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āyāpur |
Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir
The Magazine


The International Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness

Founder-Ācārya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

.....this plot of land known as Bhāratavarṣa, India, is the
most sacred place within this universe. And of the whole land

Bhāratavarṣa, in Bengal, it is very sacred. And the whole of

Bengal, Nadia is very sacred. And in the whole Nadia, this

part is very sacred, Māyāpura Candrodaya Temple.

Lecture on CC Ādi-līlā 1.15 -- Māyāpur, April 8, 1975












52 MĀYĀP U R 82 PR A S Ā D A M


5 5
The Magazine of
Naru Gopāl dāsa

Project Manager
Binoy Gouranga dāsa Hare Kṛṣṇa!
On behalf of ISKCON Māyāpur, we would like to welcome you to the Śrī Māyāpur
Vrindāvani devī dāsī Candrodaya Mandir, whether you are present here physically or through your
remembrance. We hope that all devotees of ISKCON and anyone who desires
Design & Layout to visit Māyāpur feels welcome and at home here in the headquarters of the
Śrī-hari Kānta dāsa International Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness.

Managerial Assistants In his purport to Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.24, Śrīla Prabhupāda states:

Anaṅga-gopī devī dāsī,
Bhaktivinodānuga dāsa, “The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement has established its center in Māyāpur, the
Narahari Gaura-bhakta dāsa birth site of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, to give men the great opportunity
Photographers to go there and perform a constant festival of saṅkīrtana-yajña.”
Jagannātha Kirtan dāsa,
Ārādhya Gaurāṅga dāsa, In a conversation in Detroit in 1976, Śrīla Prabhupāda said, “My idea is to
Nrisimha dāsa, Narahari attract people of the whole world to Māyāpur.”
Gaura-bhakta dāsa,, Sudāmā dāsa, Māyāpur is meant for everyone, and it was Śrīla Prabhupāda’s great desire that
TOVP everyone take advantage of the opportunity to visit this holiest of holy dhāmas.
Here, the mercy of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His saṅkīrtana movement is
Thanks to the departments especially accessible.
of ISKCON Māyāpur for their
input in and assistance with
this magazine, and for their Śrīla Prabhupāda stated that Māyāpur was his place of worship. What does
ongoing and dedicated efforts this mean? Śrīla Prabhupāda explained further by stating that Māyāpur is
in making Śrīla Prabhupāda’s specifically meant for the worship of Lord Caitanya. What is the best way to
vision for ISKCON Māyāpur a worship Lord Caitanya? The best way to worship Lord Caitanya is to spread His
reality. mercy throughout the world by taking part in His saṅkīrtana movement and
thus respiritualizing society at large and providing true happiness for suffering
Copyright 2018 © ISKCON humanity. Māyāpur is the heart of this movement, and it is from Māyāpur that
Sri Mayapur the flood of mercy is spreading throughout the world.
All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be
reproduced, distributed, All who visit Māyāpur receive the opportunity to enter Lord Caitanya’s
or transmitted in any form transcendental abode, associate with His devotees and render devotional
or by any means, including service. In other words Śrīla Prabhupāda has given us an opportunity to
photocopying, recording, or become freshly enlivened and invigorated in spiritual practice, and to gain the
other electronic or mechanical mercy of Lord Caitanya and thus to gain the ability to share that mercy with
methods, without the prior others.
written permission of the
publisher, except in the case
The resident devotees of Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir are continually
of brief quotations embodied
in critical reviews and certain inspired to assist Śrīla Prabhupāda in his worship of Lord Śrī Caitanya
other noncommercial uses Mahāprabhu in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur and are honored to also assist all ISKCON
permitted by copyright law. devotees in their service to Lord Caitanya’s transcendental abode. We hope
For permission requests, write you will also be inspired to visit Śrīla Prabhupāda’s place of worship, Śrīdhāma
to the publisher, addressed Māyāpur. No matter where you reside in the world, it is also your home.
“Attention: Permissions Welcome!
Coordinator,” at the address

ISKCON,ISODYAN Your servant,

DIST: NADIA 741313,
Subheksana Dasa
Subhekṣaṇa Dāsa
mayapurcommunication@ Gaura-pūrṇimā Festival coordinator, on behalf of ISKCON Māyāpur’s Administrative Council (MAC)

"When I am not present any more, please take care to serve Śrī Māyāpur Dhāma
which is so dear to you. This is my special instruction to you."

Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, Letter to Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura - 1910

“It appears that things are progressing at a good rate,
and if you are determined enough to make a very
perfect scheme there in Māyāpur, Kṛṣṇa will give you all
encouragement to make all necessary arrangements.”
– Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Tamāla Kṛṣṇa, Jayapatāka -- Sydney 2 April, 1972

S rī Māyāpur
Articulating Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Vision
(Based on the writings, spoken comments and instructions of Śrīla Prabhupāda)


These vision statements have been developed based on Śrīla Prabhupāda’s direct statements about
developing Śrī Māyāpur. For each of the statements a compilation of supporting quotes is available
at or by writing to
Śrīla Prabhupāda’s vision and instructions inspire and guide ISKCON Śrī Māyāpur to strive to fulfil
the transcendental desires of His Divine Grace and the previous ācāryas, establishing a spiritual city
where the following are essential and prominent.


Both residents and people from all Abundant, pure and delicious The Temple of the Vedic
over the world come together to en- prasādam is distributed daily Planetarium (TOVP) demonstrates
gage in a festival of harināma saṅkīr- without discrimination to all. Śrīla the Vedic alternative to modern
tana-yajña and hear, chant and dance Prabhupāda said, “No one within a atheistic science and cosmology. A
to the constant sound of the Hare ten-mile radius of any temple should variety of scientific presentations on
Kṛṣṇa maha-mantra and kṛṣṇa-kathā, go hungry.” spiritual life display the harmony of
thus forgetting their bodily conscious- science and spirituality, transcending
ness and experiencing the joy of lov- 3. TEMPLE WORSHIP all sectarian boundaries, thus
ing devotional service. inspiring all who visit to engage in the
The Deities of the Lord are gorgeously eternal service of Lord Caitanya.
worshiped with exemplary love
and devotion, and glorified through
numerous varieties of vibrant

The cows and bulls are kept happy,
protected, worshiped and fully
engaged, setting a standard for cow
protection all over the world.

Local organic agriculture, cottage
and small-scale industries provide
the basic needs of the resident
community with environmentally
sustainable and healthy products
enabling and promoting a self-reliant
internal economy.

A thriving international community,
whose central goal is devotional
service in harmony with a progressive
but simple material life, demonstrates
the spiritual culture, social, and
economic life of an ideal Vaiṣṇava
society, guided by daiva-varṇāśrama
principles and the Vedic tenets of
“simple living and high thinking.”
Exemplary social support systems
result in a community of happy,
healthy devotees.

The highest level of spiritual and
practical education is imparted through
a variety of Vedic-inspired facilities
at all levels from early childhood
to adult education. This will
enable people of all ages, genders,
nationalities and socio-economic
status to be trained in devotional
service, develop exemplary
character, and acquire the practical
skills required to live a productive
and spiritually centered life.


The architecture, fine craftsmanship,

ample parks and flower gardens, and
impeccable cleanliness, beautifully
reflect the philosophy, art, principles
and glory of Vedic Vaiṣṇava culture,
thus creating a favorable environment
for spiritual advancement. The
physical environment, pastime sites,
and sacred ambience of the dhāma
are respected and protected with
great care and attention.


The topmost priority is preaching,
book distribution, teaching, and
spreading the mission of Lord Caitanya
within the campus, from village to
village and country to country in both
traditional and innovative ways to all
classes of people.


A dynamic world headquarters for
ISKCON supports the propagation of the
teachings of Lord Caitanya all around
the globe. All ISKCON devotees are
encouraged to visit Śrī Māyāpur on
a regular basis and become spiritually

Pilgrims, guests and devotees, from
both nearby and far corners of the
world, experience spiritual upliftment
while being received, accommodated,
honored, cared for, and given an
opportunity to learn about and
engage in devotional service.


Devotees care for and work
cooperatively with the broader
community of the Māyāpur region for
their spiritual and material wellbeing.


T he m issio n o fISKCON Ś rī M āyāp ur is to be a cen ter

of sp irit ual c elebratio n , ed u cat io n , cultur e , an d
c o m m un ity .
G uid ed by the teachin g s o f Ś rī   C ai tan ya
as giv en by Ś rīla  P r abhu p āda , ISKCON Ś rī M āyāp ur
will p ro pagate the sacred g if t o f K ṛṣṇ a co n scio usn ess
f o r t he benefi t o f the wor ld .

This magazine is dedicated to ISKCON’s Founder-Ācārya, His Divine Grace Śrīla A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swāmī Prabhupāda. He established ISKCON’s center in Māyāpur
in the birthplace of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu in order “to give men the great
opportunity to go there and perform a constant festival of saṅkīrtana-yajña”
and thus fulfill the predictions of the previous Vaiṣṇava ācāryas and create a
headquarters from which the flood of love of Godhead would spread all over the

Śrīla Prabhupāda stated that ISKCON’s headquarters in Māyāpur is his place

of worship. What does this mean? It is true that the Deity forms the Lord has
manifested in the Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir are worshiped most opulently
through saṅkīrtana-yajña. ISKCON Māyāpur is Śrīla Prabhupāda’s place of worship
because it is the headquarters of Lord Caitanya’s saṅkīrtana movement. In this age
of Kali, spreading and participating in this saṅkīrtana movement is the best method
of worship. And it can be done in an unlimited variety of ways!

In this magazine, we will describe for your pleasure some of the many ways that
the resident devotees of Śrīdhāma Māyāpur are inspired to worship Śrī Caitanya
Mahāprabhu. In so doing, we hope to inspire whoever reads this to continue and
increase their own service and their own worship of Lord Caitanya and Śrīla

None of the service performed by the devotees of ISKCON Māyāpur would be

possible without the support and blessings of all of you – our leaders, well-wishers,
visitors, donors, and fellow servants of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s movement. Thank you!
Don’t forget that Māyāpur is your home. Please continue to visit and participate!

S rīla Prabhupāda’s Place of Worship

“Māyāpur,” Prabhupāda
said, “is where I worship
the Supreme Personality of
(Śrīla Prabhupāda-līlāmṛta, Vol. 5, by Satsvarūpa dāsa Goswāmī)

“Now you make Māyāpur into
a gorgeous palace for Rādhā
and Kṛṣṇa, and I shall come
there immediately and sit
down there permanently to
stay by them.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda,Letter to Pālikā)

“Vṛndāvana is for residence,

Bombay is office for
organization, and Māyāpur
is for worship of the
Supreme Lord Caitanya
(Śrīla Prabhupāda,Letter to Gurukṛpā – 18 May 1977,Vṛndāvana)

“(Śrīla Prabhupāda) and

his devotees would worship
the Supreme Lord there in
such a magnificent style
that the whole world would
be attracted to Prabh-
upāda’s place of worship,
the Māyāpur Chandrodaya
(Śrīla Prabhupāda-līlāmṛta, Vol. 5, by Satsvarūpa dāsa Goswāmī)



Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir at a





S ri Mayapur Candrodaya
M a n d i r at a Glance




“ T he Land is


had sat. moths and other insects hovered

around the bare bulb overhead.
But now he was alone. A lizard patrolled the ceiling,
Although usually he retired at ten, occasionally darting forward near
rising three or four hours later to the light to capture an insect.
translate, tonight he had not rested,
and his Bhāgavatam lay closed, his Why were Tamāla Kṛṣṇa
dictating machine covered. and Bali-mardana taking so long? It
Excerpt from Śrīla Prabhupā-
had been more than just a wait of six
da-līlāmṛta by Satsvarūpa dāsa He had sent two of his days; he had been trying to obtain
Goswāmī, Vol. 5: Let There be a disciples, Tamāla Kṛṣṇa and Bali- land in Māyāpur for years. And
Temple: India/Around the World mardana, to purchase land in this time the prospects had been
1971-1975, Chapter 37 Māyāpur. Six days had passed, excellent. He had clearly instructed
however, and still they had neither Tamāla Kṛṣṇa and Bali-mardana,
returned nor sent word. He had told and by now they should have
them not to return until they had returned. The delay could mean a
Calcutta completed the transaction, but six complication, or even danger.
March 1971 days was more than enough time. He
was anxious, thinking constantly of The land they were
It was midnight. Śrīla his two disciples. trying for was a nine-bīgha plot
Prabhupāda sat on a pillow behind on Bhaktisiddhānta Road,
his low desk, his light the only one on A breeze arrived, carrying less than a mile from the birthsite
in the building. All the other devotees the fragrance of nīm trees through of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
were in bed. On the desk before him the open window. The night was The Sek brothers, Muslim farmers
rested the dictating machine and becoming cool, and Prabhupāda wore who owned the plot, had been
a volume of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam a light cādar around his shoulders. asking a high price. Only recently
with Bengali commentary. A small Absorbed in thought, leaning against had a Calcutta lawyer familiar
framed picture of his spiritual the white bolster pillow, he paid with Navadvīpa been able to
master, Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī, little attention to the familiar sights seriously negotiate a fair price.
sat between two small vases of roses in his room. A clay jug with drinking The Sek brothers had settled for
and asters. On the floor beyond the water sat beside him, and a potted 14,500 rupees, and Prabhupāda had
desk was the broad mat covered with tulasī plant sat upon a small wooden authorized withdrawal of the funds
white cotton fabric, where a few pedestal. The electricity, off most of from his bank in Krishnanagar. Thus
hours before, devotees and guests the day and night, was now on, and Tamāla Kṛṣṇa and Bali-mardana had

The Land is Yours!
left for Māyāpur, while Prabhupāda and pastimes of Lord Caitanya, of the Ganges a magnificent temple
had remained in Calcutta, carrying especially after meeting his spiritual would arise, proclaiming to the world
on with his affairs but thinking often master in Calcutta in 1922.
of the activities of his disciples in
Māyāpur. Their mission was very Lord Caitanya had spent His
important to him, and he kept them first twenty-four years in Māyāpur
in his mind, personally blessing them and Navadvīpa. Yet since His mani-
with his concern. fest pastimes there almost five hun-
dred years ago, the places of those
Prabhupāda wanted an ISK- pastimes had been obscured, the

the glories of Lord Caitanya.

