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Chapter I


Background of the study

A biography of a person’s life, written by another author. The writer of the biography is called a

biographer while the person written about is known as the subject. Biographies usually take the

form of narrative, proceeding chronological through the stages of person’s life.

This study shows the description of real person’s life. It includes his/her experiences, journey,

childhood, education, career, relationship, family, and death. The experiences of all these events

occurring in life of a person, mostly in chronological order. Biographies include personality and


The vast majority of biography examples are written about people who are or were famous such

as politicians, actors, athletes, and so on. A biography can be labeled “authorized” if the person

being written about his or her family members have given permission for a certain author to

write the biography. A biography provides a life story of a subject highlighting different aspect

of his or her life.

This study shows the life experiences of a person like how did they achieve their goals and what

are the things that they experience before becoming a successful person. It also shows the

strength of a person who faces struggles and difficulties in life, on how they deal with all of

those challenges and difficulties that they encountered during their battle for achieving their

goals in life.
Statement of the problem

The researchers seek to answer the following problems:

1.) What is the most unforgettable experience of Erlo Urate?

2.) What is the biggest achievement of his life?

3.) What are the struggles that he overcome to be a successful person?

a.) primary

b.) secondary

c.) tertiary

d.) work

4.) How did he face the struggles that he encountered in his life?

5.) What motivates him to be successful?

Significance of the study

The importance of this study is to know the life experiences of Erlo Urate in order to study his


The result of this study is primarily beneficial to Erlo Urate as he will have the data about his self

and also beneficial to future researchers, readers and school administrators.

Readers. To have knowledge and idea about the person’s life.

Future researchers. To give information in this study.

School Administrators. To be aware for conducting our research.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study is delimited to the biography of Erlo Urate of CSF Coron, Palawan. The

collection of data will start on January 2019 and will end on February 2019.

Review of Related literature

J.K Rowling had just gotten a divorce, was on government aid, and could barely afford to

feed her baby in 1994, just three years before the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the

Philosopher’s Stone, was published. When she was shopping it out, she was so poor she couldn’t

afford a computer or even the cost of photocopying the 90,000-word novel, so she manually

typed out each version to send to publishers. It was rejected dozens of times until finally

Bloomsbury, a small London publisher, gave it a second chance after he CEO’s eight year old

fell in love with it.

Jim Carrey when he was 14 years old his father lost his job, his family hit rough times.

They moved into a VW van of a relative’s lawn, and the young aspiring comedian who was

dedicated to his craft that he mailed his resume to The Carroll Burnett Show just a few years

earlier, at age of ten took an eight-hours-per-day factory job after school to help to make ends

meet. At age 15, Carrey performed his comedy routine onstage for the first time in a suit his

mom made him and totally bombed, but he was undeterred. The next year, at 16, he quit school

to focus on comedy full time. He moved to LA shortly after, where he would park on Mulholland

Drive every night and visualize his success. One of these nights he wrote himself a check for

$10,000,000 for “Acting Services Rendered,” which he dated for thanksgiving 1995. Just before

that date, he hit payday with Dumb and Dumber. He put the deteriorated check, which he’d kept

in his wallet the whole time, in his father’s casket.

Tyler Perry had a rough childhood. He was physically and sexually abused growing up, got

kicked out of high school, and tried to commit suicide twice-once as a preteen and again at 22.

At 23 he moved at Atlanta and took up odd jobs as he started working on his stage career. In

1992 he wrote, produced, and starred in his first theater production, I know I’ve been change ,

somewhat informed by his difficult upbringing. Perry put all his savings into the show and it

failed miserably; the run lasted just one weekend and only 30 people to watch. He kept up with

the production, working more odd jobs and often slept in his car to get by. Six years later, Perry

finally broke through when, on its seventh run, the show became a success. He’s since gone on to

have an extremely successful career as a director, writer, and actor. In fact, Perry was named

Forbe’s highest paid man in entertainment in 2011.

Sarah Jessica Parker was born in a poor coal-mining town in rural Ohio, the youngest of

four children. Her parents divorced when she was two, and her mother remarried shortly

thereafter and had an additional four children. Parker’s stepfather, a truck driver, was often out of

work, so the future starlet took up singing and dancing at a very young age to help supplement

her moms teaching income and feed their 10 person family. Despite hard times and occasionally

being on welfare, parker’s mom continued to encourage her children’s interest in the arts. The

family moved to Cincinnati, where parker was enrolled in a ballet, music, theater school on

scholarship. When she 11 years old, the family to a trip to New York City so Parker could

audition for a Broadway play. The trip was a success-she and her brother where both cast, and

family relocated to New York. Parker continued to work hard and land roles, eventually

becoming the title character of TV juggernaut Sex and the city.

