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Nirmal Sir Classes

SSC+Banking (Pre+Mains)
Type-1 6. The average of the five numbers is 6.8. If one of
1. Find the average of the following the number is multiplied by 3. The average of the
fuEu dk vkSlr Kkr djksa& numbers increases to 9.2. Which of the five num-
(i) 12, 15, 0, 23, 20 ber is multiplied by 3?
(ii) 55, 27, 45, 15, 30, 23 5 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 6-8 gSA ;fn fdlh ,d la[;k

(iii) 59.5, 60, 60.5, 70.5, 74.25, 45.75
dks 3 ls xq.kk dj fn;k tk;sa rks u;k vkSlr 9-2 gks
(A) 15, 33.5, 61.75
tkrk gSA mu ikapksa la[;kvksa esa ls oks dkSulh la[;k gS
(B) 14, 32.5, 61.75
ftlesa 3 ls xq.kk fd;k x;k Fkk\
(C) 14, 32.75, 61.5
(A) 55 (B) 4

(D) 14, 32.25, 61.50
(C) 4.5 (D) 6
2. The average of 16, a, 19, 15, 24, b, c is 20 and
7. The number of students in three classes A, B, C are
average of 9, 14, 16, b, 23 c is 18. Find the value of
52, 78, 39 respectively and average weight of these
(A) 24
(C) 20
(B) 28
(D) Cannot be determined
classes are 78, 85, 83 respectively. Find the overall
average of 3 classes?
rhu d{kk,¡ A, B, C esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k,a Øe'k%
3. The average of five numbers is 50. The average of
52] 78] 39 gSA bu rhuksa d{kkvksa dk vkSlr Hkkj
the first and second numbers is 49 and the average
Øe'k% 78] 85] 83 gSA rhuksa d{kkvksa dk lfEefyr

of the fourth and fifth numbers is 29. What is the

vkSlr gksxk&
third number?
ikap la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 50 gSA izFke vkSj nwljs la[;k 1 2
(A) 78 (B) 79
dk vkSlr 49 rFkk pkSFks ,oa ikaposa la[;k dk vkSlr 13 13

29 gS] rks rhljh la[;k gksxh\ 5 3

(A) 92 (B) 94 (C) 82 (D) 81
13 13
(C) 96 (D) 98 8. The average of six number is 45.5. If a new num-

4. The average of 5 numbers is 306.4. The average of ber is added then the new average become 47. Find
first two numbers is 431 and the average of last the new number is added then the new average be-
two number is 214.5. What is the third number? come 47. Find the new number.
ikap la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 306-4 gSA igyh vkSj nwljh 6 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 45-5 gSA ;fn ,d u;h la[;k
la[;k dk vkSlr 431 rFkk pkSFkh vkSj ikapoha dk tksM+h tkrh gS] rks u;k vkSlr 47 gks tkrk gSA u;h

vkSlr 214-5 gS] rks rhljh la[;k D;k gksxh\ la[;k Kkr djsAa
(A) 62 (B) 56
(A) 241 (B) 243
(C) 54 (D) 52
(C) 247 (D) 245 9. The average weight of 5 persons sitting in the boat
5. Out of four numbers. the average of first three is is 35 kg. The average weight of the boat and the
16 and that of the last three is 15. If the last number person sitting in the boat is 52 kg. What is the weight
is 18. Find the first number? of boat?
pkj la[;kvksa esa ls izFke rhu dk vkSlr 16 rFkk uko esa cSBs 5 O;fDr;ksa dk vkSlr otu 38 fdxzk gSA
vafre rhu dk vkSlr 15 gSA ;fn vafre la[;k 18 gks uko rFkk uko esa cSBs O;fDr;ksa dk vkSlr otu 52
rks izFke la[;k gksxh\ fdxzk gSA uko dk otu Kkr djsAa
(A) 228 kg (B) 122 kg
(A) 20 (B) 18
(C) 232 kg (D) 242 kg
(C) 19 (D) 21

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


10. If the average weight of 6 students is 50 kg; that of ,d iqLrdky; esa vkus okys lSykfu;ksa dh vkSlr
2 students is 51 kg and that of 2 students is 55 kg, la[;k jfookj dks 510 rFkk vU; fnuksa esa 240 gSA 30
then the average weight of all ten students is:
fnuksa ds ekg esa tks jfookj ls izkjaHk gksrk gSA izfrfnu
;fn 6 Nk=ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj 50 fdxzk gS rFkk 2 Nk=ksa
vkSlr lSykfu;ksa dh la[;k Kkr djksaA
dk vkSlr Hkkj 51 fdxzk gS rFkk 2 Nk=ksa dk vkSlr (A) 285 (B) 295
Hkkj 55 fdxzk gS] rks lHkh 10 Nk=ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj& (C) 300 (D) 290
(A) 61 kg (B) 51.5 kg 16. If the mean of 4 observations is 20. When a con-
(C) 52 kg (D) 51.2 kg stant C is added to each observation, the mean be-
11. A cricket player scored 37, 32, 43 in his third in- comes 22. The value of C is:
nings respectively. How much average score he 4 ekiuksa dk vkSlr 20 gSA tc C dks izR;sd la[;k esa
should score in his next two innings so, that aver-
tksM+ fn;k tk;sa rks vkSlr 22 gks tkrk gSA C dk eku
age become 60.
,d f[kykM+h 3 ikfj;ksa esa Øe'k% 37] 32] 43 ju cukrs Kkr djksaA
(A) 6 (B) -2
gSaA og viuh vxyh ikfj;ksa esa fdrus ju cuk, rkfd

(C) 2 (D) 4
mldk 5 ikfj;ksa dk vkSlr 60 gks tk,A 17. The average of some natural number is 15. If 30 is
(A) 188 (B) 152 added to first number and 5 is subtracted from the
(C) 160 (D) 174 last number the average
12. Out of 24 girls 6 are 1 m, 15 cm in height, 8 are 1 dqN izkd`r la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 15 gSA ;fn izFke

m, 5 cm and the rest 1 m, 11 cm. What is average
la[;k esa 30 tksM+k tk;sa rFkk vafre la[;k esa 5 ?kVk;k
height of the girls?
24 yM+fd;ksa esa ls 6 yM+fd;ksa dh yEckbZ 1 ehVj] 15 tk, rks vkSlr 17-5 gks tkrk gS] rks izkd`r la[;kvksa
dh la[;k Kkr djsAa
lseh] 8 yM+fd;ksa dh yEckbZ 1 eh] 5 lseh rFkk 'ks"k
yM+fd;ksa dh yEckbZ 1 ehVj] 11 lseh gSA yM+fd;ksa
dh vkSlr yEckbZ gksxh&
(A) 1m (B) 2m
(A) 20
(C) 15
(B) 30
(D) 10
18. A shop of electronic goods is closed on Monday.
the average sales per day for remaining six day of
(C) 1m 10 cm (D) 1m 20 cm a week is Rs. 15640 and average sale of Tuesday
13. In an exam the average marks obtained by John in

to Saturday is Rs. 14124. The sale on Sunday is:

English, Science, Social studies and craft were 70. bysDVªkfud leku dh nqdku lkseokj dks can jgrh
If the average marks in all seven subjects is 58;
gSA lIrkg ds 'ks"k 6 fnuksa dh vkSlr izfrfnu fcØh
Find his score in Maths?
,d ijh{kk es atkWu ds vaxzsth]] fgUnh vkSj 15640 :- gSA eaxyokj ls 'kfuokj dh vkSlr fcØh
14124 :- gSA jfookj dh fcØh gS&

vaxzsth esa vkSlr izkIrkad 50 FksA mlds] foKku]

(A) 23220 (B) 201888
lekftd foKku rFkk Øk¶V esa vkSlr izkIrkad 70 FksA (C) 21704 (D) Data Inadequate
;fn tkWu ds lHkh 7 fo"k;ksa ds izkIrkadksa dk vkSlr 58 19. The average of the first 3 whole numbers in a given

jgk gks] rks esa mlds izkIrkad fdrus Fks\ series is 24 and the average of the remaining whole
(A) 50 (B) 52 number is 18. What will be the average of all the
(C) 60 (D) 74 number of this series?
14. The average of six numbers is 32. If each of first nh xbZ J`a[kyk esa igys rhu iwoZ la[;kvksa dk vkSlr
three number is increased by 2 and each of the re- 24 gS vkSj 'ks"k cps gq, iwoZ la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 18 gSA
maining three number is decreased by 4. then the

bl J`a[kyk dh lHkh la[;kvksa dk vkSlr D;k gksxk\

new average is.
(A) Less than 18 (B) Between 18 and 24
6 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 32 gSA ;fn izFke 3 la[;kvksa (C) More than 24 (D) Can't bedetermined
dks nks cM+k fn;k tk;sa vkSj cph rhu la[;kvksa dks 4 20. The average of 13 results is 39. Average of first 5
?kVk fn;k tk;sa rks u;k vkSlr gksxk& is 38 and average of last seven is 36. Find the value
(A) 35 (B) 34 of 6th number.
(C) 31 (D) 30 13 ifj.kkeksa dk vkSlr 39 gSA igys 5 ifj.kkeksa dk
15. A library has an average number of 510 visitors on vkSlr 38 gS vkSj var ds 7 ifj.kkeksa dk vkSlr 36 gS]
Sunday and 240 on other days. The average num-
rks 6oha la[;k gksaxh\
ber of visitors per day in a month of 30 day begin-
(A) 65 (B) 62
ning with Sunday is:
(C) 50 (D) 40

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


21. A man bought 13 shirts of Rs. 50 each, 15 pants of 25. Average of in number is 38. If average of first 3
Rs. 60 each of 12 pairs of shoes at Rs. 65 a pair. number is 36 & that of another 3 number is 41 &
Find the average value of all the article. average of rest number is 36.5. Then find value of
,d O;fDr us 13 deht 50 :- izfr deht dh nj 'm'.
ij 15 iSUV izR;sd 60 :- dh nj ls rFkk 12 tksM+s twrs m la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 38 gSA ;fn igyh 3 uEcj dk
65 :- izfr tksM+s dh nj ls [kjhnsaA bu lHkh oLrqvksa vkSlr 36 rFkk vU; 3 la[;kvks dk vkSlr 41 vkSj
dk vkSlr ewY; crkb,A vU; 'ks"k la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 36-5 gks rks m dk eku
(A) 56 (B) 58.25 gksxk&
(C) 57.2 (D) 52 (A) 5 (B) 7
22. There were 8 participants in challenge of shorting (C) 8 (D) 10
and the average score was 87. The winner got 2 26. Average of 'N' number is 32. If 3/4th of the number
more score than the first runner up. Average of rest are increased by 4 and rest number rednced by 6
6 participants is 85. What are the scores of winner then what will be new average?
and first runner up? N la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 32 gSA ;fn blesa 3@4 la[;kvksa

fu'kkusckth ds ,d eqdkcys esa 8 izfr;ksxh Fks vkSj dk vkSlr 4 ls cM+k;k tk;s rFkk 'ks"k la[;kvksa dks 6
mudk vkSlr Ldksj 87 vad FkkA thrus okys ds vad ls de fd;k tk;s rks u;k vkSlr gksxk&
nwljs uacj ds izfr;ksxh ls 2 vf/kd FksA vU; 6 (A) 22.5 (B) 33.5
izfr;ksfx;ksa dk vkSlr Ldksj 85 FkkA fotsrk rFkk (C) 32.5 (D) 28.5

nwljs LFkku ij vkus okys izfr;ksxh dk Ldksj Øe'k% 27. The average of 8 readings is 24.3, out of which the
D;k Fkk\ average of first two is 18.5 and that of next three is
(A) 94, 92 (B) 98, 96 21.2 If the sixth reading is 3 less than seventh and
(C) 98, 86 (D) 90, 88
23. The average value of property of Mittal, Ambai &
Singhania is Rs. 11111 crore. The greater than the
M 8 less than eighth. What is the six reading?
8 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 24-3 gSA izFke nks la[;kvksa dk
vkSlr 18-5 gSA vxyh rhu la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 21-2
average property of the both the Singhania and gSA ;fn NBh la[;k lkroha rFkk vkBoh ls Øe'k% 3
Mittal. The value of property of Ambani is. rFkk 8 de gS] rks 6oha la[;k gksxh&
feRry vackuh vkSj fla?kkfu;k dh laifRr dk vkSlr

(A) 24.8 (B) 26.5

eku 11111 djksM+ :i;s gSA fla?kkfu;k dh laifRr (C) 27.6 (D) 27.7
vkSlr laifRr ls mruh gh de gS] ftruh dh feRry 28. The average length of first 3 fingers is 3 inches and
dh laifRr vkSlr laifRr ls vf/kd gS] rks vackuh dh the average length of the other 2 fingers i.e., thumb
laifRr vuqekur% gksxh& and the index finger is 2.8 inches. If the length of

the index fingers is 3 inches then the length of the

(A) 111 crore (B) 1111 crore
thumb is:
(C) 11111 crore (D) can't be determined
;fn izFke 3 Åaxfy;ksa dk vkSlr 3 bap rFkk vU; 2

24. Average weight of 50 students is 71 kg. If average

weight of first 23 students is 70 kg and that of last Åaxfy;k¡ ¼vaxwBk ,oa rtZuh½ dk vkSlr 2-8 bap gSA
24 students is 70 kg 500 gm. Among rest students ;fn rtZuh maxyh dh yEckbZ 3 bap gS rks crkb,
A, B and C, weight of A is 5 kg more than that of B vaxwBs dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh\
and weight of B is 6 kg more than that of C. Find (A) 2 (B) 2.6
weight of A, B and C. (C) 3 (D) None of these
50 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr otu 71 fdxzk gSa ;fn izFke

29. The average price of 3 diamonds of same weight is

23 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr otu 70 fdxzk rFkk vafre Rs. 5 crore where the average price of 2 costlier
24 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr otu 70 fdxzk] 500 xzke gSA diamonds is double the price of the cheapest dia-
mond. The price of the cheapest diamond is:
'ks"k fo|kFkhZ A, B and C ftlesa A dk otu B ds
leku otu ds 3 ghjs dh vkSlr dher 5 djksM+
otu ls 5 fdxzk T;knk rFkk B dk tou C ds otu
:i;s gS tgka 2 egaxs ghjsa dh vkSlr dher] lLrs ghjs
ls 6 fdxzk T;knk gks] rks A, B rFkk C dk otu
dh dher ls nksxquh gSA crkb, lLrs ghjsa dh dher
(A) 88, 83, 77 (B) 77, 88, 83 D;k gksxh\
(C) 78, 73, 67 (D) 98, 93, 87 (A) 3 crore (B) 5 crore
(C) 1.66 crore (D) can't be determind

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


30. The average weight of first 11 persons is 95 kg. 35. In the first 10 over's of a cricket game the run rate
The weight of 12 persons is 95. The weight of 12th was only 3.2. The run rate in the remaining 40 overs
person is 33 kg more than the average weight of all to reach the target of 282 runs is:
the 12 persons. Find the weight of the 12th person fØdsV ds fdlh [ksy esa igys 10 vksojksa esa ju&jsV 3-
average weight of 12 person. 2 FkkA 'ks"k 40 vksojksa esa D;k ju jsV gksuk pkfg, fd
12 yksxksa esa igys 11 yksxksa dk vkSlr otu 95 fdxzk 282 ju ds y{; ij igqap lds\
gSA 12osa O;fDr dk otu 12 yksxksa ds vkSlr otu ls (A) 6.5 (B) 6.3
33 fdxzk vf/kd gS] rks 12osa O;fDr dk otu fdruk (C) 6.25 (D) 6.5
gksxk rFkk lHkh 12 yksxksa dk vkSlr D;k gksxk\ 36. A batsman's runs just before the last match of the
(A) 128.75 kg, 95 kg season, adds upto 750. In his last two innings, be
(B) 131 kg, 98 kg scores only 6 runs, and his average drops by 2.
(C) 121 kg, 88 kg Find his final average of the season.
(D) 141 kg, 108 kg ,d cYysckt lhtu ds vfUre eSp ls igys vius
31. Average expenditure made by 15 boys in a canteen juksa esa 750 ju tksM+rk gSA og vafre nks ikfj;ksa esa

is Rs. 224. Expenditure made by the girl is Rs. 90
dsoy 6 ju cukrk gS vkSj mldk vkSlr 2 de gks
less than average obtained after including her ex-
penditure. Find expenditure mode by that girl? tkrk gS rks mlds lhtu dk vafre vkSlr D;k gksxk\
,d dSafVu esa 15 yM+dksa dk vkSlr [kpZ 224 :- FkkA (A) 28 (B) 30
(C) 29 (D) 40

,d yM+dh dk [kpZ lHkh yksxksa ds vkSlr [kpZ ls 90 37. A batsman has scored an average of 46 runs for a
:- de FkkA ¼;fn yM+dh ds [kpZ dks lfEefyr fd;k certain number of innings played in England. When
tk;sa½ rks crkb, yM+dh }kjk fd;k x;k [kpZ fdruk he came back to India, he played another two test
(A) 218
(C) 128
(B) 124
(D) 204
matches of two innings each & scored at an aver-
age of 55 runs. For the innings in England & in
India taken together, he has improved his average
by 2 runs over the matches played in England. The
32. If average of 20 observations x1 , x2 , x3 .....x20 is y..
number of innings played in England was.
then the average of ( x1  101), ( x2  101), ,d cYysckt }kjk baXyS.M es a[ksyh xbZ dqN fuf'pr

ikfj;ksa dk vkSlr 46 ju gSA tc og Hkkjr okil

( x3  101),....( x20  101)
vkrk gS] rks og izR;sd nks ikjh ds nks VsLV eSp [ksyrk
20 ek;uksa x1 , x2 , x3 .....x20 dk vkSlr y gSA rc gS vksj vkSlr 55 ju cukrk gSA vxj baXyS.M vkSj
Hkkjr dh ikfj;ksa dks lkFk esa ys rks mlds vkSlr esa

( x1  101), ( x2  101), ( x3  101),....( x20  101)

baXyS.M vkSj Hkkjr dh ikfj;ksa dks lkFk esa ys rks mlds
dk vkSlr Kkr djsAa
(A) y-20 (B) y-101
vkSlr esa baXyS.M esa [ksys x;s eSap ls 2 dh c<+ksRrjh
gks tkrh gS] rks baXyS.M esa [ksyh xbZ ikfj;ksa dh la[;k

(C) 20 y (D) 101 y

33. The average of n number x1 , x2 ....xn is x . Then
(A) 16 (B) 14
the value of .........................
(C) 15 (D) 18
dd 38. The total number of runs given by bowler in a cer-
(A) tain number of innings was 900. In the next match

(B) he took 4 wickets and gave 256 runs. As a result.

