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Acknowledgement 2

Abstract 3

Chapter 1 4-8

Chapter 2 9-29

Chapter 3 30-38

Appendix 39-42

References 43-50


Alhamdulillah, we managed to finish this assignment after we had put through all our

efforts and commitment to complete this assignment on time and complete the task in fulfilling

the needs partly of Research Methodology (533) course work.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who had helped us,

regardless how little or large, in the making of this assignment. First of all, thanks to Mr. Shafiee

b. Tarmudi for the guidance, advice, lecture, and ideas from our thanks to him for your supports

on giving us a clear direction on how to do the assignment.

We also would like to thank to all Miss Nurul Fariha, the librarian because give a

guidance during search of our journal.

Last but not least to all friends in BMB3P3, who are lending their hand to help us to do

this assignment with good effort. Thank you so much to you all.


By using internet, we can travel all over the world and meet many people from different
culture. One of the medium can be use is social networking which can communicate people. The
social networking such as facebook, twitter, myspace and blogger is not new in our country and
the usage of this networking like drugs which make people addict to surf every single day.
Nowadays, social networking not only being surf for communicate to others but some of them
use it for business and also for education. So, we come out with one research to identify effects
of social networking towards communication, business and education. The research had been
made in UITM Segamat that involves 346 students and staff. We distribute questionnaires to
ensure this research succeeds.




The usage of social networking is like phenomenon that spread from one country to
another country. The example of social networking that is popular among people these days
such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Bloggers. This research will be conduct due to the
usage of the social networking in daily life of people without any limit of age can give many
effects. The addiction of the social networking is one of the important issues for some of the
country such as Arab Saudi that had banned certain social networking which can give bad
influence among the community. By doing this research, we can make the analysis which of the
social networking give more advantages towards society. Besides advantages, there also can be
disadvantages because according to the past research, social networking not only gives good
effects but also bad effect. Most of the user of the social networking is among teenagers and by
misuse the social networking could give bad effect towards them. The research will give the
result which had been analyzed from the respondent’s answer of the questionnaires distribution.

Many people too preoccupied with social networking that very wide which can connect people
around the world. From the various social networking people may choose to use the benefits
from the advantages or misuse it.

1.2 Background

There are many types of social networking that can be use as a medium for
communication among people. Other than that we can see that social networking can give some
advantages in terms of business and education. Some of the examples of social networking are
Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, MySpace, and Blogger. There are several social networking
being popular among people according to some researchers. Facebook is a social
networking website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by
Facebook, Inc., with more than 500 million active users in July 2010. Users can add people as
friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about
themselves. Other than that, Twitter is a social networking and micro blogging service, owned
and operated by Twitter Inc. that enables its users to send and read other users' messages called
tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile
page. Friendster is a social networking website. Its headquarters are in Mountain View,
California. The service allows users to contact other members, maintain those contacts, and
share online content and media with those contacts. These social networking suppose to be
design to make life easier but there will be many effects. So, research is the one of the way to
identify the social networking effects.

1.3 Problem Statement

In the past, there are many research had been done about the social networking
because some of the social networking can effects daily life. Most of the people will have the
tendency to be preoccupied when they surf social networking. Some of the students can use
social networking as a medium of education. Meanwhile, social networking also can
communicate people around the world besides can be a medium to expand the business. The
problem that can arise from this research is the misuse of this social networking to towards the
education, communication and business because some of the people use the networking for their
own interest such as fraud or sex harassment. Nowadays, social networking is the main medium
that people use every single day for communicate and also business. Other than that, there are
many information can be gain from the social networking. So, research will be done to clear the
problem which identifies the effect of social networking.

1.4 Objectives of Research

From the problem statement, we will state the objectives of the research. There are three
objectives that can be achieved by doing this research. The objectives are:

 To identify whether social networking effects the communication.

 To identify the effects of social networking towards education.

 To identify the effects of social networking in expand the business.

1.5 Research question

When the objective being identify, the research question being made to ensure that this
research can fulfill this question:

 How social networkings effect the communication among people?

 How education being effect by social networking?

 How social networking effect people in expand the business?

1.6 Scope of Research

Scope of this research is women and men which from 18 years old and above in
UiTM Segamat and it involves about 346 students and staffs include the non residents. The
main reason we choose UiTM community is because the user of social networking is among
teenagers which is students. Most of them spend their time surf the social networking to
communicate with others. Other than that, they can use for education by learn from others
experience or share the knowledge. Nowadays, most of the people using social networking to
make side income in doing business and some of them use it to expand their business that
already establish before to make the business more known to others. The widest usage of
social networking among people makes us easier to find our respondents from the UiTM

1.7 Limitation of Research

The research will be done from the end of August 2010 to end of September 2010.
From the populations, we distribute 346 questionnaires among students and staff in UiTM.
By processing the data, there will be several problems in term of cost, transportation, time,
and population and respondents feedback. So, by doing this research, there are limitations
that we are deal with. The distribution of the questionnaires will be done in one week. The
advantages here in term of transportation which can cut the cost because the studies is among
UiTM students and staff. After get the feedback from the respondents, the data processing
will be done to ensure that there is no mistake in the data.