Colonel Harland Sanders. He was fired from a variety of jobs throughout his career

before he first started cooking chicken in his roadside Shell Service Station in 1930, when he
was 40 years old, during the Great Depression. His gas station didn’t actually have a restaurant,

so he served diners in his attached personal living quarters. Over next ten years, he perfected his

“Secret Recipe” and pressure fryer cooking method for his famous fried chicken and moved onto

bigger locations. His chicken was even praised in the media by food critic Duncan Hines.

However, as the interstate came through the Kentucky town where the Colonel’s Restaurant was

located in the 1950’s, it took away important road traffic, and the Colonel was forced to close his

business and retire, essentially broke. Worried about how was he going to survive off his meager

$105 monthly pension check, he set out to find restaurants who would franchise his secret recipe

he wanted a nickel for each piece of chicken sold. He drove around, sleeping in his car, and was

rejected more than 1,000 times before finally finding his first partner.

Stephen King. He was broke and struggling when he was first trying to write. He lived in

a trailer with his wife also a writer and they both worked multiple jobs to support their family

while pursuing their craft. They were so poor they had to borrow clothes for their wedding and

had gotten rid of the telephone because it was too expensive. King received so many rejection

letters for his works that he developed a system for collecting them. In his book On Writing, he

recalls: “By the time I was 14 the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the

rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and kept on writing.” He received

60 rejections before selling his first short story, “The Glass Floor” for $35. Even his now best-

selling book, Carrie, wasn’t a hit at first. After dozens of rejection, he finally sold it for meager

advance Doubleday Publishing, where the hardback sold only 13,000 copies not great. Soon

after, though, Signet Books signed on for the paperback rights for $400,000, $200,000 of which

went to King.
Shania Twain. Her career actually began more out of necessity than raw ambition. Her

parents divorced when she was two, and she rarely saw her father. Her mother and stepfather, to

whom she grew close, often could not make enough to get by, so Twain started singing in bars to

make extra money when she was just eight years old. She recall her mother waking her up at all

hours to get up and perform. Sadly, when she was 21, her mother and stepfather were killed in a

head-on car accident with a logging truck on a highway. Twain put her career on hold to step in

and take care of her three younger siblings. She sang in resorts and put off going after big time

stardom until her sister and brothers were old enough to care for themselves. Only once her

youngest brother graduated high school did she feel okay heading down to Nashville to pursue

her career.

Emily Blunt. She was getting nominated for Golden Globes and Landing Leading roles

on the stage and big screen, she could barely carry a conversation with her classmates: between

ages seven and fourteen, she had a major stutter. As she told W magazine, “I was a smart kid,

and had a lot to say, but I just couldn’t say it. it would just haunt me. I’d never thought I’d never

be able to sit and talk to someone like I’m talking to you right now.” But that all changed when

one of her junior high teachers encourage her to try out for the for the school play a totally

unappealing feat given the fact that she had such a hard time communicating. But the teacher

kept gently pressing and suggested she tries accents and character voices to help get words out

and it worked. By the end of her teens, Blunt had overcome her stutter and went on to achieve

the successful career she has now.

Oprah Winfrey. She dealt with a lot throughout her public life criticism about her weight,

racism, intrusive questions about her sexuality, just to name a few but she never let it get in the

way of her ambition and drive. When you look at her childhood, her personal triumphs are cast
in an even more remarkable light. Growing up, Oprah was reportedly a victim of sexual abuse

and was repeatedly a victim of a sexual abuse was repeatedly molested by her cousin, an uncle,

and a family friend. Later, she became pregnant and gave birth to a child at age 14, who passed

away just two weeks later. But Oprah persevered, going on to finish high school as an honor

student, earning a full scholarship to college, and working on her way up through the ranks of

television, from local network anchor in Nashville to an international superstar and creator of her

OWN (we couldn’t help ourselves).

Definition of Terms

Life. Is the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through


Experiences. Refers to the nature of events someone or something undergone.

Struggles. Exactly what one needs in their lives.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter includes the research design, research locale, respondent of the study, data gathering

procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The study employs qualitative method of the research to determine the life experiences of Erlo


Research Locale

The study conducted at the Municipality of Coron, located at the Northern tip of Palawan along

Coron Island. Inside the campus of Coron School of Fisheries. Located at the Barangay

Poblacion 1 Coron, Palawan.

Respondent of the study

Mr. Erlo Urate is the respondent of our study.

Research Instrumentation

The main source of gathering of data is questionnaire and through interview. The researcher used

questionnaire knowing the life experiences of Erlo Urate.

We also used cellphone and camera in documentation and computer/laptop for encoding the text

and information we gather.

Data Gathering Procedure

The approval of our subject teacher and officer in charge of Senior High and to our respondent

Erlo Urate.