(C) his average (number of wicket taken) went up by 4.
(D) How many wickets did the bowler take before the
34. A cricketer gives 24.85 runs per a wicket. He gives last match?
52 runs and takes 5 wicket in a match after which ,d xsanckt }kjk dqN fuf'pr ikfj;ksa esa fn;s x;s
his average becomes 24 per wicket. How many
dqy juksa dh la[;k 900 FkhA vxys eSp esa mlus 4
wickets had been taken till the last match?
fodsV fy;s vkSj 256 ju fn;sA ifj.kkeLo:i mldk
izfr fodsV ij ,d fØdsV f[kykM+h 24-85 ju nsrk gSA
vkSlr ¼yh xbZ fodsV dh la[;k½ 4 c<+ x;k] rks
fdlh eSp esa og 52 ju nsrk gS rFkk 5 fodsV ysrk gS
vafre eSp ls igys xsanckt us fdrus fodsV fy;s\
ftlds ckn mldk vkSlr 24 ju izfr fodsV gks tkrk
(A) 30 (B) 25
gSA vafre eSp rd fdrus fodsV fy;s x;s\ (C) 28 (D) 40
(A) 50 (B) 52
(C) 60 (D) 85

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


39. Three science classes A, B and C take a life science pkSFks fnu dk rkieku gksxk&
test. The average. Score of class A, class B and (A) 25oC (B) 25.2oC
class C is 83, 76 and 85 respectively. The average (C) 25.6oC (D) 25.5oC
score of class A and B is 79 and average score of 44. The average marks scored by students in a class is
class B and C is 81. Then the average score of 54. If ratio of number of students scoring 6 marks
classes A, B and C is: more than pass marks, number of students scoring
foKku fo"k; dh rhu d{kk,¡ A, B vkSj C thou 2 marks less than pass marks be 3:4:1. Find the
foKku dh ijh{kk nsrh gSA d{kk A ds vkSlr vad 83 passing marks.
gS rFkk B and C ds vkSlr vad Øe'k% 76 rFkk 85 gSA ,d d{kk esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk izkIr fd;k x;k vkSlr
d{kk A vkSj B ds vkSlr vad 79 vkSj d{kk B vkSj C vad 54 gSA ;fn dqN fo|kFkhZ mRrh.kkZad ls 6 vad
ds lfEefyr vkSlr vad 81 gSA d{kk A, B, C ds T;knk dqN 4 vad de rFkk dqN 2 vad de ¼mRrh.kkZd a ½
vkSlr vad fdrus gSa\ ls izkir djrs gSa rFkk muesa Øe'k% vuqikr 3%4%1 gks]
(A) 80 (B) 80.5 rks mRrh.kkZad crkb;sAa

(C) 81 (D) 81.5 (A) 60 (B) 61
40. The average age of 30 students of a class is 14 (C) None (D) can't be determined
years 4 months. After admission of 5 new student 45. Marks of 5 students in a class are 885, 886, 887,
in the class, the average becomes 13 years 9 months. 894, 895. If marks each students is decreased by
The youngest one of the fine new students is 9 years 0.4 and then increased by 28.56%. What would be

11 months old. The average age of the remaining 4 the average marks?
new students is: ,d d{kk esa 5 fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk 885, 886, 887, 894,
,d d{kk ds 30 Nk=ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 14 o"kZ 4 ekg 895 vad izkIr fd;s x;sA ;fn izR;sd fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds
gSA mldh d{kk esa 5 u, Nk=ksa ds izos'k ysus ds ckn
vkSlr 13 o"kZ 9 ekg gks tkrk gSA ikap u, Nk=ksa esa
lcls NksVk Nk= 9 o"kZ 11 ekg dk gSA 'ks"k 4 u,
vad 0-4 }kjk de fd;s tk;s vkSj fQj mUgsa 28-56
izfr'kr ls c<+k;k tk;s rks vkSlr vad D;k gks ldrs
Nk=ksa dh vkSlr vk;q fdruh gS\ (A) 1050 (B) 1143
(A) 10 years 4 months (B) 12 years 4 months (C) 1243 (D) 2050

(C) 11 years 4 months (D) 13 years 6 months 46. The average of 7 readings is 53.735 gm. The aver-
41. In a one day match of 50 overs in an innings the age of first three readings is 54.005 gm. If the 4th
team A had a run rate of 5.3 runs per over. Team B reading is 0.004 gm more than the 5th reading and
is playing and 5 overs are left and the required run the average reading of 6th & 7th is 0.010 gm less
rate to tie the match is 7.2 per over to match the than the first three reading. Find 4th reading.

score of team A. What is team B score. ,d oLrq dk 7 vyx&vyx iz;ksxksa dk vkSlr Kkr
,d fnolh; eSap esa Vhe A us 50 vksoj dh ,d ikjh djus ij izkIr Hkkj 53-735 xzke gSA igys rhu iz;ksxksa
esa 5-3 ju izfr vksoj dh nj ls ju cuk;sA Vhe B dk vkSlr 54-005 xzke gSA pkSFks iz;ksx esa izkIr Hkkj 5osa

[ksy jgh gSA vkSj 5 vksoj cps gq, gSa rFkk Vhe A ds iz;ksx esa izkIr Hkkj ls 0-004 xzke vf/kd gS vkSj 6osa
Ldksj dh cjkcjh djus ds fy, vko';d ju jsV 7-2 rFkk 7osa iz;ksx dk vkSlr Hkkj igys rhu iz;ksx ds
ju izfr vksoj gSA Vhe B dk Ldksj D;k gS\ vkSlr Hkkj ls 0-010 xzke de gSA pkSFks iz;ksx esa izkIr
(A) 265 (B) 238 yxHkx Hkkj gksxk&
(C) 254 (D) 229 (A) 56 gm (B) 54 gm

42. Average of x, 11, 23, 17 is 15 and average of x, y, (C) 52 gm (D) 53 gm

12, 25, 16 is 16. Find x/y.
x, 11, 23, 17 dk vkSlr 15 rFkk x, y, 12, 25, 16 dk Type-2
vkSlr 16 rks x/y gksxk& 1. Average age of 4 player is 18.6 years. If age of
(A) 1/2 (B) 1/3
(C) 3/4 (D) 2/3 2
coach include then average is increase by 16 % .
43. The mean high temperature of the first four days of 3
a week is 25oC whereas the mean of the last four Find age of coach.
days is 25.5oC. If the mean of the whole week is pkj f[kykfM+;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 18-6 o"kZ gSA ;fn
dksp dh vk;q Hkh 'kkfey dj yh tk;s rc vkSlr vk;q
lIrkg ds izFke pkj fnuksa dk vkSlr rkieku 25oC
tcfd vafre pkj fnuksa dk vkSlr rkieku 25.5oC 2
16 % c<+ tkrh gSA dksp dh vk;q Kkr djsAa
gSA ;fn iwjs lIrkg dk vkSlr rkieku 25oC gks rks 3

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


(A) 31.1 (B) 37.1 1 fdxzk dh o`f) gksrh gSA ;fn iqu% ,d vkSj u;s Nk=
(C) 28 (D) 34.1 dk otu 50 fdxzk tksM+k tk;s rks d{kk ds izkjafHkd
2. Average age of 15 persons is 35 years. 5 more per-
vkSlr esa 1-5 fdxzk dh o`f) gksrh gSA d{kk ds Nk=ksa
son joins the group then average age decrease by
1.5 years. Find average age of 5 person. dk izkjafHkd otu gksxk&
15 O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 35 o"kZ gSA 5 O;fDr lewg (A) 46 (B) 42
(C) 27 (D) 47
esa 'kkfey gks tkrs gSa] rks vkSlr vk;q 1-5 o"kZ ls ?kV 7. A librarian purchased 60 story books for his library.
tkrh gSA 5 u;s O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q Kkr djsAa But he found that he could get 4 extra books by
(A) 33 (B) 34 spending Rs. 336 more and then the overall aver-
(C) 37 (D) 11 age price per book would be reduced by Rs. 1. The
3. Set A consists of integers 27, 28, 30 & 33. If inte- previous average price of each book was:
ger 'K' is included in the set the average of set A ,d iqLrdk/;{k vius iqLrdky; ds fy, 60 dgkuh
will increase by 30%. What is the value of integer
dh iqLrdsa [kjhnrk gS ysfdu mls Kkr gksrk gS fd
;fn og 336 :- vkSj [kpZ djrk gS rks og 4 vfrfjDr

lsV A esa 27] 28] 30 vkSj 33 iw.kkZad gSA ;fn iw.kkZad K
dks lsV esa lfEefyr fd;k tk, rks lsV A ds vkSlr iqLrdsa Ø; dj ldrk gS vkSj ,slk djus ij izfr
esa 30 izfr'kr o`f) gksxhA iw.kkZad K dk eku gksxk& iqLrd dh lexz vkSlr dher 1 :i;k de gks
(A) 68 (B) 69
tk;sxhA izR;sd iqLrd dh igys dh vkSlr dher

(C) 73.75 (D) 75.25
4. The average weight of 34 students is 31 kg. If the (A) 84 (B) 83
weight of teacher is added the average weight in- (C) 68 (D) 100
creased by 1000/7 gm. What is the weight of
fdlh d{kk esa 34 Nk= dk vkSlr Hkkj 31 fdxzk gSA
;fn f'k{kd ds Hkkj dks tksM+ fn;k tk;sa rks vkSlr Hkkj
The average weight of 40 children of a class is 36.2
kg when three more children with weight 42.3 kg,
39.7 kg, 39.5 kg is added then weight of 43 chil-
dren is.
40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh d{kk dk vkSlr Hkkj 36-2 fdxzk gSA
esa 1000@7 xzke dh o`f) gksxh] rks f'k{kd dk Hkkj
gksxk& ;fn rhu fo|kFkhZ ftudk Hkkj Øe'k% 42-3 fdxzk] 39-

(A) 35 (B) 36 7 fdxzk vkSj 39-5 fdxzk gSA d{kk esa lfEefyr gksrs gSa
(C) 37 (D) 42 rks d{kk esa mifLFkr 43 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj
5. An elevator can carry maximum of 16 passengers gksxk&
with an average weight of 80 kg however, four boys (A) 39.2 (B) 36.5

more than the maximum carrying capacity of the (C) 38.35 (D) 37.3
elevator entered it making the average weight as 86 9. The average age of an adult class is 40 years. 12
kg and overloading the elevator. What is the aver- new students with an average age of 32 years join

age weight of those four boys? the class, thereby decreasing the average of the class
,d fy¶V 80 fdxzk vkSlr Hkkj jfgr vf/kdre 16 by 4 years. The original strength of the class was.
;kf=;ksa dks ys tk ldrk gSA gkykafd fy¶V dh ,d o;Ld d{kk dh vkSlr vk;q 40 o"kZ gSA 12 u;s
{kerk ls vf/kd Hkkj okys 4 yM+ds fy¶V esa izos'k fo|kFkhZ ftudh vkSlr vk;q 32 o"kZ gS d{kk esa vkrs gSa
djds mlds vkSlr Hkkj dks 86 fdxzk cuk nsrs gSa vkSj ftlls d{kk dh vkSlr vk;q 4 o"kZ ?kV tkrh gSA d{kk
fy¶V dks vksojyksM dj nsrs gSaA mu pkj yM+dksa dk esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ewy la[;k D;k Fkh\

vkSlr Hkkj D;k gksxk\ (A) 10 (B) 11

(A) 112 kg (B) 108 kg (C) 12 (D) 15
(C) 110 kg (D) 98 kg 10. Average age of a group of men is 20 years. Age of
6. In a class with a certain number of students, if one two men is added that is 22 years and 28 years and
new student weight 50 kg is added, then the aver- thereby average increased by a prime number. Find
age weight of the class increased by 1 kg. If one initial number of men.
more student weighting 50 kg is added, then the yksxksa ds ,d lewg dk vkSlr 20 o"kZ gSA tc nks
average weight of the class increased by 1.5 kg over O;fDr ftudk otu 22 o"kZ rFkk 28 o"kZ gS] rks
the original average what is the original weight (in lfEefyr fd;k tkrk gS rc mudk vkSlr ,d vHkkT;
kg) of the class? la[;k ls c<+rk gS] rks 'kq:vkr esa yksxksa dh la[;k
dqN Nk=ksa dh d{kk esa ,d u, Nk= ftldk otu 50 D;k Fkh\
fdxzk gS] dks tksM+k tk, rks d{kk dh vkSlr otu esa

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


(A) 5 (B) 3 (A) 50 (B) 65

(C) 2 (D) can't be determine (C) 60 (D) 74
11. There are 30 workers in a factory. If the number of 17. The average score of a cricket player in certain in-
workers increases by 10, then the total wages in- nings is 21.75. If he scored in his next three innings
creased by Rs. 9000 per day while the average 28, 34, 37 runs then average increased by 1.125.
wages per worker decreases by Rs. 75. Find the Find total innings.
original total wages of factory. dqN ikfj;ksa esa ,d cYysckt dk vkSlr Ldksj 21-75
fdlh dkj[kkus esa 30 etnwj dke djrs gSaA 10 gSA vxj vxyh rhu ikfj;ksa esa 28] 34] 37 ju cuk,
etnwjksa ds vkSj 'kkfey gks tkus ls izfrfnu dh dqy rks vkSlr 1-125 c<+ tkrk gSA dqy ikfj;ksa dh la[;k
etnwjh 9000 :- c<+ tkrh gS] rks dkj[kkus esa dke gksxh&
djus okys etnwjksa dh dqy etnwjh D;k Fkh\ (A) 30 (B) 28
(A) 12000 (B) 36000 (C) 32 (D) 40
(C) 18000 (D) 24000
12. Average score of a cricket player of his 13 innings Type-3

is 55. He scored 97 in his 14th innings. Find new 1. Average age of 11 persons is 25 years. One person
average. left the group then average age decreases by 1.2
13 ikfj;ksa dk vkSlr 55 ju gSA og f[kykM+h 14oha years. Find age of that person.
ikjh esa 97 ju cukrk gS] rks u;k vkSlr Kkr djsAa 11 O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 25 o"kZ gSA ,d O;fDr

