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Solved questions

B Tech Degree exam, Nov/Dec 2019

Regulation 2013
(A3 size drawing sheets may be supplied)

Part A (10 x 2 = 20)

1. A shuttle is moving at 40 m/s when it enters warp shed and moves 5 m before it
leaves the shed. During its passage, it is subjected to retardation, which may be
considered uniform at 30 m/s2. Find the time it takes to traverse the shed.

Initial velocity, u = 40 m/s

Distance travelled, S = 5 m, a = retardation (-a) = 30 m/s2
v2 = u2 + 2 aS, v2 = 402 + (2 x 30 x 5)
v = 36.1 m/s
a = (v-u)/t
30 = (36.1 – 40)/t
t = 0.13 sec
2. A circular knitting machine of diameter 40 cm performs a revolution in 1.2 s. what is the
acceleration if uniform angular velocity may be assumed?

Method 1 a = v2/r where v = speed of rotation in m/s, r =

Circumference of knitting cylinder = πd = 3.14 x 0.4 m
= 1.256 m
Speed of rotation = 1.256 / 1.2 m/s = 1.05 m/s
Radius, r = 20 cm or 0.20 m
Acceleration = v2/r = (1.05)2/0.20 = 5.51 m/s2
Hence acceleration is 5.51 m/ s2 towards the centre
Method 2
a = r ω2 where r = radius, ω = angular velocity

knitting machine angular velocity, ω = 1 rev x 2π rad/1.2 sec

= 5.23 rad/sec.
Radius, r = 20 cm or 0.20 m
Acceleration = 0.20 x (5.23)2 = 5.48 m/s acting towards centre

3. State the differences between clutch and brake

Clutch is a transmission and control device that provides energy transfer from the drier to
the driven shaft. A brake is a transmission and control device that stops a moving load,
regulates movement, or holds load at rest by transforming kinetic energy into heat
4. Write notes on material lining for clutches and brakes
Friction lining for clutches is made of materials like moulded or woven asbestos, sintered
metals, metal reinforced resins and ceramics.

5. Mention any two application of variable speed drives in spinning machinery

Note: The question is not relevant to the syllabus and very generic.
However for the readers information, variable speed drives are used in feed regulation in
blowroom and tension control in speed frame and ring spinning,
Pair of cone pulleys with complementary diameters are used to vary the speed of driven
members to regulate the cotton feeding in the scutcher of blow room line. The same
pulley system is used in varying the bobbin speed as diameter is built up so that uniform
winding on speed (equal to roving delivery seed of front drafting roller) is maintained.
In ring spinning, during cop build, PIV (positive infinitely variable) drive varies the
spindle speed to keep the yarn tension within limits.

6. Which type of bearing is used to position fluted roller of the drafting system in ring
frame? Why?
Needle bearing is used in driving bottom rollers of drafting system in ring spinning.
Needle bearing is ideal because of: its smaller size to accommodate drafting rollers,
facilitate easy adjustment of roller settings, lower speeds of drafting rollers. Synthetic
lubricants like grease is used as lubricant for these bearings.

7. State the laws of friction Ref: Textile mechanics Vol 1 by Slater

Laws of friction:
a. The frictional force between two surfaces opposes their relative motion or their
potential relative motion
b. The frictional force is independent of the area of contact of the two surfaces if the
normal reaction is constant.
c. The limiting frictional force is proportional to the normal reaction.
d. The dynamic frictional force is independent of the relative velocity of the two

8. Mention any four application of friction in textile

Friction is useful in transfer of motion in belt & pulley drives.
Optimum fibre to fibre friction during attenuation is essential to control fibre rupture and
evenness of material.
Yarn and fabric maintain their structure by friction
Frictional clutches and brakes used in various textile machines
Cone winding operation is carried out by frictional contact with grooved drums.
Yarn tensioning devices in winding, knitting, warping
9. Mention the various factors considered in the design of shedding tappet.
Factors to design shedding tappet
a. Nearest distance between bowl and tappet.
b. Lift of tappet
c. Diameter of anti friction bowl (follower)
d. Duration of dwell (normally 1/3 of crank rotation)