In this age of globalization, the world has become too small a place thanks to the
electronic media and portals. Communication has become effective as never before thanks to the
advent of internet. The social networking sites have also played a crucial role in bridging
boundaries and crossing the seas and bringing all people at a common platform where they can
meet like minded people or find old friends and communicate with them. It has become a
potential mean to relation building and staying in touch with all known. Hence, the objective that
I wanted to achieve through this research is to identify the effect of social networking. This is
because social networking sites have made many users become addicted. The websites can give
good effect but also cause adverse effect to the user.

The social networking sites are gaining a lot of popularity these days with almost all of
the educated youth using one or the other such site. These have played a crucial role in bridging
boundaries and crossing the seas and enabling them to communicate on a common platform. It
has become a popular and a potential mean for them to stay friends with the existing ones and to

grow up their social circle at least in terms of acquaintances. The question regarding the safety,
privacy and the legal issues have been cropping up all this time. Through this research we try to
find out the impact of these networking sites on the personal and professional lives of people
using them.

Social network is a social structure made of nodes which are generally individuals or
organizations that are tied by one or more specific types of relation. With the rapid growth of
people who use or have access to the Internet, social networking websites are a must for the
Internet community to stay in touch with each other. Social networking web sites help people
keep in touch with old friends make new friends; distribute new data or product, and many more
aspects of our everyday lives. The first official social networking web site was
which was founded in 1995. What followed was a slow but steady growth in numbers of social
networking websites to the overwhelming number of sites we have today. The reason that social
networking websites work so well is that, like their inception, they start of small and then grow
exponentially. The site starts off with a few people who then tell their friends about the site, then
those friends tell their friends about the site and soon the site is a huge database of users
connected by friends, acquaintances, or just random people. The web sites are made to allow
users to create a profile describing themselves and to exchange public or private messages and
list other users or groups they are connected to in some way. Most social networking websites
are often designed to fit a certain type of community such as the college community being
mirrored by or a music/party community mirrored by With the
rapid growth of social networking web sites and their global scale usage, whatever one feels
concerning social networking web sites is irrelevant because social networking web sites are on a
popularity rise and are here to stay.


Below are some histories of the social networking;

i) Facebook

Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004 that is operated and

privately owned by Facebook, Inc., with more than 500 million active users in July 2010. Users
can add people as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify
friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by workplace, school,
or college. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books given to students at the
start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping
students to get to know each other better. Facebook allows anyone who declares them to be aged
13 or older to become a member of the website.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer
science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The website's
membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other
colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support
for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to
anyone aged 13 and over.

Facebook has met with some controversy. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries
including Pakistan, Syria, and People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, and Iran. It has also been
banned at many places of work to discourage employees from wasting time using the
service. Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times. Facebook
settled a lawsuit regarding claims over source code and intellectual property. The site has also
been involved in controversy over the sale of fans and friends.

ii) Twitter

Twitter is a social networking and micro blogging service, owned and operated by
Twitter Inc. that enables its users to send and read other users' messages called tweets. Tweets
are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page. Tweets are
publicly visible by default; however senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list.
Users may subscribe to other author tweets—this is known as following and subscribers are
known as followers. As of late 2009, users can follow lists of authors instead of following
individual authors. All users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, compatible
external applications (such as, for smart phones), or by Short Message Service (SMS) available
in certain countries. While the service is free, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service
provider fees. The website is based in San Bruno, California near San Francisco (where the
website was first based). Twitter also has servers and offices in San Antonio, Texas and Boston,

Since its creation in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained notability and popularity
worldwide and currently has more than 100 million users worldwide. It is sometimes described
as the "SMS of the Internet. The use of Twitter's application programming interface (API) for
sending and receiving SMS from other applications often dominates the direct use of Twitter.

Twitter's origins lie in a "daylong brainstorming session" that was held by board members of the
podcasting company Odeo. During the meeting, Jack Dorsey introduced the idea of an individual
using an SMS service to communicate with a small group, a concept partially inspired by the
SMS group messaging service TXTMob.

The original project code name for the service was twttr, inspired by Flickr and the five character
length of American SMS short codes. The developers initially considered "10958″ as a short
code, but later changed it to "40404″ for "ease of use and memorability." Work on the project
started on March 21, 2006, when Dorsey published the first Twitter message at 9:50 PM Pacific
Standard Time (PST): "just setting up my twttr."

