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NOMBOR MATRIK 2018122340071





Nama : RAFIUDDIN BIN AHMAD SAMAWE Angka Giliran: 20018122340071

Kod:SCES 3083 Nama Kursus:MECHANICS AND

Tarikh Hantar :20 MAC 2020 Tarikh Terima

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dan fahami.

Catatan (jika ada)

Tanda tangan Pelajar : Tarikh :

Practical 3: Archimedes’ principle, buoyant force
1.0 Objective
To determine the buoyant force using the Archimedes Principle.
2.0 Theory:
The Archimedes principle states that an object completely submerged or not completely
submerged when immersed in a liquid will be floated by a force whose amount of force is equal
to the amount of weight of fluid displaced by the object (Serway, 2017). The object will experience
a reduction in weight equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. It is called the apparent weight of
an object. The weight reduction of the object is due to the upward motion that occurs in the fluid.
The upward force is the repulsion of an object immersed in a liquid. Everyone has experienced
this Archimedes Principle. For example, if there are 2 individuals in the pool, it is easier and lighter
for the individual to lift one in the water. However, if the same individual is on dry land, it is much
more difficult and difficult for the individual to raise one. The Archimedes principle is described as

Upward force

Water dispersed
Upward force/ Buoyant force = Weight of water dispersed

The Archimedes principle also explains that the apparent weight of an object while in water is
equal to the weight of the water being disturbed on the true weight of object. This means that
the apparent loss of weight of the object in the water is equal to the buoyancy.
Apparent loss of weight of objects = Bouyant force
The Archimedes principle can also be expressed as in the picture above. The relationship
between two forces of gravity pressure (downward) and float force (upward) determines whether
the object is completely submerged or floating. It is influenced by the density of the object.

3.0 Apparatus
1. Measuring jug (to replace the eureka can)
2. Dispersed container
3. Water
4. Aluminium can
5. Copper padlock
6. Wooden block
7. Weight scale
8. String
9. Portable Electronic Travel Luggage Weight Scale
*The experiment was handled at home and not in a proper lab during the Restricted
Movement Order regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic. All the apparatus that set up was
used to adapt the real experiment.

Spring scale (replace with

Portable Eletronic Travel
Luggage Weight Scale)
Wooden block

(replace with
Measuring jug)


Weight scale

1. A measuring jug and dispersed container have been weighed on a scale and recorded.

2. The apparatus was set up as the Diagram 1.

3. Water have been filling the measuring jug until the water starts to overflow.

4. Then, the measuring jug that filled up with water have been weighed on a scale and
5. A copper padlock weighed on a scale for 3 times to obtain the average mass. The average
mass was recorded and converted into weight units in Newton.

6. Next, the copper padlock was tightened with a string and hanged on the Portable Electronic
Travel Luggage Weight Scale.

7. The copper padlock was submerged into the measuring jug. The mass of the object in water
was measured with Portable Electronic Travel Luggage Weight Scale and recorded.
Overflowed water was collected in dispersed container.

8. When there was no more water overflowed from the measuring jug, the mass of the
dispersed container containing the excess water was weighed and recorded in table 1.

9. Then the mass of water that have been displaced can be calculated by;(mass of displaced
container + water) – (initial mass of displaced container).

10. Step 3-7 were repeated by using aluminium can and wooden block.


Type of Mass of the Objects in air(Kg) Mass of objek in water (Kg) Mass of dispersed
objects container+dispersed water
1 2 3 Aver 1 2 3 Aver 1 2 3 Avera
age age ge
Copper 0.20 0.21 0.19 0.20 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.16 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.10
Aluminium 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.09
Wooden 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.08
0.014 0.016 0.016
Block 5

*Mass of the dispersed container is 0.04*

Copper padlock:
Mass of water dispersed= (mass of container dispersed + water dispersed) – (initial mass
of container dispersed)
= 0.1 kg – 0.07 kg
= 0.03 kg
Weight of water dispersed/ Buoyant force, Fb = mg
= 0.03 kg x 9.8 ms-2
= 0.29 N
Direct measurement method:
Apparent loss of weight = Buoyant force, Fb
= W - W’
= True weight – Apparent weight
=(Mass of object - Mass of object in water)g
= (0.20 kg - 0.18 kg) x 9.8 ms-2
= 0.20 N
Aluminium can:
Overflow method:
Mass of water dispersed= (mass of container dispersed + water dispersed) – (initial mass
of container dispersed)
= 0.09 kg – 0.07 kg
= 0.02 kg
Weight of water dispersed =Buoyant force, Fb
= mg
= 0.02 kg x 9.8 ms-2
= 0.196 N
Direct measurement method:
Apparent loss of weight = Buoyant force, Fb
= W – W’
= True weight – Apparent weight
=(Mass of object - Mass of object in water)g
= (0.04 kg - 0.03 kg) x 9.8 ms-2
= 0.10 N
Wooden block
Overflow method:
Mass of water dispersed= (mass of container dispersed + water dispersed) – (initial mass
of container dispersed)
= 0.08 kg – 0.07 kg
= 0.01 kg
Weight of water dispersed = Buoyant force, Fb
= mg
= 0.01 kg x 9.8 ms-2
= 0.1 N
Direct measurement method:
Apparent loss of weight = Buoyant force, Fb
=W – W’
= True weight – Apparent weight
=(Mass of object - Mass of object in water)g
= (0.02 kg – 0.015 kg) x 9.8 ms-2
= 0.05 N
Comparing the overflow method and the direct measurement method.

