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Present tense

Timpul prezent indică o acţiune care are loc de obicei, uneori sau
Timpul prezent se formează cu forma de infinitiv a verbului fără to.
Persoana a treia singular (he, she, it) adaugă terminaţia –s. Dacă verbul se
termină în literele: -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, - o, atunci terminaţia este –es.
Ex. To do – he does = a face
To go – she goes
To fix – he fixes
To kiss
To watch
To brush
To wash
They work here.
Negaţia se realizează cu auxiliarul to do.
You do not stay here.
She does not wash the dishes
La interogativ folosim construcţia
do + subiect + forma de baza a verbului
la toate persoanele cu exceptia persoanei a treia singular. Pentru aceasta
folosim următoarea constructie:
does + subiect + forma de baza a verbului
Do you come here often?
Does she like to eat chocolate?

Exemplu de conjugare
Afirmativ Interrogative Negative
I work Do I work? I don’t work
You work Do you work? You don’t work
He works Does he work? He doesn’t work
She works Does she work? She doesn’t work
It works Does it work? It doesn’t work
We work Do we work? We don’t work
You work Do you work? You don’t work
They work Do they work? They don’t work

În propoziţie întâlnim următoarele adverbe de frecvenţă:

• Always = întotdeauna, mereu – every time
I always have breakfast before I go to work
I always read before I go to bed.
• Regularly – in mod regulat
They regularly come late to school.
• Usually – de obicei
I usually walk home from the pool
• Often – adesea
She often goes to the cinema
Her sister often comes shopping with us.
• Frequently – frecvent
I frequenly meet my friends in the week-ends.
Michael frequently visits his family.
• Occasionaly – ocazional
He occasionaly eats at the restaurant
It occasionally rains in summer.
• Sometimes – uneori
She sometimes gets up early.
You sometimes go to gym, don't you?
• Seldom – rareori
It seldom rains in this city during the summer.
They seldom ask for help.
• Rarely - rareori
He rarely goes out without his backpack.
• Not often – nu foarte des
Not often, I see my friend Mary.
• Hardly ever - aproape niciodată
You hardly ever go skiing
I hardly ever eat pizza.
• Never – niciodată
He never drinks coffee.
You never clean your teeth.
Japanese people never wear shoes inside.

sau expresii adverbiale:
• From time to time – din când in când
• Every day / week / month / year – în fiecare zi/ săptămână / lună / an
• Once in a while – din când în când
• Once a day / week / month / year – o dată pe zi / săptămână / lună /
• Twice a day - de două ori pe zi
• three times a week – de trei ori pe săptămână
• As a rule – ca regulă
• At night – noaptea, în timpul nopţii
• Every morning / evening / afternoon / night – în fiecare dimineaţă /
seară / după-amiază / noapte
sau după următoarele expresii temporale care exprimă viitorul:
• When - când
• After - după
• Before - inainte
• Unless – dacă nu
• In case - în caz că
• As soon as – cât de curând
• Until – până când
• By the time – pe timpul
• The next time
Adverbele de frecvenţă sunt situate înaintea verbului principal sau după
verbul to be
I often take the Eurostar to Brussels.
I always have a shower in the morning
I’m usually nervous before a presentation.
Pe când expresiile adverbiale de timp se pun la începutul sau la finalul
Terry Smith travels to his New York office once a month.

Utilizarea timpului prezent simplu:

• Pentru descrierea activităţilor obişnuite, zilnice, repetitive

She smokes ten cigarettes a day

We usually go to work by bus
They drink whisky every night
I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
Does he play tennis?
She always forgets her purse.
He never forgets his wallet.

• Pentru descrierea situaţiilor permanente

Tom works for a construction company
Jane works in a big factory.
• Pentru enunţarea adevărurilor general valabile sau a legilor naturii

The Earth revolves around the Sun.

Elephants don’t fly.
The sun sets in the west
Washington lies on the Potomac River.
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
Does the Sun circle the Earth?

• Pentru programe stabilite sau orare de călătorie

The exhibition opens on Tuesday next week. – acţiune planificată
The film starts at 10.30.
the championship starts next Saturday
We leave at 8a.m. and arrive in Bangkok at 3p.m. on Friday. We
spend the night there and leave for Taipei at 7a.m. the next morning. –
The first flight to London leaves at 9a.m. – orar de călătorie
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
The train does not leave at 9 AM.
When does the train usually leave?
• Pentru anumite actiuni care au loc în momentul de faţă
a) cu verbe care nu se folosesc în mod normal în forma continuă

I understand.
I know what you mean and I believe you’re right.
b) în comentarii sportive
Maradona hits one over the defence line and the ball goes
straight into the audience.
c) în direcţii scenice
Jill enters the room and draws the curtains. Presently the
phone rings.
• În instrucţiuni de folosire a diverselor aparate, în reţete şi în prospecte
de medicamente
Take a large baking tin and prehit it in the oven.
First, I take the potatoes and slice them. Then, I slice the tomatoes,
fry the onion...
Keep this medicine out of the reach of the children.
Don’t place the unit in direct sunlight.
• Pentru a introduce un citat, în proverbe şi zicători
Shakespeare says: “Not marble, nor the gilded monuments of
princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme” (Sonnet 55) – citat
Despair gives courage to a coward - proverb
• În descrierea unor acţiuni din viitor.
The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
When do we board the plane?
The party starts at 8 o'clock.
When does class begin tomorrow?

1.-The exhibition opens on Tuesday next week. – acţiune planificată

2.- We leave at 8 a.m. and arrive in Bangkok at 3 p.m. on Friday.
We spend the night there and leave for Taipei at 7 a.m. the next
morning. - itinerariu
3.- If you do that again, I’ll tell your mother.- condiţional tip I
4.- Give me a call as soon as you arrive. Propoziţie temporară
5.- I’ll take care of the baby till you get back.
• În descrierea unor acţiuni trecute.
Plane crashes at Heathrow. – titlu de ziar
And the guy opens the door and drops dead when he discovers that
the money is gone. - povestire

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