Accountancy Course Can Be Written Using Set-Roster Notation As

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Danica Nicole G.


De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde Sports Fest 2020 showed how

math can be depicted everywhere. Our professor, Dr. Arlyn Tumala tasked us to
take a selfie about anything that can be related to any topics discussed in our
class. The picture above showed the game of volleyball, in which two teams from
Accountancy and Marketing played. I decided to take the selfie above because of
all things I saw during intramurals, volleyball match/game has everything I grew
fond of. The topic about sets were my personal favorite. A volleyball match can be
considered a set when it comes to the players. Say, the set of players from the
accountancy course can be written using set-roster notation as:

Let V be the set, so

V= {Sarmiento, Ventura, Realce, Ednaco, Redaon, Neria}

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