10. What is sley eccentricity?

The ratio of r/l, where r is the radius of the crank circle and l is the length of crank arm is
called the sley eccentricity ratio, e. Therefore, e = r/l. Normally it ranges from 1 to 2.5,
depending on loom width. Lower e values permit more time for shuttle to pass, however
acceleration of sley at front and back centres results in unbalances forces causing

11. a) Draw the velocity and acceleration profile of a cam (without dwell period) for one full
revolution when the cam is designed based on constant velocity and discuss the profiles.
Refer to the notes.

b) i) A rod is rotating about a hinged point. The mass of 1 kg and 2 kg are attached
respectively on the rod at a distance of 25 cm and 50 cm from the hinge point. Determine
the radius of gyration of the system (rod with masses) if it rotates at 1 rad/sec.

Kinetic energy = ½ m v2 or
= ½ m r2 ω2
K E of the rod with 1 kg mass at a distance of 0.25 m from axis,
m = 1 kg, r = 0.25m, ω = 1 rad/sec, K E= ½ x 1 x (0.25)2 x 12 = 0.03125 kgm2/s2 (joule)

K E of the rod with 2 kg mass at a distance of 0.50 m from axis,

m = 2 kg, r = 0.50 m, ω = 1 rad/sec, K E= ½ x 2 x (0.50)2 x 12 = 0.25 kgm2/s2 (joule)
total kinetic energy = 0.03125 + 0.25 = 0.281 kgm2/s2

Applying formula for radius of gyration, KE = ½ m ω2 k2

which is equal to ½ m r2 ω2
Therefore, ½ x 3 kg x 12 x k2 = 0.281 kgm2/s2
k2 = (0.281 x 2) / (3 x 1) = 0.187
Radius of gyration, k = 0.432 m
ii) A cylinder has a mass of 500 kg and radius of gyration of 20 inches. What torque and
power are required to bring the cylinder to its operating speed of 450 rpm from rest after
making 120 revolutions. Find the time taken.

Moment of inertia of the cylinder, I = m k2 = 500 x 0.079 ( radius of gyration, k =20 inch
is equal to 0.079m) I = 39.5 kgm2

For rotating bodies, ω22 = ω12 + 2 α Θ where ω1 = initial angular velocity, ω2 = final
angular velocity, α = angular acceleration, Θ = angular displacement
Given, ω1 = 0, ω2 = 450 rpm or 15π rad/sec, Θ = 120 rev. or 240 π
To find angular acceleration, α,
(15π)2 = 02 + 2 x α x 240 π
Therefore α = (15π)2/480 π = 0.469 π = 1.47 rad/sec2
Torque is given by the equation, T = I α
where I = moment of inertia and α = angular acceleration, i.e. I = 39.5 kgm2, α = 1.47
rad/ sec2
torque = 39.5 x 1.47 = 58.1 J

Work done = torque x angular movement

Maximum work at final angular speed of 15π rad/sec is reached, = 58.1 x 15π = 2736.5 J

Time taken to reach maximum speed of 450 rpm, ω2 = ω1 + α t

ω2 = 15 π, ω1 = 0, α = 1.47,
Therefore, t = (ω2 - ω1) / α = 15 π/1.47 = 32 sec
Time taken for the card cylinder to reach a speed of 450 rpm from rest is 32 sec.

12. a)Discuss in detail the torque transmitting ability of cone clutch

Refer to book
b)Explain in detail the various types of gear trains
Refer to notes

13. a) i)Discuss in detail the design of cone pulleys for piano feed regulation. Prove that the
thickness of material passing through the scotched per unit time is inversely proportional
to the speed of the feed roller.

ii) Explain the Fallow’s differential with a neat sketch indicating all the necessary details.
Also prove that the above differential is bobbin lead system with data given below: Input
revolutions of main shaft: 365 rpm, front roller delivery of roving frame: 1083 cm/min,
empty bobbin diameter: 3.35 cm. Assume any other data if necessary.

