility for CFEC permit holders. The PSMFC will mail application materials to
CFEC permit holders determined to be eligible in early August 2019.

The disaster payment application form details the eligibility criteria, documentation requirements,
and the total projected payment amount prior to the deduction for crew payments. The application
deadline for CFEC permit holders is October 31, 2019.

All eligible CFEC permit holders will be required to submit a complete and timely application to the
PSMFC to receive a payment. See question #2 for CFEC permit holder eligibility criteria.

4. I am a fishing crew member, how do I know if I am eligible for a payment?

As part of the application for a disaster payment, each CFEC permit holder must submit the name,
address, and crew share percentage for each crew member who participated in the 2016 pink
salmon fishery. Crew members may wish to contact the 2016 CFEC permit holder to provide their
mailing address. The PSMFC will distribute application materials to crew members to apply for their
disaster payment after the October 31, 2019 deadline for CFEC permit holders. The application
deadline for crew members is January 31, 2020.

If a CFEC permit holder is determined to be eligible for payment, each crew member listed on the
CFEC permit holder application that submits a complete and timely application will receive a portion
of the CFEC permit holder’s total payment based on the crew share specified on the CFEC permit
holder’s application.

5. How does a processor know if it is eligible for a payment?

The PSMFC will use fisheries landings and value data from ADF&G and CFEC to determine payment
eligibility for processors. The PSMFC will mail application materials to processors determined to be
eligible in early August 2019. The application form details the eligibility criteria and the total
projected payment amount. The application deadline for processors is October 31, 2019.

All eligible processors will be required to submit a complete and timely application to PSMFC to
receive disaster payments. See question #2 for processor eligibility criteria.

6. What if I think I’m eligible for a payment and I don’t receive an application?

Please see the PSMFC fisheries disaster web page at https://www.psmfc.org/fishery-disaster-

programs or call 1-888-517-7262.

7. How will payments to CFEC permit holders and their crew be calculated?

Funds allocated to fishery participants are calculated based on the loss of pink salmon exvessel
value to each management area as compared to the area’s five even year average exvessel value.
For each management area, disaster funds will be distributed such that each area’s fishery value is
equal to 70.56% of their respective five even year average exvessel value. The last column in the
table below shows the amount of money available for each management area to achieve a total
fishery value of 70.56% of the area’s five even year fishery value.
2016 decrease
Adjusted five Dollar difference Funds needed to
2016 final in value 70.56% of
year even between 2016 reach 70.56% of
estimated relative to adjusted five
Area average final and adjusted adjusted five
exvessel adjusted five even year
exvessel value five even year even year
value even year average
(2006-2014) average average
average value
Southeast $22,009,366 $31,444,125 -30% $9,434,759 $22,185,792 $176,427

Yakutat $22,650 $90,273 -75% $67,623 $63,693 $41,043

Lower Cook Inlet $80,575 $499,798 -84% $419,223 $352,639 $272,063

Prince William
$12,945,266 $49,647,290 -74% $36,702,024 $35,029,261 $22,083,995
Kodiak $4,721,528 $16,672,069 -72% $11,950,541 $11,763,185 $7,041,656
South Alaska
$997,205 $3,872,833 -74% $2,875,628 $2,732,525 $1,735,320
Chignik $126,455 $854,627 -85% $728,172 $602,993 $476,538
Total $31,827,042
To be eligible for a disaster payment, CFEC permit holders must meet all eligibility criteria (see
question #2), including the requirement to have a demonstrated loss in the 2016 pink salmon fishery
as calculated by ADF&G and CFEC landings and value data, adjusted for inflation. The demonstrated
loss is the CFEC permit holder’s five even year average exvessel value from 2006 through 2014
minus the exvessel value of their 2016 landings. CFEC permit holders that meet the criteria will be
eligible for a minimum payment of $300 (before deductions for crew). An eligible CFEC permit
holder’s total disaster payment is the minimum payment plus their percentage payment.
Each CFEC permit holder’s percentage payment is based on the proportion of their loss compared to
the total loss of all eligible CFEC permit holders in the same management area multiplied by the
remaining funds available in each management area after minimum payments are deducted.
Payments to crew will be deducted from the CFEC permit holder’s total disaster payment based on
the crew shares provided in the CFEC permit holder’s application and the CFEC permit holder will
receive the amount remaining after the deductions. The table below shows the total loss to all
eligible permit holders in each management area and the total remaining funds in each area for the
percentage payments after minimum payments that will be used to calculate each permit holder’s
percentage payment.

