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18 August 1999

1. General Description of Operational Capability. REMBASS is an Army ground-based,

remotely monitored battlefield sensor system capable of worldwide, tactical deployment to
support division/brigade level Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) needs. This
capability will provide the light battalion through division, and Special Forces group commander
with an all weather, day and night, line-of-sight (LOS), target detection/development, force
protection capability in all types of terrain. Sensors will be employable in all phases of
operations from peace through Major Theater War (MTW).

Mission Need Statement (MNS) Summary.

a. This ORD replaces the Oct 96 Army-approved Required Operational Capabilities

(ROC) for the REMBASS/IREMBASS. The ROC has been rewritten in ORD format to support
recapitalization of the REMBASS/IREMBASS systems. An immediate need exists in the light
division, ACR/separate brigade, and Special Forces group for unattended sensors/automated
intelligence and information support. To meet the supported Commanders’ timeliness and
situational awareness needs, and to satisfy their requirements, an unattended sensor for
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW) processing, analysis, and dissemination/
presentation is essential to significantly improve the current operational processes of intelligence
development, target development, collection management (CM), weather, nuclear biological and
chemical (NBC) detection, and electronic warfare (EW) support. This document outlines the
requirements that will satisfy this mission need for the Army, Force XXI and the emerging
tenets of the Army After Next (AAN).

b. Overall Mission Area. Army Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW).

c. Type of System Proposed. REMBASS is the older, larger, and heavier version of
the system, first tested in 1982 and fielded in 1985. IREMBASS is the new smaller, lighter
system and was fielded to U. S. Army Light forces in 1991. The proposed system is described
in approved DA Form 2028 changes to the approved Required Operational Capability (ROC)
and includes different sensor, delivery and display technology. REMBASS and IREMBASS
components will be interoperable. This ORD converts the ROC and approved DA Form 2028
changes into ORD format. When REMBASS components are lost or unrepairable, DA has
authorized replacement by IREMBASS components (Oct 1994).

d. Operational Concept. Force XXI concepts rely heavily upon increased situation
awareness. The IREMBASS is one of the light force maneuver commander’s principal early
warning and situational awareness systems. As part of a battlefield sensor system of systems, it
assists the commander in understanding his immediate battlespace and provides dominant
information superiority on the Army XXI battlefield. The IREMBASS will combine unattended
ground sensor information with ground surveillance radar data into one consolidated display.
The commander can then correlate information from this display with other information within

the tactical operations center (TOC) to gain a greatly enhanced understanding of the battlefield
(in near real time). Commanders and their staffs will use this information during both mission
planning and execution to view and monitor enemy movements. The system detects, classifies
and determines the direction of movement of intruding personnel and vehicles within targeted
areas of interest. It provides worldwide deployable, day/night, all-weather early warning and
target classification. The system is VHF based with short burst messages, which provide an
extremely low probability of intercept. Currently, the sensor suite includes detection sensors
(passive infrared and magnetic) as well as a classification (seismic/acoustic) sensor. Future
enhancements will include the introduction of identification sensors (acoustic and hydrophobic
unique identification of types of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, watercraft, and land vehicles),
meteorological, SIGINT and NBC sensors, as well as imaging sensors. Currently sensors are
typically hand-emplaced by a single soldier and programmed with a unique identification code
and the transmitting frequency. Future enhancements in delivery methods will include air-
delivered and vehicle-delivered versions of the equipment. Employed sensors are activated by
magnetic, seismic/acoustic, or infrared (temperature) changes from moving targets. This
disturbance or movement is transmitted up to 15 Km to a radio repeater or monitoring sites.
Future communication system improvements will include satellite communications (SATCOM)
for an additional 100Km connectivity and All Source Analysis System (ASAS) connectivity.
Operators analyze the received sensor data and report information on:

• Target location.
• Target direction.
• Rate of speed.
• Target type.
• Length of column (LOC:).
• Approximate number of targets.

(1) The IREMBASS will be capable of supporting operations in a wide variety of

Situations in peace, conflict, and war. It is primarily designed to operate in MTW, Military
Operations Other Than War/Support and Stability Operations (MOOTW/SASO), and Military
Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT).

(2) IREMBASS will be fielded to the DS Companies of the MI BN and will normally be
employed in direct support of the brigade commander. IREMBASS sensors will receive their
tasking from the supported unit through the IREMBASS Control element. In some cases
IREMBASS may be employed in general support of the division in which case it will receive its
tasking through the MI Battalion S3. In other cases, usually in Stability and Support Operations
(SASO) IEMBASS could provide dedicated rear area security support to depots, storage
facilities, airports, demilitarized zones, and other restricted areas. IREMBASS will be capable
of early (forced) entry through either airborne, air assault or light infantry operational insertions.

(3) The IREMBASS sensors (reference Brigade CONOPS) are employed from 0-40+
kilometers to the front, flanks, or rear of the supported unit in a Restricted Operations Zone
(ROZ) as determined by the unit commander to support his operational concept and scheme of
maneuver. The IREMBASS Control element, the supporting Analysis and Control Team (ACT)
along with the supported unit S-2 supports the planning and execution of IREMBASS missions
by recommending suitable sites for the IREMBASS to be employed based on technical and
tactical factors. This coordination prevents conflicts for use of terrain as battle rhythm changes

and helps ensure full utilization of the IREMBASS. The IREMBASS sensors are emplaced
through airborne, air assault, man-packable, and troop carrier vehicle insertion. Once in place,
they are controlled by the IREMBASS Ground Team (immediate controller) either
autonomously within the area of operations, or from within a firebase or other compound to
increase the team's security.

Brigade CONOPS





(4) IREMBASS is integrated into the overall battlefield ISR plans at each
echelon, and is incorporated into the entire intelligence network. Information collected by
IREMBASS supports early warning, force protection and target acquisition for the supported
force. The same information is passed to higher, lower, and adjacent echelons and provides
additional data to support situation development.
e. System Description. The IREMBASS is the U.S. Army’s unattended ground sensor
system that detects, classifies, and determines direction of movement of intruding personnel and
vehicles. It provides worldwide deployable, day/night, all weather early warning surveillance
and target classification. IREMBASS is a covertly deployed sensor. These sensors respond to
seismic and acoustic disturbances, infrared energy, and magnetic field changes to detect enemy
activities. The sensors also classifies intruders as a person, wheeled vehicle, or tracked vehicle.
This information is incorporated into short digital messages and transmitted by an FM radio
burst transmitter. The sensor communicates with an IREMBASS monitor either directly or

through repeaters. Messages at the receiver are demodulated, decoded, temporarily displayed,
and can be ported to an attached Personal Computer.

f. Support Concept. IREMBASS is currently a fielded system and this is a product

improvement. Since this is a fielded system, the basis of issue plan (BOIP) has been approved.
The maintenance concept is a one-for-one replacement with faulty components to be forwarded
to the depot for repair or exchange. Unit, direct support, and depot level maintenance systems
are in place.

g. Business Process Reengineering (BPR).