Sarasvatī, carrying out the desires of
his father and preceptor, Bhaktivino-
da Ṭhākura, had formed the Gaudiya
Math for propagating the teachings
of Lord Caitanya and the glories of
Navadvīpa-dhāma. He had induced a
wealthy disciple to spend his fortune
for erecting a temple at Lord Caitan-
ya’s birth site in Māyāpur, and he had
constructed a kīrtana hall commem-
orating the place of Lord Caitanya’s
kīrtanas. He had also constructed his
own residence in Māyāpur. He had
CON center in Māyāpur; it was a desire Lord’s birthsite lost, and His teachings built temples throughout India – six-
that had increased within him as his confused and misused. Despite the ty-four in all – but because he wanted
movement had increased throughout disciplic line of pure devotees from
the years. He could easily visit or live Lord Caitanya, not until the advent of
in Māyāpur; that was no problem. But Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, the father of
he needed a place for his disciples. Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī, did Lord Prabhupāda wanted
His spiritual master had ordered him Caitanya’s saṅkīrtana movement
to preach in the West; and now with and pure teachings begin to emerge. an ISKCON center
the success of his Kṛṣṇa conscious- Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura published in Māyāpur; it was
ness society, the Western Vaiṣṇavas many books and preached to reestab- a desire that had
required a center in Māyāpur where lish the intellectual, moral, and spiri-
they could reside and worship and re- tual integrity of Caitanya Vaiṣṇavism. increased within him
ceive the immense benefit of the holy He researched and explored the land as his movement had
dhāma. Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī of Navadvīpa, ascertaining the ex- increased throughout
had stressed the great importance act birthsite of the Lord. Citing Vedic
of Māyāpur, and some of his sanny- evidence, he established that many the years.
āsī disciples had temples there. Why previous incarnations of Viṣṇu had
shouldn’t the International Society enacted pastimes in Navadvīpa.
for Krishna Consciousness also be
able to take shelter of Māyāpur? Not only did Bhaktivinoda the English-speaking world especial-
Ṭhākura document Navadvīpa’s past ly to take to Lord Caitanya’s move-
Since birth, Prabhupāda had glory, but he also foresaw its glorious ment, he had emphasized as first pri-
been aware of the significance of Lord future, when a religion based on the ority the publishing and distributing
Caitanya and His dhāma, Śrī Māyāpur. teachings of Lord Caitanya would of Kṛṣṇa conscious literature.
He had grown up in Calcutta, where emerge and spread throughout
everyone knew of Lord Caitanya, the world, and when European Śrīla Prabhupāda, sitting
and because his father, Gour Mohan and American Vaiṣṇavas would in his room in the Calcutta temple,
De, had been a pure devotee of Lord throng to Navadvīpa to join their shared the great vision of Bhaktisid-
Caitanya, from childhood he had sung Bengali brothers in chanting “Jaya dhānta Sarasvatī and Bhaktivinoda
the Bengali songs of Gaura-Nitāi and Śacīnandana!” The time would come, Ṭhākura. Yet to enact this great vision
Their pastimes in the land of Gauḍa. Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura wrote, when he had to take practical steps, and he
He had imbibed deeply the teachings in the land of Navadvīpa on the plain was content to take them in the most

The Land is Yours!
humble way. A devotee should not had been absorbed in his plans for Tamāla Kṛṣṇa looked up tri-
simply daydream, expecting Kṛṣṇa spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness umphantly. “The land is yours!”
to accomplish everything with “mira- and fulfilling the dream of the past
cles.” ācāryas. Now he was anxious to Prabhupāda leaned back
complete the next step, and for this with a sigh. “All right,” he said. “Now
Prabhupāda, however, was he was waiting up past midnight, you can take rest.”
not dreaming idly. Working for years meditating on his two disciples and
alone in India, he had held his plan of their important mission.
going to the West, and Kṛṣṇa had at
last fulfilled that desire. In America, As Prabhupāda sat, rapt
in whatever circumstances and in thought, the only sounds were
with whatever small facility Kṛṣṇa the usual sounds of the night: mice
had provided, he had preached. within the walls, a brahmacārī
And slowly, step by step, he had met snoring on the veranda, and in
with success, realizing his vision the distance the night watchman
of a worldwide society of devotees. making his rounds, his stick striking
Always he had kept his greater vision the street. There were no cars, and
in mind, as every step forward had only an occasional wooden ricksha
given him deeper satisfaction and clattered along the potholed street.
had brought him closer to fulfilling
his mission. Prabhupāda wondered if
perhaps his boys had been robbed.
Before sending them off, he had
shown Tamāla Kṛṣṇa how to carry
money around his waist in a make-
shift cloth money belt. But it had
been a great deal of money, and rob-
beries were not uncommon around
Navadvīpa. Or perhaps there had
been some other delay. Sometimes
in land negotiations involving large
sums of money, the court would re-
quire that a clerk record the denom- Prabhupāda
ination and serial number of every wondered if perhaps
Prabhupāda sometimes note exchanged. Or perhaps the
told the story of a poor potter who train had broken down.
his boys had been
dreamed of expanding his business robbed. Before send-
and becoming fabulously rich. As the Suddenly Prabhupāda ing them off, he had
potter slept one night, he dreamed heard footsteps on the stairs. Some-
of how much land and how many one opened the outer door and now
shown Tamāla Kṛṣṇa
houses he would have and of how he walked along the veranda just out- how to carry money
would have a beautiful wife. When side. A soft knock. around his waist in a
the potter considered that perhaps
the wife would quarrel with him, he “Yes, who is it?” Prabhupā-
makeshift cloth mon-
became angry and said, “If my wife da asked. Tamāla Kṛṣṇa entered and ey belt.
fights with me, I will kick her!” And prostrated himself before Śrīla Pra-
kicking, he broke the only two pots in bhupāda.
his stock and was reduced to nothing.
“So,” Prabhupāda asked,
Whether chanting or writing “what is your news?”
or reading or preaching, Prabhupāda

The Temple of the
Vedic Planetarium
“Now you all together make this Vedic
planetarium very nice, so that people
will come and see. From the descrip-
tion of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, you
prepare this Vedic planetarium. My
idea is to attract people of the whole
world to Māyāpur.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda – 15 June 1976,

From the very beginning,

when the Māyāpur Project was only a
small plot of land with a single straw
hut, Śrīla Prabhupāda had a clear
vision for Māyāpur. He wanted dev-
otees from all over of the world to
move there and live simply accord-
ing to the principles laid down in
the Vedic literatures. He envisioned
not only an astonishing temple that
would attract and inspire millions of
visitors, but a city dedicated to spiri-
tual education, culture, and commu-
nity; a perpetual festival of devotion
to Lord Kṛṣṇa. Māyāpur is thus one of
his greatest legacies and a shelter for
all ISKCON devotees.

“I have named this temple Śrī Māyāpur

Candrodaya Mandir, the Rising Moon
of Māyāpur. Now make it rise, bigger
and bigger until it becomes the full
moon. And this moonshine will be
spread all over the world. All over In-
dia they will come to see. From all over
the world they will come.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Rāmeś-
vara, – 25 October 1974)

“Practically this in-

stitution is the real
U.N. We have the
co-operation from all
nations, all religions,
all communities, etc.

The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium

Śrīla Prabhupāda envisioned a majestic and unique temple that would

attract the whole world to Māyāpur. Now it is finally becoming

Śrīla Prabhupāda named entire universe to be within the main “It was the desire of Śrīla Bhaktivino-
the Māyāpur Temple complex ‘Śrī temple room. This grand chandelier da Ṭhākura that Europeans and Amer-
Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir - at the heart of the temple will inspire icans would come here (Māyāpur) and
Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.’ appreciation of the Lord as the ulti- chant Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. That proph-
Māyāpur Candrodaya indicates the mate reality, the origin of all creation ecy is now being fulfilled, and that is
rising moon of Lord Caitanya’s mer- in all His grandeur, Who at the same my satisfaction.
cy, which will spread out to flood the time appears before us directly and
whole world. Today, Māyāpur is home intimately in His Deity form. “Go on cooperating in this way, and
to a growing community of thousands I am sure this mission of Caitanya
of devotees from all over the world, Now that the superstructure Mahāprabhu will be successful. It
and is visited by millions of pilgrims is complete and the kalaśa and cakras must be successful, because Śrī Caitan-
annually. have been installed, the focus has ya Mahāprabhu wanted it to be done.
moved to both internal and external Simply we, the workers, the servitors,
“Practically this institution is the real decorative work. The beauty of the must be very sincere. Then Caitanya
U.N. We have the co-operation from all temple is gradually being revealed – Mahāprabhu will give us more and
nations, all religions, all communities, the columns, marble walls and sand- more facilities so that we can work
etc. It will be an international institute. stone windows around the exterior, very well. So keep this mission always
To see the planetarium and how things the imposing facades of the chatris, as in view and do your best. That is my
are universally situated has nothing to well as the bright blue and gold of the only request.”
do with sectarian ideas. It is a scientific domes can be seen. Work continues
presentation of spiritual life.” at full speed inside as well, both on (Śrīla Prabhupāda, Arrival Lecture –
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Jayapatā- artistic and decorative features and 27 September 1974, Māyāpur)
ka – 26 June 1976) on other aspects like the electric and
acoustic systems. All is on schedule
The mission of the Temple of to move the Deities into Their new
the Vedic Planetarium, as set out by home in 2022, the fiftieth anniversary
Śrīla Prabhupāda, is to unite people of ISKCON Māyāpur.
from all nations, religions and com-
munities through a unique and sci- “We are making a very gorgeous plan
entific exposition showcasing Vedic at Māyāpur and if you altogether can
culture, philosophy, and spiritual life. give shape to this plan, it will be unique
There will be 84,000 sq. ft. of museums if not in the whole world then at least
and exhibits, featuring cutting-edge in all of India… This temple should be
technologies like projection mapping, subscribed by money raised all over
virtual reality, and holograms. the world.”

“We shall show the Vedic conception of (Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Tamāla
planetary system within this material Kṛṣṇa and Gurudāsa – 23 August 1971)
world and above the material world…
We are going to exhibit the Vedic cul- The response and generosity
ture throughout the whole world, and of the global devotee community has
they’ll come here. It will be a unique been overwhelming – your heartfelt
thing in the world.” (Śrīla Prabhupāda donations and blessings are proof
– 27 February 1976, Māyāpur) of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s statement that
our love for him is shown by our co-
The new temple is the largest operation. But although so much of
Vedic temple built in the last thou- the TOVP has been completed, there
sand years, and is the only project to is still much to be done in order
combine both a temple and a plane- to complete the temple. So please
tarium. In many traditional temples, continue to offer support in whatever
the Deities are kept in a small, seclud- ways you can, according to your
ed sanctum far removed from the means, in fulfilling Lord Caitanya’s
world. However in the TOVP, Śrīla mission.
Prabhupāda wanted a model of the

The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium

Brief Timeline of the

Temple of the Vedic Planetarium
“Within our movement,” Śrīla
Prabhupāda told his secretary
Brahmānanda Swami,
“Māyāpur temple is the first.”

The first land for the Śrī Māyāpur

Candrodaya Mandir was purchased
in 1971, after Prabhupāda had been
trying for a few years to obtain land.

Eager to inaugurate his grand plans

for the Māyāpur Temple of the Vedic
Planetarium, Śrīla Prabhupāda laid
the cornerstone one year later in
1972 during the first annual Māyāpur
Gaura-pūrṇimā festival.