(A) 50 (B) 52 lewg NksM+dj pyk tkrk gS ftlls vkSlr vk;q 1-2
(C) 60 (D) 58 o"kZ ls ?kV tkrh gSA ml O;fDr dh vk;q Kkr djsAa
13. The average of runs of a cricket player of 10 ininings
(A) 37 (B) 40
was 32. How many runs must he score in his next
innings so as to increase his average of runs by 4?
fdlh fØdsV f[kykM+h dk 10 ikfj;ksa esa vkSlr ju 32
gSA vxyh ikjh esa mldks fdrus ju cukus pkfg, fd
(C) 45 (D) 47
There are 600 students in a school whose average
age is 18 years. If 50 students leave the school their
average age decreases by 0.6 years. Find the aver-
mldk vkSlr 4 ls c<+ tk;sA age of those 50 students.
(A) 50 (B) 76 fdlh fo|ky; esa 600 Nk= gSa ftudh vkSlr mez 18

(C) 60 (D) 74 o"kZ gSA ;fn 50 Nk= fo|ky; NksM+ nsrs gSa] rks mudh
14. A cricket player scored 97 in his 14th innings aver- vkSlr mez 0-6 o"kZ ls ?kV tkrh gSA mu 50 Nk=ksa ds
age increased by 3 runs. Find average of 13 in- mez dk vkSlr crkb,A
(A) 24.6 (B) 23.5

,d f[kykM+h 14oha ikjh esa 97 ju cukrk gSA mldh

(C) 22.6 (D) 25.3
vkSlr esa 3 ju dh o`f) gks xbZA 13 ikfj;ksa dk vkSlr 3. The average age of a family with 5 members is 28.
Kkr djsAa If one of the members of age 20 is excluded the

(A) 50 (B) 52 average age of the family becomes-

(C) 60 (D) 55 5 lnL;ksa okys ifjokj esa lnL;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 28
15. A cricket player scored certain runs in his 20 in- o"kZ gSA ;fn 20 o"kZ ds ,d lnL; dks fudky fn;k
nings. He scored 300 runs together in 21th and 22th
innings average increased by 2 runs. Find average
tk;sa] rks ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q fdruh gksxh\
of 20 & 22 innings. (A) 25 (B) 20

(C) 30 (D) 24
,d f[kykM+h 20 ikfj;ks esa dqN ju cukrk gSA og
4. Average age of a 10 players of a team is 35 years.
viuh 21oha ,oa 22oha ikjh esa dqy 300 ju cuus ij If age of captain and youngest player excluded then
vkSlr esa 2 ju dh o`f) gks xbZA rc 20oha ,oa 22oha average age becomes 30 years and differences of
ikfj;ksa dk vkSlr gksxk& their age is 70 years. Find the age of both.
(A) 128; 130 (B) 152; 133 fdlh Vhe ds 10 f[kykfM+;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 35 o"kZ
(C) 160; 162 (D) 174; 176 gSA ;fn dIrku rFkk lcls ;qok f[kykM+h dh vk;q dks
16. Average of a player in 20 innings was 20. He scored gVk fn;k tk;s rks vkSlr vk;q 30 o"kz gks tkrh gSA
41 in his 21th innings. How much should he scored ;fn mudh vk;q esa varj 30 o"kZ gks rks nksuksa dh vk;q
in 22nd inning so that average increase by 2.
Kkr dhft,A
,d f[kykM+h dh 20 ikfj;ksa dk vkSlr 20 gSA og
(A) 90, 20 (B) 80, 10
viuh 21oha ikjh esa 41 ju cukrk gSA 22oha ikjh esa
(C) 100, 30 (D) 85, 15
fdrus ju cuk, rkfd vkSlr ju esa 2 dh o`f) gks\

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


5. A batsman has an average of 50 runs in his 12 in- Type-4

nings. The difference between his maximum and 1. The average age of 45 persons is decreased by 1/9
minimum score is 110. If these two innings are re- year when one of them of 60 years is replaced by a
moved his average for 10 innings comes down to new comer. Then the age of the new comer is.
45. What is his maximum score? 45 O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr mez 1@9 o"kZ de gks tkrh gS]
fdlh cYysckt dk 12 ikfj;ksa esa vkSlr ju 50 gSA tc muesa ls ,d O;fDr ftldh mez 60 o"kZ gS] dks
mlds vf/kdre rFkk U;wure cuk;s x;s juksa ds chp ,d vU; O;fdr ls izfrLFkkfir fd;k tkrk gSA u;s
dk varj 110 gSA ;fn bu nks ikfj;ksa dks gVk fn;k O;fDr dh mez Kkr dhft,A
tk;s rks 10 ikfj;ksa ds fy, mldk vkSlr 45 gks tkrk (A) 45 (B) 55
gSA mlds }kjk crk;s vf/kdre ju gksaxs& (C) 59 (D) 49
(A) 130 (B) 152 2. The average of seven number is 18.. If one of the
(C) 160 (D) 174 number is 17 and if it is replaced by 31, then the
6. Average score of 52 students of a class is 85. If top average become:
5 score are excluded then the average is decreased lkr la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 18 gSA ;fn ,d la[;k 17

by 2. If all five scorer are distinct integer and none dks ,d vU; la[;k 31 ls izfrLFkkfir fd;k tk;sa rc
of them is less than 80. 4 scorer out of 5 form a
u;k vkSlr gksxk&
arithmetic progression having common difference
2. Find the maximum pussible score of the topper. (A) 21.5 (B) 19.5
(C) 20 (D) 21

52 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr Ldksj 85 gSA vxj VkWi ds 5
3. 20 persons average increases by 1 year 6 months
Ldksj fudky fn;s tk;s rks vkSlr Ldksj 2 de gks when two new persons of age 40 year and 50 year
tkrk gSA ;fn bu 5 VkWij dk Ldksj fHkUu&fHkUu replaces by 2 new persons. If the ratio of age new
iw.kkZad gS rFkk fdlh dk Hkh Ldksj 80 ls de ugha gS
vkSj lHkh 5 VkWij esa 4 VkWij dk Ldksj ,d lekarj esa gS ftldk lokZUrj 2 gS] rks VkWij dk vf/
persons is 5:3. Find age of each.
20 O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 1 o"kZ 6 eghus ls c<+
tkrh gS tc nks O;fDr;ksa ftudh vk;q 40 o"kZ rFkk 50
kdre Ldksj D;k gksxk\ o"kZ gS] muds LFkku ij nks u;s O;fDr 'kkfey gks tkrs
(A) 180 (B) 185 gSaA nksuksa u;s O;fDr;ksa dh vk;q dk vuqikr 5%3 gS rc

(C) 188 (D) 187 nksuksa O;fDr;ksa dh vk;q Kkr dhft,A

7. The average height of 22 toddlers increases by 2 (A) 75, 45 (B) 70, 45
inches when two of them leave this group. If the (C) 70, 40 (D) 65, 40
average height of these two toddlers is one-third 4. Average age of 20 persons decreases by 0.6 years
the average height of the original 22. Then the av- when two persons of age 25 years and 35 years

erage height in inches of the remaining 20 toddlers replaces by 2 new persons. If the difference between
is. age of both persons is 9 years. Find the age of each.
22 uUgsa cPpksa dh vkSlr ÅapkbZ 2 bap ls c<+ tkrh gS 20 O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 0-6 o"kZ ls ?kV tkrh gSA

tc buesa ls nks cPps lewg NksM+ nsrs gSaA ;fn bu nks tc nks O;fDr;ksa ftudh vk;q 25 o"kZ rFkk 35 o"kZ gS]
cPpksa dh vkSlr ÅapkbZ iwjs 22 cPpksa dh ewy vkSlr muds LFkku ij nks u;s O;fDr 'kkfey gks tkrs gSaA
ÅapkbZ dh ,d frgkbZ gks] rc 'ks"k 20 cPpksa dh vkSlr nksuksa O;fDr;ksa dh vk;q dk varj 9 o"kZ gSA izR;sd dh
ÅapkbZ ¼bap es½a D;k gksxh\ vk; Kkr djsAa
(A) 30 (B) 28 (A) 30, 21 (B) 39, 30

(C) 32 (D) 26 (C) 29, 20 (D) 35, 25

8. The average age of 7 members of the family is 25 5. The average age of 30 boys in a class is 55 years.
years. If one of the members, whose age is 28 years, One boy aged 20 years, left the class, but two new
is excluded, then others are in the ratio 1:2:3:4:5:6. boys come in this place whose age differ by 5 years.
Find the age of the eldest member of the family. If the average age of all boys now in the class be-
,d ifjokj ds 7 lnL;ksa dh vkSlr ÅapkbZ vk;q 25 comes 15 years. The age of the younger new comer
o"kZ gSA ;fn ,d lnL; ftldh vk;q 28 o"kZ gS] lewg is.
NksM+ nsrk gS rks 'ks"k vU; 1:2:3:4:5:6 ds vuqikr esa gks ,d d{kk esa 30 Nk=ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 15 o"kZ gSA ,d
tkrs gSaA rc crkb, bl ifjokj ds lcls cM+s lnL; Nk= ftldh vk;q 20 o"kZ gS] d{kk dks NksM+ nsrk gSA
dh vk;q fdruh gksxh\ nks u;s fo|kFkhZ mlds LFkku ij d{kk esa vkrs gSa]
(A) 42 (B) 62 ftudh vk;q esa 5 o"kZ dk varj gSA ;fn d{kk esa
(C) 58 (D) 48 mifLFkr Nk=ksa dk u;k vkSlr 15 o"kZ gS] rks d{kk esa

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


vk;s NksVs Nk= dh mez Kkr djsAa 15 nks vadh; la[;k dk vkSlr 4-2 ls cM+ tkrk gS
(A) 30 (B) 22 tc nks vadh; la[;k tks yh xbZ gS mls myV fn;k
(C) 15 (D) 18 tkrk gSA rc crkb, la[;k ds vadksa esa varj D;k
6. The average age of 11 players of a cricket team is
increased by 2 months when two of then aged 18
years and 20 years are replaced by two new play- (A) 7 (B) 8
ers. The average age of the new player is: (C) 9 (D) 10
fdlh fØdsV Vhe ds 11 f[kykfM+;ksa dh vkSlr mez esa 11. There are certain 2 digit numbers whose average
suduced by 0.9 when a two-digit number is taken
2 eghus dh o`f) gks tkrh gS tc nks f[kykM+h ftudh as number obtained after reversing the digits of the
mez 18 o"kZ rFkk 20 o"kZ gS] Vhe NksM+ nsrs gSa rFkk number if difference between digits of the number
muds cnys 2 u;s f[kykM+h 'kkfey fd;s tkrs gSaA u;s is 2 then find total number of numbers?
f[kykfM+;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q Kkr djksa& nks vadksa dh dqN la[;k,a gSa ftldk vkSlr 0-9 ls
(A) 19 years 1 month (B) 19 years 16 months de gks tkrk gS tc nks vadh; la[;k tks yh xbZ gS
mls iyV fn;k tkrk gSA ;fn la[;k ds vadksa dk

(C) 19 years 11 months (D) 19 years 5 months
7. The average age of a group of men is 20 years. If varj 2 gks rks dqy la[;k,¡ fdruh gksxh\
'N' men whose average age is 'K' years join the (A) 10 (B) 15
group, the average age of the group whould be 'Y' (C) 30 (D) 20
years. if 'X' men in the group whose average age is 12. Average of 'N' number is increased by 2.1. When a

'K' years leave the group the would by 'Y' year. two digit number is considered in reverse order. If
Find the value of 'K'. difference between digits of the number is 7. Find
O;fDr;ksa ds ,d lewg dh vkSlr vk;q 20 o"kZ gSA value of 'N'?
vxj K o"kZ dh vkSlr vk;q ds X vkneh esa vkrs gSa rks
lewg dh vkSlr vk;q Y o"kZ gks tkrh gSA vxj K o"kZ
dh vk;q ds X vkneh lewg NksM+ dj pys rks gSa rks
N la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 2-1 ls c<+ tkrk gS tc ,d 2
vadksa dh la[;k dks foijhr Øe esa i<+ fy;k tkrk gSA
;fn la[;k ds vadksa dk varj 7 gS rc N dk eku
vkSlr Y o"kZ gks tkrk gSA K dk eku Kkr djsAa gksxk&
(A) 15 (B) 10 (A) 30 (B) 20

(C) 20 (D) 30 (C) 21 (D) 15

8. There are 20 two digit number whose average re-
duced by 1.8 when a two digit number is taken as
number obtained by reversing the digits of the num-
ber. Find difference between digits of the number. 1. The average of the marks obtained in Mathematics

by 5 students is 50. Later is was realized that the

20 nks vadh; la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 1-8 ls de gks tkrk
marks obtained by one student was read as 84
gS tc nks vadh; la[;k tks yh xbZ gS mls iyV fn;k though it was originally 98. Find the correct aver-
tkrk gSA rc crkb, nksuksa vadksa ds vadksa esa D;k varj age.

gksxk\ 5 Nk=ksa }kjk esa izkIr fd;s x;s vadksa dk vkSlr
(A) 3 (B) 2 50 vad gSA ckn esa ik;k x;k fd ,d Nk= ftlus 48
(C) 5 (D) 4 vad izkIr fd;s Fks mlds vad xyrh ls 84 i<+ fy;s
9. There are 30 two-digit number. Find change in av- x;sA lgh vkSlr gksxk&
erage of total numbers if a number which differ-
(A) 42.8 (B) 75.3

ence of the digit is 5, is misread as number ob-

(C) 65.4 (D) 47.4
tained after reversing the digit of the number?
2. Average marks of 20 students of a class is 48. One
30 nks vdksa dh la[;k,¡ gSA ;fn ,d la[;k ftlds student got 40 marks instead of 60 and other got 38
vadksa dk varj 5 gS] dks xyrh ls mYVs Øe esa iM+ marks instead of 58. If number of students read 20
fy;k tkrk gS rks crkb;s dqy la[;kvksa ds vkSlr esa instead of 25. Find true average of all students.
ifjorZu fdruk gqvk\ 20 Nk= ds vkSlr vad 48 gSA ,d Nk= dks 60 dh
(A) 2.5 (B) 1.5 txg 40 vkSj ,d ds 58 dh txg 38 fy[ks x;sA
(C) 3.5 (D) 4.5 ;fn dqN Nk=ksa dh la[;k 25 dh txg 20 i<+ yh
10. There are 15 two-digit number, whose average in- tk;sa rc dqy Nk=ksa dh lgh vkSlr Kkr djsAa
creased by 4.2 when a number is taken as number
obtained by reversing the digit of the number. Find (A) 50 (B) 40
difference between digit of the number? (C) 60 (D) 74

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


3. In an exam the average was found to be 40 marks. bu =qfV;ksa dh la[;k 998 gks rks 'ks"k i`"Bksa esa =qfV;ksa
After deducting computational errors the marks of dh vkSlr la[;k izfr i`"B fdruh gS\
the 100 candidates has to be changed from 90 to 60
(A) 4 (B) 5
each number of candidates who took the exam ware:
(C) 5.5 (D) 6.5
fdlh ijh{kk esa vadksa dk vkSlr 40 ik;k x;kA fxurh 7. A student's marks were wrongly entered as 83 in-
dh xyfr;ksa dks nwj djus ds i'pkr~ 100 Nk=ksa esa ls stead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the
izR;sd }kjk izkIr fd;s x;s 90 vad dks 60 djuk class got increased by 0.5. The number of students
iM+kA ;fn u;k vkSlr ?kVdj 34 vad gks x;k rks mu in the class is:
lkjs ifj{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k Kkr djsa ftUgksua s ijh{kk ,d fo|kFkhZ ds vad 63 dh ctk; 83 fy;s x;s
nhA ftlls iwjh d{kk dk vkSlr 0-5 ls c<+ x;kA rc
(A) 500 (B) 520 crkb;s fd d{kk esa fdrus fo|kFkhZ Fks\
(C) 600 (D) 740 (A) 10 (B) 20
4. A teacher asked a student to find average weight of (C) 40 (D) 73
10th class students. Students replied 54.80 kg. 8. In a village the average age of 'N' people is 42 years.