The first Twitter prototype was used as an internal service for Odeo employees and the full
version was introduced publicly on July 15, 2006. In October 2006, Biz Stone, Evan Williams,
Dorsey, and other members of Odeo formed Obvious Corporation and acquired Odeo and all of
its assets–including and–from the investors and shareholders. Twitter
spun off into its own company in April 2007.

iii) Friendster

Friendster is a social networking website. Its headquarters are in Mountain View,

California. The service allows users to contact other members, maintain those contacts, and share
online content and media with those contacts. The website is also used for dating and discovering
new events, bands, and hobbies. Users may share videos, photos, messages and comments with
other members via their profile and their network.

Friendster has over 115 million registered users and over 61 million unique visitors a month
globally. The website receives approximately 19 billion page views per month, and is in the top
500 global websites based on web traffic.

Over 90% of Friendster's traffic comes from Asia. In Asia, Friendster has more monthly unique
visitors than any other social network. The top 10 countries accessing Friendster, according to
Alexa, as of May 7, 2009 are the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, the United
States, Singapore, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and India.

Friendster was founded by computer programmers Jonathan Abrams and Cris Emmanuel in 2002
in Mountain View, California before the creation, launch and adoption of MySpace, Facebook,
LinkedIn and others.

Friendster was founded to create a safer, more effective environment for meeting new people by
browsing user profiles and connecting to friends, friends of friends and so on, allowing members
to expand their network of friends more rapidly than in real life, face-to-face scenarios. went live in March 2003 and was quickly adopted by three million users within
the first few months. Publications including Time, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Entertainment Weekly,
US Weekly and Spin wrote about Friendster's success and the founder appeared on magazine
covers and late-night talk shows.

Today, Friendster has a membership base of more than 115 million registered users and
continues to grow, especially in Asia. In August 2008, Friendster hired ex-Google executive
Richard Kimber as the CEO. Kimber is focusing on Friendster's expansion in Asia. On
December 9, 2009, it was announced that Friendster has been acquired by MOL Global, one of
Asia's biggest Internet companies. MOL Global is funded by one of Malaysia's successful
businessmen, Tan Sri Vincent Tan, Chairman and Chief Executive of Berjaya Corporation

iv) Myspace

MySpace is a social networking website. Its headquarters are in Beverly Hills, California where
it shares an office building with its immediate owner, News Corp. Digital Media, owned by
News Corporation. MySpace became the most popular social networking site in the United
States in June 2006. According to comScore, MySpace was overtaken internationally by its main
competitor, Facebook, in April 2008, based on monthly unique visitors. MySpace employs 1,000
employees, after lying off 30 percent of its workforce in June 2009; the company does not

disclose revenues or profits separately from News Corporation. The 100 millionth accounts were
created on August 9, 2006, in the Netherlands.

After the 2002 launch of Friendster, several eUniverse employees with Friendster accounts saw
its potential and decided to mimic the more popular features of the social networking website, in
August 2003. Within 10 days, the first version of MySpace was ready for launch. A complete
infrastructure of finance, human resources, technical expertise, bandwidth, and server capacity
was available for the site, right out of the gate, so the MySpace team wasn’t distracted with
typical start-up issues. The project was overseen by Brad Greenspan (eUniverse's Founder,
Chairman, CEO), who managed Chris DeWolfe (MySpace's starting CEO), Josh Berman, Tom
Anderson (MySpace's starting president), and a team of programmers and resources provided by

The very first MySpace users were eUniverse employees. The company held contests to see who
could sign-up the most users. The company then used its resources to push MySpace to the
masses. eUniverse used its 20 million users and e-mail subscribers to quickly breathe life into
MySpace, and move it to the head of the pack of social networking websites. A key architect was
tech expert Toan Nguyen who helped stabilize the MySpace platform when Brad Greenspan
asked him to join the team.

The origin of the domain was a site owned by, Inc. It was intended to
be leading online data storage and sharing site up until 2002. By 2004, MySpace and, which existed as a brand associated with, had made the transition
from a virtual storage site to a social networking site. This is the natural connection to Chris
DeWolfe and a friend, who reminded him he had earlier bought the URL domain,,
intending it to be used as a web hosting site, since both worked at one time in the virtual data
storage business, which itself was a casualty of the "dot bomb" era.

Shortly after launching the site, team member Chris DeWolfe suggested that they start charging a
fee for the basic MySpace service. Brad Greenspan nixed the idea, believing that keeping
MySpace free and open was necessary to make it a large and successful community. Some
employees of MySpace including DeWolfe and Berman were later able to purchase equity in the

property before MySpace, and its parent company eUniverse (now renamed Intermix Media) was
bought in July 2005 for US$580 million by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation (the parent
company of Fox Broadcasting and other media enterprises). Of this amount, approximately
US$327 million has been attributed to the value of MySpace according to the financial adviser
fairness opinion.