On September 21st, 2009, the first

work on the future temple site began. The ToVP will be the largest Vedic temple built in the last thousand years.
Srila Prabhupada is the original ToVP architect. In letters and conversations,
On March 19th, 2010, the first pile was he clearly outlined its key features. In July 1976 he expressed his preference
sunk to begin construction work of for the outer design of the temple.
the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

In 2022, the Temple of the Vedic

Planetarium will – only by the
concerted effort and contribution of
all ISKCON devotees – be inaugurated,
thus realizing the desire and vision of
Śrīla Prabhupāda and the previous

Sridhama Mayapur
Confluence of the Ganga & Jalangi Rivers

In 1972, it was hard to imag- among the most senior pūjārīs in
ine that the Deities of Māyāpur would ISKCON. Śrīla Prabhupāda
be served in the grand style in which spoke about housing
They are now worshipped. When the The Deities of Śrī Māyāpur
Rādhā-Mādhava in a
Māyāpur project was just beginning, Candrodaya Mandir are worshipped
the original Rādhā-Mādhava Deities on the altar by approximately 60 marble palace and
were housed in a simple thatched hut pūjārīs. They receive eight bhoga of- offering Them the most
and worshipped by only one pūjārī. ferings a day, which are cooked by elaborate worship.
Yet, Śrīla Prabhupāda spoke about at least 10 devotees and on festivals
housing Rādhā-Mādhava in a marble days by 40 devotees or more. Approx-
palace and offering Them the most imately 35 devotees are engaged in
devotees, who work year-round to
elaborate worship. Śrīla Prabhupā- caring for the Deities’ paraphernalia
create the Lord’s beautiful clothing.
da assured the devotees that since rooms and paraphernalia. Daily, 100
Mādhava is the husband of the God- garlands are strung by more than 30
Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Mādhava and
dess of fortune, all facility would be devotees to be offered to the Deities.
Their Aṣṭa-sakhīs, Śrī Śrī Pañca-tattva,
provided. They must simply contin- The flowers offered to the Deities are
and Śrī Śrī Prahlāda Nṛsiṁhadeva are
ue to serve Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Mādhava grown in two expansive flower gar-
the proprietors of ISKCON Māyāpur,
with love and devotion, and Mādhava dens on the ISKCON campus. Even
and all who reside there are Their
would take care of everything. the opulent outfits offered to the De-
ities are made by a team of 28 local
Today, the Deities of Māyāpur

are worshipped with the opulence of
kings and queens, and the Deity De-
partment is so large that it is split into
seven subdivisions, each of which
is responsible for a different aspect Worship in
of Their worship. Overseeing all of
these aspects are His Grace Jananivā-
sa dāsa and His Grace Paṅkajāṅghri
Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir
dāsa, who have been the pūjārīs of
Māyāpur since the beginning and are

Deity Worship in Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir

They are the center of the

Māyāpur community, and all resi-
dents of ISKCON Māyāpur engage in
Their service in one way or another
– and as Śrīdhāma Māyāpur is the
World Headquarters of ISKCON, the
Lords of Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya
Mandir have a special relationship
with ISKCON devotees from all over
the world. Many thousands of dev-
otees take darśana of the Deities
in Māyāpur every year, and many
more take darśana regularly through
Māyāpur TV.

They are the center

of the Māyāpur community,
and all residents of ISKCON
Māyāpur engage in Their
service in one way or

Deity Worship in Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir

S rīla Prabhupāda’s

The Puṣpa-samādhi Mandir of Śrīla Extensive gardens, beautifully and an attraction for visitors to
Prabhupāda was first envisioned maintained, surround the Puṣpa- ISKCON Māyāpur. Annually, the
as a residence for His Divine Grace, samādhi Mandir. The outside walls Puṣpa-samādhi Mandir is visited by
although the building did not manifest of the samādhi are decorated with approximately seven million people.
until after Śrīla Prabhupāda departed terra-cotta reliefs featuring the nine Those who visit the samādhi receive
from this world. It was built upon processes of devotional service, and the opportunity to offer flowers to
the spot which Śrīla Prabhupāda inside and upstairs is a museum of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s lotus feet, chant
had selected for his residence as a large diorama displays which depict his praṇāma mantra and the Hare
memorial and shrine. Flowers which the life of Śrīla Prabhupāda. Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, and view the
adorned His Divine Grace’s body various displays. A team of four
were placed in the ground at the site Within the main hall of the samādhi a devotees preach to visitors after they
of the samādhi before construction on large brass mūrti of Śrīla Prabhupāda exit the samādhi.
the memorial began in 1980. is seated upon a marble throne, and
on the domed ceiling of the hall is an Forty-two devotees serve at the
The tall, majestic marble dome of the array of beautiful mosaics featuring Puṣpa-samādhi Mandir, serving Śrīla
Puṣpa-samādhi Mandir decorates some of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s major Prabhupāda as pūjārīs, cooks, and
the skyline of Māyāpur and shines achievements. museum guides, as well as by cleaning
beautifully in the golden rays of and maintaining the samādhi and
the sun at sunrise and sunset. The The magnificence and beauty of the gardens, preaching, and distributing
magnificent edifice stands 200 feet Puṣpa-samādhi Mandir is a fitting books and prasādam.
high, and its dome spans 120 feet. tribute to ISKCON’s Founder-Ācārya,

Deity Worship in Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir

Puṣpa-samādhi Mandir

edifice stands
200 feet high,
and its dome
spans 120 feet.

Deity Worship in Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir

r ī l a residence of Śrīla Prabhupāda when
he was in Māyāpur between 1972 and
1976. Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi, who still
Nonstop harināma
saṅkīrtana has been
preside over the Bhajana Kutir, were going on here, 24 hours
Bhajana Kutir established in the Bhajana Kutir by a day, since the Gaura-
Śrīla Prabhupāda and later traveled pūrṇimā festival in 1990.
Just inside the main gate of ISKCON all over India on pāda-yātrā between
Māyāpur, to the left, is the straw hut 1984 and 1986. Nonstop harināma
which is Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Bhajana saṅkīrtana has been going on here, 24 “Prabhupāda’s dwelling was a
Kutir. The hut is dwarfed by the hours a day, since the Gaura-pūrṇimā simple thatched Bengali hut about
Temple of the Vedic Planetarium festival in 1990. Approximately twelve feet square, with a dirt floor.
which is rising beside it, but although 23 devotees serve in the 24-hour A thin partition divided the main
it is small in size, the Bhajana Kutir is kīrtana, and five pūjārīs worship and room from the servants’ quarters.
an integral part of ISKCON Māyāpur’s care for Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi and Śrīla In front was a small veranda, and
history. Prabhupāda. in back a garden, where Prabhupā-
da could sit and take massage. Also
The hut was the first building in in back were a hand pump for bath-
ISKCON Māyāpur, and was the ing and an outhouse. When the dev-
otees apologized for offering Pra-
bhupāda such a humble residence,
he replied that he liked the natural
simplicity. ‘Even if you build me
the biggest palace,’ he said, ‘still I
would prefer to live here.’”

(Śrīla Prabhupāda-līlāmṛta, Vol. 5, by

Satsvarūpa dāsa Goswāmī)

Deity Worship in Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir

S rīla
P r a b h u pā d a ’ s
Q uarters in the
L otus B uilding
On the second floor of the Lotus
Building are two rooms (currently
Room 201) that were used by Śrīla
Prabhupāda as his personal quarters
between 1976 and 1977. These
rooms are kept as they were when
His Divine Grace was present. The
first room was Śrīla Prabhupāda’s
darśana room, and there a mūrti of
Śrīla Prabhupāda is now present
along with a display of his personal
belongings and books. In the second
room are Śrīla Prabhupāda’s personal
Deity of Śrī Māyāpur-candra and the
imprint of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s lotus

S rī J ag a n n āt h a M a n d i r in

Just a few kilometers away from the place where Lord Gaurāṅga appeared, situated on the
Rā jāpur

top of a hill in Sīmantadvīpa, is the village of Rājāpur. Within that lovely rural area one can
find the charming temple of Lord Jagannātha, which is now managed by ISKCON.

Whoever visits Śrī Navadvīpa must take darśana of Lord Jagannātha. It is stated in the
śāstras that Śrī Kṣetra, or Jagannātha Purī, is eternally manifest in this holy place and that
all benefits one can attain by visiting Jagannātha Purī may be achieved by visiting the Śrī
Jagannātha Mandir in Rājāpur.
(Excerpted from The Pastimes and History of Lord Jagannatha in Rajapur, by Paṅkajāṅghri dāsa)

The Deities of Śrī Śrī Jagannātha, Baladeva, and Subhadrā-devī who preside over the Rājāpur Jagannātha
Mandir came into the care of ISKCON in 1979, after Their previous caretaker, Śrī Phatik Chandra Chatterjee,
was inspired by Lord Jagannātha Himself to hand over the Lord’s service and worship to the devotees of
ISKCON. In 1986, the current temple was constructed.

The Deities of Śrī Śrī Jagannātha, Baladeva, and Subhadrā-devī in Their current forms have been present
in Rājāpur since the time of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, when They appeared to a devotee named Jagadīśa

Deity Worship in Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir

A lso present in the Śrī

Jagannātha Mandir compound
is the mandir of Lord Śiva, who
is the protector of the holy
dhāma; the memorial samādhi
of Jayānanda Ṭhākura; and
the temple of Śrī Gaurāṅga
Mahāprabhu and Śrī Sīmantini-
devī. Extensive gardens surround
the compound, where many
varieties of flowers and fruits
are grown for the pleasure of the

A total of 34 devotees serve at Śrī

Jagannātha Mandir.

A C o n s ta n t F e s t i va l

“We have got many other festivities in Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement.

We have got Janmāṣṭamī, Śrī Rāma-navamī, Dola-yātrā, Jhulana-yātrā.
So there are twelve months, but we have got twenty-four festivals as
big as this Ratha-yātrā Festival. So if you kindly take to them, then as
advised by Lord Caitanya, kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ, you will always be
in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and there will be no scope of your frustration
and confusion.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Satsvarūpa – 20 November 1975, Bombay)

I n Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, it seems as if a festival is always being celebrated. More than
150 days per year are celebrated as festivals for the pleasure of the Lord and His dev-
otees! These festivals are performed in a grand and opulent manner to please and
glorify the Lord and to submerge the Vaiṣṇavas in an ocean of bliss.

A Constant Festival

The Best Time and Place

ISKCON’s Annual Māyāpur Gaura-pūrṇimā Festival

“The best time and place is Māyāpur on Lord Caitanya’s

Appearance Day. That is not only the best for me but
for everyone. Māyāpur is meant for that. If possible all
devotees from all our centers should go for 8 days at
that time.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Tamāla Kṛṣṇa – 20 July 1973, Bhaktivedanta Manor)

“The members of the International

Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness
should go to India during the birthday
ceremony of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu
at Māyāpur and perform saṅkīrtana

(Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā 11.96, Purport)

The annual Māyāpur Śrī Gaura-pūrṇimā

Festival takes place over the course
of one month every year between
February and March, and devotees from
all across the globe come to participate
in the festivities. The festival inspires
and surcharges devotees by immersing
them in hearing, chanting, and sādhu-
saṅga in the most auspicious Māyāpur

A Constant Festival

ISKCON Māyāpur’s Annual

Gaura-pūrṇimā festival in-
cludes many additional events,

Rādhā-Mādhava’s Boat Festival

Śrī Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Rādhā-Mādhava’s Elephant

Śravaṇa Utsava Parikramā
Māyāpur’s Gaura-pūrṇimā festival
Immersion of the Ashes of
begins with Śravaṇa Utsava, a festival Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā
of four days in which devotees have
Departed Souls
follows Kīrtana Melā. For eight days,
the opportunity to hear about the devotees circumambulate the nine
pastimes and glories of the Lord from islands of Navadvīpa, camping each
Śāntipura Festival
many senior devotees. By hearing night in a different location, and visit
about the qualities and activities of the various places where the Lord Gaṅgā-pūjā
the Lord, devotees become immersed performed His pastimes. Each day
in remembrance of the Lord and in- of parikramā is a festival in itself, Jagannātha Ratha-yātrā
creasingly eager to celebrate His ap- with ecstatic kīrtana, kṛṣṇa-kathā,
pearance day. delicious prasadam, and vaiṣṇava- Gaura-pūrṇimā day festivities
Jagannātha Miśra’s Feast
In 1972, Śrīla Prabhupāda
and some of his disciples went on
parikramā around Śrī Navadvīpa Cultural Presentations
Dhāma, and since that time ISKCON
Māyāpur has been performing
Navadvīpa parikramā. ISKCON’s
Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā has
been steadily increasing in size – from
70 devotees to 10 thousand devotees
and beyond – and is continuing to
grow, not only in size but in activities,
destinations and transcendental bliss.

Kīrtana Melā
Following Śravaṇa Utsava is the Kīrta- Over the last three years,
na Melā festival. For four days, from the Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā
morning until evening and sometimes team has built three new campsites,
late into the night, devotees engage in and they plan to build permanent
the congregational chanting of the facilities in additional locations to
Lord’s holy names, following in the better facilitate the parikramās in the
footsteps of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu years to come. Some of the permanent
and His associates and experiencing facilities they hope to build are
the ecstasy of the holy names. sleeping facilities, bathrooms,
kitchens, office spaces, traversable
roads and improved housing facilities
for senior devotees.

A Constant Festival


Every second year, just prior to the start of the Gaura-pūrṇimā festival, ISKCON Māyāpur hosts the ISKCON Leadership
Saṅga (ILS). This event regularly draws hundreds of devotees from around the globe. The ILS provides an opportunity
for devotees to come together, observe the ISKCON world from a global perspective, expand their frame of reference,
and become invigorated by hearing from and sharing with leaders and devotees serving Śrīla Prabhupāda in many
different circumstances.

