Technology Has Facilitated Our Lives So Much and Given Us A Lot of Freedom

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Technology has facilitated our lives so much and given us a lot of

freedom. Some
Technology has facilitated our lives so much and given us a lot of
freedom. Some people, however, believe that it has caused more
problems for us. What is your opinion?
Modern technologies have changed the surrounding world very
significantly, and people can use many advantages of progress. At the
same time, new technical devices have brought many dangers for
society, and the environment. Unfortunately, this tendency has
changed the agenda of the present society, and people are forced to
pay great attention to the ecological satiation of our changeable
First of all, it is important to emphasise the main merits of the
present technologies. We are witnesses to the vibrant development
of medicine and life expectancy has grown principally. Moreover,
modern scientists are able to realise the boldest dreams, such as the
mastery of the cosmos. However, many researches suggest that
present technologies create potential danger for our vulnerable
world. Moreover, this problem has left the scientific laboratories.
Nowadays, every person can give us many examples of consequences
of human’s actions, such as The Chernobyl disaster or polluted soil in
some countries.
The aspiration of people to improve facilities and to make our lives
easier is absolutely understandable and sensible. In spite of these
wishes, society should be responsible for the consequences of
pioneering ideas of scholars. In fact, the majority of technogenic
disasters could be avoided by more precise work of people. For
instance, the Chernobyl disaster was caused by the mistakes of
technical personnel. This is a good example of importance to find the
balance between new technologies and potential disadvantages of
using them.
In conclusion, it is vital to highlight the key points of the present
discussion. Modern technologies have gone long way and fruits of
this progress influence us very controversially. However, some
negative consequences of the improvement include big danger for
the present generations of people and their descendants. At the
same time, there is a solution to this problem, for instance, to try
controlling and managing more precisely and responsibly new
technical devices because this is the only way to minimise the
negative consequences of progress.

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