Object Weight of water dispersed, Fb Apparent loss of weight, Fb (N)

Copper padlock 0.290 0.20

Aluminium can 0.196 0.10

Wooden block 0.10 0.05


Archimedes’ Principle states that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body
immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that
the body displaces (Wilson, 2012). If the buoyant force is greater than the object’s weight, the
object will rise to the surface and float. However, if the buoyant force is less than the object’s
weight, the object will sink. If the buoyant force equals the object’s weight, it will remain suspended
at that depth (Vella, 2015). In this experiment, buoyant force can be obtained through two methods
which is using the weight of water dispersed and the apparent loss of weight of object. Through
this experiment we will prove whether the apparent loss of weight of object is equal to weight of
water dispersed to get the buoyant force value.

Apparent weight shows lower value of intial weight.

Apparent weight is a property of objects that corresponds to how heavy an object is. By
referring to free body diagram of force, apparent weight of an object will differ from the weight of
an object whenever the force of gravity acting on object opposes its normal force. This can be
defined as the weight of an object is equal to the magnitude of the net force of gravity acting on
it. Apparent weight also can be defined as the force of the body exerts on whatever it rests on
(Beiser, 2004). Apparent weight also applied in important role in fluidization which is a process
to covert granules from static solid to a dynamic fluid state. Apparent weight is use to deal the
amount of force that the upward drag force needs to overcome by the particles to rise and for the
fluidization occur (Rhodes, 2008). Relating to this experiment, apparent weight can differ the
weight of and object whether it is partially or fully immersed in a fluid when there is an up thrust
from the fluid that is working against the force of gravity (Ramtal & Dobre, 2011).
In this experiment, apparent weight can be used to prove the buoyancy of objects in fluid by
calculating the amount of loss by the apparent weight when the object is immersed. This prove
that the buoyant force, Fb differ the true weight into apparent weight by reducing its value in

Apparent loss of weight = Buoyant force, Fb

=W – W’
= True weight – Apparent weight

Based on the experiment carried out, copper padlock’s weight of water dispersed is 0.29
N while the apparent loss of weight about 0.20 N. There was an uncertainty of percentage error
by 45 % which is nearly accurate to be accepted as buoyant force of the object in Archimedes’
Principle regarding to the density of the object itself. The copper padlock was fully submerged in
the fluid resulting the highest weight of water dispersed and buoyancy. This shows that the density
of copper padlock is higher than the density of tap water that causing the object to sink to the
bottom of measuring jug. This also tells that the downward gravity force is higher than the upward
force of buoyancy resulting a net force (apparent weight) with positive value.
Aluminum can exerted 0.196 N of weight of water dispersed and 0.10 N of apparent loss
of weight. This is also shows both of the value nearly accurate about 0.96 N that is almost zero
to approve the Archimedes’ Principle. The aluminium can was partially submerged in the fluid
resulting a buoyant force about 0.196 N from the weight of water dispersed. Floating objects such
as a light metal like aluminium using weight of water dispersed as its value of buoyant force. This
can be prooven by Pickover (2008), where he clarified that floating object on a liquid can be
identified its apparanet weight by the weight of the displaced liquid. As the volume of aluminium
can dispersed is about half of its body, the object floats partially in the tap water. This shows that
the density of the aluminium can is equal to the density of tap water that makes the object floats.
It is also have been said that the buoyant force exerted is almost equally to the true weight of the
object resulting a net force of zero.

Wooden block exerted about 0.10 N of weight of water dispersed while the apparent loss
of weight about 0.05 N. 0.05 N of percentage error which is closer to zero also approve the
Archimedes’ Principle for the buoyancy of object. The wooden block was also partially submerged
in water resulting a buoyant force about 0.10 N from weight of water dispersed. Archimedes’
Principle also applied on considering why some objects float by stating that any floating objects
displaces its own weight of fluid (Heath, 1897). This shows that the overflow method is suitable
to determine buoyancy of floating objects by measuring the weight of fluid it dispersed. This
phenomenon also shows that wooden block has equal or lower density than the tap water
consider its volume of water dispersed during its partially immersion. This is also results a nearly
zero of net force.
However, most of data obtained has a slightly uncertainities caused by some errors.
During the direct measurement method on copper padlock, the object was not suspended
properly in water which cause some movements in the water. In the case of an object suspended
in water at the end of a line, the downward force due to gravity (g) is balanced by the upward
buoyancy (b) and tension (t) of the line and spring scale (Hughes, 2005). Since the suspended
padlock moves until it changes the depth level and sunk to the bottom, the forces on the object
are not balanced. This will affect slightly changes in data of apparent weight due to random errors
that had been made to the experiment. Some other errors including the condition of object such
as wooden block. Wooden block can absorb water when it is immersed in water as it is
hygroscopic. Meaning that, wood materials are mostly porous and capable in water conducting
as the origin itself from trees that stores water (Woods, 2016). Because of its features, water
absorption in wooden block caused some changes on the weight measurement especially during
the immersion of wooden block. When the wooden block is wet and absorbs some water, the
value of downward force exceeds the upward force exerted by the object. These random errors
can be reduced by repeating the measurement or by refining the measurement method or
technique (Boumans et al, 2014).