In January 2006, Fox announced plans to launch a UK version of MySpace in a bid to "tap into
the UK music scene" which they have since done. They also released a version in China and
have since launched similar versions in other countries.

By late 2007 into 2008, Myspace was considered the leading social networking site, and
consistently beat out main competitor Facebook in traffic. When Facebook launched new
features in an effort to attract a variety of users, Myspace found itself in a continuing decline of
membership. As of July 2010, the site was ranked 25th in Internet traffic, opposed to the 2nd
position held by Facebook.

The corporate history of MySpace as well as the status of Tom Anderson as a MySpace founder
has been a matter of some public dispute.

v) Orkut

Orkut is a social networking website that is owned and operated by Google Inc. The
service is designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships. The
website is named after its creator, Google employee Orkut Büyükkökten. Although Orkut is less
popular in the United States than competitors Facebook and MySpace, it is one of the most
visited websites in India and Brazil. In fact, as of December 2009, 51.09% of Orkut's users are
from Brazil, followed by India with 20.02% and United States with 17.28%.

Originally hosted in California, in August 2008 Google announced that Orkut would be fully
managed and operated in Brazil, by Google Brazil, in the city of Belo Horizonte. This was

decided due to the large Brazilian user base and growth of legal issues. As of August 2010,
Alexa traffic ranked Orkut 73rd in the world; the website currently has more than 100 million
active users worldwide. Anyone of age above 13 years can join orkut.

In 2003, Google offered to purchase the social network, Friendster, but the offer was declined by
that company. Google then internally commissioned Orkut Büyükkökten to work on a competing
independent project. The result was Orkut, and the product launched on January 24, 2004. The
community membership was originally by invitation only.

During the first year, the United States had the largest user base. By word of mouth various
Brazilians began adopting and inviting more friends, in a viral process driven by the
blogosphere. Soon after, Brazil surpassed the U.S. in the number of users and Orkut started
becoming heavily popular in Brazil. Americans then started leaving the service and switching to
other similar sites such as MySpace and Friendster. This phenomenon was covered by the
English blogosphere with some criticism towards Brazilians because they tended to
communicate (not only among themselves) using their native language, Portuguese, and not
English. From that time, Orkut growth was driven by Brazilian users, first being opened to
everyone by register and becoming one of the most popular websites in Brazil.

The creator Orkut Büyükkökten visited Brazil in 2007, in an attempt to understand the success
in that country. In 2007 Orkut began attracting large amount of Indians who were not intimidated
by the number of Brazilians on the site. Orkut also has a simplified site for mobile users.
"". In 2008, a new feature was introduced for users having slow internet
connections to access Orkut using the "View Orkut in lighter version" setting.

vi) Bebo

Bebo is a social networking website launched in July 2005. It is owned by Criterion

Capital Partners. From March 2008 to June 2010 it was owned by AOL Inc. The website's name
is an acronym for Blog Early, Blog Often. Users receive a personal profile page where they can

post blogs, photographs, music, videos and questionnaires to which other users may answer.
Additionally, users may add others as friends and send them messages, and update their personal
profiles to notify friends about themselves.

Bebo was founded by Michael Birch and his wife Xochi Birch in January 2005 at their home in
San Francisco. It was acquired by AOL on March 13, 2008 for $850 million. In April 2010, AOL
announced it was planning to sell or shut down Bebo, with the sale being completed on June 17,
2010 to Criterion Capital Partners for an undisclosed sum. It has been reported that the sale
raised less than $10 million.

vii) Blogger

Blogger is a blog storage service that allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped
entries. It was created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs
are hosted by Google at sub domains of Up until May 1, 2010 Blogger allowed
users to publish blogs on other hosts, via ftp. All such blogs had (or still have) to be moved to
Google's own servers, with domains other than allowed via Custom URLs.

On August 23, 1999, Blogger was launched by Pyra Labs. As one of the earliest dedicated blog-
publishing tools, it is credited for helping popularize the format. In February 2003, Pyra Labs
was acquired by Google under undisclosed terms. The acquisition allowed premium features (for
which Pyra had charged) to become free. About a year later, Pyra Labs' co-founder, Evan
Williams, left Google. In 2004, Google purchased Picasa; it integrated Picasa and its photo
sharing utility Hello into Blogger, allowing users to post photos to their blogs.

On May 9, 2004, Blogger introduced a major redesign, adding features such as web standards-
compliant templates, individual archive pages for posts, comments, and posting by email. On
August 14, 2006, Blogger launched its latest version in beta, codenamed "Invader", alongside the
gold release. This migrate users to Google servers and included some new features. In December

2006, this new version of Blogger was taken out of beta. By May 2007, Blogger had completely
moved over to Google operated servers. Blogger was ranked 16 on the list of top 50 domains in
terms of number of unique visitors in 2007.



