Heuristic - Finding Patterns in Geometry

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Quiz question for August (P4 – P6)

How many squares (of various sizes) can you find in the figure below?


1 by 1 squares = 16 (4 X 4)
2 by 2 squares = 9 (3 X 3)
3 by 3 squares = 4 (2 X 2)
4 by 4 squares = 1 (1 X 1)

Total number of squares = 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 30

Teachers may want to use this as a teaching point to find generalizations in number
patterns. The heuristics involved here include systematic listing and pattern finding. An
enrichment question can be: How many squares are there altogether in the following

(i) (ii)

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