(1) Doctrine. Researched, analyzed and evaluated existing Army and Joint Doctrine to
determine if a change in IEW collection, processing and dissemination methodology would
provide Warfighter’s the capability to detect, identify, locate, track, and map threat movements
on the battlefield. The evaluation concluded that no doctrine change is necessary.

(2) Training. Evaluated the Training Requirements to determine if changes in

institutional, new equipment training teams, or on-the-job training would enhance warfighters'
ability to collect and process areas of interest. The evaluation concluded that no training change
(currently) was necessary.

(3) Leader Development. Evaluated the leader development requirements. The

evaluation concluded that no changes in the current leader development methodology would be

(4) Organization. Evaluated the organization requirements and determined that

changes in mission, functions, and/or capabilities are required.

(5) Soldiers. Evaluated soldier requirements. The evaluation concluded that skills
changes are required for 96R Career Management Field (CMF) soldiers. The United States
Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca (USAIC&FH) is currently analyzing its MOS
structure in a cradle to grave analysis to determine the future MI MOS functions

(6) Material. Evaluated materiel requirements and concluded that the IREMBASS
and REMBASS-II (next generation) is the current/appropriate DTLOMS solution.

2. Threat. (Approved by TRADOC DCSINT Threat Integration Division, 13 December 1994,

and revalidated on 29 Oct 98.)

a. Threat to be Countered. IREMBASS answers the requirement for a lightweight,

ground-based, remotely monitored, battlefield sensor system providing a variety of intelligence
information and target development capabilities. It detects, classifies and determines direction
of movement of intruding personnel and vehicles in areas of interest; the sensors pass data in
digital messages burst transmitted to the system monitor. The system provides reports and a
time-phased record of enemy activity to divisions, separate brigades, long-range surveillance
units and Special Forces commanders.

b. Projected Threat Environment. Army XXI and Army After Next will be a split-
based, power-projection force responding to contingency requirements around the world. The
IREMBASS system would deploy anywhere in the world in support of Army actions including
support and stability operations and various levels of conflict. We will face a variety of enemy
forces and equipment ranging from ill-equipped and disorganized insurgents or guerrillas to
extremely well equipped, highly organized regional forces with the best of modern materiel.
The IREMBASS system will be vulnerable to many lethal threats including aircraft weaponry,
artillery, surface-to-surface rockets/missiles, special operations and conventional forces, and
NBC weapons. Although not specifically targeted, the IREMBASS system and its electronic
circuitry and communications links will also be subject to electronic warfare (EW) systems,
directed-energy weapons, and possibly electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects. Threat forces may
possess very sophisticated mixes of EW equipment including state-of-the-art EW systems using
advanced techniques and electronic attack systems. The IREMBASS sensors and system are
also subject to potential information operations threats.

3. Shortcomings of Existing Systems.

a. No air delivery of sensors or repeaters.

b. No positive vehicle identification by tagging.

c. No low flying aircraft or helicopter identification.

d. No NBC sensor.

e. No imaging capability

f. No meteorological sensor.

g. No global positioning capability for the sensors.

h. No satellite communications connectivity.

i. No digital signal processing capability, and no Army Battlefield Command System

(ABCS) connectivity.

4. Capabilities Required. Key Performance Parameters (KPP) are designated by an asterisk


a. System Performance. The remotely monitored battlefield sensor system will

consist of at least one sensor, radio repeater (relay) and a sensor monitoring and programming
(MP) set. The system must:

(1) * Detect moving personnel out to 50 meters, wheeled vehicles out to 250 meters, and
tracked vehicles out to 350 meters from the sensor to the target depending on the type of sensor
used (Threshold (T)).

Rationale: Sensors are emplaced near likely avenues of approach. Sensors are placed
off the avenues of approach to avoid detection and ensure their survivability. The current
REMBASS/IREMBASS system meets the threshold requirement. It has been tested and proven
through twelve years of operational use from Grenada through Bosnia. This maximizes the
effective range of stand-off engagement weapons. Because of the huge expanses of the Force
XXI battlefield the range of individual sensors must be increased to ensure that more of the
battlefield is surveilled.

(2) Be able to identify movement as either personnel or vehicles, and classify vehicles as
either wheeled or tracked vehicles. (T). Identify and track individual vehicles on the battlefield.

Rationale: Warfighters require the ability to identify and track individual high
interest vehicles on the battlefield, such as ADA, artillery and tanks. Target identification gives
commanders greater situational awareness allowing them to properly assess the threat and gage
an appropriate response. Also provides critical data to tip off other intelligence sensors, e.g. J-
STARS. After identification, the IREMBASS will track the vehicles on the battlefield out to the
range limits of each sensor..

(3) *Enable the operator to monitor target movements and perform time/distance
calculations. (T)

Rationale: Knowledge of the precise location and range of all sensors coupled with
the time of activation of each sensor allows the operator to easily calculate direction and speed
of targets. Time and distance calculations give the warfighter more information about hostile
forces intentions and allows the commander to gage an appropriate response.

(4) Possess inherent ECCM capabilities, which limit its vulnerability to the jamming
threat without cost increases. (T)

Rationale: IREMBASS employs unattended sensors. If detected by the enemy they

could be easily neutralized or deceived. The system utilizes a very low power burst transmission
to communicate. This meets the definition of a low probability of intercept signal, and provides
the sensors a high degree of security from enemy detection.

(5) Operate with no significant degradation on land at elevations of from below sea level
up to 15,000 feet above sea level. (T)

Rationale: IREMBASS must be deployable to wherever we will fight, to include

mountainous terrain.

(6) * IAW AR 38-70, the system must meet climatic design types of hot, basic, cold, and
severe cold for sensors and hot, basic, and cold for monitors (normally the monitor/operator are
sheltered). Monitor-Programmer (MP) must be capable of operation with no significant
degradation after being transported and/or stored in hot, basic, and cold climatic zones. (T)

Rationale: IREMBASS must be ready to support warfighters wherever required.

The system has demonstrated that it can operate in all types of weather, climate and terrain.

(7) Comply with DoD spectrum management policies and regulations. (T)

Rationale: The system must meet spectrum certification/supportability regulations

whenever the system will be required to deploy.

