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Nama: Vendianto Bayu Saputra

NIM: 18101069


1. The object is to the review marketing strategy and come up with ideas for the next
2. Sally disagree with Allan's idea because she think, if until now fashion magazines and
supplements play an important role in their overall marketing mix
3. The conclusion is they will hire a social media manager
4. Because the meeting, we can carry out operational management of various formal and
non-formal organizations
5. We should avoid doing meeting is discussing things off topic or busy chatting with other
coworkers, plans that are not detailed, invite people who are not needed in the meeting
6. Keep the meting condusive, lead the meeting
7. Doesn’t need to talk about personal things like family or love and doesn’t need to talk
about problems off-topic.

8. because in meeting we just discuss about the main problem that be issue on the meeting.
add other topic make meeting not effective
9. We must be firm, we accommodate both aspirations and we ask back to the broader
forum, because the meeting prioritizes deliberation for consensus
10. Raise up my hand and stand up, after the chairperson give me the chance I will talk

Ikhlasul Amal (18101051)
M. Rafik Syahputra (18101058)
Satrio Utomo (18101067)
Vendianto Bayu Saputra (18101069)

CEO : Good moorning gentlemen. But first I want to say thank you for coming to this important
meeting for our business. And I’m stand here as a chairman. Okay, Mr. secretary can you tell us
about our agenda for today.
Secretary : Today agenda is, we’re gonna talk about branding for profit optimization of our
bussines. And today’s meeting will be chaired by our CEO, Mr. Amal.
CEO : according to our agenda which is to discuss about branding for profit optimization, for
our product “Ini Air” .
Participan : Sorry, I want to ask. What’s the new flavor that to be introduce?
Manager : Strawberry, apple, vanilla.
Partcipan : Are you sure want to introduce the apple flavor? That’s to weird if we put apple flavor
for drink
Manager : Sure. We must take some risk. Maybe, when we introduce the apple flavor customer
will like our product
Participant : Well, let’s see the profit.
*When the meeting goes some participant from Singapore suddenly suffers from breath and fever
Secretary : Calm down gentlemen, I’ll call the ambulance.
CEO : Because the situation is not possible so I closed this meeting first. With a taste decision
that will introduce are strawberry, apple, vanilla. Good morning gentlemen

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