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Toward Reliable

Power Electronics

Challenges, Design new era of power electronics was created with the invention of the
thyristor in 1957. Since then, the evolution of modern power elec-
Tools, and Opportunities tronics has witnessed its full potential and is quickly expanding
in the applications of generation, transmission, distribution,
and end-user consumption of electrical power. The perfor-
mance of power electronic systems, especially in terms of ef-
ficiency and power density, has been continuously improved
by the intensive research and advancements in circuit topologies, control
schemes, semiconductors, passive components, digital signal processors,
and system integration technologies.
In recent years, the automotive and aerospace industries have brought strin-
gent reliability constraints on power electronic systems because of safety re-
quirements. The industrial and energy sectors are also following the same trend,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2013.2252958
and more and more efforts are being devoted to improving power electronic
Date of publication: 17 June 2013 systems to account for reliability with cost-effective and sustainable solutions.

©digital vision

1932-4529/13/$31.00©2013IEEE june 2013  ■  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  17

Product Drivers for Reliable Power Electronics Paradigm Shift
in Research

Handbook Calculations
Testing to Pass More Reliable
and Cost-Effective
Power Electronic
Physics-of-Failure Approach
Emerging and Critical Harsh Environments Design for Reliability

Reduction of Levelized-Cost-of-Energy
Increase of Power Density

FIGURE 1 – The motivation for reliable power electronics.

Figure 1 shows the product drivers and progressively increased as the prod- 1) analytical analysis to understand
research trends for more cost-effective uct development proceeds. A high the nature of why and how power
and reliable power electronic systems. failure rate during field operations will electronic products fail, 2) the design
A better understanding of the re- also result in high maintenance costs. for reliability (DFR) process to build
liability of power electronic compo- Reliability of power electronics in- reliability and sufficient robustness
nents, converters, and systems will volves multiple disciplines. The same into power electronic products dur-
alleviate the challenges posed in both is true for power electronics, which ing each development process, and
reliability-critical applications and also involves a combination of tech- 3) accelerated testing and condition
cost-sensitive applications. Figure 2 nologies. In 1974, William E. Newell monitoring to perform robustness
describes a general optimization curve defined the scope of power electron- validation and ensure reliable field op-
to define the reliability specification ics based on three of the major disci- eration. A center formed from universi-
of a product in terms of achieving plines of electrical engineering shown ty–industry collaboration, the Center
minimum life cycle cost, in which the in Figure 3(a). Almost four decades of Reliable Power Electronics (CORPE)
impact of reliability on customer satis- later, from the authors’ perspective, at Aalborg University, Denmark, is
faction and brand value are not taken the scope of reliability of power elec- making efforts to promote the move
into account. The cost of correcting tronics is defined in Figure 3(b). It cov- toward reliable power electronics and
the deficiencies in the design phase is ers the following three major aspects: extend the scope of power electronics
that has been defined since 1974. For
further details, see “CORPE.”
The purpose of this article is to
give a brief description of the reliabil-
Product Life ity of power electronics and review
Cycle Cost
the state-of-the-art research on more
reliable power electronics.
Optimal Reliability for
Minimum Product Life
Cycle Cost Reliability Challenges

in Power Electronics
Reliability is defined as the ability of an
Product Cost item to perform a required function un-
Before Shipment der stated conditions for a certain pe-
(e.g., Design and riod of time, which is often measured
Development, by probability of failure, by frequency
Product Cost Production)
After Shipment of failure, or in terms of availability [1].
(e.g., Warranty) The essence of reliability engineering is
Rom to prevent the creation of failures. The
Reliability reliability challenges in power electron-
ics could be considered from different
FIGURE 2 – The reliability impact on cost. perspectives, such as the trends for

18  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  ■  june 2013

ic s

Ac d Tes

Ve Mo


To ign

an rin
Sta men



rifi nit


o ls


u it

tic t
c tr

ca o -
ler t

E le


Co nitor
Pro sion

Ro ipme
Power Power

fi l e

nd ing

ta t n t


v ic



Continous Sampled PoF Component

Data Physics

Control Physics

(a) (b)

FIGURE 3 – The defined scope in (a) power electronics by William E. Newell in 1970s and (b) power electronics reliability by CORPE in 2010.