Total loss to all Number of Total remaining funds in
Area eligible permit eligible permit management area for
holders holders percentage payment
Southeast $14,377,846 464 $139,200 $37,227
Yakutat $60,402 76 $22,800 $18,243
Lower Cook Inlet $411,614 26 $7,800 $264,263
Prince William Sound $40,641,897 325 $97,500 $21,986,495
Kodiak $12,132,609 238 $71,400 $6,970,256
South Alaska Peninsula $2,592,691 105 $31,500 $1,703,820
Chignik $806,020 63 $18,900 $457,638

In the example below, a CFEC permit holder participated in the Kodiak pink salmon seine fishery in
all five even years from 2006 through 2014 and had an adjusted average exvessel value for pink
salmon of $100,000 for those years and an exvessel value of $60,000 in 2016.

Permit holder's five even year adjusted

exvessel value (2006-2014): $100,000
Permit holder's 2016 exvessel value: -$60,000
Demonstrated loss: $40,000
Total loss to all Kodiak permit holders: $12,132,609 Crew Share Crew Payment
Permit holder's loss as a proportion Crew 1: 7% $1,630
of the total Kodiak loss: Crew 2: 10% $2,328
Remaining Kodiak area funds after Crew 3: 10% $2,328
minimum payments: Crew 4: 11% $2,561
Permit holder's percentage payment: $22,980 Total: 38% $8,846
Minimum payment: +$300
Permit holder payment (before Permit holder's
$23,280 $14,434
payments to crew): final payment:

The permit holder’s demonstrated loss is their adjusted five even year average minus the value of
their 2016 pink salmon fishery ($40,000). The permit holder’s proportion of the total loss (0.003297)
is their demonstrated loss divided by the total loss of all eligible Kodiak CFEC permit holders
($12,132,609). This proportion is multiplied by the remaining funds available in the Kodiak area after
minimum payments are deducted ($6,970,256) to determine the CFEC permit holder’s percentage
payment of $22,980. The percentage payment is added to the $300 minimum payment to
determine the permit holder’s total payment before crew payments are deducted. The CFEC permit
holder had four crew members in 2016 that earned total crew shares of 38%: one crew member
earned a crew share of 7%, two crew members earned crew shares of 10% and one crew member
earned a crew share of 11%. Total crew payments of $8,846 ($23,280 x 0.38) would be deducted
from the CFEC permit holder’s total disaster payment and the CFEC permit holder would receive a
payment of $14,434. Each crew member that submits a complete and timely application would
receive payment calculated from their crew share.

Fishery participants do not need five even years of pink salmon history from 2006 to 2014 to qualify.
The average pink salmon exvessel value of the CFEC permit holder’s even year participation
between 2006 and 2014 will be the basis for comparison to the CFEC permit holder’s pink salmon
exvessel value for 2016. For example, if a participant fished 2010 through 2016, their average pink
salmon exvessel value would be calculated for 2010, 2012 and 2014 and this average would be
compared to their pink salmon exvessel value for 2016 to determine if they had a demonstrated

A CFEC permit holder that fished in 2016 and fished in only one year from 2006 through 2014 would
not have an average value for the most recent five even years. To determine if the CFEC permit
holder had a demonstrated loss, their 2016 pink salmon exvessel value will be compared to the pink
salmon exvessel value in the year fished from 2006 through 2014.

A CFEC permit holder that only fished in 2016 would have no fishing history to determine whether a
demonstrated loss occurred. In the absence of pink salmon fishery participation prior to 2016, a new
participant’s eligibility will be determined based on a comparison of their 2016 exvessel value to the
management area’s gear-specific five even year average exvessel value. If a participant’s 2016
exvessel value is less than the management area’s gear specific five even year average exvessel
value, they will have a demonstrated loss and be eligible for a disaster fund payment.