While checking answer teacher noticed that weight But after the verification it was found that the age
of two student are taken as 67 kg and 51 kg instead of a person had been considered 20 years less than
of 70 kg and 60 kg teacher also noticed that num- the actual age, so the new average, after the correc-
ber of students are taken 60 instead of 50. Find tion increased by 1. The value of 'N' is:

actual average. ,d xk¡o esa N yksxksa dh vkSlr vk;q 42 o"kZ gSA ysfdu
,d f'k{kd us ,d fo|kFkhZ dks 10oha d{kk ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa lR;kiu ds ckn ;g ik;k x;k fd ,d O;fDr dh
dk vkSlr fudkyus dks dgk x;kA fo|kFkhZ us 54-80 vk;q mldh okLrfod vk;q ls 20 o"kZ de ekuh xbZ
fdxzk tokc fn;kA f'k{kd }kjk tkapus ij irk pyk
fd nks fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk otu 70 fdxzk rFkk 60 fdxzk ds
cnys 67 fdxzk vkSj 51 fdxzk ys fy;k x;k rFkk
FkhA blfy, lq/kkj ds ckn u;h vkSlr vk;q 1 o"kZ c<+
tkrh gSA N dk eku gksxk&
(A) 21 (B) 20
f'k{kd }kjk ;g Hkh tkapk x;k fd fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh (C) 22 (D) None of these
la[;k 50 dh ctk; 60 ys yh xbZ] rks lgh vkSlr 9. The average age of a group of people was calcu-

gksxk& lated as 28 years. This was 2 years more than the

correct average as these was an error in noting the
(A) 66 kg (B) 65 kg
age of 2 persons as 32 and 36 instead of 21 and 23.
(C) 60 kg (D) 70 kg
How many person were there in the group?
5. Radha was asked to find the average of 'N' con-
,d lewg ds yksxksa dh vkSlr vk;q 28 ekih xbZ tks

secutive natural number starting from 1. By mis-

take he added a number twice but he didn't notice fd lgh vkSlr ls 2 o"kZ T;knk gS D;ksafd 2 yksxksa dh
vk;q 21 o 23 ds ctk; 32 ,oa 36 ys yh xbZA rks
as a result. He obtained a wrong average of 45 . crkb;s bl lewg esa fdrus yksx Fks\

(A) 8 (B) 10
Find the number he added twice. (C) 15 (D) 12
jk/kk dks 1 ls 'kq: gksus okyh N yxkrkj izkd`frd
la[;kvksa dk vkSlr <w<a us ds fy, dgk tkrk gS] Type-6
xyrh ls og ,d la[;k dks nks ckj tksM+ nsrh gSA 1. Find the average of the first 100 natural numbers.

11 izFke 100 izkd`r la[;kvksa dk vkSlr Kkr djsAa

ifj.kkeLo:i mls xyr vkSlr 45 izkIr gksrk gS] (A) 50.5 (B) 38.6
(C) 50.6 (D) 45.6
rks og la[;k crk;sa tks nks ckj tksM+h x;hA
2. Find the average of first 50 even numbers?
(A) 20 (B) 15
(C) 8 (D) 10 izFke 50 le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr gksxk&
6. Average number of mistakes in printing in a book (A) 51 (B) 72
of 512 page is 4 per page. If number of mistakes in (C) 46 (D) 49
first 302 pages are 998. Then how many number of 3. Find the average of all even number up to 100?
average mistakes in remaining pages? 100 rd dh lHkh le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr Kkr djsAa
512 i`"B okyh ,d iqLrd esa NikbZ dh =qfV;ksa dh (A) 51 (B) 38.6
vkSlr la[;k 4 izfr i`"B gSaA ;fn izFke 302 i`"Bksa esa (C) 50.8 (D) 45.6

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


4. Find the average of all odd number up to 100? 13. If the average of 5 consecutive integers is 'x' then
100 rd dh lHkh fo"ke la[;kvksa dk vkSlr crkb,A find the average of next to next 5 consecutive inte-
(A) 51 (B) 50 gers.
(C) 46 (D) 49 ;fn 5 Øekxr iw.kkZadksa dk vkSlr 'x' gS rks vxys ls
5. The average of certain first consecutive even num- vxys 5 Øekxr iw.kkZadksa dk vkSlr Kkr djsAa
ber is 101. Find their sum. (A) x+5 (B) x+15
dqN izFke yxkrkj le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 101 gS (C) 7+10 (D) x+20
rc mudk ;ksx Kkr dhft,A 14. If the average of 'n' number is 'n2' and that of 'n'
(A) 10100 (B) 3600 number m2. Then the average of (m+n) number is:
(C) 3460 (D) 2496 m la[;kvksa dk vkSlr n2 gS rFkk 'n' la[;kvksa dk
6. The average of 7 consecutive number is 20. The vkSlr m2 gS rks (m+n) la[;kvksa dk vkSlr Kkr
largest of these number is: djksAa
7 Øekxr la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 20 gSA muesa ls lcls (A) m/n (B) m+n
cM+h la[;k D;k gS\ (C) mn (D) m-n

(A) 20 (B) 23 15. The average of 5 consecutive integers starting with
(C) 24 (D) 26 'm' is 'n'. What is the average of 6 consecutive
8. Eight consecutive number are given. If the average irtegers starting with (m+2)?
of the two number that appear in the middle is 6, ikap Øekxr la[;kvksa dk vkSlr tks m ls izkjaHk gksrh

then the sum of the eight given number is: gS] n gSA 6 Øekxr la[;kvksa dk vkSlr Kkr djsa tks
vkB Øekxr la[;k,¡ nh xbZ gSA ;fn chp esa mifLFkr (m+2) ls izkjaHk gksA
nksuksa la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 6 gS] rks vkBksa la[;kvksa dk
2n  5
;ksx gksxk&
(A) 54
(C) 36
(B) 64
(D) 48
9. A, B, C, D, E are five consecutive even number
(C) n+3
(B) n+2
(D) None
16. The average of 5 consecutive odd number is K. If
the next three odd number are added then the new
average of A and E is 46. What is the largest num-
ber? average will exceed the old average by-

A, B, C, D rFkk E ikap yxkrkj le la[;k,¡ gSaA A ikap yxkrkj fo"ke la[;kvksa dk vkSlr K gSA ;fn
rFkk E dk vkSlr 46 gSA lcls cM+h la[;k Kkr djsAa vkSlr esa vxyh rhu fo"ke la[;k,sa tksM+h tkrh gS rks
(A) 52 (B) 42 u;k vkSlr iqjkus vkSlr ls fdruk vf/kd gksxk\
(C) 50 (D) 48 (A) 2 (B) 3

10. The average of 4 consecutive even number is 15. (C) 4 (D) 2

The second highest number is: 17. The average of first 10 prime number is:
pkj Øekxr le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 15 gSA nwljh izFke 10 vHkkT; la[;kvksa dk vkSlr Kkr djsAa

lcls cM+h la[;k Kkr djksaA (A) 10.1 (B) 10

(A) 12 (B) 18 (C) 12.9 (D) 13
(C) 14 (D) 16 18. What is the average of square of the natural num-
11. If the average of 6 consecutive even number is 25, ber from 1 to 41.
the difference between the largest and the smallest 1 ls 41 rd dh izkd`r la[;kvksa ds oxksZa dk vkSlr
number is: Kkr djsAa

6 Øekxr le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 25 gS] rks lcls (A) 580 (B) 571
cM+h rFkk lcls NksVh la[;k dk varj gksxk& (C) 851 (D) 581
(A) 8 (B) 10 19. Find the average of cubes of natural number from
(C) 12 (D) 14 1 to 24.
12. The average of nine consecutive number is 'N'. If 1 ls 24 rd dh izkd`r la[;kvksa ds ?kuksa dk vkSlr
the next two number are also included, the new Kkr djsAa
average will. (A) 7350 (B) 3570
9 Øekxr la[;kvksa dk vkSlr N gSA ;fn vxyh nks (C) 3750 (D) None of these
la[;kvksa dks Hkh lfEefyr fd;k tk;s rks u;k vkSlr 20. Find the average of squares of consecutive add num-
Kkr djsAa ber from 1 to 37.
(A) Increase by 2 (B) Remain the same 1 ls 37 rd dh lHkh yxkrkj fo"ke la[;kvksa ds oxksZa
(C) Increase by 1.5 (D) Increase by 1 dk vkSlr Kkr djsAa

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


(A) 404 (B) 464

(C) 481 (D) 444 28. If the average of X and ( x  0) is m. Then the
21. Find the average of first 20 multiples of 3. x
3 ds izFke 20 xq.kdksa dk vkSlr Kkr djksaA 1
(A) 30.2 (B) 31.5 average of n 2 and 2 is:
(C) 40.3 (D) 20.2
22. What is the average of the first six positive add 1
number each of which is divisible by 7.
;fn X rFkk ( x  0) dk vkSlr m gS rc n 2 ,oa
izFke 6 fo"ke la[;kvksa dk vkSlr Kkr djsa ftlesa
izR;sd 7 ls foHkkftr gks& dk vkSlr gksxk&
(A) 42 (B) 43
(C) 47 (D) 49 (A) 1  m 2 (B) 12m
23. The average of the largest and smallest 3 digit num- (C) 2m 2  1 (D) 2m 2  1
ber formed by 0, 2 and 4 would be: 29. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 44

0] 2 vkSj 4 }kjk cuh o`gRre vkSj y?kqRre 3 vadh; more than the average of these numbers. Which of
la[;kvksa dk vkSlr D;k gksrk gS\ the following is the third (largest) of these num-
(A) 312 (B) 222 bers?
(C) 213 (D) 303 3 yxkrkj le la[;kvksa dk ;ksx 44 T;knk gS bu

24. Average of 37 number is 323. If each number di- l[;kavksa ds vkSlr ls fuEu esa ls dkSulh la[;k
vide by 19 then find new average.
rhljh lcls cM+h la[;k gksxh\
37 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 323 gSA ;fn izR;sd la[;k dks (A) 16 (B) 18
19 ls foHkkftr fd;k tk;sa rc u;k vkSlr gksxk&
(A) 27
(C) 21
(B) 17
(D) 16
25. Out of four number the average of first three num-
r M
(C) 24 (D) Can't be determined
30. 6 numbers are arranged in decreasing order. The
average of the first five number is 30 and the aver-
age of the last five numbers is 25. The difference of
ber is thrice the fourth number. If the average of the first and last number is-
the four number is 5. The fourth number is: 6 la[;k,¡ vojksgh Øe esa O;ofLFkr dh xbZ gSA izFke

pkj la[;kvksa esa ls izFke rhu la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 5 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 30 gS vkSj vafre 5 la[;kvksa dk
pkSFkh la[;k dk 3 xquk gSA ;fn pkjksa la[;kvksa dk vkslr 25 gSA izFke vkSj vafre la[;kvksa dk varj D;k
vkSlr 5 gks rks pkSFkh la[;k gksxh& gS\
(A) 4.5 (B) 5 (A) 5 (B) 20

(C) 2 (D) 4 (C) 25 (D) 30

26. The average of the three number X, Y and Z is 45. 31. The arithmetic mean (average) of the first ten holes
X is greater than the average of Y and Z by 9. The number is:

average of Y and Z is greater than Y by 2. Then the

izFke 10 iw.kZ la[;kvksa dk vkSlr Kkr djsAa
difference of X and Z is:
(A) 5 (B) 4
rhu la[;kvksa X, Y, Z dk vkSlr 45 gSA X dk eku] Y (C) 5.5 (D) 4.5
rFkk Z ds vkSlr ls 9 vf/kd gSA Y rFkk Z dk vkSlr 32. The average of three consecutive add number is 12
Y ls 2 vf/kd gSA X rFkk Z dk varj Kkr djsAa more than one third of the first of there number.
(A) 3 (B) 5 What is the last of the three number?

(C) 7 (D) 8 rhu Øekxr fo"k; la[;kvksa dk vkSlr izFke la[;k

27. The average of the first and the second of there ds ,d frgkbZ ls 12 vf/kd gSA rhuksa la[;kvksa esa
number is 15 more than the average of the second lcls vafre la[;k gksxh&
and the third of these number. What is the differ-
(A) 15 (B) 17
ence between the first and the third of these three
(C) 19 (D) Data inadequate
33. a, b, c, d, e, f and g are consecutive even number
rhu la[;kvksa esa ls igyh o nwljh dk vkSlr] nwljh and j, k, l, m, n are consecutive odd number. The
o rhljh ds vkSlr ls 15 T;knk gSA igyh o rhljh average of all the number is:
la[;k dk varj gksxk& a, b, c, d, e, f vkSj g Øekxr le la[;k,a gSaA j, k, l,
(A) 15 (B) 45 m, n Øekxr fo"ke la[;k,¡ gSA lHkh la[;k dk vkSlr
(C) 60 (D) 30
Kkr djsAa

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


(A) 38 (B) 36
a+n  l+d  (C) 32 (D) 44
(A) 3 (B)  
2  2  40. The sum of 5 consecutive odd number is 525. What
will be the sum of the next set of 5 consecutive odd
a+b+m+n j+c+n+g
(C) (D) number?
4 4 5 yxkrkj fo"ke la[;kvksa dk ;ksx 525 gS rc vxys
34. The arithmetic mean ¼lekarj e/;½ of the following 5 yxkrkj fo"ke la[;kvksa ds ;qXe dk ;ksx D;k gksxk\
number. 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6,
(A) 625 (B) 575
6, 6, 6 & 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 is:
(C) 525 (D) 600
(A) 4 (B) 5
41. The average of a non-zero number and its square is
(C) 14 (D) 20
13 times the number. The number is:
35. If a, b, c, d, e are five consecutive odd number,
their average is: ,d v'kwU; la[;k rFkk bldk oxZ dk vkSlr] la[;k
a, b, c, d, e 5 Øekxr fo"ke la[;k,¡ gSa mudk vkSlr ds 13 xquk ds leku gS] rks og la[;k gksxh&
(A) 22 (B) 21

(C) 25 (D) 13
abcde 42. Average of 7 consecutive even number is 52. If the
(A) 5(a  4) (B) previous & next even number to thise 7 even num-
(C) 5a+b+c+d+e (D) a+4 ber are also included then what will be the new

36. There are 6 consecutive odd number in increasing
order. The difference between the average of the 7 Øekxr le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 52 gSA ;fn bu
squares of the first 4 number and the last 4 number lkr la[;kvksa dh fiNyh vkSj vxyh le la[;k dks
is 64. If the sum of the squares of the first and the
last element (i.e., odd numbers) is 178, then find
the average of all the six number.
vxj 6 yxkrkj fo"ke la[;k;sa c<+rs gq, Øe esa gSA
r MHkh feyk fy;k tk;s rks u;h vkSlr gS&
(A) 33
(C) 35
(B) 52
(D) 29
43. The sum of 8 consecutive odd number is 656. The
igyh 4 la[;kvksa ds oxZ dk vkSlr vkSj vafre 4 average of 4 consecutive even number is 87. Find
la[;kvksa ds oxksZa dk vkSlr varj 64 gSA ;fn igyh the sum of smallest odd number and second largest

even number.
vkSj vkf[kjh la[;k ds oxZ dk tksM+ 178 gS rks lHkh 6
la[;kvksa dk vkSlr D;k gksxk\ yxkrkj 8 fo"ke la[;kvksa dk ;ksx 656 gSA lrr~ 4
(A) 5 (B) 6
le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 87 gSA lcls NksVh fo"ke
(C) 7 (D) 8 la[;k vkSj nwljh lcls cM+h le la[;k dk ;ksx D;k

37. If the average of 116 consecutive even number is gS\

201. Find the sum of first and last number. (A) 165 (B) 163
;fn 116 yxkrkj le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 201 gS rks (C) None of these (D) Can't be determine

44. The sum of 6 consecutive even number of SET-A is

igyh la[;k vkSj vkf[kjh la[;k dk ;ksx fdruk
402. What will be the sum of 4 consecutive num-
gksxk\ ber of SET-B if smallest number of SET-B is 15
(A) 402 (B) 406 less of twice of smallest number of SET-A.
(C) 403 (D) 408
lsV&A dh lrr 6 le la[;kvksa dk ;ksx 402 gSA
38. If the average of 7 consecutive even number is 44.
nwljs lsV&B dh lrr pkj la[;kvksa dk ;ksx D;k

Find the difference first and last number.