There are some points of view in term of effects of social networking towards
communications. There are; FRIENDSHIP NETWORKS

Social networking can give great impact to a person for example friendship networks,
advice networks and adversarial networks. Based on the Fehr.B (1996), in the journal from
Professor Heng-Li Yang and Phd candidate Jih-Hsin Tang, (2003) from the friendship networks
aspect, the people can appear if they path cross. They are more likely can share their about their
living, school and work environment.Refer to Sparrowe, R.T., Liden, R.C.and Kraimer, M.L
(2001) in the same author of the journal contains resources which is the person who are
connected share their resources such as information, assistance, guidance and other that related
to their work every day.


In the journal of Nicole B.Ellison, Charles Steinfield and Cliff Lampe (2007), this
network can make strong ties with family and close friends, who might be in position to provide
support for them. It clearly shows that the Internet can facilitate someone to communicate with
each other as the alternative to carrying out a relationship. From the Paul & Brier, (2001) in the
journal said that some researcher has created the term ‘friend sickness’ which can be defined
‘loss of connection to old friends when a young person moves away to college. They found that
the network help college student remain to close to their high school after they leave home for

From the research of Barbie Clarke (2009), state that social networking are able to
maintain friendship through social networking because in that way they can kept being contact
with their friends even they had moved to a different country. Even though face to face
communication was no possible but they still can maintain their relationship. Refer to the Boyd,
2008; Donath & boyd, 2004; Subrahmanyan, et al, 2006). Ellison, et al (2006), Livingstone
(2008) and Pfeil, et al (in Press) in the same journal said that social networking can used to
strengthen existing relationship and enhance social capital.


Based on the journal from Cheryl L. Coyle and Heather Vaughn (2008), can be
summarize that the social networking may serve as a source of ‘friendship-reminders’ to give
attention to one’s friends which is friendship have to stronger. Even though internet may change
the habit, but the effect of those changes on a relationship and psychological well-being would
likely small. From the study found that, nowadays student use social networking like Facebook
to maintain their social capital. In addition, they also like to stay linked with people with whom
they used to be more closely involved, for example former classmates. Based on the journal of
Donald H. Kluemper and Peter A. Rosen (2009), also agree that social networking websites can
attract people who like shares interest and activities, or who are exploring the interest of others.
Social network already design to connect users to each other and to display individual network of

From the researcher Rouse (1991), he analyzed that the Mexican people used media to
stay in touch, engage in community decision-making, and ‘participate in familial events even
from a considerable distance’. By using of media help social group to stay connected to other
members. YouTube is one of the social networking websites. The website is not only about video
sharing platform but also act as a websites to be friends with other people. In other words,
enables people to be ‘friending’.


Based on the Arrington, M (2006) in the journal of Samuel D. Gosling, Sam Gaddis and
Simine Vazire (2007) stated that social networking is a great way to find out more about
someone you have just met. Either facebook, Myspace or Friendster, it allows anyone with an
email address to create a profile complete with pictures and variety of specific personal
information. Refer to the Samuel D. Gosling, Sam Gaddis and Simine Vazire (2007) facebook
comprised mostly for of college student, although it has recently opened up to the public, and
allows users to send and post message, browse other users profile, and established visible link
via friends request. KEEP STRONG TIES WITH MEMBERS

Based on the research on the journal Acquisti & Gross (2006) in the journal of Austin
(2008) said that young people are motivated to join these sites to keep strong ties with friends, to
strength ties with new acquaintances, and to a lesser degree, to meet new people online. They
also give example sites like facebook to allow them to exchange news and discuss issue either
either public or private.


Besides communication, social networking also effect on business. Past research


Based on the journal of Donald H. Kluemper and Peter A. Rosen (2009), nowadays,
employers have begun using social network websites to assists in the selection process for new
employee. According to the Fuller, 2006 in this journal said that ‘some employers might try and
learn something about the student’s personality and whether it would be appropriate for the job.
However, there is information on Facebook that is not relevant to the job, but may be
inappropriately by employers to assess a candidate’. In the other words, social network have
made the work employer more easily. Employer that want to hire a person for a job may not
asked question regarding race, religion, sexual preference or marital status because all the
information can be easily located by using social network refer to the Kowske and Southwell,
(2006) in the same journal. As a result, social networking websites has become an important
issue for human resource (HR) according to the Zeidner, (2007)