The table below lists the gear specific five even year average exvessel value for each management

Five even year gear

Permit Type
specific average
S05B $87
S15B $297
S01A $124,976
S03A $4,780
S04D $1,026
S01E $270,160
S03E $5,867
S04E $889
S01H $26,576
S04H $831
S01K $97,332
S02K $2,711
S04K $13,147
S01L $14,010
S01M $67,987
S03M $548
S04M $3,792

Questions regarding Fish Ticket catch information should be directed to ADF&G’s Information
Services at (907) 465-6133 or DFG.DCF.InfoServices@alaska.gov.

Individual Fish Ticket information and historical catch information is available upon request from
ADF&G at http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishlicense.requests. Note that there is a
$55 fee for fish ticket data report requests.

8. How will payments to fishing crew be calculated?

Fishing crew members for the 2016 salmon fishery in the affected areas will be eligible for payment
if the CFEC permit holder is eligible to receive a disaster payment. Each eligible crew member that
submits a complete and timely application would receive a payment.

To be eligible for a disaster payment, CFEC permit holders must have a demonstrated loss in the
2016 pink salmon fishery as calculated by ADF&G and CFEC landings and value data. A CFEC permit
holder’s total disaster payment will be in proportion to their demonstrated loss in 2016. Payments
to crew will be deducted from the CFEC permit holder’s demonstrated loss based on the crew shares
provided in the CFEC permit holder’s application (see question #7).

For example, if a CFEC permit holder had a demonstrated loss of $25,000, a fishing crew member
listed as earning a 10% share on the CFEC permit holder’s application would be eligible for a
payment of $2,500 ($25,000 x 0.10).

9. How will payments to processors be calculated?

To be eligible for a disaster payment, processors must meet all eligibility criteria (see question #2),
including the requirement to have a demonstrated loss in the 2016 pink salmon fishery as calculated
by ADF&G and CFEC landings and value data. A processor’s total disaster payment will be in
proportion to its demonstrated loss in 2016. A total of 15% of each eligible processing company’s
total disaster payment will be distributed equally to eligible processing workers (based on unique

The demonstrated loss for each processor will be equal to its five even year average pink salmon
gross first wholesale value from 2006 through 2014 minus its 2016 pink salmon gross first wholesale
value. The total disaster payment will be equal to the processor’s demonstrated loss.

For example, a processor processed pink salmon in all five even years from 2006 through 2014 and
had an average pink salmon gross first wholesale value of $2,000,000 and a 2016 pink salmon gross
first wholesale value of $800,000. The processor’s demonstrated loss would be $1,200,000
($2,000,000 - $800,000). The total disaster payment would be $1,200,000 before deduction of
payments to processing workers. The processor will distribute 15% of the total disaster payment, or
$180,000, to eligible processing workers.

Processors do not need five even years of pink salmon history from 2006 to 2014 to qualify. The
average pink salmon gross first wholesale value of the processor’s even year participation between
2006 and 2014 will be the basis for comparison to the processor’s 2016 pink salmon gross first
wholesale value. For example, if a processor processed pink salmon from 2010 through 2016, its
average pink salmon gross first wholesale value would be calculated for 2010, 2012 and 2014 and
this average would be compared to the processor’s 2016 pink salmon gross first wholesale value to
determine if it had a demonstrated loss in 2016.

A processor that only processed pink salmon in one year from 2006 through 2014 would not have an
average pink salmon gross first wholesale value for the most recent five even years. To determine if
the processor had a demonstrated loss, its 2016 pink salmon gross first wholesale value will be
compared its pink salmon gross first wholesale value for the one year it processed from 2006
through 2014.

Questions regarding Fish Ticket catch and COAR information should be directed to ADF&G’s
Information Services at (907) 465-6133 or DFG.DCF.InfoServices@alaska.gov.

Individual Fish Ticket, COAR, customized processor and buyer listings and historical production
information is available upon request from ADF&G at
http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishlicense.requests. Note that there is a $55 fee for
Fish Ticket and COAR data report requests.