In 2018, around 1200 devotees attended the ILS. Over 360 seminars were conducted over a period of seven days, allowing
devotees to participate in discussion and learn about a large variety of topics. Thirty-four booths displayed services and
projects from all over the world. Kīrtana was performed every evening, and three opulent meals were served daily.

“ILS is an exceptional (and rare) opportunity to connect with fellow ISKCON leaders from around the world for over
a week of saṅga, training, in depth discussions, and problem solving so as to better serve Śrīla Prabhupāda and Lord
Kṛṣṇa, and to better lead Their ISKCON society and care for our many constituents.”

– Anuttamā Dāsa, Minister of Communications, ISKCON GBC

A Constant Festival

“What is to be said of a devotee
who worships mother Ganges

aṅgā - pūjā
faithfully with a determined
vow? One can only imagine the
Worshipping the Most benefit that accrues to such a
Auspicious of Rivers devotee.”
(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, 9.9.13)

Every day in Śrīdhāma

Māyāpur, at 5 p.m. or 5:30 p.m.
depending on the season, Gaṅgā-pūjā
is performed on the banks of the river
Ganges. Gaṅgā devī is very dear to
the Supreme Lord, and thus worship
of Gaṅgā devī is most auspicious.

This pūjā is performed daily

by Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir’s
Gaṅgā Mātā Sevā Committee, a group
of gṛhastha devotees who have
dedicated themselves to the worship
of Gaṅgā devī by the inspiration of
His Holiness Jayapatāka Swami.

A new temple dedicated

to Gaṅgā devī has recently been
constructed by the Gaṅgā Mātā Sevā
Committee, known as the Śrī Śrī
Gaura-Gaṅgā Jagat-pāvanī Mandir,
where a Deity of Gaṅgā devī is “The greatness of mother
worshipped along with Deities of Śrī Ganges always brilliantly
Śrī Gaura-Nitāi. This temple is only
exists. She is the most fortunate
the beginning, as the committee has
plans to construct a larger and more because she emanated from
opulent temple for the worship of the lotus feet of Śrī Viṣṇu, the
Mother Gaṅgā. Personality of Godhead. She is
a second goddess of fortune,
and therefore she is always
worshiped both by demigods
and by humanity. Endowed
with all wonderful qualities,
she flourishes on the head of
Lord Śiva.’
(Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi-līlā, 16.41)

S preading the M ission
o f M a h ā p r a b h u

In a never-ending variety of ways, ISKCON Māyāpur spreads the

message and mission of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, following in the
footsteps of our Founder-Ācārya, Śrīla Prabhupāda.

“Therefore our mission is to bring Māyāpur everywhere… This is the

greatest peace movement, to bring peace to the suffering
humanity.” (Śrīla Prabhupāda – 17 March 1976, Māyāpur)

“This Māyāpur is meant for this purpose, to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness

movement all over the world as it was desired by Caitanya
Mahāprabhu.” (Śrīla Prabhupāda – 8 February 1977, Māyāpur)

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

T he Saṅkīrtana Department of
Śrīdhāma Māyāpur

(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Bhavananda – 10 November 1976, Vrindavana)

The Māyāpur Saṅkīrtana

Department has only one purpose:
to please Śrīla Prabhupāda by
distributing more and more of
his books. ISKCON Māyāpur has
achieved one of the top three yearly
book distribution scores every year
for over ten years. For the year 2018
alone, Śrīdhāma Māyāpur had one of
the highest scores of any temple in the
world with 1,157,680.8 book points.

ISKCON Māyāpur’s
Saṅkīrtana Department operates ten
travelling saṅkīrtana bus parties, as
well as eight of the approximately
twenty book tables within the ISKCON
Māyāpur campus. They also manage
a storehouse where their many the saṅkīrtana devotees, who despite
books are kept, and have a building, The ten saṅkīrtana bus such challenges, remain unperturbed
Saṅkīrtana Bhavān, where most of parties travel year-round, throughout and enthusiastic in their service to
the 100 brahmacārīs who serve within many different areas of India, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
the department reside when they are including Assam, Odisha, Madhya
in Māyāpur. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, His Holiness Jayapatāka
Meghalaya, Tripura, Bihar, and Swami, His Holiness Bhakti Charu
The majority of the 100 brah- all over West Bengal. Six or seven Swami, and His Holiness Bhakti
macārīs who serve in the Saṅkīrtana devotees travel in each bus party, as Puruṣottama Swami are instrumental
Department travel and preach on the well as Their Lordships Śrī Śrī Gaura- supporters of ISKCON Māyāpur’s
ten bus parties, bringing the mercy Nitāi. Saṅkīrtana Department, continually
of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu to those offering support, guidance, and
people who do not visit Śrīdhāma Their preaching is not encouragement to the Saṅkīrtana
Māyāpur. without challenges. Sometimes, Department.
the devotees preach in dangerous
areas. Once, while a devotee was
distributing books inside of a bank, a
group of dacoits entered and robbed
the bank. When the police arrived,
they assumed that the devotee
was one of the bank robbers, and
arrested him! By the Lord’s mercy,
everything was resolved and the
devotee was set free. This is just one
example of the challenges faced by

P reaching to the Tribal
Communities of India

ISKCON Tribal Care Initiative throughout India while enabling the nurture future generations and
was established in 2013 by His preservation of traditional spiritual prevent the destruction of tribal
Holiness Bhakti Puruṣottama Swami values of harmony with God and culture by modern materialism.
to reach out to the tribal communities nature. ISKCON Tribal Care envisions
of India, which comprise around a pleasing, prosperous, healthy, ISKCON Tribal Care Initiative
9% of India’s population – over 104 educated and culturally rich life for has constructed prayer halls in
million people. tribal communities built on advanced tribal communities to facilitate
spiritual foundations and appropriate regular spiritual activities such as
India’s tribal communities technologies that can sustain and japa sessions and daily discourses
live very close to nature and believe
in honest and simple living, a
lifestyle which is very suited for
Kṛṣṇa consciousness. However, their
way of life is becoming lost as many
from tribal communities are forced
to move to the cities in search of
material maintenance.
ISKCON Tribal Care works to uplift the
physical, social, cultural and spiritual
well-being of tribal communities

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

on Bhagavad-gītā, and has arranged

yearly book distribution marathons,
paṇḍāl programs, and weekly

In addition, ISKCON Tribal
Care provides free coaching for
students, and is planning to establish
a feeless engineering college in
Kharagpur, West Bengal as well as
other schools in eastern India. In
Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, the Initiative has
acquired land to construct a tribal
guesthouse so that people from the
tribal communities can easily visit
ISKCON Māyāpur.

So far, amidst the forests of
rural India, ISKCON Tribal Care has
reached approximately 12,000 people
through this initiative, and they plan
to continue to expand their activities
into more areas and thus continue
to improve the standard of living,
maintain the values and culture, and
increase the spiritual practice of the
tribal people of India.

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

Parikramā, and of course the world
famous Gaura-pūrṇimā festival that
is celebrated in Māyāpur.

he Another division that is run

by the Academy is the Gītā Bhavān,

Bhaktivedanta a guesthouse and kitchen which

provides accommodation for over

Gītā Academy
550 people at a time. An average of
1500 plates of prasādam are served
daily, and they have the capacity to
serve up to 9000 plates per day. There
are 14 permanent kitchen staff who
lunch and dinner every day, and who
The Bhaktivedanta Gītā are all practicing devotees.
Academy teaches various courses on
the Bhagavad-gītā As It Is, Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam, Teachings of Queen Kuntī,
and the Nectar of Instruction. Courses
take place in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur as
well as through correspondence.

Since 1994, over 16,500

students have attended and
successfully completed the various
courses. Out of the 700 students
who participated in the highest level
course, the Bhāgavatam Study course,
more than 350 students are now fully
practicing initiates.

The Bhaktivedanta Gītā

Academy also organizes and
participates in various festivals, such
as Nityānanda Trayodaśī in Kolkata,
Śrī Kṛṣṇa Janmāṣṭamī in Haldia,
Ratha-yātrā in Basirhat & Rajarhat
Circle, Navadvīpa Maṇḍala

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

B hakti-vṛkṣa
in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur

The vision of Śrīdhāma

Māyāpur’s Bhakti-vṛkṣa Department
is that each and every person within
twenty miles of Māyāpur is introduced
to the teachings of Lord Caitanya as
presented by Śrīla Prabhupāda in his

Māyāpur Bhakti-vṛkṣa
conducts a wide variety of preaching
programs in Navadvīpa and in the
surrounding area, in places such as
Krishnanagar, Śāntipura, Dhubulia,
Shyampur, Barasat, Suvarṇa Vihar,
Dankuni, Srirampur, Dharmada, • spiritual picnics, where
Badkulla and Bardhaman. attendees are fed sumptuous • vaiṣṇava-sevā, especially
prasādam, engage in kīrtana, listen during ISKCON Māyāpur’s Gaura-
People are attracted to to classes, and participate in Kṛṣṇa pūrṇimā Navadvīpa Maṇḍala
become a part of bhakti-vṛkṣa in a conscious games and contests; Parikramā, when bhakti-vṛkṣa
variety of ways, including: members offer refreshments to
• visits to ISKCON Māyāpur, parikramā participants as they pass
• nagara-saṅkīrtana; and parikramās to other holy places through their respective areas;
such as Kanai Natasala, Ekacakrā,
• jīvan-jijñāsā programs Rāmakeli, Katwa, and more; • and more!
consisting of kīrtana, slideshow
presentations, Questions and Answers • book distribution;
sessions, and prasādam distribution;
• prasādam distribution;
• attractive stage programs • kīrtana festivals;
consisting of dances, musical
presentations, and dramas, as well
as lectures given by senior devotees,
kīrtana, and prasādam distribution;

• Dāmodara Programs
conducted during the month of
Kartik, in which attendees hear
dāmodara-līlā and offer lamps. In
2018, the Dāmodara Programs were
so successful that the Māyāpur
Bhakti-vṛkṣa Department engaged
over 170,000 people in offering lamps
to the Lord!

Bhakti-vṛkṣa members are
continually enlivened through:

• weekly group meetings;

• monthly get-togethers
with multiple groups;

• Gītā Seminars;

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

In the year 2018 alone, the

Māyāpur Bhakti-vṛkṣa Department Śrīdhāma Māyāpur is
organized almost two hundred events the headquarters of Śrī Caitanya
for members to participate in. Mahāprabhu and His preaching
movement, and so Māyāpur’s Bhakti-
Currently, there are 44 vṛkṣa Department envisions that
bhakti-vṛkṣa groups and 530 bhakti- from this central hub, the bhakti-
vṛkṣa members. ISKCON Māyāpur’s vṛkṣa network will continue to spread
Bhakti-vṛkṣa Department aims to one outward throughout all regions.
day have 108 bhakti-vṛkṣa groups in
the greater Māyāpur area.

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

...taking a piece of Māyāpur to temples and centers around the world...

Māyāpur Chandra’s are a group of second generation devotees, all expertly trained in the various devotional arts
such as music, cooking, and Deity worship, coming together to spread the traditional Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava culture of
Śrī Māyāpur Dhāma to centers around the world.

Māyāpur Chandra’s organize a variety of events in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, including kīrtana melās, day pilgrimages
to different holy places, and the annual Kartik Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā. They also visit other ISKCON
centers around the world to provide devotees everywhere with a taste of Māyāpur through kīrtana, prasādam,
and various seminars and classes.

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

J āgrata
Chatra Samāj
– A Spiritual Awakening

Jāgrata Chatra Samāj is a

spiritual initiative started by ISKCON
Māyāpur for the formation and
education of students from schools
and colleges. This preaching effort
aims to improve the quality of students
within society by introducing them to
Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

A team of 11 devotees visits

schools and colleges and conducts
seminars to introduce students to
Kṛṣṇa consciousness; students who
are interested are then invited to form
a Jāgrata Chatra Samāj (JCS) group.

The Jāgrata Chatra Samāj

student groups meet for one-and-
a-half hours weekly, either in the
students’ school or in a student’s home.
The meetings begin with chanting
of the mahā-mantra, maṅgalācaraṇa
and the recitation of one verse from
the Bhagavad-gītā As It Is. Students
then read from books published
especially for them, which include a students regularly attend the weekly
textbook of 100 spiritual questions Jāgrata Chatra Samāj meetings.
and answers and a guidebook named Approximately 180 of the students
Jiboner Prastuti. have become devotees, and out of those
who took to Kṛṣṇa consciousness,
The devotees who organize 36 students have joined as fulltime There are currently
each program ask the students ISKCON brahmacārīs.
questions from the books and discuss over 60 groups,
various topics related to ISKCON and and approximately
Śrīla Prabhupāda with them, and
then give the students a task for the 1000 students
next week. Students also have the regularly attend the
opportunity to speak about their
realizations. The meetings end with weekly JāgrataChatra
the participants chanting one round
of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra and
Samāj meetings.
honoring prasādam.