Based on the data that has been analysed, the buoyant force can be determined by
identify the weight of water dispersed and the apparent loss of weight of object. We also can
found out that the volume of object immersed in water was also show the depth of the object in
the water or any kinds of fluid. We can also conclude that the higher the depth or the volume of
object displaced, the higher buoyant force exerted by the object. Density also plays a major role
in determined the net force of the object which is the apparent weight of object in the water.
Sinking materials such as copper padlock has a higher density than floating materials like
aluminium can and wooden block when all of them immersed in the same water density.

a. Consider situations A and B, below. Does one tub weigh more than the other, or
do they weigh the same? Draw a free body diagram for each case.
A. A tub filled to the brim with water.
B. A tub filled to the brim with water, with a boat floating in it.
The weight of the water acts at the bottom of the tub. The spring balance is used to
measure the weigh of the tub.
a. A tub filled to the brim with water

Let the weigh of the tub A filled with water is W

b. A tub filled to the brim with water, with a boat floating in it.

The boat is floating on the water so the buoyancy fore acts on the biat and its
magnitude is equal to the weight of the boat. So, the weight of the boat is balanced by
the buoyancy force. So the net weight of the boat will be zero and does not affect the
weight of the tub A.
So, in both the cases A and B the weight of the tub will be the same.

b. A 827 cm3 gold nugget and a 827 cm3 aluminium block are immersed in water.
Which object experiences the greater buoyant force?
The gold nugget and the aluminium block both have the same volume. If they are both
submerged, they displace the same amount of fluid, therefore their buoyant force is the

c. A ship made of steel (ρsteel = 7.8×103 kg/m3) will float in water. Explain, in terms
of densities, how this is possible.
The density of the steel is more than the density of water. Ships made of steel do not
sink because the ship is hollow and there are empty spaces of air in the ship, which
makes the average density of the ship less than the density of water. Even thought a
small part of the ship is submerged in water, the water it displaces is equal to the
weight of the ship.

d. Verify that Eq. 3.2 is true for an object submerged in water. (Start by writing the
equations for each force.)
ρobj = ρW Fg
In case of fully submerged body, the buoyancy force acting on the body is equal to
the weight of the water displaced by the body. Let the density of the object is ρobj
and the density of water is ρW.
The buoyancy force acting on the object is equal to the weight of the water
displaced by the object.
So, buoyancy force, FB = ρW x Vobj x g _____ (1) (Let body fully submerged)
The weight of the object is Fg
Fg= ρobj x Vobj x g
Vobj x g= Fg
Put the value of (Vobj x g ) in equation (1)
So, FB = ρW x Fg

ρobj = ρW x Fg

e. Consider a pirate boat in a pond with the anchor on the boat. When the pirates
throw the anchor overboard, what happens to the water level at the shore? Does
the water at the shore rise, fall, or stay at the same level? Explain, in terms of
Archimedes’ principle (density, volume, or weight), why this happens.

Even objects that sink, like this anchor, are partly supported by water when
submerged. So, the buoyancy from the anchor maybe decreases the anchor's
weight, so the boat rises and the total displaced volume is equal. If the buoyant
force is greater than the object’s weight, the object will rise to the surface and
float. If the buoyant force is less than the object’s weight, the object will sink. If the
buoyant force equals the object’s weight, the object will remain suspended at that
depth. The buoyant force is always present whether the object floats, sinks, or is
suspended in a fluid.

Beiser, A. (2004). Schaum's outline of theory and problems of applied physics. Pennsylvania:
McGraw-Hill Education.

Boumans, M., Hon, G., & Petersen, A.C. (2014). Error and uncertainty in scientific practise.
London: Pickering & Chatto Publishers.
Heath, T.L. (1897). The work of Archimedes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hughes, S. W. (2005). Archimedes revisited: a faster, better, cheaper method of accurately

measuring the volume of small objects. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd.
Pickover, C. A. (2008). Archimedes to Hawking. Jericho: Oxford University Press USA.
Ramtal, D.; & Dobre, A. (2011). Physics for Flash Games, Animation, and Simulations. New York:
Apress Media LLC
Rhodes, M. J. (2008). Introduction to particle technology. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Serway R.A & Vuille.C. (2017). College Physics 10th edition. Singapore: Cengage

Vella, D. (2015). Floating versus sinking. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 47. pg 115-
Woods, S. (2016). A history of wood from the Stone Age to the 21st Century. The Journal Of The
America Architects.
Attachment- Experiment done at home during Covid 19 pandemic.

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