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Climate Change

Dynamics, Changes and potential solutions associated with Climate Change: -

The report on climate change presented by IPCC provided with the understanding of new
dynamics about climate change. It describes that the prospect of temperature amount is 1.5
degree between 2030 and 2052 if it increases at constant rate. (high confidence) 1

Warming even greater than the global average has been occurred in many regions and seasons.
More than two times higher in Arctic region has been experienced previously. (SPM, 2018)

Most Concerning aspects of the report: -

The most important and central concern is the rise of temperature. According to the report
presented by IPPC (p. 9, B.1.3) the extreme hot days warm up by 3 degree at 1.5 global
warming and by 4 degree at 2degree global warming. And the extreme cold nights at high
latitudes warm up by 4.5 degrees at 1.5degree global warming and by 6 degree at 2 global
warming. (high confidence)

Risks from droughts and precipitation deficits are even higher at 2 degree centigrade than at
1.5 degree centigrade. Thus the global warming of 2 degree centigrade has more adverse
effects than that of 1.5. Also due to emissions the sea level will be rising beyond the 21 st
century and this is a potential impact of global warming. Climate-related health risks and about
livelihoods, water supply, food security, economic growth and human security are projected to
increase with global warming of 1.5°C and increase further with 2°C.

Most encouraging aspects of the report: -

The most encouraging aspect is that, that the controlled global warming is a solution to a
number of risks. Any increment in global warming is estimated to affect human health
adversely but Lower risks are assumed at 1.5°C than at 2°C about heat-related morbidity and
mortality. Limiting warming to 1.5°C as compared to that of 2°C is projected to give in smaller
reductions in yields of maize, wheat and rice potentially other cereal crops, for instance in
Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and south and central America, and for the CO2-dependent
nutritional quality of rice and wheat.
Earth Systems Engineering and Management Principles: -

To deal the climate change, after a thorough study we conclude that following principles are
best suited.

Governance should be pluralistic, transparent, and accountable

Use flexible, adaptive policies, not rigid, locked-in ones

References: -

(IPPC, 2018)

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