;fn 7 yxkrkj le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 44 gS rks gksxk\ tc lsV&B dh lcls NksVh la[;k lsV&A dh
igyh la[;k vkSj vkf[kjh la[;k dk varj fdruk U;wure la[;k ds nqxqus ls 15 de gSA
gksxk\ (A) 444 (B) 452
(C) 440 (D) None of these
(A) 14 (B) 12
45. The average of square of 5 consecutive positive
(C) 18 (D) 6
inteyer is 66. Find the average of that integer.
39. If the average of 17 consecutive even number is
143. Find the difference between first and last num- 5 Øekxr /kukRed iw.kkZadksa ds oxksZa dk vkSlr 66 gSA
ber? bu iw.kkZadksa dk vkSlr D;k gksxk\
;fn 17 yxkrkj le la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 143 gS] rks (A) 8 (B) 7
(C) 6 (D) 10
igyh la[;k vkSj vkf[kjh la[;k dk varj fdruk

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


46. If the average of 7 distinct positive integers is 16 is 64. If the sum of the squares of the first and the
maximum. How many numbers can be greater than last element (i.e. odd number) is 178. Then the av-
16? erage of all the 6 numbers is:
;fn 7 vyx&vyx /kukRed iw.kkZadksa dk vkSlr 16 6 Øekxr fo"ke la[;k,¡ vkjksgh Øe esa gSA igys 4
gS] rks muesa ls vf/kdre fdruh la[;k,¡ 16 ls vf/kd la[;kvksa vkSj vafre 4 la[;kvksa ds oxksZ ds vkSlr ds
gS\ chp dk varj 64 gSA ;fn igyh vkSj vafre la[;k ds
(A) 7 (B) 6 oxksZa dk ;ksx 178 gS] rks lHkh 6 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr
(C) 5 (D) 4 fdruk gS\
47. A is the average of a series of n consecutive odd (A) 7 (B) 8
number starting with x and B is the average of n (C) 9 (D) 10
consecutive odd number starting with x+4. The 52. If the arithmetic mean of 3a and 4b is greater than
value of (B-A): 50 and a is twice of b. Then the smallest possible
x ls izkjEHk yxkrkj n fo"ke la[;kvksa dk vkSlr A gS integer value of a is:
vkSj x+4 ls izkjEHk yxkrkj n fo"ke la[;kvksa dk ;fn 3a vkSj 4b dk vkSlr 50 ls T;knk gks rFkk a, b

vkSlr B gS rks (B-A) gksxk& dk nksxquk gks rc crkb;sa a dk U;wure laHko iw.kkZad
(A) is always 4 (B) depends on x eku D;k gksxk\
(C) depends on n (A) 20 (B) 18
(D) is always a multiple of 4 (C) 21 (D) 19

48. There are 25 consecutive odd integers. The aver- 53. The sum of 9 consecutive odd number of SET-A is
age of last 15 is n. Find the average of all the num- 657. What is the sum of seven consecutive odd
bers- number whose lowest number is 18 more than the
25 yxkrkj fo"ke iw.kkZad gS ftuesa vafre 15 dk
vkSlr n gSA crkb;sa iwjh la[;kvksa dk vkSlr D;k
lowest number of SET-A?
lsV&A ds 9 Øekxr fo"ke la[;kvksa dk ;ksx 657 gS]
rks 7 Øekxr fo"ke la[;kvksa dk ;ksxQy D;k gksxk]
(A) n-15 (B) n-10 ;fn bldk lcls NksVh la[;k lsV&A ds lcls NksVh
(C) n+15 (D) n+10 la[;k ls 18 T;knk gks\

49. From 5 numbers a, b, c, d, e; all sets of 2 numbers (A) 623 (B) 627
are chosen and their averages computed. What will (C) 620 (D) 800
be the average of these averages if the average of 54. There are 5 consecutive odd number. If the differ-
the given five numbers is 23? ence b/w square of the average of first two odd
5 la[;kvksa a, b, c, d, e gSA lHkh fu/kkZfjr ls 2&2 number and the square of the average of last two

la[;kvksa ds lsV cuk;s tkrs gSa fQj mudk vkSlr odd number is 492. What is the smallest number:
fxuk tkrk gSa crkb;s bu la[;kvksa ds vkSlr dk 5 yxkrkj fo"ke la[;k,¡ gSaA ;fn igyh 2 fo"ke
vkSlr D;k gksxk ;fn fn;s x;s ikapksa la[;kvksa dk la[;kvksa ds oxksZa dk vkSlr vkSj vafre nks fo"ke

vkSlr 23 gks\ la[;kvksa ds oxksZa dk vkSlr dkvarj 492 gks rks lcls
(A) NksVh fo"ke la[;k&
(B) (A) 37 (B) 39
(C) (C) 41 (D) 43
(D) 55. There are 6 consecutive odd number in increasing

50. If 'm' is a positive integer such that average of 32, order. The average difference of the square of the
34, m, 36, 37 lies b/w 40 and 43 (both inclusive). first 4 number and the last 4 number is 64. If the
What is the number of possible values of m? sum of the squares of the first and the last number
;fn m ,d /kukRed iw.kkZad bl izdkj gks fd 32, 34, is 178. Find the average of all the 6 numbers?
m, 36, 37 dk vkSlr 40 rFkk 43 ¼nksuksa 'kkfey½ ds yxkrkj 6 fo"ke la[;kvksa dks c<+rs Øe esa fy;k x;k
chp esa vofLFkr jgrk gksA rc m ds fdrus laHko eku gSA ;fn igyh 4 la[;kvksa ds oxksZa dk vkSlr vkSj
gks ldrs gSa\ vafre 4 la[;kvksa ds oxksZa dk vkSlr dk varj 64 gSA
(A) 16 (B) 20 ;fn igyh vkSj vkf[kjh la[;k ds oxksZa dk ;ksx 178
(C) 24 (D) No such m exists gks] rks lHkh la[;kvksa dk vkSlr gksxk\
51. These are 6 consecutive add number in increasing (A) 6 (B) 8
order. The difference between the average of the (C) 10 (D) 12
squares of the first 4 number and the last 4 number

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


56. The average of 4 consecutive odd number is half 50 Nk=ksa dk vkSlr vad 60 gSA ;fn yM+dksa dh
that of the average of 5 consecutive even number. la[;k yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k ls 10 vf/kd gks vkSj
If the sum of these two average is 18. Then the
yM+dksa dk vkSlr vad 62 gS] rks yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr
difference b/w largest and smallest of these num-
ber is: vad Kkr djsAa
;fn yxkrkj 4 fo"ke la[;kvksa dk vkSlr fdlh (A) 50 (B) 57
yxkrkj 5 le la[;kvksa ds vkSlr dk vk/kk gS rFkk (C) 60 (D) 74
5. Average marks of .... of the total number of stu-
bu nksuksa ds vkSlr dk ;ksxQy 18 gks rks mu dents is 2/5 to the total marks. Average mark of ....
la[;kvksa esa lcls cM+s rFkk lcls NksVs dk varj total number
gksxk& dd
(A) 10 (B) 21 (A)
(C) 13 (D) 7 (B)
Type-7 (D)

1. Average of 'n' number is 'a'. The first number is 6. A investor get profit 3% on 1/4 of invest and 5%
increased by 2, second one is increased by 4, the profit on 2/3 part at invest and get 11% on remain-
third one is increased by 8 and so on. The average ing part of invest. Find the average profit on total
of the new numbers is. invest.

n la[;kvksa dk vkSlr a gSA igyh la[;k es a2 tksM+ ,d foos'kd viuh ,d pkSFkkbZ iwath ij 3 izfr'kr
fn;k tkrk gSA nwljh la[;k es a4 tksM+ fn;k tkrk gS vkenuh izkIr djrk gSA viuh nks frgkbZ iwath ij 5
vkSj blh izdkj vkxs dh la[;kvksa dks Hkh c<+k;k tkrk izfr'kr vkenuh izkIr djrk gS rFkk 'ks"k ij 11
gSA ubZ la[;kvksa dk vkSlr D;k gS\

(A) a+
2 (2n -1)
(B) a+
2 n+1-1
izfr'kr vkneuh izkIr djrk gSA mldh dqy iwath ij
vkSlr vkenuh Kkr djsAa
(A) 5% (B) 10%
n n (C) 5.5% (D) 10.5%
7. Bhim score run 5 innings 72, 36, 46*, 0, 36. Find
2 n+1 2 n+1

(C) a+ (D) a+2 the average is per innings. (*,= not out)
n n Hkhe 5 ikfj;ksa esa 72, 36, 46*, 0, 36 ju dk Ldksj
2. In an examination average of a group of students is cukrk gSA izfr Hkkjh vkSlr ju&
52. Out of there 20% topper students average is 80
(A) 47 (B) 48
and 25% week student average is 31. Average of
(C) 47.5 (D) 46.5

remaining student is.

8. The highest score in an innings was 2/9 of the total
fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ,d lewg dk ijh{kk esa vkSlr 52 Fkk] score and the next highest was 2/9 of the remain-
muesa ls 20 izfr'kr gksf'k;kj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr 80 der. There scores differ by 8 runs. What was the

rFkk 25 izfr'kr detksj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr 31 total scores in the innings?

rFkk 'ks"k fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk ek/; Ldksj D;k gS\ fdlh ,d ikjh dk lokZf/kd ju dqy ikjh dk 2@9
(A) 45% (B) 50% FkkA nwljk lokZf/kd ju 'ks"k ju dk 2@9 FkkA nksuksa
(C) 51.4% (D) 54.6% juksa esa 8 dk varj gSA ikfj;ksa esa dqy ju D;k Fkk\
3. Average age of 100 employees is a office is 29 years. (A) 152 (B) 162

2/5th of the total employees are female. Ratio of (C) 142 (D) 172
average age of male to female employees are 5:7. 9. A team of 8 person joins in a shooting competition.
Find the average age of female employees. The best marksman scored 85 points, if he score
fdlh dk;kZy; ds 100 deZpkfj;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 29 92 point then the average score for the team would
o"kZ gSA 2@5 Hkkx deZpkjh efgyk gSA iq:"k rFkk have been 84. The numbers at points the team scored
efgyk deZpkfj;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q dk vuqikr 5%7 gSA was.
efgyk deZpkfj;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q Kkr djsAa 8 O;fDr;ksa dk ,d ny 'kwfVax izfr;ksfxrk esa Hkkx
(A) 25, 35 (B) 20, 28 ysrk gSA loksZRre f[kykM+h dks 85 vad feyrs gSaA ;fn
(C) 40, 56 (D) 25,30 mlus 92 vad izkIr fd, gksrs rks ml ny dk vkSlr
4. There are 50 students in a class average marks is Ldksj 84 gks tkrkA ml ny }kjk izkIr fd, x, vad
60. Number of boys is 10 more than number of crkb,A
girls. If average marks of boys is 62. Find average
(A) 672 (B) 665
marks of girls?
(C) 645 (D) 588

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


10. A car owner buys petrol at Rs. 45, Rs. 18, Rs. 30 fnuksa esa iz;ksx fd, x, VsyhQksu dk vkSlr D;k Fkk\
per litre for three successive years. What approxi- (A) 8 (B) 7
mately is the average cost per litre at petrol if he (C) 7.5 (D) 22
spends Rs. 4545 each year? 14. In examination average of 55 students is 88. If top-
,d dkj ekfyd 3 yxkrkj o"kksZa ls isVªksy 45] 18] per four students marks not calculated then aver-
rFkk 30 :- yhVj dh nj ls [kjhnrk gSA ;fn izR;sd age of remaining students is less by 4. If second
o"kZ og 4545 :- [kpZ djrk gSA rc isVªksy dh vkSlr topper marks is less than 133 and all students get
complete number as marks then find minimum pos-
dher Kkr djksaA
sible marks of topper students.
(A) 25 (B) 27
,d ijh{kk esa 55 Nk=ksa }kjk izkIr vadksa dk vkSlr 88
(C) 26 (D) 22
11. The average score in an examination of 10 student gSA ;fn VkWi 4 Nk=ksa ds vadksa dks ugha fxuk tk, tc
of a class is 60. If the scores of the top five students 'ks"k Nk=ksa dk vkSlr 4 de gks tkrk gSA ;fn nwljk
are not considered the average score of the remain- mPpre Ldksj 133 ls de gS rFkk lHkh Nk=ksa us
ing students falls by 5 the pass marks was 40 and iw.kkZad esa vad izkIr fd, gks] rc VkWij Nk= }kjk izkIr

the maximum mark was 100. It is also known that laHko U;wure Ldksj Kkr djsAa
none of students failed. If each of the top five scores
(A) 160 (B) 163
had distinct integral scores, the maximum possible
(C) 166 (D) 168
score of the toper is.
15. The average monthly income of A and B is Rs.

,d ijh{kk esa 10 fo|kFkhZ dk vkSlr vad 60 gSA ;fn 15050, the average monthly income of B and C is
loksZPp 5 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds vad ij fopkj ugha fd;k Rs. 15350 and the average income of A and C is
tkrk gS rks 'ks"k fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds vkSlr esa 5 dh deh vk Rs. 1500. The monthly income of A is.
tkrh gSA mRrh.kkZad 40 rFkk vf/kdre vad 100 gSA
;g ns[kk fd dksbZ fo|kFkhZ vlQy ugha gqvkA ;fn
izR;sd 5 loksZPp vadksa dks izkIr djus okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa
A vkSj B dh ekfld vkSlr vk; 15050 :- gS B vkSj
C dh ekfld vkSlr vk; 15350 :- gS vkSj A vkSj C
dh vkSlr ekfld vk; 15200 :- gS] rks A dh ekfld
dk vad iw.kZ lkaf[;d gS] rks loksZpp vadksa dks izkIr vk; fdruh gS\
djus okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vf/kdre laHko vad D;k gS\ (A) Rs. 15200 (B) Rs. 14900

(A) 99 (B) 100 (C) Rs. 1550 (D) Rs. 15900

(C) 87 (D) 95 16. The average rainfall for a week excluding Satur-
12. The average height of 40 students is 163 cm, on a day was 0.5 cm but there was a heavy rain on Sat-
particular day, three student A, B, C were absent urday and the average rainfall for the week raised
and the average of remaining 37 students was found to 1.5 cm then the rainfall on Saturday is.

to be 162 cm, if A, B have equal heights and the 'kfuokj dks NksM+dj ,d lIrkg esa o"kkZ dk vkSlr 0-
height of C be 2 cm less than that of A. Find the 5 lseh FkkA ijarq 'kfuokj dks cgqr vf/kd o"kkZ gqbZ
height of A. vkSj lIrkg esa o"kkZ dk vkSlr 1-5 lseh c<+ x;k rks

40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh vkSlr ÅapkbZ 163 lseh gSA fdlh 'kfuokj dks fdruh o"kkZ gqbZ\
[kkl fnu ,d fo|kFkhZ A, B, C vuqifLFkr gS vkSj 'ks"k (A) 6 cm (B) 7.5 cm
37 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr 162 lseh Fkk ;fn A rFkk B (C) 11 cm (D) 6.5 cm
dh ÅapkbZ cjkcj gS rFkk C dh ÅapkbZ A ls 2 lseh 17. 15 movie theater average 600 customers per the-
de gSA A dh ÅapkbZ D;k gksxh\ atre per day. If six at the the theater cllase down

(A) 176 cm (B) 166 cm but the total theatre attendance stays the same, then
(C) 180 cm (D) 186 cm the average daily per theatre among the remaining
13. A man use telephone 222 times in month of Aug. of theatres is.
a certain year in thes year, thire was Friday on first 15 fp= fFk;sVjksa esa vkSlr izfr fnu izR;sd fFk;sVj esa
Aug. Average use of telephone on Saturday and 600 n'kZd vkrs gSaA ;fn mues als 6 fFk;sVj can gks
Sunday in Aug. Was 7.5. What the average of tele- x, fdUrq fFk;sVj esa vkus okyksa dh dqy mifLFkfr
phone used in remaining months. ogh jgrh gS rks 'ks"k fFk;sVjksa esa ls izR;sd fFk;sVj esa
,d vkneh fdlh o"kZ vxLr esa 222 ckj VsyhQksu dk n'kZdksa dh vkSlru nSfud mifLFkfr D;k gS\
iz;ksx djrk gSA bl o"kZ esa vxLr dk igyk fnu (A) 900 (B) 1000
'kqØokj FkkA vxLr esa 'kfuokj vkSj jfookj dks vkSlr (C) 1100 (D) 1200
7-5 ckj VsyhQksu dk iz;ksx gksrk gSA eghus ds 'ks"k

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


18. The average daily income of 7 men, 11 women and 22. The average monthly income of a familty of four
2 boys is Rs. 257.50. If the average daily income earning member was Rs. 15, 130. One of doughters.
of the men is Rs. 10 more than that of woner and In the family got married and left home, so the av-
the average daily income of the women is Rs. 10 erage monthly income of the family come down to
more than that of boys, the average daily income of Rs. 14,660. What is monthly income of the mar-
a man is. ried doughter.
7 iq:"kksa] 11 efgykvksa vkSj 2 yM+dksa dh vkSlr pkj lnL;ksa okys ,d ifjokj dh vkSlr ekfld vk;
nSfud vk; 257-50 :- gSA ;fn iq:"kksa dh vkSlr 15]130 :i;s FkhA ifjokj dh yM+fd;ksa esa ls ,d dk
nSfud vk; efgykvksa dh vkSlr nSfud vk; ls 10 fookg gksus ij og ?kj NksM+ dj pyh xbZ rks vc
vf/kd gks vkSj efgykvksa dh vkSlr nSfud vk; yM+dksa ifjokj dh vkSlr ekfld vk; 14]660 :i;s gks xbZA
dh vkSlr nSfud vk; ls 10 :- vf/kd gks rks crkb, fookfgr iq=h dh ekfld vk; D;k gS\
fd ,d iq:"k dh vkSlr nSfud vk; fdruh gS\ (A) 16540 (B) 16500
(A) 277.50 (B) 250 (C) 15300 (D) 16000
23. A shipping clerk has to weight 6 distinct packets.