10. How will payments to processing workers be calculated?

Payments to processing workers will be deducted from the processor’s total disaster payment. A
total of 15% of each eligible processor’s total disaster funds will be distributed equally to eligible
processing workers (based on unique facility) that meet the eligibility criteria (see question #2). The
portion allocated to processing workers is based on estimated labor cost of hourly processing
workers and is derived from the labor cost for finished pink salmon as a percentage of the
processor’s total pink salmon conversion costs. These funds are taxable; therefore, the processor is
responsible for withholding any income taxes from the processing workers payments and reporting
to the appropriate taxing authorities.

The payment to each processing worker would be calculated by dividing the total amount of
payments to processing workers by the number of eligible processing workers. For example, a
processor’s total disaster payment of $1,200,000 would result in payments to processing workers of
$180,000 ($1,200,000 x 0.15). The processor had 100 eligible processing workers at its facility in
Kodiak, and each eligible processing worker would receive a payment of $1,800 ($180,000 / 100)
before taxes are deducted.

11. When will eligible CFEC permit holders receive a payment?

The PSMFC will review CFEC permit holder applications to verify eligibility for payment. Payments to
eligible CFEC permit holders will be distributed six to eight weeks following the application deadline
of October 31, 2019.

12. When will eligible fishing crew receive a payment?

The PSMFC will review crew applications to verify eligibility for payment. Payments to eligible crew
will be distributed six to eight weeks following the application deadline of January 31, 2020.

13. When will eligible processors receive a payment?

The PSMFC will review processor applications to verify eligibility for payment. Distribution to
processors will be done in two steps. Twenty-five percent of each eligible processor’s total payment
will be distributed six to eight weeks following the completed application being received by PSMFC.

The second installment of the payment is contingent upon each processor providing the PSMFC with
an invoice which includes a list of eligible processing workers, the amount of funds that were
distributed to each, date of distribution, and check number. This information must be received by
PSMFC no later than January 31, 2020.

Once the PSMFC has the required information for processing workers, the second installment of the
payment will be provided to the eligible processor. Payments to processing workers will be
distributed by the processor. These funds are taxable; therefore, the processor is responsible for
withholding any income taxes from the processing workers payments and reporting to the
appropriate taxing authorities.

14. When will eligible processing workers receive a payment?

Once the PSMFC has the required information for processing workers (see question #13), the second
installment of the payment will be provided to the eligible processor. Payments to processing
workers will be distributed by the processor. These funds are taxable; therefore, the processor is
responsible for withholding any income taxes from the processing workers payments and reporting
to the appropriate taxing authorities.

15. What if I have a question about my payment amount?

Contact the PSMFC at 1-888-517-7262.


2016 Gulf of Alaska Pink Salmon Fishery Disaster Relief

Research Project Detail

Kodiak Pink Salmon Saltwater Marking Sampling Plan

The Kitoi Bay Hatchery (KBH) is focused on providing enhanced common property salmon fishing
opportunities for Kodiak Management Area fishermen since 1976. The primary contribution of KBH is to
the Kodiak commercial fishery, but it also contributes to subsistence and recreational fisheries in the
area. KBH is located on the southeast coast of Afognak Island and is relatively isolated from the major
pink salmon producing areas of the archipelago. Afognak Island wild pink salmon production is
estimated to represent about 8% of wild pink salmon production of the Kodiak Management Area. KBH
is managed and operated by the Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association (KRAA).

The capability to apply and read saltwater otolith marks to pink salmon has recently been developed as
part of a collaboration between a private company, Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture
Association, the Sitka Sound Science Center, and KRAA. Pilot marking was completed at the KBH in 2017
and 2018, and the results of the marking to date are positive. Pilot testing indicates a reduction in
annual costs to apply saltwater marks, as opposed to thermal marks, of approximately 90%. No thermal
marking of pink salmon from KBH has been done to date. The more efficient, low cost saltwater markers
make a baseline study on Kodiak pink salmon more feasible. KRAA plans to begin 100% saltwater
marking of pink salmon beginning in 2019.

