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Unethical behavior is costly – society should create extra Clarify facts

Using the utilitarianism (or consequentialism) model, the rightness of What is known? Based on 5W1H
rule, standard actions is judged solely on the basis of their consequences. Dene the ethical issue
Good ethic is a glue that holds organization and society Rights and duties What stakeholders are harmed? Are there conflict?
Senior manager should serve as moral exemplar The rights and duties model maintains that every individual has certain Specify the alternatives
List alternative course of action including
To control unethical behavior, manager should be well moral entitlements in virtue of their being human.
developed ethical reasoning skill - without solid foundation Justice/fairness
Compare values and alternatives
prepared in ethic? They will make mistakes The justice or fairness model maintains that people should be treated Check if there is clear compelling decision
a. They fail to recognize ethical issue when they arise the same except when they are different in relevant ways. Assess the consequences
Virtues Short/long term positive/negative for major
- some untrained people think legal = ethical
A final commonly used model of moral behavior is rooted in virtues. alternatives
b. Some untrained people try to make a simple rule Make a decision
Prominent examples of virtues are integrity, loyalty, and courage.
- always tell the truth, do no harm = barely work Balance consequences against the primary ethical
principles or values, choose best


o n t r o l
g e m e n tc d SPREADING GOOD ETHICS Once good ethic

m an a t e m - Re lat e
established, communicate
s y s c a l is s u e s
to the employees, and
WHY DO PEOPLE BEHAVE managers should take
ethi steps to ensure
employees following the


Some are basically dishonest – greed from the

root The ethics of creating budgetary slack
SOME COMMON MANAGEMENT Negotiation processes provide opportunities for lower-level employees
Moral disengagement – they ignore and their
conscience does not stop
CONTROL-RELATED ETHICAL to “game” the process, that is, to distort their positions in order to be
given more easily achievable targets.
Develop rationalization – “this is for all of us” ISSUES
The ethics of managing earnings
“everybody does it” “boss told me to do it”
A common form of manipulation is earnings management, which
Lack of moral courage – know it is wrong no includes any action that changes reported earnings while providing no
strength to do right around real economic advantage to the organization and, sometimes, actually
causing harm.
The ethics of responding to flawed control indicators
Results targets and action prescriptions provide signals to employees as
to what the organization considers important, be it profits, growth, or

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