(8) The sensor shall be electromagnetic compatible with itself and with other systems in
its operating environment, such that the systems operational performance requirements are met.

Rationale: The system must operate without suffering operational degradation from
electromagnetic environmental effects.

b. Logistics and Readiness.

(1) The logistics support for this system should have no major impact upon current
logistics manpower requirements. Supply of the IREMBASS and its maintenance
Float will be through normal established supply channels. The complete system, to include
supply of all components, assemblies, subassemblies, spare and repair parts, will be designed
and packaged to facilitate handling and transportation via air, sea, and land modes. (T)

Rationale: The system should create minimum impact on the logistics support
system. In so far as possible, all system components are electronically transparent between
REMBASS and IREMBASS. Attempts are being made to incorporate this principle into all new

(2) The maintenance concept calls for normal return to an operational status by replace-
ment of modular assemblies/components. As a matter of general policy, maintenance will be
allocated where it can be most effectively and efficiently accomplished, while maintaining and
improving readiness on a cost-effective basis. (T)

Rationale: Since most of the components are small and relatively inexpensive,
maintaining them might not be cost effective. As new components become available, they are
substituted for the older components to modernize and to lighten the load for the combat soldier.

(3) In wartime, sensors and radio repeaters are considered expendable. (T)

Rationale: To minimize placing lives in jeopardy. This rationale also led to the
development of alternate means of deployment.

(4) * The system must: Be militarily supportable in the areas of maintenance, training, and
logistics; Provide for maximum use of built-in test equipment for go/no-go checks and fault
isolation without cost increases; Be capable of worldwide deployment by all modes of
transportation; Possess a day/night, adverse weather capability limited only by the life of the
battery in each component. (T)

Rationale: The system must be supported within the Army logistics system and
therefor be designed for ease of maintenance, operation and transportation. Soldiers will
provide this support. Most of the maintenance will be replacement of modules at the unit level.

(5) The quantitative Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) requirements

contained in this ORD represent the best estimate of the operational technical requirements for
this system based upon currently available knowledge. However, when information is gained
from subsequent studies, trade-off analyses, and cost effective evaluations that indicate a change
in the threat or new operational capabilities, the combat and materiel developers may jointly
initiate a change to the appropriate RAM requirement.

(a) Reliability.

(1) The operational reliability requirement for REMBASS/IREMBASS is a .88

probability of mission success (A system is defined, for reliability purposes, as three sensors;
one of which is a classifier, three repeaters in series, and a readout device - A mission is defined
as one week or 168 hours). (T)

Rationale: This is the required reliability of the system as tested and fielded. The .
88 was derived by requiring each component to be 90 % reliable, and multiplying one sensor by
one repeater by a program monitor. Systems in the field achieve better results.

(2) Advanced Monitor Display System (AMDS) and Command Transmitter (CT) should
have a .90 probability of mission success. (T)

Rationale: The AMDS and CT must meet the system reliability.

(3) The system must have a false alarm rate of not more than 0.5% of alarms, or not
more than one per 24-hour operational period, if the latter is greater. (A false alarm is defined as
a malfunction of the sensor in which an intrusion is indicated when no recognizable transducer
stimulus has occurred). (T)

Rationale: This is the achieved false alarm rate in the tested and fielded system.
False alarms disrupt REMBASS/IREMBASS operations and give a false picture of the
battlefield. Therefore, more false alarms indicate a fault within the system that needs to be
checked by maintenance personnel.

(4) The system must have a nuisance alarm rate that does not exceed 0.24% per 24-hour
period in detect-only sensors, and 0.15% per 24-hour for classification sensors. (A nuisance
alarm is defined as an indicated intrusion due to undesired transducer stimulus, e.g., artillery,
rain, wind, animals, etc. (T)

Rationale: This is the achieved nuisance alarm rate. As the algorithms evolve,
units are learning to discount nuisance alarms or even to use them to their advantage (such as
identification of low-flying aircraft).

(b) Maintainability.

(1) The maintenance concept will include unit, direct support, and general support

maintenance for the return of equipment to operational status by the substitution of modular
assemblies/components. Maintenance will be performed at the lowest possible echelon utilizing
personnel trained in the MOSs identified in the Bases of Issue Plan (BOIP). Malfunctioning
IREMBASS components will be identified at the organizational level utilizing Built-In-Test
(BIT). (T)

Rationale: The system must fit into the standard Army maintenance system.

(2) Maintenance Ratio (MR). Maintenance time to mission time is as follows:

(a) Detection Sensors: DT-561A - 0.02

DT-562A - 0.02

(b) Classification Sensors: DT-565A - 0.02

(c) Repeater: RT-1175A - 0.03

(d) Antenna Group: OE-239 - 0.03

(e) Monitor-Programmer: AN/PSQ- AN/GSQ-187, PMS R-2016,

- 0.05
(f) Command Transmitter: AN/XXX 0.03
(g) AMDS: AN/XXX 0.05 (AN/XXX denotes
equipment not built nor classified.) (T)

Rationale: For fielded components the MR is achieved. For new components, the MR
is estimated based on the complexities and uses of the components.

c. Other System Characteristics.

(1) The Sensor must:

*(a) Possess a mission duration of 30 days and end of battery life at 1,000 transmissions
per day. (T)

Rationale: Battery life in sensors is critical. Sensors are emplaced in potentially

hostile territory and will require replacement if they reach the end of operational life before the
end of the mission. The present system will last up to 30 days. This is desirable to reduce the
risk to lives. A thirty-day battery mission life also complements special operations forces
mission scenarios.

(b) Include various sensing technologies such as seismic/acoustic, magnetic, and IR that
will detect and/or classify moving personnel and vehicles. (T)

Rationale: The REMBASS/IREMBASS uses one of or all three-sensor types to

accomplish its mission. These three types count and classify targets and all speed and distance

(c) Provide continuous monitoring during day/night adverse weather. (T)

Rationale: The system must be able to operate in all conditions, in all types of
weather and climates.

(d) Be easily man-transportable, including batteries. The sensor should weigh less than
3.5 pounds and not exceed 200 cubic inches in volume. (T) The sensor should weigh less than
2.0 pounds and be less than 45 cubic inches in volume. Air-emplaced sensors should weigh less
than 20 pounds and not exceed 800 cubic inches in volume. (O)

Rationale: Current manufacture of sensors meets this requirement. Industry

estimates the final manufactured weight and cube of the objective sensors will meet the above
values. To reduce soldiers’ loads, sensors and repeaters should be made as light as possible.