Each Jāgrata Chatra Samāj

student group consists of 15 to 25
students. There are currently over
60 groups, and approximately 1000

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

M āyāpur T o u r i s m

As Māyāpur emerges as a budding spiritual city, it is also becoming a spiritual tourist destination! To cater to the needs
of visitors to Māyāpur and facilitate their having a comfortable and memorable Māyāpur experience, Māyāpur Tourism
was established in 2007. Māyāpur Tourism offers a variety of tour packages and attracts people to visit Māyāpur using
a variety of means, including contacts at travel agencies and various publicity campaigns. The tours and packages
offered by Māyāpur Tourism include the Nine Islands tours, Gaṅgā Boat tours, Discover Māyāpur tours, corporate tours,
wedding packages, and others.

To help Māyāpur’s visitors stay connected, Māyāpur Tourism regularly posts updates on social media, provides basic
knowledge of the practice of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, and gives Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books to visiting guests and tourists.

Recently, Māyāpur Tourism began to facilitate group tours that visit Māyāpur on river cruises. In the past year, they
have hosted groups from the USA, Germany, Canada, Australia, Korea, China, Switzerland, and the UK.

During the past year, Māyāpur Tourism has conducted Gaṅgā Boat tours for over 13,000 visiting guests, managed over
2,000 package tours, and facilitated Nine Island tours for over 7,500 visiting guests.

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

B hoga Bhāṇḍār
The Bhoga Bhāṇḍār facilitates
visitors to the Śrī Māyāpur
Candrodaya Mandir who would
like to make offerings to Śrī Śrī
Rādhā-Mādhava, Śrī Śrī Pañca-
tattva, and Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva by
providing a variety of items which
can be offered. At a counter situated
at the front entrance of Śrī Śrī
Rādhā-Mādhava’s temple, devotees
can purchase different varieties
of bhoga, such as fresh and dried
fruit, milksweets, tulasī leaves,
flowers, ghee lamps, and incense.
The offerings can then be made to
the Deities, and after the offering
is completed, devotees receive the
mahā-prasādam along with mahā
tulasī leaves from the Lord’s lotus
feet. Fifteen devotees serve in the
Bhoga Bhāṇḍār, working to provide
everyone with the opportunity to
directly serve and make offerings
to the Lord.

C a i ta n ya Exhibition
The Caitanya Exhibition displays has an inscription describing it in
the life of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya English, Bengali and Hindi. These
Mahāprabhu in His hometown, Śrī colorful and lifelike exhibitions
Māyāpur Dhāma. This exhibition is make the pastimes of the Supreme
located in the back of Śrī Śrī Rādhā- Lord come alive for the pilgrims
Mādhava’s temple room in the Śrī who go through the exhibition.
Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir. The Approximately 120,000 pilgrims go
exhibition consists of a number of through the exhibition every year,
displays depicting the pastimes of facilitated by a team of four devotees.
Lord Caitanya, and each display

Māyāpur TV – Connecting You to ISKCON Worldwide

In any location, at any Māyāpur daily temple program in-
time of day, anywhere in the world, crease to 700.
transcendental kathā, kīrtana, and
darśana can be accessed through Other updates from 2018
Māyāpur TV. This service makes it include the upgrade of the Māyāpur
possible for anyone to attend ISKCON TV website and the addition of two
programs and festivals from all over new channels broadcasting from
the world virtually. Māyāpur dhāma. Śrī Rājāpur Jagan-
nātha Mandir and Śrīla Prabhupāda’s
Māyāpur TV has created Bhajana Kutir now broadcast on their
channels for over 180 different ISK- own channels 24 hours a day.
CON broadcasters worldwide.
In the last year Māyāpur TV
Māyāpur TV features: also constructed a new professional
studio, prompted by the desire of His
• video broadcasts of daily Holiness Jayapatāka Swāmī. This stu-
temple events dio is professionally equipped to cre-
ate content for the daily cable TV live
• video broadcasts of special broadcasts which are watched by ap-
events and festivals proximately 4 million viewers every
• Shoutcast (audio) broadcasts
In the age of the internet,
• Youtube broadcasts Māyāpur TV aptly utilizes technolog-
ical advancements in Kṛṣṇa’s service,
• Simultaneous video streaming performing a service which provides
to Māyāpur TV and Facebook inspiration to thousands of devotees
around the world and which preach-
• Ability to stream to Māyāpur es to millions.
TV from iPhones, Androids,
laptops, and desktops.

In addition to this, Māyāpur

TV also broadcasts to five local cable
TV companies in West Bengal. The
potential reach of these TV broadcasts
is to 10 million people.

In 2018, Māyāpur TV’s largest

broadcast was on Gaura-pūrṇimā. On
that day approximately 2000 viewers
logged on to the Māyāpur TV web-
site at the same time. 2018 also saw
the average daily viewership of the

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

C aring for
The VIP Department
Visiting VIPs

The VIP Department cares for many of Māyāpur’s esteemed guests, such as visiting dignitaries and government officials.
Within the last year, the VIP Department has served over 1200 VIPs, including officers of the Indian Administrative and
Police services, media editors, and the Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee.

Spreading the Mission of Mahaprabhu

Inspired by the Nama-haṭṭa program described in Śrīla
Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s Godruma Kalpāṭavī, ISKCON’s
Nama-haṭṭa program was started by His Holiness
Jayapatāka Swāmī in 1979. It was officially inaugurated
in September of that year when a group of enthusiastic
villagers living near ISKCON Māyāpur filled in their
application form and officially became the first registered
Nama-haṭṭa Saṅga.

In the early days of Nama-haṭṭa, only a handful of devotees

and very limited facilities were available. Headed by
Jayapatāka Swāmī, these devotees would travel to remote
areas of West Bengal, Orissa, and Assam. They would
preach to the local people and inspire them to form Nama-
haṭṭa groups in their villages.

To register as a Nama-haṭṭa group, members had to pay

a nominal fee and agree to follow a minimal number of
regulations. To qualify as a registered Nama-haṭṭa Saṅga,
members had to agree to meet once a week in their village
to chant the holy names and hear from the scriptures.
Members were encouraged to chant a few rounds of
japa and to visit Māyāpur whenever they could. As often
as possible, the devotees would visit the Nama-haṭṭa
groups in their villages. Within only a few years, over one
thousand Nama-haṭṭa Saṅgas had been registered.

Today, in West Bengal alone there are over 10,000 initiated

Nama-haṭṭa members. There are tens of thousands of
other Nama-haṭṭa members who have committed to
varying levels of sādhana practice. Additionally, ISKCON
Nama-haṭṭa organizes dozens of Ratha-yātrās, almost
three thousand paṇḍāl programs, and close to 40,000
mahā-nagara-saṅkīrtanas every year in just West Bengal.
Close to 2 million plates of prasādam are also distributed
yearly in West Bengal.

Nama-haṭṭa members from all over India visit the Nama-

haṭṭa headquarters in ISKCON Māyāpur regularly, where
facilities have been built to accommodate and feed visiting
Nama-haṭṭa groups on a large scale.

M āyāpur
C o mm u n i t y

ISKCON Māyāpur is
home to approximately
5,000 devotees from
almost 70 different
countries, who all live “Māyāpur Candrodaya
and serve together in temple is meant for

harmony with Śrī Śrī transcendental United

Rādhā-Mādhava in the Nation. What the United
center. Nation has failed, that
will be achieved here by the
process recommended by Śrī
Caitanya Mahāprabhu.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda – 15 January 1976,

Mayapur Community

“It was the desire of

Śrīla Bhaktivinoda
Ṭhākura that Euro-
peans and Americans
would come here
[Māyāpur] and chant
Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra.
That prophecy is now
being fulfilled, and
that is my satisfac-
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Arrival
Lecture – 27 September 1974,

Mayapur Community

The Māyāpur Community Se-

vakas (MCS) was established in 2005
to serve the devotees of the ISKCON
Māyāpur community and care for
their wellbeing.

The MCS aims to work as

a Gṛhastha Council which guides
the community members, ensures
that the principles established
by Śrīla Prabhupāda are upheld,
builds spiritual objectives, acts as
a medium between the community
and the management, and promotes
friendship within the community.
The MCS also assists foreign devotees
in obtaining visas so that they may
reside in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur.

As the community of ISKCON
Māyāpur expands, the MCS has made
changes to accommodate this growth.
In 2017, the MCS established a system
which separates the geographical
areas of the Māyāpur Community into
sectors and ensures that each sector is
assigned a leader who cares for and
regularly meets with the devotees
living within that specific sector.

In 2018, the MCS assisted over

3600 devotees in obtaining visas and
otherwise facilitating their residence
in Māyāpur. The MCS also teamed up
with Māyāpur Nama-haṭṭa to conduct
500 programs and establish 26 new
Nama-haṭṭa centers.

The MCS is continually trying

to develop ways to increase devotees’
opportunity for saṅga, service, and
spiritual nourishment and develop-

M āyāpur C o m m u n i t y Sevakas (MCS)
Mayapur Community

B rahmacārī Āśrama

T here are approximately 300 residential brahmacārīs who are all engaged in service in and around ISKCON
Māyāpur. They are engaged in a variety of services, such as Deity worship, traveling saṅkīrtana preaching, school
preaching, bhakti-vṛkṣa preaching, office services, and management.

To join the Māyāpur Brahmacārī Āśrama, devotees are required to take a course in the New Devotee Depart-
ment for six months, and a course in vocational training for another six months. Once the two courses are completed,
the devotee can then join the Brahmacārī Āśrama.

To care for the wellbeing of the resident brahmacārīs, there is a brahmacārī counseling system organized by
25 senior brahmacārīs. The counseling system is separated into two sections, one for brahmacārīs who have been in
the Māyāpur Brahmacārī Āśrama for more than 10 years, and one for brahmacārīs who have been in the Māyāpur
Brahmacārī Āśrama for less than 10 years.

The Brahmacārī Āśrama in the Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya campus is located near the Pañca-tattva entrance
to the temple.

Mayapur Community

New Devotees

The New Bhakta Department

The New Bhakta Training

program was established by Śrīla
Prabhupāda in 1972, in order to train
young newcomers and systematically
transform them into Vaiṣṇavas. The
program teaches new bhaktas the
philosophy and practice of Kṛṣṇa
consciousness through the books of
Śrīla Prabhupāda, with the hope that
they will become inspired to serve
Lord Kṛṣṇa and Śrīla Prabhupāda for

They attend both

the morning and eve-
ning programs in the
Śrī Māyāpur Can-
drodaya Mandir,
and perform many
services throughout
the day...

the rest of their lives.
The program has proved
The bhaktas are fully very successful. Many of Māyāpur’s
immersed in the practice of Kṛṣṇa senior devotees went through this
consciousness as established by training program when they first
Śrīla Prabhupāda. They attend both joined ISKCON, including His Holiness
the morning and evening programs Bhakti Puruṣottama Swami, His
in the Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Holiness Bhakti Nityānanda Swami,
Mandir, and perform many services His Holiness Gaurāṅga Prem Swami,
throughout the day, including tulasī- and others.
sevā, cleaning the temple, setting up
for the morning Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam In the last five years, 197
classes and packing up afterwards, bhaktas have graduated from this
and cleaning the Māyāpur campus. program.
Additionally, they attend a variety of
classes on philosophy and Vaiṣṇava

Mayapur Community

wheelchairs and arranges prasādam There are primarily six
for those arriving home after a stay devotees serving on the team,
in hospital. A 24-hour helpline is with the help of numerous other
maintained so that devotees can reach volunteers. The Śrī Māyāpur
rī the Team and receive the assistance
they require.
Vaiṣṇava Sevā Team is working on
obtaining more training, helpers, and

Vaiṣṇava Care The devotees serving on

funding to expand and improve the
services they offer for the pleasure

the Śrī Māyāpur Vaiṣṇava Sevā Care of the Vaiṣṇavas, and aims to have a
Team attempt to build relationships fully operational assisted living and
with those they serve, in which trust palliative care hospice in Śrīdhāma
is established and thus devotees feel Māyāpur in the future.
The Śrī Māyāpur Vaiṣṇava
comfortable to allow the Śrī Māyāpur
Care Team started in 2014 as one of
Vaiṣṇava Sevā Care Team to care for
the sub-committees of the Māyāpur
Community Sevakas dedicated to
assisting the elderly and those in need
of assisted living help. Since then, it
has developed into a fully-fledged
department dedicated to assisting
needy members of the Māyāpur

The Śrī Māyāpur Vaiṣṇava

Care Team takes care of devotees in
their homes when they are sick, have
had an accident, or are otherwise
unable to manage alone. There is
a team of volunteers who provide
practical assistance with cleaning,
cooking, shopping, bathing, escorting
devotees to the temple or hospital
appointments, giving association,
comfort and counselling. The Care
Team also lends daily-living aids like

Mayapur Community


C o mm u n i t y
Caring for the Health of
Māyāpur’s Residents

As the community of
ISKCON Māyāpur continues to expand,
growing from 500 to 5,000 and, in
the future, to 50,000, appropriate
facilities to care for the residents of
this community are required. To this
end, the Śrī Māyāpur Community
Hospital has been established to care
for the health needs of Māyāpur’s

The hospital provides the fol-

lowing services:

* Treatment of basic noninvasive

* Treatment of minor injuries,
abrasions, sprains and strains
* Pathology
* A wide range of dental services
* Optical services near ISKCON Māyāpur’s main
* Non-critical in-patient services gate, and additional Āyurvedic and
* Psychotherapy acupuncture clinics.

