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Alysa Shereen Alba Tue & Fri (3:30 – 5:30)

ABCA-1 Prof. Victoria Segovia


1. As a student I describe myself and my relationship with God, nature others and myself:

Respect and love. This is how I describe my relationship with God, Nature, others
and myself. This is how I was raised by my mother , I was thought in an early age to always
have love and respect to every creature and even with nature as they have been put here
on earth by God for a reason. I believe that nature is also an entity and we should respect it
as much as we respect others and God. We call it mother nature for a reason, so that our
relationship should be filled with respect and love- just like our relationship with our own
mothers. We must respect nature If we are to survive and we owe this to the future

God has provided us with our nature that has always provided us with everything that we
need – air to breathe, food to eat, shelter and also breathtaking views. As a student, I do not
always have time to be outside as much as we would like. But whenever I am outside I'm
always amazed at its beauty and power. God has given us this amazing world and we should
be a steward to it. We must protect our nature, because once it has enough of the
exploitations and the pollution we are the one who will suffer its wrath. And in a way, we
are already suffering from it, remember when it stormed and trash was washed up to roxas
boulevard from manila bay as if its spitting out all the trash we put into it and giving it back
to us. I believe that if we continue disrespecting our environment we would suffer it
consequences, so we should treat it with respect and nurture it, preserve it for the next
generation. Nature is powerful, we should appreciate all that it gives to us. We should start
proctecting it because just like what greta thunburg is saying we are already in the brink of a
mass extinction and if we do not take action, all the beauty and all the resources we get
from it will be gone. And a much scarier taught is that humanity will also be gone.
2. As a Filipino this is my insight about sustainable development in my country and the whole

Nowadays, People are already seeing the consequences of pollution and they are
making a move to help the environment. I believe that sustainable development is the key
to having a balance relationship with humans and nature. Im happy to know that our
country and other countries are now incorporating sustainability when they are doing their
development plans. And the Philippines is already a part of UNDP Sustainable development
goals which aims to address the global challenges we face, including those related to
poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.
UNDP also pledged to leave no one behind – which makes the cause even better.

It is good to know that the government is already taking actions on developing our
country in a sustainable way. I hope that in the future they would implement a strong law
that protects our natural resources from being exploited. We should all understand that the
answer for a beter future is sustainable development and leaving no one behind in order to
live the life we want and still preserving most of our resources for the future generation.

3. I can contribute to the wise management of the planet’s finite resources by –

Trying to lessen my carbon footprint. I will start to incorporate the 5R’S in my life
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot. I will start to REFUSE what I don't need, REDUCE what I
do need, REUSE what I already have, RECYCLE what I can’t reduce or reuse and ROT the rest.
Managing solid waste in my home is my first step.

I will also be responsible shopper. Many companies exploit our natural resources and
tries to hide it from us the consumers. The reason I want to become a responsible shopper is
because of the recent issue about what happened in Sumatra wherein they cleared the fields
that was home to orangutans to plant palm trees for oil production. I have always loved animals
and this has made an impact to me. Instead of supporting big companies I will start to support
companies who cares gives back and cares about the environment and is responsible with the
way that they produce their products. Whenever I think about buying a product I will make sure
to take a moment and see what the company is about and if they believe in sustainability.

And since I love to travel and be in nature, when travelling I will make sure to Take only
photographs, and leave only footprints. I’ll be responsible with the waste that I produce and
where to dispose of it to make sure that we can preserve our environment. These are just small
things that I think can help the environment in a big way. I think that if we want to help manage
our natural resources we should start with ourselves in our own way.
4. As a member of the PWU community I will-

Start using my voice and educating other PWU students and also my friends about
the importance of nature and sustainability. I will also make efforts to help our
environment. As I student I will start reusing my scratch papers, bring my own utensils to
school and also bring a reusable water bottle to reduce my plastic waste. Ill make sure to
dispose my waste in the correct manner of segregation. And whenever there are causes for
the environment Ill make sure to participate in the cause of all in all making our
environment better .

5. From today this will be my code of conduct with regard to the environment:

 I will stop using single use plastic.

 I will continue to educate myself more about sustainability and how I can help the
environment in my own way.
 I will start to be a conscious citizen and practice the ways that can help the

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