(C) 265 (D) 257
19. The average (arithmetic mean) amount of savings He weights them four at a time, weighting all the
of 10 students is Rs. 600. Three at the students possible combinations of the packets from the six.
have number savings at all and each of the other The average weight of all the weighting combina-
have at least Rs. 250 including nihar, who has ex- tions is found to be 500 gm. What is the combined

actly Rs. 1300. The largest amount in Rs. that any weight of all the six packets.
one student could have is. ,d f'kfiax DydZ dks 6 fHkUu iSdsV otu djrs gSaA
10 Nk=ksa dh cpr dk vkSlr ¼ ek/;½ jkf'k og ,d le; ij fdlh Hkh 4 iSdsV dk otu djrk
600 :- gSA 3 Nk= ,sls gSaA ftudh dksbZ cpr ugha gS
vkSj vU; Nk=ksa esa ls izR;sd h de ls de 250 :- dh
cpr gS vkSj fugkj dh 1300 :- dh cpr gSA crkb,
MgSA ftrus Hkh lewg 6 esa ls 4 ds cu ldrs gSaA izR;sd
ml pkj ds lewg dk vkSlr 500 xzke gSA rc 6
iSdsVks dk dqy otu D;k gksxk\
cpr dh lcls cM+h jkf'k ¼:- es½a D;k gks ldrh gS\ (A) 700 gm (B) 730 gm
(A) 3250 (B) 3450 (C) 750 gm (D) 690 gm

(C) 3640 (D) 3850 24. The weight of 5 members of 18 is mesured in se-
20. The average pocket money of 3 friendes A, B and quence and the average weight is calculated after
C is Rs. 80 in a perticular month if B spends double the measuning of weight of each member, the each
and C spends triple of what A spend deiring that time the average weight is increased by 1 kg. Find
months and if the average of their unspend pocket the difference between weight of first last member.

money is Rs. 60. Then a spends (in Rs.) 18 esa ls 5 O;fDr;ksa dk otu Øe ls ekik x;k vkSj
rh fe=ksa A, B rFkk C dh vkSlr tsc [kpZ dk vkSlr izR;sd O;fDr ds otu dks ekius ds ckn vkSlr otu
80 :- gSA ;fn a dh vis{kk B nks xquk rFkk rhu xquk fudkyk x;k rks gj ckj vkSlt otu esa 1 fdxzk dh

[kpZ djrk gSa ,oa muds fcuk [kpZ dh x;h jkf'k dk o`f) gqbZA igys vkSj vafre O;fDr ds otu dk varj
vkSlr 60 :- gS] rks A dk [kpZ Kkr dhft,A D;k gS\
(A) Rs. 10 (B) Rs, 20 (A) 6 kg (B) 5 kg
(C) Rs. 30 (D) Rs. 40 (C) 8 kg (D) 10 kg
21. In a class, the number of boys and girls are distinct 25. In a particular week the average number of people

the average age of all the student in the class equals who visited the Taj Mahal is 40. If we exdude the
the average age of the girls. the sum of the average holidays then the average is increased by 16. Fur-
age of the boys and the average age of the girls in ther if we exclude also the day on which the maxi-
10 years find the mum number of 112 people visited the Taj Mahal
,d d{kk esa yM+dh vkSj yM+dksa dh la[;k fHkUu&fHkUu the average becomes 42. The number of holiday in
gSA d{kk ds lHkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q ¼yM+dksa the week is.
dh vkSlr vk;q rFkk yM+fd;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q½ ds fdlh fo'ks"k lIrkg esa rkt egy ns[kus okys yksxksa
vkSlr cjkcj gSA yM+dksa dh vkSlr vk;q rFkk yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr 40 gSA ;fn NqfV~V;ksa dks gVk ns rks vkSlr
dh vkSlr vk;q dk ;ksx 10 o"kZ gSA rks d{kk esa yM+dksa 16 c<+ tkrk gSA ;fn ge ml NqV~Vh dks gVk ns]a ftl
dh vkSlr vk;q D;k gS\ fnu vf/kdre 112 yksx vk;s Fks] rks vkSlr 42 gks
(A) 6 years (B) 5 years tkrk gSA lIrkg esa NqfV~V;ksa dh la[;k D;k gS\
(C) 7 years (D) 4 years (A) 2 (B) 4
(C) 3 (D) 1

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


26. Raju went to the market to purchase the three pens. ant number and the original number except to the
The cost at the first pen was more than that of the smallest number is 21 more then the average of all
second by 25%, which was more than that of the the three original numbers. Find the value of (p-q).
third by 20%. If the average cost of the first two vxj p, q, r rhu /kukRed la[;k,¡ gSa vkSj p>q>r tc
pens was Rs. 15 more than of the last two pens, lcls NksVh la[;k dks 'ks"k nksuksa la[;kvksa ds varj esa
find the cost of the costliest pen.
tksM+k tkrk gS] rks ifj.kkeh la[;k vkSj okLrfod
jktw cktkj esa rhu ist [kjhnus x;kA igys isu dk
la[;kvksa ¼lcls NksVh la[;k dks NksM+dj½ dk vkSlr
ewY; nwljs isu ds ewY; ls 25 izfr'kr vf/kd Fkk]
lHkh rhu okLrfod la[;kvksa ds vkSlr ls 21 T;knk
tksfd rhljs isu ls 20 izfr'kr vf/kd FkkA vxj
gS] rks (p-q) dk eku Kkr djs\a
igys nks isuksa dk vkSlr ewY; vafre nksuksa isuksa ds (A) 63 (B) 66
vkSlr ewY; ls 15 :- T;knk gS] rks lcls eg¡xs isu (C) 55 (D) 62
dk ewY; D;k gksxk\ 30. Rajeev Exams 3/2 times in January, April, July and
(A) Rs. 70 (B) Rs. 60 October then his average earning of (Rs. 600 per
month) in the rest of the month. 30 his savings in

(C) Rs. 90 (D) Rs. 50
27. The daily averge tempratures in Chennai for the 7 the January, April, July and October gees to 5/4
days of a week were pecorded. The tempatures on times that of the rest months saving of Rs. 400 per
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were 20oC, 38oC and months in the year. Find the average expencliture
32oC respectively. The average tempratures on of per month.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were 29oC, 22oC jktho tuojh] vizSy] tqykbZ vkSj vDVwcj esa cps gq,
and 30oC respectively. If the average of average efguksa ds vkSlr osru ¼600 dk izfr efguk½ dk 3@2
temratures on the first three days at the week be- xquk dekrk gSA mldh tuojh] vizSy] tqykbZ vkSj
ginning with Sunday equals that of the last four
days, find the temprature on Wednesday.
pSUubZ esa 1 lIrkg ds 7 fnuksa dk gj jkst dk dqN
vkSlr rkieku ekik x;kA jfo] lkse vkSj eaxy dk
MvDVwcj dh cpr cps gq, eghuksa dh cpr 400 :-
izfr eghuk dk 5@4 xquk gSA mldk izfr efguk
vkSlr [kpZ D;k gS\
(A) 277.77 (B) 233.33
vkSlru rkieku Øe'k% 20oC, 38oC vkSj 30oC gSA
(C) 266.66 (D) 255.55
c`gLifr] 'kqØ vkSj 'kfu dk vkSlru rkieku Øe'k% 31. There are 10 compartiments in passenger train

29oC, 22oC vkSj 30oC gSA vxj lIrkg ¼jfo ls 'kq:½ which carrier on an average 20 passenger per com-
ds igys rhu fnuksa dk vkSlru rkieku dk vkSlr partment if at lesest 12 passenger were sitting in
var ds 4 fnuksa ds vkSlr ds cjkcj gS] rks cq/kokj dk each compartment and number compartment has
rkieku D;k gS\ equal number of pass enger then maximum how

(A) 40oC (B) 38oC many passenger can be accomodated in any com-
(C) 39 Co
(D) 36oC partment.
28. An officer's persion on retirement from service is ,d isla satj Vªus esa 10 fMCcs gSaA izfr fMCcs esa vkSlr 20

equal to half the average salary during the last 36 O;fDr tkrs gSaA vxj de ls de 12 ;k=h izR;sd
months of his service. His salary form 1 Janjuary fMCcs esa cSaBs gSa vkSj fdlh fMCcs esa leku ;k=h ugh agS
1954 is Rs. 380 per month with increment of Rs. rks fdlh Hkh fMCcs esa vf/kdre fdrus ;k=h gSa\
40 on 1 October 1954, 1 October 1955 and 1 Octo- (A) 53 (B) 56
ber 1956 if he retires on 1 January, 1957. What (C) 54 (D) 55
pension does he drow?

32. A class consists of 20 boys and 30 girls. In the

,d vQlj ds fjVk;jisaV dh is'a ku mldh vafre 36 mid-semester examination, the average score of the
efguksa dks lfoZl ds vkSlr osru ds vk/ks ds cjkcj girls was 5 higher then that of the boys. In the final
gSA mldk osru 1 tuojh 1954 dks 380 :- izfr exam. Howe..... the average score of the girls
efguk FkkA 1 vDVwcj 1954] 1 vDVwcj 1955 vkSj 1 deopped by 3 while the average score of the entire
class increased by 2. The increase in the average
vDVwcj 1956 dks 40 :- dh osru dh o`f) gksrh gSA
score of the boys is:
vxj 1 tuojh 1957 dks fjVk;MZ gksrk gS] rks mldh ,d d{kk esa 20 yM+ds rFkk 30 yM+fd;k¡ gSA ,d e/
is'a ku D;k Fkh\ ; ijh{kk esa yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr vad yM+dksa dh
(A) Rs. 215 (B) Rs. 200
vis{kk 5 T;knk FkkA vafre ijh{kk esa yM+fd;ksa ds
(C) Rs. 280 (D) Rs. 210
29. If p, q, r, three positiv number such that p>q>r when vkSlr vad 3 ls de gks x;s tcfd iwjh d{kk dk
the smallest number is added to the difference of vkSlr Ldksj esa 2 ls c<+ksRrjh gks x;hA rc crkb;s
the rest two number, then the average of the result-

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


yM+dksa ds vkSlr Ldksj esa fdruh o`f) gqbZ\ 37. A certain number of trucks were required to trans-
(A) 9.5 (B) 10 port 60 tons of steel wire from FLET factory in
(C) 4.5 (D) 6 Raigarh. However ot was fpimd tjat somce eacj tricl
33. In Arun's opinion his weight is greater than 65 kg cargp could take 0.5 tons less, another 4 trucks were
but less then 72 kg. His brother does not agree with need. How many trucks were initially planned to
Arun and he thinks Arun's weight is greater than be used?
60 kg but less than 70 kg. His mother's view is that ,d FLET dkj[kkus ls 60 Vu ds LVhy dks ys tkus
his weight can't be greater than 68 kg. If all of them ds fy;s dqN Vªdksa dh vko';drk gSA ;|fi ;g ik;k
are correct in their estimation. What is the average x;k fd ;fn izR;sd Vªd 0-5 Vu eky de ys tkrk
of different probable weights of Arun? gS rks vU; 4 Vªdksa dh vko';drk iM+rh gSA crkb;sa
v:.k dh jk; esa mldk otu 65 fdxzk ls T;knk 'kq:vkr esa fdrus Vªdksa dks fy;k x;k\
ijarq 72 fdxzk ls de gSA mldk HkkbZ v:.k ls (A) 10 (B) 15
lger ugha gS vkSj og lksprk gS fd v:.k dk otu (C) 20 (D) 24
60 fdxzk ls T;knk ysfdu 70 fdxzk ls de gSA tcfd 36. The table is made of average temperature of first 6

mldh ek¡ lksprh gS fd mldk otu 68 fdxzk ls months of a year. The temperature of January is 8/
9 times of temperature of April. The temperature
T;knk ugha gSA ;fn lHkh vius vkWdyu esa lgh gks rks
of Febuary is 11/10 times of January and tempera-
v:.k ds otu dk laHkkO; vkSlr gksxk& ture of March is same as Febuary. The average tem-
(A) 55.5 kg (B) 66.5 kg

perature of April and June is 4oC more than the
(C) 77.5 kg (D) 67. kg average temperature of 6 months. Temperature of
34. In a company of 20 employees. each person gets a January and May months is equal to temperature
salary of Rs. 8000 per month. Ten employees were of March. Temperature of May is 48oC. Find which
promoted and got 22.5% increase in their salary.
Two other employees left the company. Find the
average income (Rs.) of the remaining 18 employ-
Mmonths has maxium temperature?
o"kZ ds igys 6 eghuksa ds vkSlr rkieku dh ,d cuk;h x;h tuojh dk rkieku vizSy ds
rkieku dk 8@9] Qjojh dk rkieku tuojh dk
,d laLFkk esa 20 deZpkjh gSA izR;sd O;fDr dh ru[okg
8000 :-@ekg gSA 10 deZpkfj;ksa ds inksUur fd;k 11@10] ekpZ dk rkieku ogh gS tks Qjojh dk gSA

tkrk gS rFkk mudh ru[okg esa 22-5 izfr'kr dh o`f) vizSy ,oa twu dk vkSlr rkieku Ng eghuksa ds
dh tkrh gSA nks vU; deZpkjh daiuh dks NksM+ nsrs gSa vkSlr rkieku ls 4oC vf/kd gSA ekpZ ,oa ebZ dk
rks 'ks"k 18 deZpkfj;ksa dh vkSlr vk; :i;s esa D;k vkSlr rkieku] 6 eghuksa ds vkSlr rkieku ds cjkcj
gksxh\ gSA ebZ dk rkieku 48oC gSa fdl ekg dk rkieku

(A) 900 (B) 8888.89 lokZf/kd gS\

(C) 9500 (D) 9000 (A) March (B) April
(C) May (D) June

35. There are 3 natural number. If average of any two

number is added to the third number 24, 20 and 18 39. In an examination, Seema got 56% marks. Smita
will be obtained. Find all the natural number. got 92% and Reena got 634 marks. Maximum
3 izkd`frd la[;k,¡ gSA fdUgha nks la[;kvksa dk vkSlr marks of examination was 875 marks. How many
arg marks combining 3 girls?
rhljh la[;k esa tksM+k tkrk gS rks 24] 20 o 18 izkIr
,d izos'k ijh{kk esa lhek dks 56 izfr'kr vad feyss]
gksrk gSA rhuksa la[;k;sa Kkr djksaA
fLerk dks 92 izfr'kr vkSj jhuk dks 634 vad feysA

(A) 6, 8, 17 (B) 9, 6, 16
(C) 9, 5, 17 (D) 12, 6, 13 ijh{kk ds vf/kdre vad 875 gSA rhuksa yM+fd;ksa dks
36. There are 4 natural number. If average of any 3 feykdj vkSlr vad fdrus feys gSa\
number is added to the 4th number 29, 23, 21 and (A) 1939 (B) 817
17 will be obtained. Find all 4 natural number. (C) 643 (D) 680
4 izkd`frd la[;k,¡ gSA fdUgha rhu la[;kvksa dk 40. Average of 30 integers is O. To maximize a num-
vkSlr rhljh la[;k esa tksM+k tkrk gS rks 29] 23] 21 ber. How many number should be less than O?
o 17 izkIr gksrk gSA pkjksa la[;k;sa Kkr djksaA 30 iw.kkZdksa dk vkSlr O gSA ,d la[;k dks vf/kdre
(A) 21, 12, 9, 3 (B) 18, 21, 6, 3 j[kus ds fy, fdruh la[;k;sa O ls Hkh de gksxh\
(C) 18, 15, 12, 9 (D) 21, 15, 12, 9 (A) 30 (B) 29
(C) 31 (D) 28