Mostly of the student using Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Hotmail, Yahoo Massenger
as the medium to interact with each other. Based on the journal J& D, 2004 in the journal of
Muhammad Fairuz Abd Rauf, Marina Hassan, Siti Fatimah and Hema Subramaniam (2010),
social networking can make knowledge sharing, promotion or advertisement, find school
colleagues and research. SUCCESS IN BUSINESS PRACTISE

Refer to the Yeung, (2006) in this journal of S.d Klerk said that, it allows the
entrepreneur to success in business practice. Refer to the White, (2004) they have to know the
network, require little training or explanation of network skills entail. FACILITATE THE DELIVERY DOCUMENTATION

From the, (2009) there are 1.6 billon Internet users worldwide.
Many of the people use social network stay in touch with each other such as Facebook and
Myspace. The good things about the social network are use for job network, targeted marketing
and entertainment. Social network also provide inexpensive and quick source of information on

job applicants and current employees for employers. The network also can help people easily to
send document faster to other people elsewhere by using Internet and e-mail, which are provide a
way for people to communicate. ASSIST TO THE CAREER

According to the Forret & Dougherry (2001), p.284 in the journal of Greet Van Hoye,
Edwin A.J. Hooft, and Filip Lievens describe about the network as a job behavior. It defined as
‘individual’ attempts to develop and maintain relationship with others who have the potential to
assists them in their work or career. Networking can make contact with friends, acquaintances, or
other people so that the job seeker can get the information. In the other words, social
networkings also provide information to us. Refer to the theory, social networking as a job
search behavior refers to the intentional use of an individual job seeker’s social network with the

Refer to the journal, James Bennett and Mark Owers, Michael Pitt and Michael Tucker
(2010), can provide opportunities for both formal and informal interaction and collaboration with
fellow employees and customer which is they can transfer their knowledge and make
communication. The social networking websites also have various informal applications and
games that member of the organization can across the boundaries and time zone so that team
spirit and organizational culture can be maintained. Other effect which is social networking will
enable workers to work effectively through enhance communication and collaboration. As long
as they have detailed personal information about the contact which can be updated whenever the

people had move job, offices, or department, they still can make a communication with each
other. From the several researches also support the enhancing communication and networking
practices through technology can increase the productivity of the workers in the organization.


Nowadays, social networking is a part of tools of education. It proof by the past


Based on the journal write by Chickering and Ehrman, 1996 in the journal of Joanna C.
Dunlop and Patrick R. Lowenthal, social networking makes contact between student and faculty
in and outside of class. When faculty stay in touch with students through formal and informal
communication and dialogue, student report that it help them get through the rough times and
keep on working. He also states that knowing their instructors enhance student’s intellectual
commitment and encourage them to think about their own values and plans. According to the
Twitter websites, Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and
stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answer to one simple question for
example what are you doing?.However, people use it for more than providing updates on their
current status. Refer to the Java et al (2007) people shares ideas and resources, ask and answer
question and collaborate on problem of practice; in a recent study, researchers found that the
main communication intention of people participating in Twitter could be categorized as daily
chatter, conversation, sharing resources/URLs, and reporting news. According to the Siemens
(2007) in this journal said that by using a tool that enables just in time communication with the
local and global community, they are able to engage in sharing, collaboration, and brainstorming,
problem solving, and creating within the context of moment to moment experience. From the
journal of Joanna C. Dunlop and Patrick R. Lowenthal has identified other benefits of twitter

which is as a helpful tool for addressing student issues quickly, encourage student to write
clearly and concisely, helped our student learn to be sensitive to their audience and make
professional decision, many practicing professional also participate, tool that student used to
support their informal learning activities, and also enable faculty and student to maintain on-
going relationship after a course ends. SUCCESS IN ACADEMIC

Based on the Fehr.B (1996), in the journal from Professor Heng-Li Yang and Phd
candidate Jih-Hsin Tang, (2003), student that involved in social networking have more chance to
succeed in academic. Refer to the researcher, friendship network require access to information
and knowledge directly and in directly. A student who has a good friendship network, they have
a greater chance to help other people, more likely to be popular in the web-based. If they perform
very well, he or she has been developing a good friendship with others. Refer to Sparrowe, R.T.,
Liden, R.C.and Kraimer, M.L (2001) in the same author of the journal contains Student who
have good friendship and advice network, may influence them to accumulate information,
knowledge, and experience about their problem. DISTANCE EDUCATION

Based on the journal Carreia & Davis (2008) in the journal of Kevin P. Brady B.
Holcomb, and Bethany V. Smith stated that higher education distance education student needs a
venue to connect and actively engage with other members of the class, who they often have
never met in person and activities in distance education course need to allow for student to apply

their learning to authentic educational contexts. According to the DeSchryver et al (2009) in this
journal said that in distance education course, a mutually beneficial relationships seems to exist
between social presence and participation in online student discussion, student with higher social
presence tend to be more involved and engaged in such conversation. INTERACTION POSITIVE BETWEEN STUDENT-TEACHER