The Fallow’s Differential

This compact differential train is used on speedframes to enable the roving delivered
from the front rollers to be wound onto the bobbin without stretching the roving or
allowing it to go slack. In the Fig. shaft A is the main input shaft and gets its rottino from
the motor. Secured to shaft A is the first wheel of the differential, wheel B of 32 teeth.
This wheel drives the final wheel D through a double sided carried bevel gear having 36
teeth on each side. Carrier wheel C is freely mounted on a spherical bearing and is
capable of being rotated when wheel H revolves because H is secured to a hollow shaft,
to which is fixed the housing G. The final wheel D transmits its motion to the bobbin vial
wheel E. Both D and E rotate with the casing F.

In this train, the value of e is:

32 36 8
𝑒= + × =
36 36 9

Consider the train operating with the arm (housing) G stationary and the shaft A rotating
at 365 rev/min. Then,
8 𝑙−0 8
= =
9 𝑓−0 9
Hence, 8 × 365 = 9 × 𝑙 (first wheel B=365rev/min, arm G = 0 rev/min)
From which the output rev/min at the wheel E would be,
8 × 365
= 324.4
Under these conditions bobbin speed would be:
36 36
324.4 × × ≈ 1000 𝑟𝑒𝑣/𝑚𝑖𝑛
30 14
The spindle speed would be,
36 36
324.4 × × ≈ 1000 𝑟𝑒𝑣/𝑚𝑖𝑛
30 14
Hence without added motion via the arm of the train, the bobbin speed equals the spindle
speed. In order to wind on the delivered roving, the bobbin rev/min must exceed the
spindle rev/min, and for this the differential offers a convenient means of adding to the
bobbin the necessary number of excess revolutions over the spindle revolutions.

As per the problem, given empty bobbin diameter is 3.35 cm, front roller delivery rate is
1082 cm/min.
Therefore the no.of rev of bobbin to wind 1082 cm of roving is,
Delivery rate of roving ÷ empty bobbin circumference
= = 103 𝑟𝑒𝑣/𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝜋 × 3.35
Spindle speed is constant at 1000 rev/min, inserting uniform twist to the roving delivered
Turns/cm = 1000/1082 = 0.92
In bobbin lead, bobbin speed Nb is always higher than spindle speed Ns, the difference
between the bobbin and spindle rpm multiplied by bobbin circumference is equal to font
roller delivery speed.
𝜋𝐵 (𝑁𝑏 − 𝑁𝑠) = 1082
Where B=bare bobbin dia, Nb=bobbin rpm, Ns=spindle rpm
𝑁𝑏 = + 1000 = 1103 𝑟𝑒𝑣/𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝜋 × 3.35

Now, working backwards thro gearing, and starting at the bobbin bevel wheel, we can
determine the number of rev. required at wheel E which is connected to bevel D,
𝟏𝟒 𝟑𝟎
𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝑬 = 𝟏𝟎𝟑 × × = 𝟑𝟑. 𝟒 𝒓𝒆𝒗/𝒎𝒊𝒏
𝟑𝟔 𝟑𝟔
In Fallow’s differential it has been shown that when the arm G is stopped, both spindle
and bobbin speed is maintained at 1000 rev/min. under this condition shaft A rotates at
365 rev/min and wheel E at 365 x 8/9 = 324.4 rev/min. But wheel E (also last wheel D)
requires and an extra 33.4 rev/min thereby needs to rotate at 357.8 rev/min.
Applying differential formula,
8 357.8 − 𝑎
𝑒= =
9 365 − 𝑎
‘a’ is the speed of the arm wheel G which received drive from bottom cone drum
8 x (365-a) = 9 x (357.8-a)
Therefore a = 300.2 rev/min means wheel G should rotate at a speed of 300.2
rev/min to obtain a bobbin speed of 1103 rev/min.


b) With a suitable scale design and draw the profile of cone drums for a simplex machine
which has a bare bobbin diameter of 1.25” and maximum package diameter of 7.5”.
When the package is 2/3rd full, diameter of driving and driven cones is 7” and 10”
respectively. The belt shift is 36”. Assume any other data suitably.

(This question seems to be out of syllabus as per R2017, however, there are chances for

General understanding
In the bobbin lead (cotton) system, rev/min of the bobbin is gradually reduced for every
layer (increase in diameter) of bobbin build so as to maintain constant surface speed of
bobbin which is equal to front roller delivery speed. However, keep in mind, bobbin
speed is always higher than flyer speed at any instant.