(e) Be capable of RF transmission output to an intended receiver at a range of 15KM

ground-to-ground (line-of-sight) (T) and a minimum of 100KM utilizing SATCOM techniques
Rationale: The REMBASS and IREMBASS sensors and repeaters will meet the
above requirements. The system uses VHF RF transmissions; therefore radio propagation
cannot be expected for longer distances.

(f) Include provisions for the remote activation and deactivation of sensors (O).

Rationale: This required capability is contained in the approved ROC.

Commandable sensors will place fewer lives at risk, allow for longer sensor and repeater life and
provide greater mission flexibility.

(g) Have self-disabling circuits, which will activate upon selected end-of-life or
tampering. (T)

Rationale: This prevents the enemy from using the electronics for his own purposes.

(h) Possess adjustable range setting for seismic/acoustic sensors (O).

Rationale: With commandability, this will permit a much more specific definition of
the target area and reduce nuisance and false alarms.

(i) * Possess a capability to change frequency and ID Codes by operator personnel. (T)

Rationale: As missions develop and change, so will requirements. This will permit
necessary adjustments for control of already emplaced sensors.

(j ) Be capable of emplacement by the following means depending on the type sensor,

with each offering its own operational advantage to a particular tactical operation. Methods of
emplacement are:

(1) Hand-emplaced. (T)

Rationale: A critical component of “collection systems” on the now and future battle
field will continue to be the individual soldier. Information from front line soldiers, Special
Operations Forces, Long Range Surveillance Units, Counterintelligence teams, etc will be with
data from high technology sensors (that complement/assist soldiers) to answer the commanders
requirements. Soldiers on the ground (with unattended sensors) will always be needed provide
required combat information/intelligence.

(2) Air-emplaced and robotically emplaced. (O)

Rationale: The trend of future collection of information is for fewer, more modular and
tailorable sensors/systems. Unmanned aerial and ground sensors, to include robotics and micro-
machines, will operate together to provide coverage in areas inaccessible to conventional means.
Air- and robotics-emplacement will allow deployment without placing lives at risk. Target
accuracy is predicated upon known geolocations of sensors. The sensor emplacement accuracy
is a function of the delivery platform or individual performing the emplacement. In addition,
with the integration of Global Positioning System (GPS) chips in the sensors the operator will
know the actual position of the sensor.

(k) Newly fielded sensors (currently fielded sensors are exempt) must operate in an NBC
environment, and survive effects of HEMP. Ground emplaced sensors must be compatible for
set-up by personnel in MOPP IV. NBC decontamination of sensors is not required.
Contaminated sensors will be detonated and/or disposed. (T)

Rationale: Its impractical to retrofit previously fielded equipment. As such, only newly
fielded equipment will address survivability. HEMP can be easy to meet due to other
requirements of E3 and ECCM as well as self-contained design with minimal antenna and cable
connections and its passive operation. Further, HEMP requirements will enhance E3 and ECCM
capabilities. NBC survivability to NBC agents can also easily be met since sensor has no decon
requirement. Ground-emplaced sensors are the only sensor that has a higher probability of being
emplaced by soldiers in an NBC environment, other sensors employed in NBC environments
would be accomplished remotely.”

(2) The Radio Repeater must:

*(a) Operate on internal power sources for a minimum of 30 days, based on

retransmission of 16,000 messages per day. (T).

Rationale: Repeaters are usually sited on high ground to increase the reception and
transmission ranges. They usually repeat messages from many strings of sensors. High ground
is usually much more difficult to climb, and receives military interest. A thirty-day battery life
for the repeater reduces the risk to operator personnel in replenishing the batteries and
complements special operations forces mission scenarios.

(b) Be easily man-transportable, including batteries. Both hand-and air-emplaced radio

repeaters should weigh no more than seven pounds and not exceed 0.5 cubic feet in volume.

Rationale: The IREMBASS repeater is manufactured today at less than seven pounds
and 0.5 cubic feet in volume in accordance with the ROC stating that all components of the
system be made smaller, lighter and cheaper.

(c) For hand-emplaced repeaters, be capable of operating in standard Army vehicles,

aircraft with specialized mounting hardware and ground emplacement sites. (T)

Rationale: The repeater must operate in any way that it can be used to relay the signal
from the deployed sensor to the monitoring equipment and thence to ASAS and the warfighter.

(d) Possess a RF output capable of extending each transmission link from a range of
15KM ground-to-ground (line-of-sight) and a 100KM ground-to-air (line-of-sight). (T)

Rationale: The system uses VHF RF transmissions; therefore radio propagation

cannot be expected for longer distances (i.e. 15KM line-of-sight). To support remote and/or
conventional maneuver operations, the capability to attach the repeater to a UAV and/or generic
airborne platform will increase the systems transmission range.

(e) Operate on a single frequency capable of being changed by operator personnel. A

self-disabling circuit will activate upon selected end of life or tampering. (T) Operate on
multiple frequencies. (O)

Rationale: Operation on multiple frequencies will increase the security of the

repeater. The repeater must not allow the enemy to reuse the electronics.

(f) Be capable of emplacement by the following means, each offering its own advantage
to a particular operation:

1. Hand-emplaced. (T)

Rationale: A critical component of “collection systems” on the now and future battle
field will continue to be the individual soldier. Information from front line soldiers, Special
Operations Forces, Long Range Surveillance Units, Counterintelligence teams, etc will be with
data from high technology sensors (that compliment/assist soldiers) to answer the commanders
requirements. Soldiers on the ground (with unattended sensors) will always be needed to
provide required combat information/intelligence.

2. Air-emplaced and robotically emplaced. (O)

Rationale: Air and robotics delivery will allow deployment with significantly fewer
lives being placed at risk. Speed of emplacement will be increased; security of emplacement
will be enhanced; flexibility of mission planning will be increased. The trend of future
collection of information is for fewer, more modular and tailorable sensors/systems. Unmanned
aerial and ground sensors, to include robotics and micro-machines, will operate together to
provide coverage in areas inaccessible to conventional means. Target accuracy is predicated
upon known geolocations of sensors. The sensor emplacement accuracy is a function of the
delivery platform or individual performing the emplacement. In addition, with the integration of

Global Positioning System (GPS) chips in the sensors the operator will know the actual position
of the sensor.

(g) Newly fielded radio repeaters (currently fielded repeaters are exempt) must operate in
an NBC environment, and survive effects of HEMP. Only hand-emplaced repeaters must be
compatible for set-up by personnel in MOPP IV. NBC decontamination of repeaters is not
required; however, an NBC survivable but disposable cover/container for a deployed repeater is
required. Contaminated repeaters will be detonated and/or disposed. (T)
Rationale: Its impractical to retrofit previously fielded equipment. As such, only
newly fielded equipment will address NBC survivability.