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


41. In a class of 300 students. On an average students taken from them, then average weight is found 85
have Rs. 500. Vinnet (who is students of the class) gm. What is the average weight of remaining apples
claims that he has maximum amount. Find amount and oranges?
he has? 5 lsc dk vkSlr Hkkj 100 xzke gSA rFkk 4 larjksa dk
300 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ,d d{kk gS ftlesa izR;sd vkSlr vkSlr Hkkj 80 xzke gSA bues als 2 lsc rFkk 2 larjsa
fo|kFkhZ ds ikl 500 :- gSA fouhr ¼tks fd d{kk dk fudky fy;s tkrs gSa] ftlls bldk vkSlr Hkkj 85
gh fo|kFkhZ gS½ nkok djrk gS fd mlds ikl vf/ xzke gks tkrk gS rks 'ks"k dk vkSlr Hkkj gksxk&
kdre jkf'k gsA mlds ikl jkf'k gks ldrh gS& (A) 90 (B) 96
(A) 150000 (B) 15000 (C) 95 (D) 92
(C) 20000 (D) None
42. The average score of Dhoni after 48 ininings is 48 Type-8
and in the 49th innings Dhoni scores 97 runs. In
1. The average age of husband, wife and thir child 3
the 50th innings the minimum number of runs
year age was 27 years and that of wife and the child
requred to increase his average score by 2 than it
5 years ago was 20 years. The present age of the

was before the 50th innings:
husband is.
48 eSp ds ckn /kksuh dk vkSlr Ldksj 48 gSA 49osa eSp ifr] ifRu vkSj muds cPps dh vkSlr vk;q 3 o"kZ iwoZ
esa /kksuh 97 ju cukrk gSA 50oha eSap esa fdrus de ls 27 o"kZ Fkh vkSj ifRu ,oa muds cPps dh vkSlr vk;q
de ju pkfg, fd ftlls mldk vkSlr Ldksj 2 ls 5 o"kZ iwoZ 20 o"kZ FkhA ifr dh orZeku vk;q D;k gS\

c<+ tk;sa ¼tks 50osa eSap ls igys Fks½ (A) 40 years (B) 35 years
(A) 99 (B) 149 (C) None of these (D) 50 years
(C) 151 (D) can't be determined 2. Average age of Ronaldo and Messi is 35 years. If
43. In one-day cricket match the captain of the teams
scored 30 runs more than the average runs scored
by the remaining 6 batsmen of that team who bat-
ted in the match. If the total runs scored by all the
r M
Rooney replaces Ronaldo then average age become
32 years. If Rooney replaces Messi the average age
become 38 years. If the average age of Rafel Nadal
and Roger Fedrer is 1/2 of the average age of
batsman of that team were 310. Then how many Ronaldo, Messi and Rooney. Find the average age
runs did the captain score? of all five persons.

,d fnolh; fØdsV eSap es aVhe ds dIrku us 'ks"k 6 jksukYMks rFkk eslh dh vkSlr vk;q 35 o"kZ gSA ;fn
cYyscktksa mlh Vhe ds vkSlr ju ls 30 ju T;knk :uh] jksukYMks dh txg 'kkfey gks tk, rks vkSlr
cuk;sA ;fn lHkh cYyscktksa }kjk cuk;s x;s dqy ju vk;q 32 o"kZ gks tkrh gSA ;fn :uh eslh dh txg
310 gks rks dIrku us fdrus ju cuk;s\ 'kkfey gks tk, rks vkSlr vk;q 38 o"kz gks tkrh gSA

(A) 60 (B) 70 jQsy uMky rFkk jkstu QsMjj dh vkSlr vkk;q

(C) 50 (D) Can't be determined jksukYMks eslh rFkk :uh dh vkSlr vk;q dk vk/kk gSA
44. Find the average of f ( x)  g ( x ), g ( x)  h( x), lHkh ikapksa dh vkSlr vk;q Kkr djsAa

h( x)  d ( x ), d (n)  f (n), 5 . (A) 28 (B) 27

(A) 0 (B) -2.25 (C) 29 (D) 25
(C) 1 3. Average age of 4 persons A, B, C, D is 40 years. 1
(D) f ( x )  g ( x)  h( x)  d ( x) new persons E, joins the goup then average age of
45. 630 students to be sitted in different rows for a photo group increases by 1 year. Another new person F

session. Number of students in each row is 3 less replaces A, then average age of 5 persons becomes
than the previous row. Which are not possible for 42 years. Find average age of B, C, D, F.
the number of rows. 4 O;fDr;ksa A, B, C, D dh vkSlr vk;q 40 o"kZ gSA ,d
,d QksVksll s u ds fy;s 630 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vyx&vyx u;k O;fDr lewg esa 'kkfey gks tkrk gSA ftlds
iafDr;ksa esa cSBk;k x;kA izR;sd iafDr esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dkj.k lewg dh vkSlr vk;q 1 o"kZ c<+ tkrh gSA ,d
la[;k fiNyh iafDr ls 3 de gSA buesa ls dkSulh nwljk O;fDr F, A ds LFkku ij 'kkfey gks tkrk gSA
la[;k iafDr;ksa ds fy;s laHko ugha gS\ ftlls 5 O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 42 o"kZ gks tkrh
(A) 3 (B) 5 gSA B, C, D, F dh vkSlr vk;q Kkr djsAa
(C) 4 (D) 6 (A) 41.25 (B) 42.84
46. The average weight of 5 apple is 100 gm and 4 (C) 43.75 (D) 44.45
oranges is 80 gm. If 2 apples and 2 oranges are

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


4. The average age of a cricket team of 11 players is 5 fdxzk vf/kd gSA A dks izfrLFkkfir djds lewg esa
the same as it was 3 years back because 3 of the vkrk gS] rks B, C, D rFkk E dh vkSlr 59 fdxzk gks
players whose current average age of 33 years are
tkrk gSA A dk Hkkj Kkr djsAa
replaced by 3 youngsters. The average age of the
new comes it. (A) 50 kg (B) 53 kg
11 fØdsV f[kykfM+;ksa okyh Vhe dh vkSlr vk;q] mlh (C) 55 kg (D) 57 kg
8. B was born when A was 4 years 7 months old and
fØdsV Vhe ds leku gS] ftlesa 3 o"kZ igys 3 f[kykM+h C was born when B was 3 years 4 months old when
ftudh orZeku vkSlr vk;q 33 o"kZ FkhA dks 3 u;s C was 5 years 2 month old then their average age
f[kykfM+;ska }kj izfrLFkkfir fd;kA f[kykfM+;ksa dh was.
vkSlr vk;q Kkr djsAa B dk tUe rc gqvk] tc A dh vk;q 4 o"kZ 7 ekg FkhA
(A) 23 years (B) 21 years C dk tUe rc gqvk] tc B dh vk;q 3 o"kZ 4 ekg FkhA
(C) 22 years (D) 20 years tc C dh vk;q 5 o"kZ 2 ekg FkhA rc mldk vkSlr
5. The average temprature of Monday, Tuesday, Kkr djsAa
Wednesday and Thursday is 37oC and the average

(A) 8 years 9 months (B) 7 years 3 months
temprature of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and (C) 8 years 7 months (D) 8 years 11 months
Friday is 34 oC if temprature of Monday was 9. The average age of a family of 10 members is 20
1 years. If the age of the youngest member of the
57 % more then temprature of Friday. Find the family is 10 years. Then the average age of the

members of the family just before the birth of the
temprature of Monday.
youngest member was apporox.
lkseokj] eaxyokj] cq/kokj] xq:okj dk vkSlr rkieku
10 O;fDr;ksa okys ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q 20 o"kZ gSA
37oC gSA tcfd eaxyokj] cq/kokj] xq:okj rFkk 'kqØokj
dk vkSlr rkieku 34oC gSA lkseokj dk rkieku
'kqØokj ds rkieku ls 57 % vf/kd gS] rks lkseokj
;fn ifjokj ds lcls NksVs lnL; dh vk;q 10 o"kZ gSA
rc ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q lcls NksVs lnL; ds tUe
ds le; Kkr djsAa
7 (A) 27.14 (B) 12.5
dk rkieku Kkr djsAa 1

(A) 35 (B) 36 (C) 14.28 (D) 11

(C) 33 (D) 42 9
6. o"kZ ds igys 6 efgus ds vkSlr ekfld rkieku dh 10. The present average age of a family of a four
memebrs is 36 years. If the present age of the young-
,d cuk;h x;hA tuojh dk rkieku vizSy ds est memebr of the family be 12 years. The average

1 33 age of a family at the birth of the youngest member

rkieku dk Qjojh dk rkieku dk ekpZ dk was.
2 20
rkieku ogh gS tks Qjojh dk gSA ebZ dk rkieku ;fn ifjokj ds 4 lnL;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 36 o"kZ gSA

48oC gS rFkk twu dk rkieku tuojh vkSj vizSy dks

;fn ifjokj ds lcls NksVs lnL; dh vk;q 12 o"kZ gS]
feykdj rkieku ls 15oC de gSA lHkh 6 efguksa dk rks ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q NksVs lnL; ds tUe ds
vkSlr rkieku 36.5oC gSA lHkh efguksa dk vyx&vyx le; D;k Fkh\
(A) 48 (B) 40
rkieku Kkr djksaA (C) 32 (D) 24
(A) 20, 33, 33, 40, 45

11. The average age of a husband and his wife was 23

(B) years at the beginning of their marriage. After 5
(C) years they have a one-year old child. The averatgte
(D) age of the family of three. When the child was born
7. The average weight of A, B and C is 64 kg. If D was.
joins, the average weight new is 60 kgs. if another fookg ds le; ifr vkSj iRuh dh vkSlr vk;q 23 o"kZ
persons E who is 5 kg reavier than D replaces A
then the average weight of B, C, D and E become
FkhA fookg ds 5 o"kZ mijkUr mudk 1 o"kZ dk cPpk
59 kg. What is the weight of A? gSA cPps ds tUe ds le; ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q
A, B, C dk vkSlr otu 64 fdxzk gS ;fn D Hkh Kkr djsAa
'kkfey gksrk gS] rks vc vkSlr otu 60 fdxzk gks (A) 23 (B) 24
ttkrk gSA ;fn ,d nwljk O;fDr ftldk Hkkj D ls (C) 18 (D) 20

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


12. After replacing an old member by a new average, it mlds cPps fpUVks dh vk;q esa varj 23 o"kZ gks rFkk
was found that the average age of 5 members of a ;g Hkh Kkr gks fpUVks dk tUe mudh 'kknh ds Bhd
club is the same as it was 3 years age. The differ-
1 o"kZ ckn gqvk gks rFkk fpUVks ds firk fiUVks] fpUVks
ence between the ages of the replaced and the new
dh ekrk fdUVks ls 2 o"kZ cM+s gks] rc crkb;s 'kknh ds
memebrs is:
le; fiUVks dh vk;q D;k gksxh\
,d iqjkus lnL; dks u;s lnL; ls izfrLFkkfir djus (A) 23 (B) 25
ij Kkr gqvk fd 5 lnL;ksa okys laLFkk dh vkSlr (C) Data insufficient (D) None of these
vk;q] 3 o"kZ igys dh vkSlr vk;q ds leku gSA iqjkus 17. A person has 5 sons. There is 3 years gap between
rFkk u;s lnL; dh vk;q dk varj gksxk& age of 2 consecutive sons. If sum of the second
(A) 2 (B) 4
youngest and second eldest son is 14 years while
(C) 8 (D) 15
age of father is 24 years more than age of eldest
Direction: (13 to 16) - Seven years ago there were 5
son then find age of father.

members in the Pinto's family having average age
,d O;fDr ds 5 iq= gSA nks yxkrkj csVs dh vk;q esa
of 34 years. Meanwhile elder son Pinto got mar-
3 o"kZ dk varj gSA ;fn nwljk lcls NksVk vkSj nwljk
ried to Kinto and gave birth to a son named Chinto.
cM+k iq= dk ;ksx 14 o"kZ gSA tcfd firk dh vk;q
Still the average age of family is same now.
mlds lcls cM+s csVs dh vk;q ls 24 o"kZ T;knk gS afirk

7 o"kZ igys fiUVks ds ifjokj esa 5 lnL; FksA ftudh
dh vk;q Kkr djsAa
vkSlr vk;q 34 o"kZ gSA blh chp lcls cM+s csVs fiUVks (A) 37 (B) 35
dh fdaVks ls 'kknh gqbZ rfkk ,d cPpk fpUVks dk tUe
gqvk fQj Hkh ifjokj dk vkSlr vk;q leku gSA
13. Find present age of Pinto.
fiUVks dh orZeku vk;q gksxh&
(C) 38 (D) 40
18. A person has 5 sons. Average age of them is 11
years. Age of each son is an integer and age of any
two sons is not similar. Find maximum possible
(A) 21 (B) 41
age of his eldest son?

(C) 42 (D) Data insufficient

,d O;fDr ds 5 iq= gSA mudh vkSlr vk;q 11 o"kZ gS
14. Find present age of Pinto's wife Kinto.
rFkk izR;sd iq= dh vk;q ,d iw.kkZad gS lkFk gh fdlh
fiUVks dh iRuh fdUVks dh orZeku vk;q gksxh& Hkh nks iq= dh vk;q leku ugha gSA lcls cM+s iq= dh
(A) 24 (B) 26
vf/kdre laHkkT; vk;q gksxh&

(C) 31 (D) Data insufficient

(A) 40 (B) 45
15. If at present the difference b/w age of Pinto's wife
(C) 48 (D) 38
Kinto and her child Chinto is 23 years. Find the

19. Average height of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K

age of Kinto at the time of marriage if Chinto was
and L is 178 cm. When height of M is included
born exactly one year after her marriage with Pinto.
average increased by 0.5. But height of A is re-
;fn orZeku esa fiUVks dh iRuh fdUVks dh vk;q rFkk placed by height of N average reduced by 0.5 cm.
mlds cPps fpUVks dh vk;q esa varj 23 o"kZ gks rks Height of A is 5 cm more than height of M. Find
'kknh ds le; fdUVks dh vk;q D;k gksxh ;fn fpUVks

height of N?
dk tUe 'kknh ds 1 o"kZ ckn gqvk gks& A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K vkSj L dh vkSlr
(A) 23 (B) 21
ÅapkbZ 178 lseh gSA tc M dh ÅapkbZ 'kkfey dh
(C) Data insufficient (D) None of these
tkrh gS] rks vkSlr 0-5 lseh ls c<+ tkrk gSA ijUrq
16. If at present the difference b/w age of Pinto's wife
tc A dh ÅapkbZ N dh ÅapkbZ ls cnyh tkrh gS rks
Kinto and her child Chinto is 23 years. If is also
vkSlr 0-5 lseh de gks tkrk gSA A dh ÅapkbZ] M dh
known that Chinto was born exactly one years af-
ÅapkbZ ls 5 lseh T;knk gS rc N dh ÅapkbZ gksxh&
ter their marriage and Chinto's father Pinto is 2 year
(A) 188.5 (B) 183.5
older than her months Kinto. Find the age of Pinto
(C) 179 (D) 175.5
at the time of the marriage?
;fn orZeku esa fiUVks dh iRuh fdUVks dh vk;q rFkk

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


50. There are 5 brathers in a family average salary of 4 day. The present age of the eldest child is. If they
elders brothers is Rs. 740. Now the youngest brother differ in age by 4 years.
starts earning and the average salary of all broth- 8 o"kZ iwoZ] 5 O;fDr;ksa okys ,d ifjokj dh vkSlr
ers decreases by Rs. 34. If the eldest brother takes vk;q 26 o"kZ gSA nks u;s cPpksa dk tUe ifjokj esa gksrk
a leave and starts another work then his monthly
gS fdUrq vHkh Hkh ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q leku gSA
salary is Rs. 80 more than the youngest brother.
Now the average salary is reduced to Rs. 636. Find lcls cM+s cPps dh mez D;k gksxh ;fn muds mez esa 4
the initial salary of eldest brother and youngest o"kksZa dk varj gks\
brother. (A) 7 (B) 8
,d la;qDr ifjokj esa 5 HkkbZ gSaA pkj cM+s HkkbZ;ksa dk (C) 5 (D) 4
izfrekg vkSlr osru 740 :- gSA vc ikapoka lcls 24. When the average age of a husband and wife and
their son was 42 years. The sun got married and a
Nksvk HkkbZ dekus yxrk gSA rc ikapksa dk vkSlr osru child was born just one year after the marriage.
34 :- ?kV tkrk gSA ;fn vc lcls cM+k HkkbZ vodk'k When child turned to be 5 years then the average
xzg.k djus ds ckn nwljk dk;Z djus yxrk gS] ftlesa age of a family is become 36 years. What was the

mldk izfrekg osru lcls NksVs HkkbZ ds osru ls age of doughter-in-law at the time of marriage?
dsoy 80 :- vf/kd gS rc vkSlr izfrekg ?kVdj tc ifr&iRuh vkSj muds csVs dh vkSlr vk;q 42 o"kZ
636 :- gks tkrk gSA lcls cM+s HkkbZ dk igys okyk Fkh rc csVs dh 'kknh gks tkrh gS rFkk Bhd ,d lky
osru ¼vodk'k xzg.k djus ls igys½ rFkk lcls NksVs ckn ,d cPpk tUe ysrk gSA tc cPps dh mez 5 o"kZ

