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Thanksgiving speech

I consider myself as a person who values all the good things form the others and
try to ignore the bad things. I’m always trying to give support to my friends but I’m
the one who doesn’t follow my own advises lol. Anyway, I don’t have special days,
I got special moments and that’s what it matters to me, not because it’s my
birthday everyone have to behave in a certain way, following this logic, I don’t care
if people consider this day as important as a birthday or a Christmas, this because
I think every moment we spend with our friends or family it’s unique and we should
give thanks to our body, life or God that we are here to live another day. If anyone
have a bad day he or she shouldn’t feel bad about their problems; there’s a song
that talks about how a man wants to end his suffer in this vast world by trying to
commit suicide but then a blind man comes and sit next to him and start to share
with him how beautiful is the fact of being a life and talks about the stars, the sky
and the nights when we used to see, I’d like to share a quote from that song and
says: “Cuando sientas que la vida te ignora ,Llora, pero valora mientras sonrías,
Alguien decía que no siempre lloverá, En cambio siempre, mañana será otro día”
This song means a lot for me because it teaches us how people without things we
have appreciate more the life than us, that we have plenty of things to live well.
That’s my point, why would you only feel grateful just one day instead of being day
by day, it’s my thought and I think I’m correct. So, here I go, I’m truly love my
friends and neta wouldn’t change them for anything in this world, I’m thankful for
my dad and a few members of my family who supports me and treats me as I treat
them and for the last I’m thankful for myself, I’m that person who can be a mess
but at the same time I ponerme las pilas and machetearle at school. At the time I’m
typing this I want to go to sleep, I feel kind of stress but hey, I’m alive and that’s a
big gift. I have nothing else to say but just do what your heart tells you to do.

-José Mejía 11:38 pm

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