(3) Monitor-Programmer (MP). The MP is a dual channel receiver with temporary

visual display. It provides the capability to program REMBASS/IREMBASS sensors. It will
provide sensor identification, type target, timing information, and auxiliary output ports. The
MP must:

(a) When required, operate continuously for 15 hours on an internal power supply
without a battery change to provide a readily deployable “jump” capability. (T) Future power
supply initiatives must consider power reduction circuitry or a self generating capability and
facilitate the use of technology to increase the interval between power source replacement (e.g.
Operate for more than 15 hours to 72 hours on conventional (ni-cad or regular batteries)). (O)

Rationale: Although the present MP meets the threshold capabilities and will operate
for 15 hours on lithium batteries, the MP may be in an operational environment not supported by
commercial or tactical power (e.g. generator) capabilities. To operate for more than 15 hours
(e.g. up to 72 hours - TRADOC PAM 525-66 FOC, # MI 97-010) on conventional batteries will
simplify the battery supply problem, and allow soldiers to carry less equipment.

(b) Be man-portable, weigh less than six pounds (seven pounds w/ battery). (T) Six
pounds when combined with the AMDS. (O)

Rationale: Present MP weighs seven pounds with a lithium battery. We must still
adhere to the smaller, lighter and cheaper principle to provide the soldier with a system which is
easier to carry on the battlefield.

(c) Have a manual and automatic selection of RF channels. (T)

Rationale: Operators must maintain control over the system for security purposes.

(d) Allow the operator to program sensors. (T)

Rationale: The Code Programmer, Portable Monitor set and Sensor Monitor set were
combined into the Monitor Programmer. This allows the operator to set frequencies and other
operating characteristics into the sensors prior to deployment.

(e) Newly fielded Monitor-Programmers (MP) (currently fielded MP are exempt) must
operate in an NBC environment, be compatible for use by personnel in MOPP IV, and survive

effects of HEMP. NBC decontamination of MP is not required. Contaminated MP will be
destroyed and/or disposed. (T)

Rationale: Its impractical to retrofit previously fielded equipment. As such, only

newly fielded equipment will address NBC survivability. HEMP can be met through use of
HEMP survivable GFE available from ABCS equipment or employment in HEMP survivable
shelters such as the Remote Workstation (RWS).

d. Future and Potential Growth. Growth to meet the needs of Army XXI should be
concentrated in the general areas of Delivery Systems, Collection, Processing and
communications. Hemp and NBC Contamination Survivability requirements for future and
potential growth systems will meet or exceed above IREMBASS survivability requirements.
These are objective requirements. The following specific areas must be considered for future
and potential growth of the system.

(1) Sensors will have:

(a) Commandable features to include, provisions for gain setting, activation, and
deactivation. Safeguards must be incorporated to insure that sensors are not activated by
transmission from sources other than the command transmitter. Use robotics and micro-robotics
to precisely emplace, relocate, orient and service sensors delivered by other means. (O)

Rationale: A Joint Working Group of users was held to determine new requirements
for the system. Commandability of sensors was a top priority identified. This will preclude the
necessity to deploy new sensors or approach the old sensor for reprogramming in the middle of a

(b) Air Delivery of Sensors by Manned Aircraft or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
operating within their prescribed operational envelopes, i.e., 15,000 feet altitude for a UAV. (O)

Rationale. The delivery vehicle must not appear to deviate from its normal pattern when
delivering sensors to avoid detection as a sensor delivery vehicle. This means of delivery will
place fewer lives at risk and allow emplacement of sensors deep in the target area to enable the
warfighter to visualize the deep battle.

(c) Day/night imaging sensors with image processing and transmission capabilities. Use
radar sensors for sensor wake up purposes and electromagnetic collection sensors for deep threat
warning purposes. (O)

Rationale: This is a persistent requirement of Special Operating Forces from the Joint
Working Group. This would allow precise visualization of the battlefield at a distance. Imaging
sensors now can see line-of-sight to about 5 km.

(d) SIGINT sensors capable of providing threat warning, radio direction finding and
exploitation of message externals. Sensors will be small, deployable over a baseline equal to the
depth of the desired target area, up to 15 km. (O)

Rationale: The exploitation of the rich enemy signals environment must be attempted at
every echelon possible for threat warning and force protection. In order to keep the sensor size
as small as possible for ease of carrying, the frequency will be limited. VHF is the most
prevalent type of communications signal, and is limited to radio line of sight operations. A
“fuzz-buster” or radar warning receiver will warn soldiers that they are being painted by ground
surveillance radars. Sensor baseline length should be approximately equal to the depth of the
desired target area.

(e) Acoustic and passive infrared (IR) sensors capable of providing positive vehicle
identification. (O)

Rationale: State-of-the-art is approaching this capability. Key vehicles such as

command modules or artillery controllers could be identified and tracked on the battlefield.

(f) Acoustic and passive infrared (IR) sensors capable of providing Low Flying
Helicopter/Fixed Wing Aircraft detection. (O)

Rationale: We must be able to identify fast approaching threats, both on the battlefield
and in border-guarding applications to protect the force.

(g) Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical detection. (O)

Rationale: To identify possible NBC weapons impact areas. Also, by identification of

traces of elements from weapons of mass destruction, to identify potential enemy weapons
before use.

(h) IREMBASS sensors reduced in both size and weight are necessary to meet
operational requirements. (O)

Rationale: This is a continuing requirement. A soldier could carry four times the
number of IREMBASS sensors if equipped with the smaller developmental sensors known as

(i) Meteorological Sensors. (O)

Rationale: Army is responsible for surface weather from Division forward on the

(j) Multiple functions (imaging plus radar or seismic acoustic, infrared plus magnetic)
will be incorporated into common sensor bodies, keeping within the size and weight constraints.

Rationale: For greater flexibility in mission accomplishment when combined with

commandability, for force protection and to reduce risk to lives.
(k) (a) Possess a mission duration of 30 days and end of battery life at 1,000
transmissions per day. (O)

Rationale: Battery life in sensors is critical. Sensors are emplaced in potentially hostile
territory and will require replacement if they reach the end of operational life before the end of
the mission. The present system will last up to 30 days. With the addition of commandability,
extension of battery life will occur. This is desirable to reduce the risk to lives.

(i) Future sensors must be HEMP and NBC hardened and NBC contamination survivable
to ensure the system is not lost from the employment of NBC weapons. (T)

Rationale: Although the sensors are considered expendable; Sensors should be hardened
against HEMP and NBC contamination.

(2) Repeaters.

(a) Multiple-channel repeaters for use both on the ground and in manned or unmanned
aircraft. (O)

Rationale: Greater flexibility, range and capability.