HkkbZ dk osru Øe'k% D;k gS\ gksrh gS rc ifjokj dh vkSlr mez 36 o"kZ gks tkrh gSA
(A) 800, 400 (B) 900, 470 'kknh ds le; cgq dh mez D;k Fkh\
(C) 1000, 570 (D) 2000, 570 (A) 26 (B) 25
21. Ten years ago, a family had 8 members and the
average of their ages then was 33 years. Four years
later, a member died at age of 64 years and a boy
was born. After 3 more years, another member died,
(C) 24 (D) 23
25. In a family, the sun of three person (one grandfa-
ther, are father and one grandson) together are 140
years old. The grandfather's age in years is equal to
at the age of 72 years and a girl was born. Find the the number of months of the grandson and the
present average age of this family (in years).

father's age in weeks is equivalent to the grandson's

10 lky igys ,d ifjokj esa 8 lnL; Fks vkSj mudh age in days. What will be the father's age?
vk;q dk vkSlr 33 o"kZ FkkA 4 lky ckn ,d 64 lky fdlh ifjokj esa ,d nknk] firk vkSj iksrk gSA rhuksa
ds lnL; dh e`R;q gks x;h vkSj ,d yM+dk iSnk gqvkA dh mez dk ;ksx 140 o"kZ gSA nknk dh mez mrus gh
ckn ds vkSj rhu lky ckn 72 lky ds ,d lnL; o"kZ gS ftrus iksrs dh mez eghuksa esa gSA firk dh mez

dh e`R;q gks x;h vkSj ,d yM+dh iSnk gqbZA vc mrus dh lIrkg gS ftrus iksrs dh mez fnuksa esa gSA
ifjokj dh orZeku vkSlr vk;q fdrus lky gS\ firk dh mez Kkr djsAa

(A) 26 (B) 27 (A) 42 (B) 49

(C) 28 (D) 29 (C) 45 (D) 54
22. The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is 26 26. When 9 was married 10 years ago my wife is the
years old and the wicket keeper is 3 years older 6th member of the family. Today my father died
than captain. If the agis of these two age excluded, and a baby born to member. The average age of my
the average age of the remaining players is 1 year family during my marriage is same as today. What

less than the average age of the whole team. Find is the age of father when he died?
average age of team? 10 lky igys esjh 'kknh gqbZA ml le; esjh iRuh esjs
,d Vhe ds 11 f[kykfM+;ksa esa dIrku dh mez 26 o"kZ ifjokj dh 6oha lnL; FkhA vkt esjs firkth dk
gSA fodsV dhij dIrku ls rhu o"kZ cM+k gSA ;fn bu nsgkar gks x;k rFkk esjs ,d cPps us tUe fy;kA vHkh
nksuksa f[kykfM+;ksa dks vyx dj fn;k tkrk gS rks ckfd Hkh esjs ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q esjh 'kknh ds le; dh
ds f[kykfM+;ksa dh vkSlr mez iwjs Vhe dh vkSlr mez vkSlr vk;q ds leku gh gSA firkth dh mez nsgkar ds
ls 1 o"kZ ?kV tkrh gSA Vhe dh vkSlr mez gksxh& le; D;k Fkh\
(A) 23 (B) 20 (A) 54 (B) 58
(C) 24 (D) 21 (C) 62 (D) 60
23. 8 years ago, the agverage age of a family of 5 mem-
bers was 26 years. Two children having been born,
the present average age of the family is same to-

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


27. The average age of a couple was 24 years. After 19 21

(C) 54 (D) 54
their first and second children (twins) were born, 25 25
the average age of the family become 13.5 years. 30. The average age (in years) of a group of people is
The average age of the family just after third child twice the number of people in the group. A person
was born was 13.2 years. The average age of the X leaves the goup and the average age is still twice
family after fourth child was born was 16 years. the number of people in the group. Now another
The current average age of the family is 19 years. person Y leaves the group and the average age is
What is the current age of the twin children? still twice the number of people in the group. If the
fdlh nEifRr dk vkSle mez 24 o"kZ FkkA dqN o"kZ ckn ratio of the ages of X and Y is 19:17. then find the
mUgsa tqM+oka larku gksrh gSA bl izdkj ls ifjokj dh average age of the group, if one more person, Z of
vkSlr mez 13-5 o"kZ gks tkrh gSA iqu% dqN o"kZ ckn age 16 years. leave the group.
mugsa rhljh larku iSnk gksrh gSA bl izdkj ls ifjokj fdlh lewg dh vkSlr vk;q lewg esa ftrus yksx gSa
dh vkSlr mez 13-2 o"kZ gks tkrh gSA pkSFks larku ds mldk nksxquk gSA ,d O;fDr X lewg NksM+ nsrk gSa
tUe ds ckn ifjokj dh vkSlr mez 16 o"kz gks tkrh fQj Hkh lewg dh vkSlr vk;q vHkh Hkh yksxksa dh la[;k

gSA ;fn orZeku esa ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q 19 o"kZ gS dk nksxquk gSA vc ,d vkSj O;fDr Y lewg NksM+ nsrk
rks tqM+oka larku dh orZeku vk;q gS& gSA vHkh Hkh lewg dh vkSlr vk;q yksxksa dh la[;k dk
(A) 15 (B) 14 nksxquk gSA ;fn X vkSj Y ds mezksa dk vuqikr 19%17
(C) 12 (D) 11 fd 16 o"kZ dk gS lewg NksM+ nsrk gSA

28. When the average age of a husband and wife and (A) 10 (B) 15
their son and doughter was 40 years, the son and (C) 16 (D) 18
daughter got married with their respective partners 31. In a one day cricket match Virat, Sahwag, Sachin,
and a child was born just 2 years after the marriage
in both the newly married families. When child
turned to be 8 years then the average age of family
become 35 years. What was the age of daughter-
r M
Dhoni and Yuvraj scored an average of 39 runs.
Dhoni scored 7 more than Yuvraj. Yuvraj scored 9
fewer than Virat. Sahwag scored as many as Dhoni
and Yuvraj combined and Sahwag, Sachin together
in-law at the time of marriage if son-in-law was 2 scored 110 runs between them. How many runs did
years older to daughter-in-law? Sachin score?

tc ifr] iRuh vkSj muds csVs&csVh dh vkSlr vk;q fdlh ,dfnolh; eSp esa fojkV] lgokx] lfpu] /kksuh
40 o"kZ FkhA csVs&csVh dh 'kknh gks tkrh gS rFkk Bhd vkSj ;qojkt }kjk cuk;s x;s juksa dk vkSlr 39 ju gSA
2 lky ckn nksuksa dks ,d&,d cPpk gksrk gSA tc /kksuh] ;qojkt ls 7 ju T;knk cukrk gSA ;qojkt]
cPps dh mez 8 o"kZ gksrh gS rc ifjokj dh vkSlr mez fojkV ls 9 ju de cukrk gSA lgokx vdsys /kksuh

35 o"kZ gks tkrh gSA 'kknh ds le; cgq dh mez D;k vkSj ;qojkt nksuksa ds cjkcj ju cukrk gSA lgokx
Fkh] ;fn nkekn cgq ls 2 o"kZ cM+k gks\ vkSj lfpu nksuksa ,d lkFk 110 ju cukrk gS rks
(A) 21 (B) 25 lfpu us vdsys fdrus ju cuk;s\

(C) 26 (D) 23 (A) 51 (B) 53

29. 10 years ago the average age of all the 25 teachers (C) 49 (D) 57
of the girls college was 45 years. 4 years ago, the 32. The average wight of all the 11 players of Indian
principle has retired from her post at the age of 60 cricket team is 50 kg. If the average of first six
years. So after one year a new principle whose age lightest weight players is 49 kg and that of the six
was 54 years recruited fromk outside. The present

heaviest players is 52 kg. The average weight of

average age of all the teacher 5 is, if principle is the player which lies in the 6th position in the list
also considered as a teacher. of players when all the 11 players are aranged in
10 o"kZ igys fdlh efgyk egkfo|ky; ds 25 f'k{kdksa the arder of increasing or decreasing weights?
dh vkSlr vk;q 45 o"kZ FkhA 4 lky igys iz/kkukpk;Z Hkkjrh; fØdsV Vhe ds 11 f[kykfM+;ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj
lsokfuo`Rr gks tkrs gSa ftudh mez 60 o"kZ FkhA mlds 50 fdxzk gSA ;fn igys 6 lcls de Hkkj okys
1 o"kZ ckn ,d u;s iz/kkukpk;Z dh fu;qfDr gksrh gS f[kykfM+;ksa dh vkSlr Hkkj 49 fdxzk gks rFkk vafre 6
ftudh vk;q 54 o"kZ Fkh] rks vc lkjs f'k{kdksa dh lcls T;knk Hkkj okys f[kykfM+;ksa dh vkSlr Hkkj 52
vkSlr vk;q fdruh gksxh ;fn iz/kkukpk;Z dks Hkh fdxzk gksA ;fn lkjs fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds Hkkj dks c<+rs ;k
lfEefyr dj fy;k tk;sA ?kVrs Øe esa j[kk tk, rks Hkkj ds Øe esa 6oka f[kykM+h
17 18 dk Hkkj D;k gksxk\
(A) 54 (B) 54 (A) 56 (B) 52
25 25
(C) 51 (D) 58
Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722

33. Rajeev earns 3/2 times in January, April, July and 11 o"kZ igys ,d ifjokj ds 4 lnL;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q
October than his average earning of Rs. 600 per 28 o"kZ FkhA orZeku esa lnL;ksa dh la[;k 6 gS tc nks
month in the rest of the months. So his saving in
cPpksa dk tUe bl vof/k esa gks tkrk gS fQj Hkh
January, April, July and October goes to 5/4 times
ifjokj dh vkSlr vk;q leku gSA ;fn ;s nksuksa cPps
that of the rest months saving of Rs. 400 per month
leku isjVsa ~l dh larkus gSaA ;fn igyk cPpk NksVs
in the year. The average expenditure of per month
cPps ls mruk gh cM+k gS ftruk NksVs cPps ds tUe ds
ckn ml ifjokj esa lnL;ksa dh la[;k gSA nksuksa cPpksa
jktho tuojh] vizSy] tqykbZ vkSj vDVwcj esa lky ds esa cM+s cPps dh orZeku vk;q gksxh&
ckdh efguksa ftlesa mldh dekbZ 600 :- dk 3@2 (A) 7 (B) 8
xquk dekrk gS rks mldh cpr tuojh] vizSy] tqykbZ (C) 9 (D) 10
vkSj vDVwcj esa lky ds ckdh efguksa ftlesa mldh 36. There are only 5 people in the Aman Verma's fam-
cpr 400 :- gS] dk 5@4 gks tkrk gS] rks izR;sd ily. Aman, his wife, a son and two daughter. The
eghus dk vkSlr [kpZ D;k gksxk\

younger daughter is 3/8 times that of her father
(A) Rs. 266.66 (B) Rs. 250
Aman and the age of the son is 1/5th that of his
(C) Rs. 233.33 (D) Rs. 433.33
father Aman 4 years ago the age of his wife was 8
34. In a mock CAT 123 students appeased and the av-
times that of his son and now the sum of the ages of

erage score obtained was 120. But total is was found
younger daughter and wife is same as the sum of
that the top three students were repeaters. So their
the ages of Aman and his son the average age of the
score has been eliminated and then the new aver-
age score found to be decreased by 1.5. Also it is
known that all the students obtained the marks in
integers and the scores of the toppers were disincts.
family is:
veu oekZ ds ifjokj esa 5 lnL; gSaA veu mldh
iRuh] ,d csVk rFkk 2 csfV;k¡A lcls NksVh iq=h dh
vk;q cM+h iq=h dh vk;q dk 4@5 gSA cM+h iq=h dh
If the second highest topper has scored more than
vk;q] mlds firk veu dh vk;q dk 3@8 gS rFkk csVs
185 marks. Then the highest passible score of the

dh vk;q mlds firk veu dh vk;q ds 1@5 gSA 4 o"kZ

third highest topper is:
igys mldh iRuh dh vk;q mlds csVs dh vk;q ds 8
,d CAT ds VsLV esa 123 fo|kFkhZ dh mifLFkfr FkhA xquk FkhA orZeku esa NksVh iq=h rFkk iRuh dh vk;q dk
lHkh dk vkSlr vad 120 ik;k x;k ijarq ckn esa ;g ;ksx] veu rFkk mlds csVs dh vk;q ds ;ksx ds leku
irk pyk fd mPpre vad izkIr djus okys 3 fo|kFkhZ

gSA ifjokj dh vkSlr mez gksxh&

ds vad iqu% tksM+ fy;s x;sA ckn esa buds vad dks (A) 22.2 (B) 25.4
gVk;k x;kA ftlls u;k vkSlr ls 1-5 dh deh gks (C) 21.2 (D) 23.2

x;hA ;g Kkr gS fd lHkh fo|kFkhZ ds vad iw.kkZad esa 37. The average age of 100 nurses in a nursing home
gS rFkk VkWilZ ds vad ------------esa gSA ;fn nwljk fo|kFkhZ in 1982 was 50 years. In 1984, 20 nurses retired
ftlus mPpre vad izkIr fd;s mlds vad 185 ls from their job, whose average age was 60 years.
T;knk gSaA rhljs uEcj ij mPpre Ldksj izkIr djus After a have gap in 1987, 40 nurses were employed
okys fo|kFkhZ ds vad fdrus gksaxs\

whose average age was 38 years. The average age

(A) 166 (B) 167
of all the nurses in 1990 was-
(C) 166 (D) 170
1982 esa ,d fuflZax gkse esaw 100 ulksZa dh vkSlr vk;q
35. 11 years ago the average age of a family of 4 mem-
50 o"kZ FkhA o"kZ 1984 esa 20 ulsZa lsokfuo`Rr gks tkrh
bers was 28 years. Now the average age of the same
gSA ftudh vkSlr vk;q 60 o"kZ FkhA ,d yacs le;
family with 6 memebrs is yet same, even when 2
varjky ds ckn o"kZ 1987 esa 40 ulksZ dks fu;qDr fd;k
children were born in this period. If they belong to
x;k ftudh vkSlr vk;q 38 o"kZ gSA o"kZ 1990 esa lHkh
the same parents and the age of the first child was
ulksZ dh vkSlr vk;q gksxh&
same as there were total family members just after
(A) 1990 (B) 52
the birth of the yongest memebr of this family. Then
(C) 51 (D) 51.5
the present age of the eldest child born for the fam-
ily is:

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722


38. In a hotel Taz, the rooms are numbered from 101 to

130 on the first floor, 221 to 260 on the second
floor and 306 to 345 on the third floor. In the month
of June 2017, the room occupancy was 60% on the
first floor, 40% on the second floor and 75% on the
third floor. If it is also known that the room charges
are Rs. 200, Rs. 100 and Rs. 150 on each of the
floors, then find the average income per room for
the month of June 2017.
rkt gksVy esa dejksa dh la[;k dks iznf'kZr fd;k x;k
gS tSls igyh eafty ij 101 ls 130] nwljh eafty ij
221 ls 260 rFkk rhljh eafty ij 306 ls 345
n'kkZ;k gSA twu 2017 ekg esa igyh eafty esa 60
izfr'kr] nwljh eafty ij 40 izfr'kr rFkk rhljh

eafty ij 75 izfr'kr dejs Hkjs x;s rFkk ;gh Kkr gS
fd izR;sd dejksa ds fdjk;s Øe'k% 200 :-] 100 :-
rFkk 150 :- gSA crkb;s twu 2017 ds ekg esa vkSlr
vk; izfr dejk D;k gksxh\

(A) 151.5 (B) 88.18
(C) 78.3 (D) 67.5 r M

Nirmal Sir Maths Mob.: 97555 40722

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