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Cause: Caused by Mycobacterium Leprae.

Root of infection: Nasal secretions or droplets.


 Taken in by nose and enters the body.

 Taken up by alveolar macrophages
 Disseminated through blood circulation
 Spreads to nerves and skin
 Bacilli proliferates
 Leads to loss of sensation, skin lessions and nasal congention.

Symptoms: Light colored patches of red skin and reduced sensation in affected areas,

Ulcers, nerve injury and loss of temperature sensation.

Diagnosis: Blodd exams, nasal smears, nerve biopsies, skin smears that show acid-fast bacilli
with Ziel-Neelsen stainand Fite staining.

Treatment: Multi drug treatment to avoid disability, steroids upto 30mg, antibiotcs like
rifampin, clofazimine, fluoroquinolones and minocycline.

Prevention: Slow developing skin and neural disease and is hard to prevent as it spreads through
nasal droplets. Maintaining hygiene is suggested.

Cause: Dengue virus(one of four types) carried by Ades Egyptii

Root of infection: Through the bite of ades mosquito which is a vector for dengue virus


* Direct entry into immune cell system of macrophages, monocyte, dentric cells.

* Cytokine production.

* Complement activation of viral antibodies.

* Vascular endothial cells.

* Plasma leakage and development of coagulation disorder.

Symptoms: High fever, headache, rash or red spots, chills, nausea and muscle or joint pain.

Diagnosis: Diagnostic test include molecular PCR testing, positive IgM and IgG test for initial
blood sample antibody testing.

Treatment: Intravenous fluid and electrolyte replacement, transfusion of blood, minerals intake.

Prevention: Avoiding mosquito bites by using repellents and staying in hygiene environment
and keeping ourselves sanitized.

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