(b) Airborne repeater with provisions for using aircraft power. (O)

Rationale: This allows the repeater to be much smaller and lighter.

(3) Command Transmitter (CT).

(a) General. The CT will provide RF signals to commandable sensors. The CT must be a
separate unit from the monitor unit so each can be used simultaneously and independently. (O)

Rationale: The CT must be able to command over distance. It must not interfere
with the monitor.

(b) Repeater commandable functions must include activation and deactivation as a

minimum. During deactivation, the receiver stays on to accept the reactivation command. (O)

Rationale: Allows conservation of power source.

(c) Power Requirements. The CT, in conjunction with the monitor programmer, must
function for 15 hours on lithium batteries and/or without recharging batteries. The power
supply must consider power reduction circuitry or self-generating capability and facilitate the
use of technology to increase the interval between power source replacement. (O)

Rationale: The present CT meets the current threshold capabilities and will operate for
15 on lithium batteries. To operate for more than 15 hours (e.g. operate up to 72 hours –
TRADOC PAM 525-66 FOC, # MI 97-010) on conventional (ni-cad or regular batteries)
batteries or self generating capability will simplify the battery supply problem, and allow
soldiers to carry less equipment.

(d) Transmission Range. The CT will be capable of transmitting to either a repeater or

sensor over a line-of-sight path of 15 km (ground-to-ground) or 100 km (ground-to-air or
air-to-ground), or the range defined by the footprint of the employed satellite. (O)

Rationale: Since the system operates over VHF communications, this is the maximum
range that can be expected.

(e) Command Outputs. The CT will be capable of addressing commandable sensors on

appropriate frequencies and with appropriate ID codes (in-band command is preferred). (O)

Rationale: Describes the best method of conveying commands to the sensors.

(f) Weight and Size. The CT will be man-portable, weigh no more than seven pounds,
(T). Four pounds and not exceed 0.4 cubic feet in volume. (O)

Rationale: The soldier must transport this system on the battlefield. Therefore, the
smaller and lighter we can make the equipment, the better the soldier can perform his mission.
These are the industry’s best estimates of size and volume achievable.

(g) Serve as a training device. Accept stimulation from multiple signal feeds from the
Tactical Proficiency Trainer (TPT) and the C-STAR. (O)

Rationale: The best training device is the actual equipment.

(h) The CT will make maximum use of existing antennas, coaxial lines, and
commonality with the sensor transmitter. (O)

Rationale: Commonality and multiple use of existing equipment will save money and
training time.

(i) Newly fielded CT (currently fielded CT are exempt) must operate in an NBC
environment, be compatible for use by personnel in MOPP IV, and survive effects of HEMP.
NBC decontamination of CT is not required. Contaminated CT will be destroyed and/or
disposed. (T)

Rationale: Its impractical to retrofit previously fielded equipment. As such, only

newly fielded equipment will address NBC survivability. HEMP can be met through use of
HEMP survivable GFE available from ABCS equipment or employment in HEMP survivable
shelters such as the Remote Workstation (RWS).

(4) Advanced Monitor Display System (AMDS)

(a) The AMDS must be capable of receiving, displaying and reporting on other sensor
input (i.e. ground surveillance radar inputs), if the input is compatible with IREMBASS formats.
The AMDS will be required at separate brigade and division to perform target detection,
tracking and classification from data received from the REMBASS sensors. The AMDS will be
used in conjunction with, or in place of, multiple monitor sets. The AMDS should have the
following capabilities/characteristics:

1.Track targets.

2. Provide an estimated location of targets in Universal Transverse Mercator grid

coordinates to six digits.

3. Estimate the velocity of targets.

4. Estimate time-of-arrival of targets at designated points.

5. Classify the target from data provided by detection-only type sensors.

6. Filter multiple detections/alarms to provide selective displays from classifying


7. Estimate the quantity of elements in a target.

8. Allow the addition or deletion of sensors and the change of the detection and tracking
parameters for each sensor.

9. Alert the operator when there is a significant change of sensor activity or the velocity
of the tracked target.

10. Store data on sensor frequencies and identifications as an aid to sensor frequency
management and allocation.

11. Store data on predetermined mission lives of sensors/arrays.

12. Graphically depict sensor and target locations in real and compressed time and depict
trends or patterns. (T) Combine the AMDS and the MP. (O)

Rationale: The combination AMDS and MP would be smaller, lighter, and less
expensive. The Army requires a processing systems to provide rapid processing, analysis,
collaboration, and throughput of C4ISR information. Information must be rapidly retrievable or
accessible at tactical echelons by the requestor and be conveyed by tactical communications.

(b) Inputs. The AMDS will be capable of managing up to six monitor sets. The AMDS
may be connected to the MP by wire and/or radio link. Direct connection of MP to the AMDS
is preferred. (T) Combine the AMDS and MP. (O)

Rationale: Achievement of this capability will permit a processing environment to

rapidly produce or complement a common picture and support, produce and disseminate tactical
information. The AMDS will allow multiple systems to input to a single device and, thus,
provide a much more accurate visualization of the battlefield. A combination AMDS and MP
would be smaller, lighter, and less expensive.

(c) Outputs. The primary output for the AMDS will be a visual display. (T) When
automated interfaces to other intelligence and operations systems are implemented (e.g. ABCS

and Force XXI Command System Brigade and Below (FBCB2)), page print or electronic data
will become an alternate output. (O)

Rationale: The AMDS must support automated visual decision aids and automated
target recognition to reduce operator workloads and increase precision and throughput. A future
processor must be interoperable with interagency and joint forces. The AMDS (software) and
laptops will simplify the logistics support required, and add flexibility to mission planning.

(d) Power Requirements. The AMDS will require a self-contained internal power
source. (T) It should also be capable of operating from vehicular sources, tactical generators,
and worldwide commercial 110-240 VAC and 24 VDC sources. (O)

Rationale: The laptop must be able to operate on a variety of power sources.

(e) Graphic Display. The AMDS should have the capability to superimpose a grid
system on the visual display and to graphically depict sensor or target locations. (T)
The AMDS should also have the capability to display in compressed-time up to a maximum of
12 hours worth of total targets selected. (O)

Rationale: Defines the display of data. Data display must be optimized to allow the
soldier to continue his mission regardless of physical and mental fatigue.

(f) Weight and Size. It is required that the weight of the AMDS be less than 10 pounds
and be less than 0.5 cubic feet in volume. It will be employed at separate brigade and division,
and may be mounted in a shelter. (T)

Rationale: Size and weight are a major concern for processing on the move and or
during deployment. The processor must be small, lightweight, and easily transportable making
it much better for the soldier to carry. A small and lightweight processor will simplify the
logistics support required, and add flexibility to mission planning. As prototyped, the AMDS or
SPU came out much smaller than expected, therefore much better for the soldier to carry.

