Pidato Bahasa Inggris JD

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The honorable Mr Arman Sihaloho and my beloved friends .

We must give thanks to our god, because of god’s

blessing we can stand here until today . First of all , I would like to introduce my self. My name is Farid Firnanda
My beloved teachers and friends ,
Today I will deliver a speech about smoking entitled ” The Dangerous Of Smoking”
Cigarettes are objects that are familiar to us. Smoking is a habit that is very common and widespread in the
community. Dangers of smoking on health has been researched and proven a lot of people. Adverse effects of smoking
were already clearly known. Many studies have shown cigarette smoking increases the risk of various diseases such as
heart disease and blood vessel disorders, lung cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer esofagus, bronchitis, high
blood pressure, impotence and pregnancy disorders and defects in the fetus.
In fact, the habit of smoking is hard to break and people are rarely recognized as a bad habit. Moreover, people who
smoke to distract yourself from the stress and emotional stress, are more difficult to break away from this habit than
smokers who do not have a background of depression.
Recent research also shows the dangers of handsmoke the smoke inhaled by the non-smokers around smokers or can
be referred to as passive smokers. Smoking can not be separated from the raw material of manufacture of tobacco. In
Indonesia, tobacco plus cloves and other ingredients are mixed to make cigarettes. In addition to tobacco cigarettes can
also be used as a hand-rolled cigarette, cigarettes, cigars, pipes and cigarettes tabacco smokeless (chewing tobacco).
From day to day the number of smokers increasingly increase . As we know in the cigarette smoke that is inhaled by
the smoker, not less than 4000 toxic chemicals. Chemicals released consisted of gas components (85 percent) and
particles. Nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein, acetylene,
benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, coumarin, 4-etilkatekol, ortokresoldan perylene is half of thousands -
thousands of substances in cigarettes. But among the substances - substances mentioned above, there are 3 of the most
dangerous substances contained in cigarettes.
This is what will be making a huge disaster for the health of our bodies. According to the Minister healthy Indonesia
Year 2004 Mr Dr. Achmad Sujudi, smoking in Indonesia tends to increase. Based on data Susenas (National
Socioeconomic Survey) Indonesian population aged adults having ever smoked as much as 31.6%. With the large
number and high percentage of the population who have the habit of smoking, Indonesia is the fifth highest consumer
of cigarettes in the world by number of cigarettes consumed (burned) in 2002 as many as 182 billion cigarettes a year
after the People's Republic of China, United States, Russia and Japan. The results also found that the highest number
of smokers in Madras, India actually comes from illiterate communities. Then another research proves that the poorest
communities in Bangladesh spend almost 10 times earnings for tobacco than for educational needs. Then research in
three provinces of Vietnam found that smokers spent 3.6 times more on tobacco than on education, 2.5 times more on
tobacco than clothes, and 1.9 times more on tobacco than on health.
Based on this that study, the MUI states that smoking is forbidden, especially in public area.
However, the smokers still argue a self-defense arguments. They argue that smoking can help to refresh their mind,
create some creative idea, relieve nervousness and fatigue. In social life, they argue that smoking can establish or
strengthen togetherness. In addition, they also argue that the smoking ban means also closing the tobacco company
which cause a massive unemployment becauses many employees work there. During this non practically as the largest
foreign exchange earner for the country but in fact smoking only contributed the biggest loss the country. Losses
incurred smoking is not only a health problem but also moral issues and financially.
According to data from the Ministry of Health in 2004, the total cost to tobacco consumption or expenditure is Rp
127.4 trillion. Cost includes the cost of health, treatment and mortality due to tobacco. Meanwhile the state revenue
from tobacco tax is Rp 16.5 trillion. This means that expenses for dealing with health problems caused by smoking is
greater than 7.5 times the excise tax revenues itself. So actually we have been fooled, already know the loss but still
maintained and operated.
Cigarettes are the gateway to disobedience, moral decline and lost generation. No one is drinking alcohol, HIV, or
drugs without smoke first dahulu.Menurut religion alone smoke cigarettes is a redundant activity or makruh. It is a
dilemma, on the one hand the country needs the money but on the other hand many are harmed by tobacco.

Smoking is not positive activity for us, young generation. So guys. From now, let we say “ Go Studying Stop Smoking!”
. And be the best student for our country and school. I think that’s all, thank you for your attention. Forgive me if i
have any mistakes in my word.

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