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Quantum Mechanics I - - Unit 2 - Week 1 ▼

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Unit 2 - Week 1
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1) For one dimensional systems described by symmetric potential energies with the 1 point
Week 1 property V (x) = V (−x), the energy eigenstates ψn (x)

Lecture 1 : are not parity eigenfunctions

Introduction to
Quantum are eigenfunctions of parity operator
Mechanics - I
must be only even wave function for any n under parity
Lecture 2 :
must be only odd wave function for any n under parity
Introduction to
Quantum No, the answer is incorrect.
Mechanics - II
Score: 0
Lecture 3 : Accepted Answers:
Review of
are eigenfunctions of parity operator
Particle in Box,
Potential Well, 2) Consider the following wavefunction for the particle in the one-dimensional box of 1 point
Harmonic length L at t = 0, ψ(x, t = 0) = 1
sin ( πx
) + 2
sin ( 3πx
) . The time evolution of
such a state ψ(x, t) will be
Lecture 4 :
Review of
Particle in Box, be a stationary state but probability density is time independent
Potential Well,
not a stationary state but probability density is time independent
Harmonic stationary state with time dependent probability density
not a stationary state as probability density is time dependent
Lecture 5 :
Tutorial 1 - Part No, the answer is incorrect.
I Score: 0

Lecture 6 : Accepted Answers:

Tutorial 1 - Part not a stationary state as probability density is time dependent
3) Suppose the state of the particle in a one-dimensional box at t =0 of length L 1 point

sin ( πx ) + √25L sin ( 2πx ) .The probability for the particle to be in the
Quiz :
Assignment 1 is ψ(x, t = 0) =
√5L & Terms
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Study first excited state will be
A project of In association with

Assignment 1: zero
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Quantum Mechanics I - - Unit 2 - Week 1

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No, the answer is incorrect.
Week 2
Score: 0

Week 3 Accepted Answers:

Week 4
4) For a particle bound inside a one-dimensional symmetric double well 1 point
potentialV (x) = V0 (finite) for |x| < a and V(x) = 0 for b > |x| > a and V (±b) = ∞,
Week 5

the ground state is degenerate and discrete.

Week 6
the ground state is non-degenerate and discrete.
Week 7
the ground state is non-degenerate and continous.

Week 8 the ground state is degenerate and continous.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Week 9
Score: 0

Week 10 Accepted Answers:

the ground state is non-degenerate and discrete.
Week 11
5) The current density for a particle of mass m in a state ψ(x) = Aeip x/ℏ + Be−ip x/ℏ is 1 point
Week 12 (Here A and B are constants which are in general complex.)


m (|A|
+ |B|2 + |A||B|)

m (|A|
+ |B|2 − |A||B|)

m (|A| + |B|2 )
p 2

m (|A| − |B|2 )
p 2

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

m (|A| − |B|2 )
p 2

exp ( ) be the wavefunction for a free particle in three

6) Let ψ(r )⃗ 1 ip .⃗ r ⃗
= ℏ
1 point
→ →
dimension. The probability density for the particle to lie between r1 and r1 + dr ⃗ will be

exp ( )
1 −ip .⃗ r 1⃗
(2πℏ)3/2 ℏ


exp ( )
1 ip .⃗ r 1⃗
(2π ℏ) 3/2 ℏ

exp ( )
1 2ip .⃗ r 1⃗
(2π ℏ)3 ℏ

2 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:17 PM

Quantum Mechanics I - - Unit 2 - Week 1

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

7) The allowed energy values E of scattering states in hydrogen atom will be 1 point

a continuum with E <0

discrete with E <0

a continuum with E >0

E < V (r → ±∞)
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
a continuum with E >0
8) The energy E = 50E0 for a particle in the three dimensional cubical box is 1 point
( E0 represents the ground state energy of the particle)

6 fold degenerate


3 fold degenerate

2 fold degenerate

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
6 fold degenerate

9) Consider a one-dimensional particle of mass mwhich is confined within the 1 point

region 0 ≤ x ≤ a and whose unnormalised wave function is Ψ(x, t) = sin( πax ) e−i ω t . The
potential V(x) will be

1 ℏ 2 π2
ℏω + 2m a2

ℏ 2 π2
ℏω− 2m a2

ℏ 2 π2
2m a2
− 12 ℏ ω

ℏ 2 π2
2m a2

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
ℏ 2 π2
ℏω− 2m a2

10)Suppose Ψ(x, t) = √ a2 sin( πax ) e−2i ω t is the wavefunction for a particle in the 1 point

region 0 ≤ x ≤ a . The probability of finding such a particle in the interval a/4 ≤ x ≤ 3a/4 will be

3 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:17 PM

Quantum Mechanics I - - Unit 2 - Week 1




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Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

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