Research is needed to make the KBH consistent with hatchery programs statewide; support certification
to improve the Kodiak pink fishery and markets; and examine the proportion of hatchery fish in the
harvest. This research project will evaluate saltwater marked otoliths, resulting in the following: 1)
estimate of the proportion of hatchery pink salmon in the Kodiak fishery, 2) estimate of the proportion
of hatchery salmon in streams, 3) better understanding and tracking of survival trends for pink salmon in
the Kodiak area which may help identify factors related to survival, 4) information on migration which
may be relevant to management strategies, and 5) test of saltwater marking methods that could provide
significant cost savings statewide and effectively increase opportunity in the affected common property
pink salmon fisheries. Thus, this research project is intended to both improve environmental and
economic performance of the fishery affected by the disaster and improve fishery information.

This evaluation includes 1) stream sampling to detect the presence of hatchery-origin pink salmon in
natural, pink salmon-producing streams; and 2) fishery harvest sampling to detect the presence and
contribution of hatchery-origin pink salmon in selected Kodiak Management Area pink salmon fisheries.
Results of otolith analysis will be informative on the spatial and temporal extent of stray hatchery pink
salmon and will provide information to ADF&G management to test current assumptions about relative
contributions of hatchery production to wild production. It is anticipated that once a baseline of
information is collected, sampling can be substantially reduced to fishery harvest sampling only. This
evaluation will be completed over a four-year period, 2019 through 2022. In 2019 and 2020, a partial
sampling plan and otolith analysis will be completed to correspond to the pilot marking in 2017 and
2018. In 2021 and 2022, a full-scale sampling plan and otolith analysis will be completed to correspond
to the 100% marking in 2019 and 2020.
Total cost for this four-year project to produce, collect, and evaluate saltwater marked pink salmon at
KBH is $885,000. The cost estimate of the evaluation component is $680,000. KRAA will be responsible
for capital and labor costs associated with development and production of marks, collection of samples,
and otolith analysis, up to a total of $435,000. ADF&G will collaborate with KRAA on the development of
the sampling plan. Requested funds will go to KRAA. Disaster relief funds of $450,000 will be allocated to
fund the remaining costs of completing the project.

Alaska Hatchery Research Program

The Alaska Hatchery Research Program was established in 2011 to study the interaction of hatchery fish
straying into wild systems for pink and chum salmon in Prince William Sound and for chum salmon in
Southeast Alaska. The results of this ambitious project will examine genetic population structure among
hatchery and natural fish, determine hatchery proportions in wild systems, and measure differences in
fitness between hatchery- and natural-origin fish. This information is a critical element of assessing the
impact of hatchery fish on wild production. Previous studies have been conducted on other Pacific
salmon species with different life histories in locations where wild habitat has been compromised. This
makes inferences from those studies to Alaskan circumstances tenuous and emphasizes the need for
this research project.

To date the available funding ($9.1M) has covered the first two components of this project: all the field
work associated with the Prince William Sound and Southeast Alaska components. However, available
existing funding is only sufficient for laboratory analysis in two of three generations at two of the five
study streams in Prince William Sound. The program needs to complete the last generation at two
streams and all generations for the three additional streams. Proposed work would support any
fieldwork, laboratory analyses, statistical evaluations, and reporting necessary to complete this portion
of the project. Disaster relief funds of $2.5 million will be allocated to this project to complete the
remaining work.

Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring Survey

The Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) would survey juvenile pink salmon abundance in three
annual surveys from June through August. Surveys focus on the primary seaward migration corridors of
the Inside Northern Southeast region including Icy Strait and upper Chatham Strait.

The results are essential to reliably forecast Southeast pink salmon harvest. Previous surveys in this area
have shown a strong relationship between juvenile pink salmon abundance and harvest the following
year. Because the pink salmon harvest in Southeast has a high interannual variability (harvest has
ranged from 3 to 95 million since 1960), information gained from the SECM project is essential in aiding
seafood processors to form and prepare for harvest expectations the following year. It is also useful for
ADF&G managers until inseason abundance indices are available.

Disaster relief funds of $680,000 will be allocated to this project for vessel and ADF&G personnel costs
to complete the survey.

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