high-power-density products, emerg- from traditional testing for reliability as well as new opportunities for im-
ing high-temperature applications, and to DFR [3]. DFR is the process conduct- proving reliability, which are worth
reliability-critical applications (as illus- ed during the design phase of a com- investigating. Moreover, design tools
trated in Figure 1), including increasing ponent or system that ensures that the are rarely applied, except for reli-
electrical and electronic complexity, required level of reliability is achieved. ability prediction, in state-of-the-art
resource-consuming verification test- The process aims to understand and research on reliability of power elec-
ing, and so on. This article discusses fix the reliability problems in the de- tronic systems.
the challenges from experiences in the sign process up front. Accordingly, ■■ Overreliance on calculated value
field operations and shortcomings of many efforts have been devoted to of mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) or
the general practice applied in reliabil- considering the reliability aspect per- mean-time-between-failures (MTBF)
ity research on power electronics. formance of power electronic compo- and bathtub curve [11]: bathtub
Field experiences reveal that power nents [4], [5], converters [6]–[8], and curve divides the operation of a de-
electronic converters are usually one of systems [9], [10]. However, the reliabil- vice or system into three distinct
the most critical parts in terms of fail- ity research in the area of power elec- time periods. Although it is ap-
ure rate, lifetime, and maintenance cost. tronics has the following limitations. proximately consistent with some
Various examples in wind-power and ■■ Lack of a systematic DFR approach practical cases, the assumptions of
photovoltaic (PV) systems have been specific for design of power electronic random failure and constant failure
discussed in [2]. See “Examples of Field systems: the DFR approach stud- rate during the useful life period are
Failures in Power Electronic Systems.” ied in reliability engineering is too misleading [11], and the true root
Industries have advanced the de- broad in focus [3]. Power electronic causes of different failure modes
velopment of reliability engineering systems have their own challenges are not identified. The fundamental

CORPE is a strategic research center between industry and universities, electronic systems very close to the limits of the devices and enable
led by Aalborg University, Denmark. The center aims to design more designed reliability. The knowledge will also be used online during
reliable and more efficient power electronic systems for use in power operation to predict lifetime and enable smart derating of the equip-
generation, distribution, and consumption. ment still in operation and ensure a longer lifetime. The goals will be
The center addresses a better understanding of how the reliabil- as follows:
ity of power electronic devices and systems is influenced by differ- ■■ more reliable power electronic systems
ent stress factors such as temperature, overvoltage and current, and ■■ more efficient systems
overload and environment. Further, the center will develop device ■■ more competitive (price) by reducing maintenance and operation
and system models that will enable simulation and design of power costs.

june 2013  ■  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  19

Examples of Field Failures
in Power Electronic Systems
One example of field failure is in the wind-turbine DAS
application. In wind-power generation systems, 7% DAS
power electronic converters are dominantly applied
to regulate the fluctuating input power and maximize PV Inverter ACD
the electrical energy harvested from the wind [S1]. In 37% 12%
PV Inverter
[S2], the operation of around 350 onshore wind tur- % m 6%
e m8 Syste 59%



% o
bines associated with 35,000 downtime events has

12 on B

been recorded from 10-min average supervisory con-

PV Panel

trol and data acquisition data, fault and alarm logs,

work orders and service reports, and operation and
maintenance contractor reports. It shows that the (a) (b)
power electronic frequency converters cause 13% of
the failures and 18.4% of the downtime of the moni- FIGURE S1 – Field experiences of a 3.5-MW PV plant [S6]. (a) Unscheduled mainte-
nance events by subsystem. (b) Unscheduled maintenance costs by subsystem.
tored wind turbines.
Another example of field failure is in the PV applica-
tion. In PV systems, PV inverters are used to efficiently
convert the dc voltage for ac applications or to integrate