Based on the journal Pettenati, M.C. and M. Ranieri (2006) and Brandtzæg, P.B. and J.
Heim (2007) in the journal of Sacide Güzin Mazman, and Yasemin Koçak Usluel (2009) said
that social networks is a collaborative social software that support engaging in a common goals
for collaboration, knowledge sharing, interaction and communication. In addition, social
networks on the hand affect interaction positively between student-teacher and student-student
by creating more cordial environments. But the author found that social networking have been
adopted and being used extensively by many people, it is notable that they are not adopted in the
educational field as much in other fields, despite providing various advantages for the
educational context as in personalization, collaboration, information sharing, common interest,
active participation, and working together.


From the past researcher, it is proof that social networking sites have been affected
towards the communication such as make new friends, build friendship networks, communicate

with each other’s and maintain relationship. Besides, it also proof that social networking is one
of the tools for expanding business. It can help employer to find new employee and increase their
profit. Moreover, social networking gives big impact to education. It is because, nowadays,
social networking is one of the references for student to get information about their study.

To conclude, social networking has gives big effects to people lately.




Research Methodology is to find out the research of the sample and sample method. The
conditions under data will be collected, with the measuring instrument or data gathering
techniques to be used. For the research methodology, we are to find a sources that we are going
to used to get the answer of the research.


Research design is to specify the detail of how the research is conducted. This should
include the nature of the design adopted, information needed, data collection from secondary
and primary sources, scaling techniques, questionnaire development, sampling techniques and

After we are has been formulated the research problem, the research design must be
develop, that is the framework for the research project. Research design is a plan and structured
of investigation so conceived as to obtain answer to research the question. The classification of
the research design have to, first exploratory research design, conclusive research design, and
causal research design. But for this research, we will use only causal research design.

The main goal of causal research is to identify cause and effect relationship among
variable. In causal studies, it is typical to have an expectation of the relationship to be explained,
such as prediction about the influence of price, packaging, and advertising and the like on sales.
Thus, researches must be knowledgeable about the research subject.


Sampling is a subset of the population. The process of sampling involved any procedure
using a small of term or apart of the whole population to make conclusion regarding the whole
population. The purpose of sampling is to estimate some unknown characteristic of the
population. The scope of our research is the UITM Segamat students and staffs. The reason we
choose this area scope because our research is about the effect social networking in term of
communication, business and education.

For our population we select this area because this area we can save cost and time. It also
make easier to us to complete this research. For the sampling, since the number of people in
UITM Segamat, Johor is around 7000, based on the number of sample according to the
population, 346 of questionnaire will be distributing to the students and staff.


In our questionnaire, the design that we will use is nominal scale, likert scale and
category scale. Nominal scale is a simplest type of scale. The numbers or letters assigned to
objects serve as level for identification or classification. This type of scale includes designations
as to age, gender, course, and resident or non-resident. Likert scale is a measurement design to
allowed respondent to indicate how strongly agree or disagree with carefully constructed
statement that range from very positive to very negative toward an objects. Example of this type
of scale:

 Nominal Scale

1. Age 18-20 years 21-23 years 24 and above

2. Gender male female


 Likert Scale

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree

Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5

Hereby, we include our sample of questionnaire about effects of social
networking in our appendix.


Data collection can be define as how the researcher collect the data also related with
nature of data to be gathered. The nature of information needed by the researcher for the purpose
could be broadly classified under three headings which is background information of the
organization, managerial philosophy, company policies, and other structural aspects, and the last
is perceptions and behavioral responses of organizational members and client systems.

Data collect through such existing sources are called secondary data. That is, they are
data that already exist and do not have to be collected by the researcher. We used both type of
data which is primary data by using questionnaire and secondary data by using the previous


Surveys is asking people who are called respondent for information, using either verbal
or written question. For our research we will use only written question which is questionnaire.
The more formal term sample survey emphasizes that the purpose of contacting respondents is to
obtain representative sample of the target population. Thus, survey is defined as a method of
gathering primary data based on communication with a representative sample of individuals.

The type of information gathered in surveys varies considerably, depending on a survey
objective. Typically, survey investigation attempt to describe what is happening or to learn the
reason for a particular business activity. Based on our research, we will use the causal research to
identify the effects social networking on communication, business and education.

A survey provides quick, inexpensive, efficient, and accurate means of assessing

information about the population. Surveys are quiet flexible and properly conducted, extremely
valuable to managers.


Secondary data are the data gathered and recorded by someone else prior to and
for purposes other than the current needs of the researcher. Secondary data are usually historical,
already assembled, and do not require access to respondents or subjects. Secondary data also
refer to information gathered by someone other than the research conducting the current study.