Currently, the hospital has
32 staff members working in the
hospital, pharmacies, and clinics. Currently, the
Six doctors serve at the hospital on a
permanent or weekly basis. Monthly, hospital has 32
the hospital serves approximately 650
devotees. staff members
working in
In the future, Śrī Māyāpur
Community Hospital plans to renovate the hospital,
its facilities in order to provide more
comprehensive services to meet pharmacies, and
the demands of ISKCON Māyāpur’s
In addition to the hospital growing community. clinics.
itself, Śrī Māyāpur Community
Hospital runs two pharmacies, one
located on the ground floor of the
hospital building and one located

Mayapur Community

M āyāpur Security Department
Protecting and serving ISKCON Māyāpur and its guests and residents is the Māyāpur Security Department.
Over 200 security personnel, serving in three daily shifts, are stationed at 62 different posts to provide continuous
security, safety, and informative guidance.

Their service is integral to the daily functioning of ISKCON Māyāpur. During Māyāpur’s busiest season,
between October and March every year, the ISKCON campus is visited daily by an average of 16,750 people. During
the year 2018, the number of visitors to ISKCON Māyāpur is estimated to be around 7 million. The security personnel
organize and guide the influx of guests, and ensure that the safety and sanctity of the dhāma is preserved.

Mayapur Community

International Devotee and Guest Care

Many ISKCON devotees have contributed to the development of the Māyāpur project, and in order to appreciate these
devotees’ contributions and great service to Śrīla Prabhupāda, His Grace Dayārāma dāsa created the International
Devotee and Guest Care Department. This Department facilitates any devotee who has served in ISKCON for more
than five years at any period by giving them free prasādam and sleeping facilities for seven days per year at the Vaṁśī
Bhavān guesthouse.

Māyāpur’s Guesthouses
Māyāpur’s guesthouses provide comfortable accommodation for hundreds of thousands of Māyāpur’s visitors. The
Māyāpur guesthouses comprise of the Śaṅkha Bhavān (Conch Building), Cakra Bhavān, Gadā Bhavān, Vaṁśī Bhavān,
Ishodhyan Bhavān, Caitanya Bhavān, Gītā Bhavān, Nityānanda Kutir and Gaurāṅga Kutir. Over the last five years, the
Māyāpur Guesthouses have accommodated over 755,540 visiting guests and pilgrims. Collectively, the guesthouses em-
ploy over 120 people.

Mayapur Community

Gaurāṅga Travels
Gaurāṅga Travels serves visitors to Māyāpur by assisting
them with their transportation needs, aiming to help
guests have a positive visit to Śrīdhāma Māyāpur by
arranging suitable transportation to and from Māyāpur
and for visits to nearby holy places. Gaurāṅga Travels
arranges 25-30 vehicles daily according to the needs of
visitors, and during festival times approximately 50-60
vehicles per day.

Visiting Devotee and Leader Care

As the World Headquarters for ISKCON, ISKCON Māyāpur is visited annually by many devotees from all over the world,
and is visited regularly by ISKCON leaders during the GBC meetings, ISKCON Leadership Saṅga, and at other times
throughout the year. In order to care for and assist these devotees during their stay in Māyāpur, the Visiting Devotee
and Leader Care Department was established in June of 2017.

The department assists visiting devotees by arranging for transportation, accommodation, and prasādam, as required.
The department also assists devotees in their pilgrimage to the holy dhāma by arranging for tours around Śrīdhāma
Māyāpur and arranging for visiting devotees to engage in service while in the dhāma, and is ready and willing to help
devotees with any additional special needs.

Two devotees currently serve within the department itself, and they create opportunities for the local community dev-
otees to connect and serve the devotees and leaders who visit Śrīdhāma Māyāpur.

Mayapur Community

The Primary
Cows and bulls that have been
tested positive for any contagious
illnesses are quarantined and kept The Māyāpur
Citizens Gośālā holds
away from the general population.
There is also focused hospice care for

ISKCON Māyāpur Gośālā

those that are passing away. There are
five doctors who are always ready to
over 350 cows
help and assist the cows and bulls in
any way.
and bulls
“namo brahmaṇya-devāya go-
brāhmaṇa-hitāya ca… His first
business is to give all comfort to
the cows and the brāhmaṇas. In
fact, comfort for the brāhmaṇas
is secondary, and comfort for the
cows is His first concern.”
(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.8.16, Purport)

The ISKCON Māyāpur Gośālā

is located in the southeast corner The gośālā is working on
of the Māyāpur campus, and is a obtaining more land, which will be
beautiful eight to twelve minute walk beneficial for the overall health and
from the Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya happiness of the herd. The Māyāpur
Mandir and Temple of the Vedic Gośālā takes the comfort of each
Planetarium. The Māyāpur Gośālā individual member of the herd into
holds over 350 cows and bulls and consideration, and ensures that the
is a very peaceful and serene place, cows and bulls are comfortable and
allowing anyone who comes to have getting everything they need.
a wonderful experience of offering
service and worship. Devotees are given the op-
portunity to serve the gośālā’s cows
The focus of the Māyāpur by adopting them. When a devotee
Gośālā is the comfort and wellbeing adopts a cow, they take care of the
of the cows. The cows and bulls are costs of that particular cow’s feeding,
taken out every day to graze for a few medical care, etc., for the duration of
hours, and are fed many delicious the cow’s life. These adopters are en-
treats such as bran, freshly cut green couraged to come meet their adopted
grass, hay and mineral mixes when bulls or cows regularly and engage
they return from their grazing. with them. They can feed, brush,
Approximately 20 cowherd men serve play with, and do ārati for them. This
the cows in three shifts, making sure helps build a bond between the adop-
that at the end of each day, the cows tee and adopter. To establish such a
and bulls are in a clean pen and are
supplied with fresh feed and drinking
water. An additional 15 sevakas
serve in the gośālā, performing other
services such as taking care of guests,
There are five
medical work, office work and selling doctors who are
gośālā and Āyurvedic products.
always ready to
Within the last two years help and assist the
alone, the Māyāpur Gośālā has dou-
bled in size, allowing for more cows cows and bulls in
any way.
to live with as little overcrowding as
possible. There are also separate pens
for the cows who have special needs,
such as pregnant cows and newborn
calves, and cows and bulls who are close bond with one’s cow is truly a
either injured or sick, or too old to go blessing; many devotees who have
to the grazing fields. adopted cows have had life changing

Mayapur Community

“When the bull and the cow are in a

joyful mood, it is to be understood

Cow Protection that the people of the world are

also in a joyful mood.”

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.16.18, Purport)

“According to smṛti
regulation, the cow is the mother
and the bull the father of the
human being. The cow is the
mother because just as one sucks
the breast of one’s mother, human
society takes cow’s milk. Similarly,
the bull is the father of human
society because the father earns for
the children just as the bull tills the
ground to produce food grains.”
(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.2.29, Purport)

Mayapur Community

The Māyāpur Agriculture

Department aims to supply organic
griculture Department
grains and produce for the Deity
kitchen so that Śrī Śrī Rādhā-
Mādhava can enjoy foodstuffs which
are pure and naturally grown, and
in the future, to cultivate enough for
all the other kitchens of Māyāpur.
These projects are part of a long-term
vision to manifest Śrīla Prabhupāda’s
instructions that the whole of
Māyāpur be self-sufficient.

In 2017, the Māyāpur

Agriculture Department produced a
full crop of organic rice, cultivated on
a total of 60 bighas (35 acres) of land.
Mustard was grown on 20 bighas
(12 acres). This year, for the first
time, all the rice and mustard was
grown organically—a difficult feat
for agriculture in India and a major
achievement for the Department.
Maize was also grown, and in 2016,
coriander, jute, rice, and mustard
were grown.

The Department engages five

full-time devotees and four assistants.
Six laborers are employed full-time
and others are hired on commission
as needed for harvests and other

“Ah Mayapur water! Māyāpur is the
spiritual world. Living or dying in
Māyāpur is the same. When we live in
Māyāpur we are in the spiritual world;
Māyāpur Chandra’s
when we die in Māyāpur we return to the
spiritual world!”
– Śrīla Prabhupāda, conversation remembered by Jayapatāka
Swāmī from Vyasa Puja offering from GBC

Mayapur Community

In April of 2007, Their Graces

Nanda Kṛṣṇa dāsa, Rādhāduti dāsa
and Satyarāja dāsa established the
Śrī Māyāpur Āyurvedic Research
and Development Trust (SMARDT).
Understanding Āyurveda to be the
Mother of Medicine, the devotees and
researchers serving in the SMARDT
provide a variety of Āyurvedic
remedies, powders, tonics, etc., for
the benefit and overall health of the

They produce various

products derived from the cow, such
as ghee, lassi, buttermilk, yogurt,
distilled cow urine (go-ark), cow
urine tablets (ghanabati), dried cow
dung cakes (gobar upla), massage oils,
and tooth powder. They also supply
other Āyurvedic products such as
amalaki or Indian gooseberry juice,
bittermelon juice, aloe vera juice,
dhanvantari mahaousadi, amala
mukksuddi, herbal tea, and honey.

The profits from these

sales goes towards protecting and
maintaining the resident cows and
bulls which are no longer able to work;
they are taken care of until they die
naturally. The SMARDT team consists
of thirty people who have dedicated
their time and effort towards making
this project move forward.

Śrī Māyāpur Āyurvedic

Research and Development

Mayapur Community

Śrī Māyāpur Vikāś Saṅga

Śrī Māyāpur Vikāś
Saṅga, also known as SMVS, is an
organization founded in Śrī Māyāpur
Dhāma in 1998. Śrī Māyāpur Vikāś
Saṅga focuses on helping the local
people of West Bengal in three crucial
areas, namely: health, education, and

West Bengal is an
underdeveloped third world state in
India, and as such diseases, sicknesses,
and substandard living conditions are
prominent. Śrī Māyāpur Vikāś Saṅga
reaches out to people in need and
helps them receive basic care.

Over the years, SMVS has

started various projects that have
helped thousands of people in the
rural areas of Bengal. Some of these
projects include providing arsenic-
free drinking water, free health
camps, Food for Life, and education
for child laborers. From 2007 to provides free healthcare to the
2015, an organization called RPG deprived and needy.
(Rebalance the Globe) provided
some funding to SMVS, with which
the program was able to give free
health/medical treatments to more
than 500,000 civilians. SMVS has also
provided courses to educate women
on how to earn better livelihoods by
activities such as sewing and using a

At present, Śrī Māyāpur

Vikāś Saṅga has five ongoing projects:

1) Special Training centers,

which provide education for children
who are forced to work to maintain
their families and who are not able to
attend regular schools;

2) Ambulance Service, which

transports pregnant women to and
from hospitals free of cost;

3) Public Education, which

provides education for children
whose families could not otherwise
afford to send them to school;

4) Cow Protection,
which transports and treats ill or
malnourished cows; and

5) Free Healthcare, which

M āyāpur Forestry
A project of ISKCON Māyāpur’s Land Department is the Māyāpur Forestry Project, which helps
promote, conserve and develop the environment of Śrī Māyāpur Dhāma. They plant thousands of trees
annually and produce wood for the use of the Deities, devotees and kitchens of Māyāpur. They supply
timber for the construction of Lord Jagannātha’s Ratha-yātrā carts, and also for constructing the houses
of some devotees. They also supply over 150 thousand kilos of firewood to the kitchens of Māyāpur.

The Forestry Project cares for over 550 mango trees, more than 35 jackfruit trees, 10 lychee
trees, around 350 coconut trees, and three fields of banana trees, adding up to over two thousand
trees. They also plant a variety of timber trees, and have to date planted approximately 13 thousand in
various areas of Māyāpur Dhāma.

They also care for a nursery, flower garden, vegetable garden, a large bamboo forest, and a
kadamba grove with 1500 new trees. The flowers, vegetables, and fruit that come from these gardens
are given to the temple to be offered to the Deities.

A Center of Education
Europeans and Americans, they are going to India for learning brahma-vidyā. That is
education. The Europeans and Americans, when they go to Vṛndāvana and Māyāpur, they do not
go there to see how we have manufactured cycle and machine for sewing. They have seen enough
of this… Education means how to make one brāhmaṇa, how to teach him how he become sense
controlled, śama, dama, mind control, how to become truthful, how to become clean, how to
become simple, how to become full of knowledge, how to apply knowledge in practical life, how
to know God. That is education.”

