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Experiment on Newtons LAW OF MOTION (Lab Activity No.

Acquire a metal coat hanger for which you have permission to destroy. Pull the coat hanger
apart. Using duct tape, attach two tennis balls to opposite ends of the coat hanger as shown in
the diagram below. Bend the hanger so that there is a flat part that balances on the head of a
person. The ends of the hanger with the tennis balls should hang low (below the balancing
point). Place the hanger on your head and balance it. Then quickly spin in a circle. What do the
tennis balls do? Write the answer in a yellow pad using your own handwriting.

Figure for Experiment Above

Lecture Chapter 2 Physics 1

What is Newton's first Law?

Newton's first law: An object at rest remains at rest, or if in motion, remains

in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force.

What do force, external force, and

net force mean?
A force is a push or a pull exerted on one object by another object. The units
of force F are called Newtons or simply N.

An external force is a force originating from outside an object rather than a

force internal to an object. For instance, the force of gravity that Earth exerts
on the moon is an external force on the moon. However, the force of gravity
that the inner core of the moon exerts on the outer crust of the moon is an
internal force on the moon. Internal forces within an object can't cause a
change in that object's overall motion.
The net force, written as ΣF, on an object is the total force on an object. If
many forces act on an object, then the net force is the sum of all the forces.
But be careful—since force F is a vector, to find the net force ΣF, the forces
must be added up like vectors using vector addition.

In other words, if a box of frozen burritos had a force of magnitude 45N

exerted on it to the right and a force of magnitude 30N exerted on it to
the left, the net force in the horizontal direction would be 45-30 = 15N.

Assuming rightward is the positive direction.

Newton's first law says that if the net force on an object is zero (ΣF equals,
0), then that object will have zero acceleration. That doesn't necessarily mean
the object is at rest, but it means that the velocity is constant. In other words,
constant zero velocity—at rest—or constant non-zero velocity—moving with
a constant velocity.

For the box of frozen burritos, if the rightward force had a magnitude of 45
Newtons and the leftward force had a magnitude of 45 Newtons, the net
force would be zero. The box of burritos would either continue moving with
a constant velocity—if it started with a velocity before the forces were
applied—or stay at rest—if it was already at rest before the forces were

What does mass mean?

The property of a body to remain at rest or to remain in motion with constant
velocity is called inertia. Newton’s first law is often called the law of
inertia. As we know from experience, some objects have more inertia than
others. It is obviously more difficult to change the motion of a large boulder
than that of a basketball, for example.
The inertia of an object is measured by its mass. Mass can be determined by
measuring how difficult an object is to accelerate. The more mass an object
has, the harder it is to accelerate.

Also, roughly speaking, the more “stuff”—or matter—in something, the more
mass it will have, and the harder it will be to change its velocity, i.e.,

What is Newton's second Law?

In the world of introductory physics, Newton's second law is one of the most
important laws you'll learn. It's used in almost every chapter of every physics
textbook, so it's important to master this law as soon as possible. Newton’s
second law is often called the law of acceleration.

We know objects can only accelerate if there are forces on the object.
Newton's second law tells us exactly how much an object will accelerate for a
given net force.

To be clear, a is the acceleration of the object, F is the net force on the object,
and m is the mass of the object.

Example 1 and 2: Newton the turtle

and string cheese (see solution below)
What is Newton's third law?
You probably know that the Earth pulls down on you. What you might not
realize is that you are also pulling up on the Earth. For example, if the Earth
is pulling down on you with a gravitational force of 500 N, you are also
pulling up on the Earth with a gravitational force of 500 N. This remarkable
fact is a consequence of Newton's third law.

Newton's third law: If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B

must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object

This law represents a certain symmetry in nature: forces always occur in

pairs, and one body cannot exert a force on another without experiencing a
force itself. We sometimes refer to this law loosely as action-reaction, where
the force exerted is the action and the force experienced as a consequence is
the reaction. Newton’s third law is often called the law of interaction.

