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• E-commerce infrastructure requires a variety of
hardware, software, and networks.
• The key infrastructures that are needed to support
EC applications are networks, Web servers, Web
server support and software, electronic catalogs, Web
page design, and Internet access components.
• An organization's first venture into EC is the
development of a Web site and the creation of a
presence on the Internet.
• E-commerce transactions must be executable
worldwide, without any delay or mistake.
• On a very basic website, an organization provides
information about itself, its products and its services.
• A more developed Web site will allow some
interactions, such as sending an e-mail to request for
the information or schedule an appointment, or
 Website Intelligence leverages four types of
-Demographics (basic elements of the customer like
their income, age, marital status)
-Expressed Preferences (subjects that interests the
customers . Preferences are stored through form-
based questionnaires)
-Past Transactions
-Observed behaviors (manner in which customer
navigates when using the website)
Step 1: Basic traffic Analysis
Step 2: Customer interaction analysis
Step 3: Real-time personalization
Step 4: Getting to fine-grained segmentation
Step 5: Going through the stream of clicks
Step 6: Enrich content with external data
Step 7: Reaching optimal Intelligence
 Design v/s Development

Front-end Design: When a customer visits a site, he

sees is the front end. These are the pages that
display the text, images and graphics on your site.

Back-end Development: Web Developers help you

build your website . Back-end functions are about
making provisions so that visitors can view different
pages, enter data, execute sales transactions and
allow images to alter and move.
 Advantages of a website:
-Increased awareness of products and services
-Cost Advantage
Technology Requirements:
1) HTML Editor : An HTML editor is a computer
program for editing HTML, the markup of a webpage.
2) Text Editor : It is a software used to edit texts which do
not involve any special formatting. Microsoft
Windows systems come with the Notepad.
3) File Transfer Protocol :used to upload files to web
server and download files from web server.
4) Graphics Editor : used to edit as well as design
graphics. Example Paint Shop Pro
5) Zip/Unzip Software : archive of one or more files,
compressed into a single file for easy distribution.
Used to compress and transport files over the
internet. Compressed and minimize the download
6) Email :ISPs feature and provide e-mail accounts to
their client.
1) HTML: HTML is a method which converts an
ordinary text into a hypertext.HTML is not a
programming language but a set of special codes that
control a text’s layout and appearance.
2) JavaScript: JavaScript can be executed on the web
browser . It is a client side scripting language, and is
basically used to validate and edit an image, text,
colors etc
3) VB script: Developed by Microsoft. It is also a
client-based language and run on Internet Explorer
and Netscape Navigator.
4) Perl script: text processing language .Perl Script is
a subset of Perl.
5) Active server page: allows users to be treated as
unique entities
6)XML: It is not just another mark-up language, it is a
Meta language. Allow users to create their own tags.
Used to write mark-up languages for many kinds of
applications, like ATM machines, databases.
Corporate strategic infrastructure required:
Internal development v/s Outsourcing
Outsourcing: Early, Late and partial

 Keep it simple
 Navigation

 Font size

 Load time

 Screen Resolution : 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768

 Animation- minimum

 Links

 Website image-projects the image you want it to

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