The decrease in speed is effected by a pair of cone drums designed for the purpose, on
which the belt is shifted gradually thro a ratchet wheel movement of the bobbin builder

In the cone drum drive, top cone drum is a driving member rotating at a constant speed
whereas bottom cone drum is driven member and rev/min is decreased by shifting the
belt driving the cone drums.

Sum of the effective diameters of both cone drums is constant.

Let the front roller delivers a length L per minute. Let the bobbin diameter at any instant
be B. Let the top cone drum diameter be Dt and the bottom cone drum diameter Db.

At any instant, the excess rev/min of the bobbin over the spindle is:
𝝅 ×𝑩
Let the top cone drum speed be R rev/min, then the bottom cone drum speed is:
The bottom cone drum speed multiplied by the gearing constant of the drive from the
bottom cone drum to the bobbin equals the excess rev/min. Let the constant be k1, we
then have,
𝑫𝒕 𝑳
𝑹× × 𝒌𝟏 =
𝑫𝒃 𝝅×𝑩
Since R, L, π, k1 are all constants, we can rewrite the last line in the form,
𝐷𝑡 𝐾
𝐷𝑏 𝐵
𝐷𝑡 1

𝐷𝑏 𝐵
Thus the ratio of the cone drum diameters is inversely proportional to the bobbin
diameter. Furthermore, since we have a belt drive, the sum of the cone drum diameters
must remain constant, i.e.: Dt + Db = k2

We can now use the relations to determine K for our example.

When the bobbin diameter B is 3.35 cm, Dt=16.86cm, Db=9.14cm, we get,
16.86 𝐾
= , therefore K = 6.18.
9.14 3.35

Thus for any bobbin diameter, we can calculate the diameter ratio for the cone drums. We can
also determine the values of the cone drum diameters. Consider the ratio at a bobbin diameter B,
𝐷𝑡 6.18
𝐷𝑏 𝐵
𝐷𝑏 = 𝐷𝑡 ×
But Dt + Db = 26 is always constant so that
𝐷𝑡 × 𝐵
𝐷𝑡 + = 26
𝐷𝑡 =
6.18 + 𝐵
Hence diameter of top cone drum Dt can be determined for a given bobbin diameter B and
finally the diameter of bottom cone drum, Db.

Referring to the question 13(b),

Given data, bare bobbin diameter = 1.25” (3.18cm), maximum package diameter=7.5”(19.05cm).
Dt/Db at 2/3 full is 7”/10” (17.78cm/25.4cm)

2/3 of maximum bobbin diameter 19.05cm is 12.7cm, therefore,

17.78 𝐾
25.4 12.7
K = 8.89, Dt + Db = 43.18
𝐷𝑡 × 𝐵
𝐷𝑡 + = 43.18
𝐷𝑡(1 + ) = 43.18
𝐷𝑡 = 43.18 ×
8.89 + 𝐵
𝟑𝟖𝟑. 𝟖𝟕
𝑫𝒕 =
𝟖. 𝟖𝟗 + 𝑩
At bare bobbin diameter (B) of 3.18cm, Dt = 31.8 cm, Db = 43.18-31.8=11.38 cm

At full bobbin diameter (B) of 19.05 cm, Dt = 13.74 cm, Db = 29.44 cm

Cone drum diameters in relation to bobbin diameter:

Bobbin Top cone diameter (cm), Bottom cone drum
diameter B (cm) 𝟑𝟖𝟑. 𝟖𝟕 diameter (cm),
𝑫𝒕 =
𝟖. 𝟖𝟗 + 𝑩 Db = 43.18 – Dt
3 32.29 10.89
3.18 31.8 11.38
4 29.78 13.4
5 27.64 15.54
6 25.78 17.4
7 24.16 19.02
8 22.73 20.45
9 21.46 21.72
10 20.32 22.86
11 19.3 23.88
12 18.38 24.8
13 17.54 25.64
13.74 16.96 26.22
14 16.77 26.41
Cone drum profiles (not to scale)

Top cone drum

Belt starting position

Bottom cone drum

14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Bobbin dia B in cm
14. a) Discuss the tensile, shear, bending and torsional stresses acting on transmission shafts
with illustrations.
Refer to the notes provided.


b) A simple weight lever system at each end of a loom beam is provided with weights of
250N. The leverage of the system (the x/y ratio) is 4. The full beam radius is 20 cm and
the ruffle radius is 7 cm. If the ropes are given one and half laps round the ruffle and the
coefficient of friction is 0.15, determine the warp tension at the slipping point.

