Banksman Responsibilities

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Prior to commencement of any task, all personnel taking part shall participate in a
Process for Assessing Risk to have a full understanding of task(s) and any
associated risks or hazards including any on-going simultaneous operations. The
following Task Risk Mitigation should be used as a tool to assist in this process.

1. Hand signals shall be the primary means of communication between the

Banksman and the Crane/Tugger Operator. Crane or Tugger operations shall not
take place until an authorized Banksman/Signalman with full knowledge of
hand signals and radio communication instructions has been designated to the

2. The Banksman shall be in a safe position with a clear view of the load to give
the Crane/Tugger operator hand signals, or radio instruction where line of sight is

3. The Banksman shall be the only person directing the Crane Operator and
shall not handle the load at any time.

4. Prior to the transfer taking place, the Banksman shall ensure that

• The weight of the load is known.

• The lifting equipment has been visually inspected and that the
Safe Working Load of the lifting equipment is sufficient for the

• The load is fully inspected to ensure that all lifting equipment is

attached correctly and that there are no loose pieces of equipment
that have potential to fall from the load.

• Tangle free tag lines are attached to the load.

• A full assessment has taken place taking into account the route the
load will take and potential conflict of interest with other personnel
working in the area, the final destination of the load, the load
rating of the destination area to ensure that it is sufficient to handle
the weight of the load and the size of the load, ensuring that the
destination area is large enough for the load to be landed.

• All personnel are in a safe position prior to the load being picked

• Checked that he has good line of sight to give hand signals or has
checked radio communication with the Crane/Tugger operator.

• Certification of lifting gear is current and has been identified by

the correct colour code.

5. During the transfer of the load the Banksman shall maintain sight of
the load at all times checking for potential of personnel walking or
working underneath the path of the load or the potential for the load to
collide or become entangled with any other pieces of equipment or
rig/vessel structure.

6. Prior to landing the load, the Banksman shall ensure that :-

• The movement of the load is stopped and it is safe for personnel

to move into a position to handle tag lines.

• There are suitable obstacles free escape routes for personnel

involved in handling the load.

• All personnel involved in landing the load remain in a safe area.

• Personnel do not attempt to unhook the load until the load is

safely landed and they have been given instruction to do so.

7. All personnel involved with moving loads with crane/Tugger must

understand the meaning of the signals being used and stop the movement of
the load when the intent is not known.

8. Hand signals may be supplemented with voice commands via radio to

improve communication at a further distance or when vision is obstructed
by rig structure, equipment, or poor lighting.

9. Signalling should be performed with arms and hands away from the body
using exaggerated motions.

10. The designated Banksman should wear a high visibility vest to identify
him/her as having a specific job function with safety responsibilities and
signalling duties.

11. If uncertainty or confusion exists regarding how a load should be moved

or rigged a Time Out must be called and a supervisor consulted.


Name Signature Name Signature

Crane Operators
Name Signature Name Signature

Safety Officer Date: 24 July 2019

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