(g) The AMDS should be HEMP hardened and NBC contamination survivable to ensure
the system is not lost from the employment of NBC weapons. (T)

Rationale: The AMDS is not considered expendable; therefore the AMDS must be
hardened against HEMP and NBC contamination. IAW AR 70-75, critical components of a
mission system must be HEMP survivable. The AMDS is a major component of the system and
therefore, must be HEMP survivable, although other components (i.e. sensors) are not
considered expendable.

(5) GPS. Integration of GPS will enhance the placement of sensors by reducing the
workload of the personnel and minimizing their exposure during deployments. (O)

Rationale: Accurate placement of the sensor field will result in accurate targeting
information for engagement.

(6) Digital Signal Processing (DSP). DSP enables the sensors to process large amounts
of information for target detection, identification, data compression and combination on single
display monitors, transfer and cueing of other intelligence systems. (O)
Rationale: This ensures that IREMBASS is a part of the digitized Army. It enables
near-real time reconfiguration capability and the ability to interface with the Common Operating
Picture and with other intelligence processors.

(7) Satellite Connectivity. Military and commercial satellites enable the near real-time
transfer of image and data from sensor locations several hundred kilometers beyond the FLOT
to the warfighters who need the information. (T)

Rationale: Satellite communications will allow greater depth of deployment, and

allow the division commander to better visualize the deep battle.

(8) Automatic generation of output reports. (O)

Rationale: Reduces the soldier workload. Increases timeliness of receipt of sensor

information by the decision-maker.

(9) Cueing other intelligence sensors (manual (T) or automatic (O)).

Rationale: Cueing allows complimentary disciplines to reinforce intelligence

information increasing situational awareness.

5. Program Support. The USMC has stated requirements for hand and air emplaced
IREMBASS. USAF also has validated requirements for IREMBASS components for the Base
Intrusion Sensor System. Numerous government agencies have expressed interest in the system
primarily as a personnel surveillance resource. Sensor technology and systems are of high
interest in many levels of the government, making this system a very likely candidate for a joint
system. IREMBASS has a joint interest designation.

a. Maintenance Planning. Unit, direct support, and general level/depot level

maintenance systems are in place.

b. General: Operators or designated repair technicians will routinely maintain, install

and remove the IREMBASS equipment. Defective systems, modules or associated equipment
will be reported and delivered first to the appropriate DS and then GS or depot level repair
facility for maintenance.

(1) Unit Maintenance. Unit maintenance consists of those on-equipment tasks normally
performed using the organic resources of the operating command at the operating location,
whether garrison or deployed. Organizational maintenance tasks include equipment set-up and
tear-down, cleaning, lubrication, corrosion prevention, performance of periodic inspections,
testing, and troubleshooting, as appropriate, calibrate, and verification of system performance
standards. Minor modifications, wire, cable, and/or connector repair, and replacement of minor
hardware elements, such as batteries and other expendable line items are also performed at this
level. The goal of this program is to attain 100 percent organic maintenance capability.

(2) Direct Support Maintenance. Direct Support level maintenance will be performed by
the designated direct support level repair facility and consist of all tasks required maintaining
and repairing the system beyond the scope of the unit’s capability. Unit and direct support level
maintenance during depot modification is not programmed and is discouraged.

(3) General Support/Depot Level Maintenance. General Support/Depot level

maintenance will be performed by designated depot level repair facility and consist of all tasks
required maintaining and repairing the system beyond the scope of the unit’s and direct support
capability. Software support will be in accordance with appropriate standards. The IREMBASS
system may be scheduled for depot modifications as required. Organizational, unit, or direct
support level maintenance during depot modification is not programmed and is discouraged.
Field units must obtain prior approval from the designated depot level repair facility before
returning known repairable or unserviceable equipment to the depot for modification.

c. Support Equipment. There is no requirement for additional support equipment.

d. Human Systems Integration.

(1) Manpower/Personnel.

(a) Manpower: Estimates report/indicate zero growth. The IREMBASS system must be
designed so that there is no increase in manpower requirements.

(b) Personnel: The IREMBASS will be installed, operated, maintained, and managed by
the personnel (96R) currently responsible for IREMBASS equipment. CMF 33 will also be
required to perform system maintenance administration, engineering, and management

(2) Training.

(a) Training Concept

1. Proponent. The U. S. Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca

(USAIC&FH), Arizona is the proponent for REMBASS/IREMBASS training.

2. Institutional Training. In the future, as the system migrates from an

intelligence system to a force protection system, operators will come from a variety of MOSs.

a. Operator MOS 96R, Ground Surveillance System (GSS) Operator. USAIC&FH

conducts institutional training for REMBASS/IREMBASS operators in a 62-hour segment of the
GSS operator course.

b. Operator MOS 18F, Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant. The U. S. Army John
F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center is responsible for IREMBASS operator institutional training
for MOS 18F. MOS 18F will receive IREMBASS training as operationally required. In the
future, training will be for MOS immaterial.

c. Maintainer MOS 35C, Surveillance Radar Repairer. (Note: This is not the MI
Officer MOS, Imagery Officer.) The U. S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and
School (USAOMMCS), Ft. Sill, conducts institutional training for REMBASS/IREMBASS
maintainers as an add-on to the Surveillance Radar Repairer Course.

3. Unit Sustainment Training. Unit commanders are responsible for conducting

sustainment training. ARTEP 34-26B-15 contains guidance for conducting sustainment training.
Additional guidance is available in STP 34/96R 1-4-SM-TG, TM 34-10-1, and appropriate
system technical manuals.

4. Distance learning. USAIC&FH has videocassette training tapes available for

both REMBASS and IREMBASS. A CD ROM distance learning package is a viable option to
provide refresher/sustainment training for operators and maintainers.

5. New Equipment Training (NET). The unfunded requirement to purchase and

field the IREMBASS monitor programmer and AMDS has been approved. NET will be required
for units receiving these components. U.S. Army Communications and Electronics Command
(CECOM) Directorate for Readiness, New Equipment Training Division developed a 32-hour
operator and unit level maintenance NET course from contractor provided materials, and will
use them as a basis for developing any further required NET or distance learning training

(b) Training Devices.