Given: coefficient of friction, µ = 0.15; angle of lap, θ = 1.5 turns = 3π radians

𝑇𝑡 𝑇𝑡
Applying, = 𝑒 µ𝜃 , = 2.7180.15×3𝜋 ≈ 4.1
𝑇𝑠 𝑇𝑠
Tt = 250 x 4 (leverage) =1000 N (for one side of the beam)
Hence, Ts=1000/4.1=244 N
Frictional force on one side = 1000 – 244 = 756 N
Hence for both sides together, the frictional force is, 2 x 756 = 1512 N

The ratio of ruffle radius to beam radius is 7/20. Hence the warp tension is,
𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐 × = 𝟓𝟐𝟗 𝑵

15. a) Draw a tappet for a 1 down, 1 up, 1 down, 1 up, 2 down (six picks to the round) weave,
with the following particulars:
i) Centre of tappet to the nearest point of contact with the treadle bowl = 4 inches
ii) Lift of tappet = 2 inch
iii) Treadle bowl diameter = 1.5 inch
iv)Dwell = one third of a pick


Practice drawing the design on A3 sheet with necessary geometric tools.

To construct this tappet, draw a circle A with radius equal to nearest point of contact (NPC) of 4
inch. With centre O, draw another circle B of radius equal to (NPC + Half bowl dia) 4.75 inch.
With same centre O, draw one more circle C of radius equal to (NPC + Lift) 6 inch.

As there are six picks to the round, divide the circles into six equal parts (60 degree each) by the
lines, D, E, F, G, H, I. As there is one third of a pick dwell, divide each pick into three equal
parts (20 degree each) and take the middle one for dwell. Rule the lines L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S,
to the centre. Now divide the arcs LM, NO, PQ, RS into six equal parts and construct radii to the
centre O. These segments are for heald change over. Draw a semi circle T of dia equal to lift
connecting circles B & C on the radius OL. Divide arc T into six equal parts and project the
points to the section of radius OL Taking the intersections as radius draw arcs using O as centre
to all 4 segments meant for heald change.

For each segment there are seven intersecting points (arc vs radii). Draw 7 circles for bowl with
intersecting points as centres, which is to be repeated for all segments. Sketch a smooth curve
touching all the bowl circles. For dwell, connect the segments by drawing arc with radius as NPC
for UP position and drawing an arc with radius NPC+lift for DOWN position of heald.

VERY IMPORTANT: The treadle lever is directly connected to heald shaft, and down
position of bowl is down position of heald.
b) Discuss in detail the Kinematics of sley eccentricity
Refer to book

16. a) Discuss the torque absorption capacity of block brake with short shoe with illustration.

Not covered under new regulation

b) Design the profile of winding drum with a traverse ratio 5/2. Assume the length of the
drum as 24 cm and circumference 12 cm

Wind: wind of a winding system is the number of revolutions made by the package
during the time taken for the yarn guide to make a traverse in one direction across the

Traverse ratio is the number of coils laid per double traverse of the yarn guide so the
traverse ratio is twice the wind.

Referring to the question, traverse ratio 5/2 means 2.5 coils are laid per double traverse.
To make up a whole number of coils, two double traverses are required for a pattern
repeat. This is given in the figure below:

At the end of each traverse only 1.25 coils wil have been completed, yarn path AE’
(E’E),F1, the point F1 being one quarter of the way round the circumference. Traverse
length has been divided into five equal sections and the circumference into four. The full
yarn path is,
AE’ (E’E)F1 F1C’ (C”C)A2, A2C’ (C’C)F3 F3E’ (E’E)A’

The number of diamonds occurring length wise is 2.5 and the number occurring
circumferentially is 2.

For details refer to ‘Textile Mathematics’ Vol.3, JE Booth

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