(Śrīla Prabhupāda – 3 August 1975, Detroit)

A Center of Education

Training the Future of ISKCON

“Throughout the whole world there is desire to preach the significance of 2, the Bhakti-śāstrī Teachers Training
no institution to impart knowledge in such books as Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Course, and the ISKCON Disciple
the matter of spiritual understanding. Ṣaṭ-sandarbha and Vedānta-darśana. courses (Hindi, English, Russian,
So we are going to open a big center You have to accept that responsibility. Bengali and Chinese); and language
in Māyāpur where this education will Śrī Māyāpur will prosper if you courses like the Sanskrit Course.
be internationally imparted. Students establish an educational institution
from all parts of the world will go there there…” The Māyāpur Institute
to take education in this important also offers other short-term courses
subject.” To fulfill the vision of the such as Communications, Spiritual
previous ācāryas, the Māyāpur Leadership, Varṇāśrama courses,
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Ātreya Institute first manifested in the year and the Kṛṣṇa Conscious Gṛhastha-
Ṛṣi – 20 August 1971) 2000 with just five students. Today, āśrama Course; and courses for the
Māyāpur Institute is training over resident devotees of Māyāpur such as
The Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava 500 students every year in various the Welcome Course, the Bhakti-śāstrī
ācāryas, especially Śrīla Bhaktivinoda śāstric courses. From the beginning part-time course and the Bhāgavata-
Ṭhākura, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta to the present day, over 3500 students vicāra Course (English and Bengali).
Sarasvatī Ṭhākura and Śrīla have graduated from the Māyāpur In addition, the Māyāpur Institute
Prabhupāda desired to re-establish Institute. offers online courses like Gītā
Māyāpur as an international center Sanskrit, Basic Bhagavad-gītā, and
for spiritual education related to Currently Māyāpur Institute the Bhakti-śāstrī Online Course which
śāstric studies. is offering over 20-30 courses, was launched in August of 2017.
including various śāstric courses like
In 1910, Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Bhakti-śāstrī (Bengali, English and Based on the success of
Ṭhākura wrote the following in Russian), Bhaktivaibhava 1 and 2 and Māyāpur Institute’s śāstric study
a letter to Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Bhaktivedānta; training courses like programs and the resulting growth in
Sarasvatī Ṭhākura: “I had a special the Teachers Training Courses 1 and enrolments, and to offer better

A Center of Education

services to the student community,

Māyāpur Institute has now embarked
on setting up an exclusive campus
in Māyāpur. This campus will have
many facilities for the convenience of
the students and faculty alike. There
will be accommodation for male and
female students and staff, along with a
temple and convocation hall, kitchen
and prasādam hall, and a library.

Due to the sheer size and

cost of the project, construction
of the campus facility will happen
in phases. Phase 1 of the campus
was inaugurated on the 3rd of July,
2017, in the auspicious presence
of His Holiness Jayapatāka Swami,
His Holiness Bhakti Viśrambha
Mādhava Swami, His Holiness Bhakti “Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura
Puruṣottama Swami, and many of and Śrīla [Bhaktisiddhānta]
Śrīla Prabhupāda’s disciples and Prabhupāda desired that such
other senior devotees. American and European devotees
may live at Māyāpur for studies
Delve deeper into the process
of devotional service by participating
of Śrī Caitanya philosophy, and
in Māyāpur Institute’s śāstric training now the time is ripe when many
programs and recommend it to your American, European, and Japanese
friends and relatives. students working as my disciples
are ready to go there for this
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Tīrtha
Mahārāja – 7 February 1969)

A Center of Education


How Māyāpur Academy began

In 1972, Śrīla  Prabhupāda

instructed His Grace Jananivāsa dāsa
to “train up pūjārīs.”

Following the success of a
Deity worship course offered during
the Māyāpur Festival in the early Care and Worship, Jewelry Making,
2000s, Jananivāsa dāsa turned to After years of small Saṁskāras and more. Devotees are
Nṛsiṁha Kavaca dāsa and asked, “So training courses and workshops, also trained in the complete nitya-
when are we opening a school?” extensive planning and curriculum sevā of the Deity in the Temple
development, generous donations, Worship unit. All of the facilitators
have mastery in their field as well as
years of practical experience in what
they teach.
The highlight of Māyāpur
Academy is the opportunity to
associate with two of ISKCON’s longest
serving pūjārīs: His Grace Jananivāsa
dāsa and His Grace Paṅkajāṅghri
dāsa. They are intricately involved
in the entire student experience
and provide invaluable wisdom and
association. They demonstrate a
unique spiritual depth and mood in
relation to the worship of the Lord.

Every year around 40 or 45

devotees enroll in the course, and
more devotees attend the shorter
courses offered during the Māyāpur
Gaura-pūrṇimā festival.

The Future of Māyāpur

and construction, the current school
From this, the Māyāpur opened its doors on December 7, 2007.
Academy was born. The focus of Māyāpur Academy is
Since then, Māyāpur Academy has developing a state of the art campus
the Academy is to provide extensive trained over 300 devotees worldwide
brahminical training and create an in Māyāpur where devotees will
in the international Diploma in have first class facilities to suit the
educational institution of excellence. Arcanā course.
The Māyāpur Academy’s goal is to needs required by the units. The
fulfill Śrīla  Prabhupāda’s request by new campus is an effort to please
offering a systematic training for Śrīla  Prabhupāda with an offering
Where Māyāpur Academy is today of a world class institution where his
devotees to learn and develop their
knowledge, skills, and values in the instruction to “train up pūjārīs” can
The Māyāpur Academy be fulfilled.
process of Deity worship. Māyāpur experience is like nothing else in
Academy aims to inspire devotees the world when it comes to training
in their own spiritual growth as Students of Māyāpur
devotees in the art of Deity worship. Academy consistently express the life
well as help sustain the standards The Academy has specialized courses
for Deity worship instituted by changing effect Māyāpur Academy
in Brahminical Culture & Ethics, Deity has had on them. The Academy has
Śrīla Prabhupāda. Dressing, Cooking for Kṛṣṇa, Tulasī trained a broad spectrum of devotees,

A Center of Education

from head pūjārīs, to temple Māyāpur Academy is focused

presidents, to gurukula graduates, on inspiring many more devotees to
to senior Vaiṣṇavas, and aims to take up Deity worship seriously, and
continually provide training and to serve, train and inspire them for
courses that will have a meaningful the pleasure of guru and Gaurāṅga!
impact on all the devotees served by
Māyāpur Academy.

B haktivedanta Academy

“Gurukula is our most important project.

If the children are given a Kṛṣṇa Conscious education
from early childhood then there is great hope
for the future of the world.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda, Letter to Dayānanda, Nandarāṇī – 27 January 1973, Calcutta)

Bhaktivedanta Academy was
established thirty-three years
ago, in 1984, to educate boys
according to the traditional Vedic
gurukula system as envisioned by
Śrīla Prabhupāda. The gurukula
method of education is unique,
and quite different from the mod-
ern secular methods used around
the world today. Secular schools
indoctrinate their students into a
culture of mindless sense gratifi-
cation and ignorance;

Śrīla Prabhupāda had a very

different vision for the children
of his Society. He said, “Gurukula
is our most important project. If
the children are given a Kṛṣṇa
Conscious education from early
childhood then there is great
hope for the future of the world.
… So if you go to Gurukula, try
to help develop things there and
make it the model educational
institution in the world.”

Bhaktivedanta Academy’s mission is to provide a facility for its members to study, practice, and disseminate the
teachings of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam along with the standard works of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava ācāryas and the branches of
Vedic philosophy, culture, and science in the context of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Śrīla Prabhupāda’s teachings.

The school is headed by His Grace Prīti Vardhana Prabhu and His Grace Mādhava Gaurāṇga Prabhu, the
Academy’s deans. They are fully responsible for the school as a whole and for the education and well-being of each of the
Academy’s students. Under them is an administrative board of three members which carries out the daily management
of the school and makes sure that the students are always supervised. As for academics, there are a score of dedicated
teachers who are all experts in their various fields and who conduct classes in philosophy, mantra, Sanskrit, English,
mathematics, and the social and natural sciences. The Academy’s faculty includes eleven teachers.

The gurukula system of education has at its heart the relationship between teacher and student. This core
component of education is defined by Kṛṣṇa in Bhagavad-gītā when He says, “Just try to learn the truth by approaching
a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart
knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.” This kind of education is about more than just intellectual
transmission of knowledge. It is about realization, values, and character, which are developed through association. In
the secular model of education, students attend academic classes and then go home. But this model provides little or no
room for moral or spiritual education, which doesn’t happen in a classroom, but in life, in the students’ relationships.
Values education, as it is now called, takes place more readily in informal situations. The time spent with the teacher
and other students outside of class enables the student to learn by example how to practically apply what they have
learned. Thus it is called guru-kula, “the home of the teacher,” not “the classroom of the teacher.” In gurukula, students
live at the āśrama of their teacher.

Students of Bhaktivedanta Academy learn Deity worship, yajña, and cooking; they study the scriptures and
learn Vedic mantras; they learn about cow protection; they learn about farming and agriculture; they learn English and
math; they study Sanskrit; and they practice martial arts, among many things.

A Center of Education

Not only do students learn these things, but they also actively practice them. The students themselves prepare
all their meals, three every day; there are no hired cooks. They perform Deity worship, serving over a hundred forms
of the Lord on the altar, including more than fifty śālagrāma-śīlas. They learn about cow protection by maintaining a
gośala and taking care of fifteen cows and oxen. They manage a self-sufficiency project cultivating thirty acres of land
with produce, growing everything from rice to cucumber. Gurukula is nothing if not hands-on, and that is what makes
the gurukula experience so exceptional.

“This school has changed my entire being and life vision,” says Arjuna Dāsa, a student from the Academy who
returned to Kazakhstan, his homeland, in 2015. “Here I got true friends, wise mentors, a formula of proper living and
an incredible training of mind and soul. Bhaktivedanta Academy is a great school of life, where absolutely anyone can
get a lot of realizations, understand the point of existence and get closer to a spiritual lifestyle.”

Balarāma Dāsa, a student from the United States, has this to say: “If I had to choose between having what I got
from Gurukula or having everything else in the world, I would invariably pick the former. Gurukula gave me the best
parts of who I am. It has been the best thing in my life, and I am endlessly grateful for the extraordinary teachers who
made that possible.”

Dhāmeśvara Dāsa, a 2014 graduate from Russia, says, “I will never be able to repay my teachers — Mahārāja,
Mādhava and Prīti Mahāśayas — for the amount of sacrifice and austerity they performed on me to make me a con-
scious human being. If I have any good quality or skill, it is all due to their mercy. I had my best experiences in life when
I was in gurukula.”


Śrī Paramahaṁsa Gaura Dāsa graduated in 2016 and is now a member of the school’s administration. “Growing
up in Gurukula and being so well taken care of by our amazing teachers,” he says, “has given me faith in Kṛiṣhṇa and in
the Kṛiṣhṇa consciousness movement, and has also inspired me to dedicate my life to the service of Śrīla Prabhupāda. I
will never be able to repay the greatest gift they have given me. But I hope I will be able to impart that same gift to future
generations, giving them a chance to study and grow in this amazing school of Kṛiṣhṇa consciousness.”

In the last few years, eight students graduated from Bhaktivedanta Academy. The school now has almost 70
students from over 20 countries after an intake of 18 students in September of 2018.. The Academy’s future plans? In
Śrīla Prabhupāda’s words, “The old system of gurukula should be revived as the perfect example of a system designed
to produce great men, sober and responsible leaders, who know what is the real welfare of the citizens.” Bhaktivedanta
Academy aims to educate leaders for Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mission to respiritualize humanity. “It is a revolution,” Śrīla
Prabhupāda says. “That is what I think as I write on and on—a revolution to change the entire course of human history.”

A Center of Education


In the midst of the lush,
green Gṛhastha Para housing area of
ISKCON Māyāpur the Śrī Māyāpur
in Śrī Māyāpur Dhāma.
International School is situated. The
school campus features an idyllic
The school is working on a
combination of brick buildings,
more systematic approach to sādhana
pathways, and tree-filled grounds,
development for its students, with
and those living nearby can often
the aim to ensure that all students
hear the children at play, performing
attend the morning program either
kīrtana, or practicing mṛdaṅga.
in the temple or at school. The school
has already developed a Bhāgavatam
The Śrī Māyāpur Interna-
curriculum and teaches śāstric
tional School has been educating chil-
topics to primary school students
dren in Māyāpur since it was founded
on a daily basis, but the school is
in 1988. Students of many different
currently developing further śāstric
countries study together here and re-
curriculums in order to expand the
ceive a quality academic and spiritual
śāstric study in the school. In 2017,
education. The Śrī Māyāpur Interna-
SMIS also introduced Sanskrit as a
tional School, or SMIS as it is common-
compulsory second language for all
ly known, aims to be an inspiration to
both ISKCON and the Vaiṣṇava com-
munity by practically demonstrating
Currently, the Śrī Māyāpur
how spiritual principles positively
International School has 155 students
contribute to the quality of education
and 40 teachers.
and the lives of children and young

Many ISKCON devotees want

their children to be taught to be Kṛṣṇa
conscious from an early age, and
also want their children to receive
certified academic training. The Śrī
Māyāpur International School caters
to these needs. The school is affiliated
with Cambridge, and all students who
graduate receive certified academic
diplomas which will allow them, if
they so wish to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda
in this way, to continue their studies
at the university level. But students
do not have to study outside of the
association of devotees to receive
their academic accreditation; instead,
they are taught in an environment
where Kṛṣṇa is always the focus,
where teachers and students alike are
devotees of Lord Kṛṣṇa, and where
they receive the opportunity to reside

A Center of Education

The Bhaktivedanta National
School (BVNS) is affiliated with the
CBSE or Central Board of Secondary
Education of India, and offers a
quality education that is open not
only to devotee children, but to the
local children of the surrounding
communities at an affordable price.
This government affiliation helps
the students receive a recognizable
education of quality, which allows the
students to attend any good college or
university locally.