All gather information will be record, present and analyze interpret descriptively by the




Mr. Erlo Urate is a 41 years old teacher and he was born on November 28, 1977 at

Basiao, Capiz. He presently residence in Coron School of Fisheries compound at Barangay

Poblacion I Coron, Palawan. He is a Roman Catholic that live according on how his parents

raised him. His wife named Mrs. Jennielyn R. Urate and they are married for about a years, he

has only one daughter named Kaye Nicole Urate by this grace it’s serve as a blessing both for the

parents of her. His parents Mr. Ernesto Urate and Mrs. Lolita Urate were the one who gave his

life in the unautaumn situation. As the days goes by he grew in full of possibilities. On his

elementary days he knew that he has a potential in terms of academic matters, he was the

valedictorian in the Bonifacio Elementary School and at this time he preceding to be a wiser as

he wanted to be. In the high school days there’s an unexpected thing that happen to him there’s a

time that he tried to do some stuffs that was not appropriate in the way he live, he was able to

cutting classes and not making his paper works. As he studied as a high school student in Ivisan

National High school he gradually accomplished his task that was given. On his tertiary days he

took Bachelor of Science Major in Marine Fisheries at Mindoro College Agricultural

Technology though that he is not in the state of being a well situation or having a nice standard

of living this thing not cause as a hindrance to pursue his life career. He also got a title of being

an honor student. His life experiences as a teacher was not in the place from where people used
to live but instead people need to accomplish even one thing that turn their ways into better. Also

you have to encourage those people whose losing hope to be able to live with full of courage.


Mr. Erlo Urate a one of the prosperous teacher in the town of Coron is having a lot of

subjective matters. The most unforgettable experience in his life was when he early deciding to

have a family. Although that he engaged at a young age in having a family he didn’t top studying

until he succeeds. The biggest achievement that happened in his life was the time that he got a

nice profession and to be graduated so that he were able to have his own family. Along his way

he faced his problems through the assistance of his parents you should be open to your family to

talk about things that really matters most. In terms of your friends the more you have it the more

advice and help will you get. Especially our only God, the one who made a perfect structure.

During his elementary days, high school days, and tertiary days the struggles that he encountered

was the lack of financial. While on his working days a lot of students are in a state of lacking of

the attention by someone so they do a unnecessary things. But in all those difficulties he’d never

losing hope because he believed that while you still having life a lot of chances are be in and all

those problems has a solution. The one who inspired him to continue life is his family and

parents whose always there to support him,. The secret of being a successful person is you

should be a well-being and a hard working. That’s how he access his life in his life experiences.

Mr. Erlo Urate a 41 years old teacher that live with his family in Coron, Palawan tries

to get the highest impact of his life experiences. As the days goes by he grew in full of

possibilities. On his elementary days he knew that he has a potential in terms of academic

matters, he was the valedictorian in the Bonifacio Elementary School and at this time he

preceding to be a wiser as he wanted to be. In the high school days there’s an unexpected thing

that happened there’s a time that he tried to do some stuffs that was not appropriate in the way he

live, he was able to cutting classes and not making his paper works. Along his way he faced his

problems through the assistance of his parents you should be open to your family to talk about

things that really matters most. In terms of your friends the more you have it the more advice and

help will you get. Especially our only God, the one who made a perfect structure. During his

elementary days, high school days, and tertiary days the struggles that he encountered was the

lack of financial. While on his working days a lot of students are in a state of lacking of the

attention by someone so they do a unnecessary things. But in all those difficulties he’d never

losing hope because he believed that while you still having life a lot of chances are be in and all

those problems has a solution.



Summary of Findings

Mr. Erlo Urate’s unforgettable experience in life was the time that she engaged in

having a family at a young age and the biggest achievement that happened in his life was holding

his own profession together with his family. He faced his problems by the help of his family and

some people that he lean on and a lot of struggles that he encountered during his life journey. But

he’d never losing hope in all those difficulties instead he find some inspirations to inspired

himself in order to succeed. The thing that he will give to those persons who want to be

successful in life are they need to be strong, be patience, and be kind.


After the interview we came onto conclusion that Mr. Erlo Urate is responsible, kind,

strong, and have a positive mind. He can handle his problem easily because he easily look for a

solution. Even though Mr. Erlo Urate got married when he was still studying this thing didn’t

cause as a hindrance to pursue his life career. He is so because despite of all of his struggles and

difficulties he is not giving up because he knows that we have God who will guide and help us to

overcome all of those challenges.


1.) His life experiences will serve as an inspiration to those people who wanted to be a teacher


2.) His determination in life will help every person to be strong to every struggle that they might


3.) Poverty is not a reason to lose hope and give up your dreams.
The Life
Experiences of
Erlo Urate; A
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