Data analysis is describing the plan of data and justifies the data strategies and techniques
used. In data analysis we have three objectives, to identify effects of social networking in
communication, to identify effects of social networking in business and to identify effects of
social networking in education. The feel for the data will give preliminary ideas of how good the
scales are, how well the coding and entering the data have been done and so on.

From the questionnaire that will be distribute to the respondent of measurement that be
use to measure all the variables in this research is Likert Scale Method and Nominal Scale

Method. The scale is from 1 to 5, which the number “1” will be represent highest disagree of
respondent and the highest number will be “5” that represent the highest agree level by the
respondent. For the focus group, the output from the discussion will be record by the moderator.

We also used SPSS system and Microsoft Excel to analyze the data and form it to form of
bar chart and also pie chart.


Bar chart is a graphic and that shows changes in variable at discrete interval. We are
deciding to choose to use bar chart is because it can enhance the visual impact of our result. It
will give more benefit when we used this type of chart. This is because we can analyze easily of
the research that we are doing now. For the bar chart, we will use SPSS system Microsoft Excel
for scale it, because it more suitable, accurate to show the result and it can perform calculation,
analyze information, and can manage the lists.


Another chart, which is pie chart (or a circle graph) is a circular chart divided into
sectors, illustrating the proportion. It also a graphic that aid shows the composition of some total
quantity at a particular time; each angle, or “slice” is proportional to its percentage of the whole.
In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector is proportional to the quantity it represents. When
angels are measured with one turn as unit then a number of percent is identified with the same
number of centiturns. Together, the sectors create a full disk. From the data that we are collected,
we decide to use the pie chart to indicate our objectives of this research.



Friendship network

Communicate with each other

Maintain relationship
Keep in touch with close
Stay connected to other member
Find more friends
Keep strong ties with members

Business EFFECT ON
Assist In selection process for new
To promote and advertising business
Success in business practise
Facilities the delivery documentation
Assist to the carier
Collaboration between employer and


Interaction between student and faculty

Success in academic
Distance equation
Interaction between student-teacher and


An unproven proposition or supposition that tentatively explains certain facts or
phenomena a proposition that is empirically testable. A hypothesis is a statement, an assumption
about the nature of the world.

Once the important variables have been identify a situation established the relationship
among them through logical reasoning in the theoretical framework, we are in a position to test
whether social networking will be effect to communication, education and communication.
Hypothesis is a logically conjectured relationship between two or more variables expressed in
the form of a testable statement. And in our group research this is our hypothesis:

H1: if UiTM Segamat community using the social networking, it will occur positive effects on

H2: if UiTM Segamat community using the social networking, it will occur positive effects on

H3: if UiTM Segamat community using the social networking, it will occur positive effects on


This section discusses how the study will be conducted. There are several steps to be done
to achieve the objectives of this study. The first step to be done is to determine the appropriate
study design that is causal research. We selected 346 samples from the 7000 population of
people UiTM Segamat Johor. We will distribute the questions to be completed to collect the
required data. From the data that collect the analysis data process will begin. The data analysis

will be interpreted to chart and table. This section is very important because this stage will
influence the way and the result of the research





We are student of MARA University of Technology are conducting a survey regarding effects on
social networking among the community. We believe that your comments and recommendations
will guide us for our subject; Research Methodology (MGT 533) on this semester. We appreciate
your effort in spending time to answer this questionnaire. All the information given are private
and confidential.

Answer the following questions;

1. Gender Male Female

2. What is your age group?

18-19 years

20-22 years

23 and above

3. What is your educational qualification?

PP Pra-diploma Diploma Bachelor Master Phd

4. Resident?

Hostel (student) Non Resident(student) Rent/ownhouse(staff)

5. Are you are user of social networking?

Yes No

6. Where do you usually online?

Library Hostel Cyber cafe Home

7. How often you use a social networking in a term of education for a week?

1-2 hours 3-4 hours

5-6 hours more than 6 hours

8. How has social networking sites benefited you as a user?

I can connect with my friend for notes

Doing more constructive work

To exchange information; assignment, homework etc

9. What is the purpose you used social networking on education?

` Homework /assignment

Share notes

A way of release tension

10. Is it social networking used to be second resources in your task?

Yes No

11. Is it social networking influence you in bad attitude?

Yes No

The following questions required you to tick whether;

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5

Questions 1 2 3 4 5
12. Social networking gives good impact to
13. Social networking affects on relationship with
friend (new friend and existing friends)
14. Social networking broken main language
15. Social networking make you up-to-date
16.Social networking build up family relationship
17. Social networking helps to expand your
18. Social networking help you to generate new
19. Social networking can help customer to solve
20. social networking help you more easier in
manage business
21. social networking help you to improve
business profit


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