Children from the surround-

ing cities come to this school for a
balanced education in an English
medium school. There are children
who come from Krishnanagar and
Navadvīpa, as well as the children of
the military officers from the border
of Bengal. Children from any cultur-
al background or religion may join
the school, and Christians, Muslims,
Hindus, Sikhs and ISKCON children
learn and grow in harmony, equally
respecting each other’s religions and
backgrounds. National School’s education, out
of 42,800 schools spread across
In this school, spirituality 25 countries, one student from
is taught as a science and thus on a BVNS ranked first in an English
completely non-sectarian basis. Out International Olympiad examination.
of the 663 students, the school has
approximately 100 students from The Bhaktivedanta National
faiths other than Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism. School offers a comprehensive
All of the students learn the science of education to every student, and in
Kṛṣṇa Consciousness in a friendly and addition to a good academic education,
conducive atmosphere. The BVNS also provides a strong foundation in Kṛṣṇa
regularly invites ISKCON sannyāsīs Consciousness.
and senior devotees to give spiritual
classes to the students. As testimony
to the quality of the Bhaktivedanta

B h a kt i v e d a n t a N at i o n a l S c h o o l

B haktivedanta

In South Kolkata, a treasure am would counter the theories of con- A building that had been
trove of Vaiṣṇava literature can be temporary scientists. The ideas that donated to ISKCON in Kolkata was
found in ISKCON Māyāpur’s Bhaktive- will be presented in the Temple of the allocated by ISKCON Māyāpur to
danta Research Centre This library is a Vedic Planetarium will undoubtedly be used for this library, and funds
gem hidden in a quiet Kolkata neigh- be challenged, and a research cen- were arranged so that the building
borhood, in which can be found cop- ter and library of Vedic cosmology is could be renovated and turned into
ies of almost every book written by necessary to supplement and support a suitable modern library. In June
the previous ācāryas going back to the construction of the Temple of the of 2009, the Bhaktivedanta Research
Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī, and many rare Vedic Planetarium’s interplanetary Centre officially opened. Now, the
and out of print books, such as Śrīla chandelier. library is home to the collection of
Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s compilation Sundarānanda Vidyāvinoda, which
of commentaries on the Padma Purāṇa was loaned to the Bhaktivedanta
and his commentaries on the Bhaga- Research Centre by His Holiness
vad-gītā. The library also contains
scans of many original, handwritten
manuscripts, as well as many of the
original manuscripts themselves, such
as the only known copy of Śrīla Bhak-
tisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura’s per-
sonal diary, dating from 1904 -1906.

The Bhaktivedanta Research

Centre was established to fulfill sever-
al of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s instructions:

In 1972, Śrīla Prabhupāda in-

structed that film records be made of
the original writings of Śrīla Bhaktiv-
inoda Ṭhākura so that these valuable
manuscripts could be preserved.

In 1975, Śrīla Prabhupāda In 2008, it was with this in

discussed the possibility of open- mind that His Grace Hari-śauri dāsa,
ing a Vedic University in Śrīdhāma the coordinator of the Temple of the The Bhaktivedanta
Māyāpur. This university would re- Vedic Planetarium’s cosmology team, Research Centre
quire a first class library. and His Grace Praṇava dāsa, who
was at the time doing his doctoral was established
In 1976 in Bombay, Śrīla Pra- research, planned the opening of a to fulfill several of
bhupāda instructed his temple man- Vaiṣṇava study center. This coincid-
agers to construct a first class library ed with the opportunity to obtain a
Śrīla Prabhupāda’s
with all of his own books, the books very important collection of books, a instructions
of the previous ācāryas, and all the collection which dated back to Śrīla
Vedas. He said that scholars should Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura’s
be able to come and study our philos- residence in the Bagh Bazaar temple BB Bhodayan Swami from the Śrī
ophy very deeply and become devo- in the 1930s. The collection had been Gopīnātha Gauḍīya Math, as well as
tees. held by Śrī Sundarānanda Vidyāvino- thousands of other works.
da, a leading Gauḍīya Math member
In addition, Śrīla Prabhupā- and former secretary of Śrīla Bhak- Some of the prominent works
da gave many instructions about the tisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura, since from the Sundarānanda Vidyāvino-
Temple of the Vedic Planetarium and 1937. da collection are the personal diary
how its presentation of Vedic cosmolo- of Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī
gy according to the Śrīmad-Bhāgavat- Ṭhākura, some original handwritten

A Center of Education

articles by Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī good relationships with many librar- weeks to two months to do research
Ṭhākura, and a 200 page songbook ies and private collectors in Bengal, work. The Centre aims to become
handwritten by Śrīla Bhaktivinoda and continues to work with them to affiliated with a government recog-
Ṭhākura. catalogue and scan all their manu- nized educational institution in the
scripts and to map out the where- future, such as the University of Cal-
The library also contains abouts of all of these important litera- cutta, so that it will be able to offer
works from Birnagar, the birthplace tures. its own PhD courses and thus affect
of Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura. In 2013, the entire worldwide community
Hari-śauri dāsa visited Birnagar and The library is open to any of scholars interested in Vaiṣṇava
connected with the Bhaktivinoda one who is doing serious research. philosophy. Eventually, once the
Ghosti. Impressed by the work being Many scholars, both members of ISK- planned Māyāpur University is built,
done at the Bhaktivedanta Research CON and others, have come to stay in the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre
Centre, the Bhaktivinoda Ghosti al- the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre’s will become the main library for the
lowed the Bhaktivedanta Research guesthouse for anywhere from two whole university.
Centre to catalogue, scan, and pre-
serve all the work in their library,
which includes approximately 25
manuscripts written by Bhaktivinoda
Ṭhākura. In their collection was also
found a handwritten letter from Śrīla
Prabhupāda to Lalit Prasad Thakur,
the younger brother of Bhaktisid-
dhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura, sent from
Moscow in June 1971.

The Bhaktivedanta Research

Centre has collected many addition-
al works. They have collected and
scanned approximately 2,000 ancient
manuscripts, including a complete
copy of the Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta
handwritten in 1760. The Centre has
worked to create and maintain very

P rasādam Distribution
“So by distributing food, the spiritual food, simply by eating, he will be in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, even if he
does not do anything. But actually, we are inviting persons to come, sit down, chant with us Hare Kṛṣṇa
mantra and take prasādam and go home. That’s all. This is our program.”
(Śrīla Prabhupāda – 6 April 1972, Melbourne)

Prasadam Distribution

Food for Life
Over 3,925,700 plates of
prasādam distributed

Once while in Māyāpur, Śrīla

Prabhupāda witnessed local children
fighting with dogs for scraps of food.
His Holiness Jayapatāka Swami, who
was present at the time, recalls how
Śrīla Prabhupāda’s eyes filled with
tears and he said, “How hungry
they must be! They are picking the
prasādam from the pile – they must be
so hungry! We must arrange for their ness among the local villagers and
prasādam! If you want to make this farmers. This project is recognized
a mandir, a house of Kṛṣṇa, then you and supported by the Government of
must see that within a 10 mile radius, India.
no one goes hungry. That will be your
success. Kṛṣṇa is everyone’s father.
How can the son go hungry in the
presence of the father? Immediately
arrange to distribute prasādam.”

The devotees of ISKCON

Māyāpur have been endeavoring to
fulfill this instruction of Śrīla Prabh-
upāda’s ever since. Over the last eight
years alone, the ISKCON Māyāpur
Food for Life program, under the
Śrī Māyāpur Food Relief Trust, has
distributed over 4,000,000 plates of

The ISKCON Māyāpur Food

for Life project’s main prasādam dis-
tribution programs are Gaurāṅga
Prasādam, Pilgrims Prasādam, Dhām-
vaśī Prasādam, and Nāgara Saṅkīrta-
na Prasādam Distribution. On aver-
age, 2300 full meals are distributed
weekly, along with an additional 5600
bowls of kicharī. During festival
times such as Janmāṣṭamī and Gaura
Pūrṇimā, approximately 30 thousand
full meals are distributed.

The ISKCON Māyāpur Food

for Life program also looks out for the
welfare of the local people in a num-
ber of other ways, by providing ser-
vices such as emergency flood relief,
medical aid, educational help, and
providing clothes and purified drink-
ing water, as well as teaching and
encouraging environmental aware-

itchens of
ā y ā p u r
Sulabh Kitchen
Sulabh Kitchen is the first of Māyāpur’s
large kitchens, and has been serving
prasādam to the Māyāpur community
and visiting pilgrims for many years.

During previous floods, Sulabh Kitch-

Brahmacārī Kitchen en’s staff continued to cook, prepar-
ing prasādam on the roof of the Long
The Brahmacārī Kitchen daily serves Building to take in boats to distribute
at least 690 plates of prasādam to in the surrounding villages.
Māyāpur’s resident brahmacārīs,
and when the traveling saṅkīrtana The Sulabh prasādam hall can
devotees are present in Māyāpur, accommodate approximately 900
the number of plates increases to a people in one sitting. Sulabh Kitchen
daily average of 915. During festival also features a VIP room, which can
times, an additional 900 plates are accommodate 100. With a total staff
distributed. Twenty-two devotees of 40, Sulabh Kitchen prepares and
serve within the Brahmacārī Kitchen. serves an estimated 2,450 fifty plates
of prasādam per day, and a total of
89,580 plates per year. Daily, they
Gadā Kitchen serve both breakfast and lunch.

Every year, the Gadā Kitchen serves

over 603,780 plates of prasādam,
Gītā Bhavan Kitchen
providing full meals to the visiting
pilgrims and guests. A staff of 51 The Gītā Bhavan Kitchen serves an
people engage in various services in average of 1500 plates of prasādam
the Gadā Kitchen, such as distributing per day, and the kitchen has the
coupons, managing supply storage, capacity to serve up to 9000 plates a
supervising cooking, and serving the day. There are 14 permanent kitchen
freshly cooked meals. staff who cook lunch and dinner
every day.
The Gadā Kitchen recently installed
new appliances to enhance the
execution of their service, including
gas ovens, a steam cooker, and a
cold storage for vegetables and dairy
Lunch and dinner are served at Gadā
Kitchen daily.

Prasadam Distribution

M a h ā
p r a s ā d a m
The Mahā-prasādam Depart-
ment is a favourite amongst both vis-
iting and resident devotees. Offering
a variety of sweets, packaged snacks,
and meals, the Mahā-prasādam De-
partment has five outlets at different
locations in the Śrī Māyāpur Can-
drodaya campus. On average, the
Mahā-prasādam Department sells
five thousand to six thousand units of
prasādam daily.

Over the last two years, the

Mahā-prasādam Department has add-
ed a new range of milk sweets and de-
signer cakes to their menu, as well as
12 different options for lunch. They
also offer an Ekādaśī menu. The de-
partment also recently completed the
construction of an additional kitchen
which will be used for the production
of packaged snacks that will eventu-
ally be marketed throughout India. In
2018, they sold approximately 790,000
plates of prasādam.

Māyāpur’s Govinda’s Restau-
rant aims to create a congenial atmo-
sphere for devotees and guests to rel-
ish prasādam. In the past few years,
the restaurant has expanded its menu
to further cater to its international
customers, installed air conditioning
throughout the entire restaurant, ex-
tended its snack counter, and added
a permanent pizzeria. The restau-
rant serves an average of 5000 to
6000 guests a month, and sold a total
of approximately 220,000 plates of
prasādam in 2018.

Join us in our service to
and his place of worship !

There is an unlimited amount of service that is done in ISKCON

Māyāpur, and an unlimited amount of service that can still be
done. Worship of the Lord is by nature ever-increasing!
It is by worshiping the Lord that we are inspired to perform
more worship.

Please join us in our service to Śrīla Prabhupāda and his

place of worship. Visit Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, glorify Śrīdhāma
Māyāpur, remember Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, and in whatever way
you are able, continue to spread the mission of Lord Caitanya

Śrīdhāma Māyāpur is the place of worship for all ISKCON

devotees – please join us!

86 is the official website of the Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir. Visit it for information, pictures,
articles, and further ways to connect with ISKCON Māyāpur. Like its Facebook page for regular updates on
ISKCON Māyāpur.
The Māyāpur Internal Communication Department provides information to residents of ISKCON Māyāpur
and the worldwide ISKCON community on behalf of the management of ISKCON Māyāpur.

“This is the best among all the places in the universe. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement has established
its center in Māyāpur, the birthsite of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, to give men the great opportunity
to go there and perform a constant festival of saṅkīrtana-yajña, as recommended herein (yajñeśa-makhā
mahotsavāḥ) and to distribute prasāda to millions of hungry people hankering for spiritual emancipation.”

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.24, Purport)

We encourage all devotees to visit the Śrī Māyāpur Candrodaya Mandir

and experience this most auspicious of holy dhāmas!


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