1. Sensor Signal Simulator (SSS). The SSS has the capability to receive, record,
edit, copy, and re-transmit an operational scenario involving any two of the 599 REMBASS
channels. It has the capability to transmit pre-recorded scenarios. These functions are
accomplished without additional support equipment. The SSS allows institutional or unit
sustainment training in either a classroom or field environment without the use of
REMBASS/IREMBASS sensors. The operator can monitor the outputs of the SSS on the MP.
The SSS is available for institutional training at USAIC&FH and USAOMMCS. It was also
issued to all units that received REMBASS for sustainment training. There is currently no
requirement for additional SSS.

2. Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT).

The IEWTPT and REMBASS/IREMBASS system hardware will provide sustainment and
proficiency training for operators and crews. A Target Signature Array (TSA), for IREMBASS
will be developed. The TSA will be either embedded in or strapped on the system and will
interface with the other two components of the IEWTPT, the Technical Control Cell (TCC) and
the Warfighter’s Simulation (WARSIM) 2000 Intelligence Module (WIM) Context Expander.
The embedded training capability will be designed for use in both institutional and unit
sustainment training. IREMBASS must be able to go from an operational mode to an embedded
training mode without downgrading the combat functions of IREMBASS.

(3) Human Factors Engineering. Human engineering design criteria, principles and
practices will be incorporated into the system, equipment, and appropriate design integration of
the human operator interface to achieve operational effectiveness, simplicity, efficiency,
reliability, system safety, and effective training and maintenance.

(4) Health Hazard/System Safety. The IREMBASS will be designed to minimize safety
risks to operating/ maintenance personnel during the system's life cycle.

(5) Soldier Survivability. The IREMBASS operating requirements or characteristics

will not increase an operator's likelihood of detection, targeting or attack, or injury if attacked.
A primary benefit of the IREMBASS is to enhance soldier survivability through positional
awareness and to reduce the possibility of fratricide.

d. Computer Resources. Additional computer resources may be required as the

System’s capabilities are developed.

e. Other Logistic Considerations. The system is provisioned and fielded.

provisioning will be required as capabilities are added. Size, weight, power requirements,
and equipment set-up times must be kept to an absolute minimum to support transportation,
deployment, and operations in a tactical environment. Packaging must also protect the
equipment from damage and degradation due to exposure to chemical elements (e.g. salt air or
spray, etc.) when configured for transport.

(1) Technical Data. Technical data for each level of repair will include items such as
theory of operation, trouble shooting guide, illustrated parts breakdown, parts listing, cabling
diagrams, and cable pin outs and checklists. All commercial documentation and an integration
technical order will be provided for each system. Commercial manuals will be fully validated
and verified prior to equipment delivery. The integration technical order and manuals will be
written so that an individual could install and operate the systems without formal training.
Operator manuals and checklists will be provided to outline the systems use to the user/operator.
Technical data will also be updated as new software/hardware changes are incorporated.

(2) Facilities and Land. The IREMBASS must be stored and maintained by intelligence
trained operators at operating locations. The personnel assigned to support and operate the
IREMBASS responsible for maintaining the equipment mission ready.

(3) Supportability Analysis. N/A

(4) Hazardous Materials. Proper methods of disposal of hazardous materials will be

included in the logistics plan. No Ozone Depletion Chemicals (ODC) will be used or required.

(5) Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support. N/A

(6) Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence. Interfaces

with the Army Battle Command System, S-2 workstation, Combat Net Radio, Area Common
User System (ACUS), Inter-Vehicular Information System (IVIS), Common Ground Station
(CGS), ASAS, and TROJAN SPIRIT II communications architecture. Future IREMBASS
systems must have capabilities to interface with U.S., joint and allied systems.

f. Transportation and Basing. The system must be capable of being transported by all
Joint standard transportation systems.

h. Standardization, Interoperability and Commonality. The IREMBASS/
REMBASS-II system will provide an additional resource for NATO. Although some NATO
countries possess a limited number of older devices, interest in IREMBASS/REMBASS 2 has
been expressed by NATO as well as other countries. Project AVID GUARDIAN, a combined
US, UK and FRG project determined that IREMBASS/REMBASS 2 is useful in the Central
Europe environment, and developed an employment concept. The UK has stated a requirement
and desires standardization. The system must be electromagnetically compatible with existing
and emerging US/Allied Battlefield emitters as specified in a DOD Frequency Allocation
Directive, and comply with standardization, interoperability, and compatibility with associated
NATO interface systems as outlined in DOD directive 2010.6. The next generation of
REMBASS equipment/system must comply with applicable information technology standards
contained in the DOD Joint Technical Architecture. The IREMBASS sensors/system must
comply with applicable DII/COE/JTA.

i. Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Support. When equipped with the AMDS,
IREMBASS/REMBASS-II will require National Imagery and Mapping Agency support to
depict target areas at the DTED 1 level.

j. Environmental Support. None required.

k. Force Structure.

(1) Military Intelligence Corps. The IREMBASS/REMBASS 2 system will be

organic to the division, to provide Force Protection, Surveillance, Indications and Warning and
Force Tailoring. Operationally, the sensor can remain under division in direct support, or be
attached to maneuver brigades, DISCOM HQ, Armored Cavalry Squadron or maneuver
battalions. Teams will report directly to the G2/S2 of the supported unit. The G2/S2 plans
sensor deployment. Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield will guide deployment plans. The
Monitor-Programmer (MP), which functions as the sensor output display, provides target
identification and classification, in addition to programming the sensors. In most cases, the MP
will be placed at the supported units Tactical Operation Center (TOC). In addition, the
Command Transmitter allows the operator to remotely reprogram the sensors. Specialized
training of operator personnel (not restricted to intelligence soldiers) will be required to
interpret, analyze and report sensor outputs. Organizational maintenance on the system will be
performed by user personnel and 2d echelon maintenance by the 35C, Surveillance Radar
Maintainer. The system will also support special operations such as Stability and Support
Operations, Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain, Rear Area Combat Operations and border

(2) Organization. The system will be designed for Direct Support or General Support
of Divisions, Separate Brigades, or Special Forces Groups. For the immediate future, dedicated
personnel will be provided from the MI Battalion (Div) and MI Company (Sep Bde) to monitor,
operate, hand deploy, and assist in air delivery of the sensors and repeaters. In the future, user
units will be required to provide personnel to operate a readout device. IREMBASS will be
multi-echelon/multi-BOS operated and owned. BOIP Numbers: M027, M027AA-AF apply.

6. Schedule Considerations. Deployment of the full system described herein commenced in
4QFY87 (IOC). IOC for P3I (IREMBASS) was FY88. IREMBASS is an acquisition category
(ACAT) III system with a first-unit-equipped date of 2QFY94. IOC for future and potential
growth capabilities should be FY99. (TRADOC 71-9, Aug 98)


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