Other examples of Newton’s third law are easy to find. As a professor paces
in front of a whiteboard, she exerts a force backward on the floor. The floor
exerts a reaction force forward on the professor that causes her to accelerate

Similarly, a car accelerates because the ground pushes forward on the drive
wheels in reaction to the drive wheels pushing backward on the ground. You
can see evidence of the wheels pushing backward when tires spin on a gravel
road and throw rocks backward.

In another example, rockets move forward by expelling gas backward at high

velocity. This means the rocket exerts a large backward force on the gas in
the rocket combustion chamber, and the gas therefore exerts a large reaction
force forward on the rocket. This reaction force is called thrust. It is a
common misconception that rockets propel themselves by pushing on the
ground or on the air behind them. They actually work better in a vacuum,
where they can more readily expel the exhaust gases.

Helicopters similarly create lift by pushing air down, thereby experiencing an

upward reaction force. Birds and airplanes also fly by exerting force on air in
a direction opposite to that of whatever force they need. For example, the
wings of a bird force air downward and backward in order to get lift and
forward motion.
Additional Q and A
1. Imagine a place in the cosmos far from all gravitational and frictional influences.
Suppose that you visit that place (just suppose) and throw a rock. The rock will
a. gradually stop.
b. continue in motion in the same direction at constant speed.
According to Newton's first law, the rock will continue in motion in the same
direction at constant speed.

2. A 2-kg object is moving horizontally with a speed of 4 m/s. How much net force is required
to keep the object moving at this speed and in this direction?

Answer: 0 N
An object in motion will maintain its state of motion. The presence of an
unbalanced force changes the velocity of the object.
Absolutely yes!
3. Supposing you were in space in a weightless environment, would it require a force
to set an object in motion?
Even in space objects have mass. And if they have mass, they have inertia.
That is, an object in space resists changes in its state of motion. A force must
be applied to set a stationary object in motion. Newton's laws rule -
4. Mac and Tosh are arguing in the cafeteria. Mac says that if he flings the Jell-O with a
greater speed it will have a greater inertia. Tosh argues that inertia does not depend
upon speed, but rather upon mass. Who do you agree with? Explain why.
Tosh is correct. Inertia is that quantity which depends solely upon mass. The
more mass, the more inertia. Momentum is another quantity in Physics which
depends on both mass and speed. Momentum will be discussed in a later
5. A 4.0-kg object is moving across a friction-free surface with a constant velocity of 2
m/s. Which one of the following horizontal forces is necessary to maintain this state of
a. 0 N b. 0.5 N c. 2.0 N d. 8.0 N
e. depends on the speed.
If an object is in motion, then it will stay in motion with those very same
motion characteristics. It doesn't take any force to maintain that same state
of motion. In fact, the presence of a force would "ruin" such a state of
motion and cause an acceleration.
6. If the forces acting upon an object are balanced, then the object
a. must not be moving.
b. must be moving with a constant velocity.
c. must not be accelerating.
d. none of these
The answer could be A (but does not have to be A) and it could be B (but
does not have to be B). An object having balanced forces definitely cannot be
accelerating. This means that it could be at rest and staying at rest (one
option) or could be in motion at constant velocity (a second option). Either
way, it definitely is not accelerating - choice C of your four choices.
7. Which of Newton's Laws best explains why satellites need very little fuel to
stay in orbit?
Answer : First Law
8. Objects in orbit around the Earth (like a satellite) must have a net force
acting on them.
Answer : TRUE

Problem 1: Newton the turtle

A 2.5 kg turtle named Newton has four forces exerted on it as

shown in the diagram in the sample problem.

What is the horizontal acceleration of Newton the turtle?

What is the vertical acceleration of Newton the turtle?


16N to 20N

22N to 30N

12N to 15N

30N to 45N and 30o to 55o

Problem 2: String cheese

A wedge of cheese is suspended at rest by two strings which
exert forces of magnitude  F1 and F2, as seen in the sample
problem. There is also a downward force of gravity on the
cheese of magnitude D of 55N.

What is the magnitude of the force F1?

What is the magnitude of the force F2?

Change 60o to 80o

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