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Data Acquisition

Cellwize cSON Operation Training

This presentation constitutes proprietary and confidential information of Cellwize Wireless Technologies PTE Ltd. This presentation may
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Data Acquisition Overview
Data Acquisition Task Configuration
Data Acquisition Monitoring

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SONStudio Operational Tasks
Operational tasks are related to data acquisition tasks:

 Logical
 Physical

 Events
 Logs
 Statistics

 Performance

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CM Operational Task

CM is a data acquisition task targeted to parse logical data (switch dump) + physical file into SON DB
Usually this task is scheduled to run once a day

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CM Operational Task Creation
Step 1: Task Properties

1. Define the task Name

2. Write a short description

3. Select the type of your task:

 Configuration

5 Proprietary & Confidential

CM Operational Task Creation
Step 2: Vendor selection

1. Select the various vendors

2. Specify the file path per vendor

3. Add the path to the list

4. In case physical data should also be

collected by this task, enable the
flag and add the file path

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CM Operational Task Creation
Step 3: Task Scheduling

Set the schedule

 Periodic Fixed Time
 Immediate Execution
 Fixed Time
 Periodic

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CM - Operational Task Log File
Log file information:

 Number files found

 Files content description

 DB Parsing information

 Physical file information

 Network information

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PM Operational Task Creation

PM is a data acquisition task targeted to parse performance data files into SON DB

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PM Operational Task Creation

Step 1: Task Properties

1. Define the task Name

2. Write a short description

3. Select the type of your task:

 Statistics and Logs
 Configuration

10 Proprietary & Confidential

PM Operational Task Creation
Step 2: Data Source

1. Select the vendor

2. Select the event file type to be parsed

 PM XML Export

3. Specify the file location

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PM Operational Task Creation
Step 3: Task Scheduling

Set the schedule

 Immediate
 Fixed Time
 Periodic Fixed Time
 Periodic
 Custom
 Data Input Triggering

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PM - Operational Task Log File
Log file information:

 Number counter files found

 Files content description

 DB Parsing information

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EVE Operational Task Creation

EVE is a data acquisition task targeted to parse events, logs, and statistics data files into SON DB

14 Proprietary & Confidential

EVE Operational Task Creation

Step 1: Task Properties

1. Define the task Name

2. Write a short description

3. Select the type of your task:

 Statistics and Logs
 Configuration

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EVE Operational Task Creation
Step 2: Vendor selection

1. Select the vendor

2. Select the event file type to be parsed

3. Specify the file location

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EVE Operational Task Creation
Step 3: Task Scheduling

Set the schedule

 Periodic
 Immediate Execution
 Fixed Time
 Periodic Fixed Time

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EVE - Operational Task Log File
Log file information:

 Number files found

 Files content description

 DB Parsing information

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Operational Task Monitoring – All Tasks View

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Operational Task Monitoring – Specific Task Instances
 Task Status

 Last execution status

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Physical Data Recovery
Physical Data Recovery Use Cases


In many occasions, the actual physical information of newly introduced sectors are
either not updated in the planning tool or not filled in altogether, as a result the
information is unavailable for the entire organization


As a result of rehoming or swap projects, sectors are repositioned in different
addresses. Occasionally, this information is not updated in the tool or may be entered
incorrectly (e.g., longitude and latitude data are switched over). The information then
becomes deceiving for the entire organization


As a result sector's physical location is either left unfilled or updated with wrong data
information. Communication issues between the cellular site contractors and the
planning department engineers at times creates inconsistency and data integrity
22 Proprietary & Confidential
Recovery Methods
The following methods are executed during the recovery process:

1. Co-Sector, Co-Site Positioning (1st order)

2. Gravity Center of Neighbors' Positioning (2nd order)

3. Gravity Center of Potential Neighbors' Positioning (3rd order)

4. RNC/BSC Central Positioning (4th order)

23 Proprietary & Confidential

Co-Sector, Co-Site Positioning
To position the sector the following steps are performed:

1. All member sectors sharing the same BTS/NodeB/eNodeB of the sector in subject
are grouped together forming a cell site network cluster

2. Members without physical data information are filtered out from the group

3. For sector without Longitude and Latitude, PDR performs co-sector identification,
on other frequencies, and copy over the physical data information from the other
sectors pointing to the same direction (same Azimuth)

4. For sector without Azimuth, PDR performs co-site identification, on the same
frequency, and copy over the physical data information from the other sectors
(same longitude same latitude)

24 Proprietary & Confidential

Gravity Center of Neighbors' Positioning
To position the sector the following steps are performed:

1. All incoming and outgoing neighbors of a sectors are

grouped together forming a neighboring cluster

2. Members without physical data information are filtered out

from the group

3. PDR performs gravity center algorithm , on other The method uses "Center
frequencies, and copy over the physical data information Of Mass" methodology to
from the other sectors pointing to the same direction (same balance the distribution of
Azimuth) sectors around the center of
a network polygon
4. PDR performs gravity center algorithm considering the
existing neighbors' location position information and real-
time RF measurements of the sector

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Gravity Center of Neighbors' Positioning
• Points marked in Blue are physical information imported from
operators' planning tool

• Stars marked in Red are estimated physical location through

Gravity Center recovery method

• Dashed dot lines marked in Green represents connection

between actual and recovered data

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RNC/BSC Central Positioning
To position the sector the following steps are

1. All member sectors sharing the same RNC/BSC

of the sector in subject, are grouped together
forming an RNC/BSC network cluster

2. Members without physical data information

are filtered out from the group

3. PDR performs gravity center algorithm

considering all grouped sector members

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Hands-On Exercise
Data Acquisition Lab

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