the output energy into electrical grids [S3]. Leading man-

rs 7% rs 3%

ufacturers can currently provide PV modules with over Solder 20%


Joints Capacitor

20 years of warranty. However, the number was around

13% 30% Contaminants
five years for PV inverters on average in 2012 [S4]. There- and Dust 6% Temperature
fore, even though inverters account only for 10–20% of Steady State
the initial system cost, they may need to be replaced Humidity/ and Cyclical
three to five times over the life of a PV system, introduc- PCB Moisture 55%
26% 19%
ing additional investment [S5]. According to field experi-
ences between 2001 and 2006 in a large utility-scale PV
generation plant studied in [S6], the PV inverters were
responsible for 37% of the unscheduled maintenance (a) (b)
and 59% of the associated cost, as shown in Figure S1.
FIGURE S2 – Surveys on failures in power electronic systems. (a) Failure distribution
At the component level, semiconductor switching de- among major components [S7]. (b) Source of stress distribution for failures [S12].
vices [e.g., insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)] and
capacitors are the two types of reliability-critical compo-
nents. Figure S2(a) represents a survey in [S7], showing the failure distribu- [S2] Reliawind. (2011). Report on wind turbine reliability profiles—field data
reliability analysis. [Online]. Available:
tion among power electronic components. It can be noted that capacitors inline/110502_Reliawind_Deliverable_D.1.3ReliabilityProfilesResults.pdf.
and semiconductors are the most vulnerable power electronic components; [S3] S. B. Kjaer, J. K. Pedersen, and F. Blaabjerg, “A review of single-phase grid
connected inverters for photovoltaic modules,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat.,
this is verified by another survey conducted in [S8]. It should be noted that vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1292–1306, Sept. 2005.
the lifetime of electrolytic capacitors depends on both the rated lifetime [S4] M. Schmela, “PHOTON: Inverter survey 2012 stats,” presented at the PHO-
TON’s 3rd PV Inverter Conf., San Francisco, Feb. 2012.
at nominal conditions and the actual experienced stresses in the field op- [S5] T. McMahon, G. Jorgensen, and R. Hulstrom, “Module 30 year life: what
eration. Long life could be achieved with a large design margin in terms of does it mean and is it predictable/achievable?” in Proc. Nat. Center Photo-
Program Review Meeting, Denver, Apr. 2000, pp. 16–19.
voltage, ripple current, and temperature, such as the cases shown in [S9] [S6] voltaics
L. M. Moore and H. N. Post, “Five years of operating experience at a large,
and [S10]. Therefore, there may be controversial views on the application of utility-scale photovoltaic generating plant,” Prog. Photovolt.: Res. Applicat.,
vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 249–259, 2008.
electrolytic capacitors in PV inverters as discussed in [S11]. Temperature, vi- [S7] E. Wolfgang, “Examples for failures in power electronics systems,” presented at
bration, and humidity are the three major stressors that directly or indirectly the ECPE Tutorial Reliability Power Electronic Systems, Nuremberg, Germany,
induce failure in power electronic components. The U.S. Air Force Avionics [S8] Apr. 2007.
S. Yang, A. T. Bryant, P. A. Mawby, D. Xiang, L. Ran, and P. Tavner, “An indus-
Integrity Program conducted an investigation into the failure sources of elec- try-based survey of reliability in power electronic converters,” IEEE Trans.
Applicat., vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 1441–1451, May–June 2011.
tronic equipment in 1980s and reached the conclusion shown in [14] and [S9] J.Ind. S. Shaffer. (2009, Mar.). Evaluation of electrolytic capacitor application
represented in Figure S2(b), indicating that temperature is the most domi- in enphase microinverters. Enphase Energy. [Online]. Available: http://
e npha s e . c o m/ w p - u pl o ad s/e npha s e . c o m/ 2011/03/ E le c t r o l y t i c _
nant stressor. Capacitor_Expert_Report.pdf
[S10] M. Fornage. (2008, Sept.). Reliability study of electrolytic capacitors in a
micro-inverter. Enphase Energy. [Online]. Available:
References downloads/ElectolyticCapacitorLife092908.pdf
[S1] F. Blaabjerg, M. Liserre, and K. Ma, “Power electronics converters for wind [S11] G. Petrone, G. Spagnuolo, and M. Vitelli, “Distributed maximum power point
turbine systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 708–719, tracking: Challenges and commercial solutions,” Automatika, vol. 53, no. 2,
Mar.–Apr. 2012. pp. 128–141, 2012.

20  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  ■  june 2013

assumptions of MTTF or MTBF changes, manufacturing process, etc.). those caused by overstress and those
are constant failure rate and no Several design examples are discussed caused by wearout. Overstress failure
wearout. Therefore, the calculated in [15]–[17]. It should be noted that the arises as a result of a single load (e.g.,
values may have a high degree of reliability design of power electronic overvoltage), while wearout failure
inaccuracy if wearout occurs with- systems should consider both hard- arises because of cumulative damage
in the MTTF or MTBF. Moreover, ware and control algorithms. The re- related to the load (e.g., temperature
MTTF represents the time when liability issues of different maximum cycling). Compared with empirical fail-
63.2% of the items (under constant power point tracking algorithms and ure analysis based on historical data,
failure rate conditions) would fail implementations for PV inverters are the PoF approach requires the knowl-
and varies with operation condi- discussed in [10]. edge of deterministic science (i.e., ma-
tions and testing methods [12]. We do not intend to cover each terials, physics, and chemistry) and
■■ Overreliance on handbook-based block diagram shown in Figure 4 in probabilistic variation theory (i.e., sta-
models and statistics: military hand- this article, as they have already been tistics). The analysis involves the mis-
book MIL-HDBK-217F [13] is widely discussed in [2]. Important concepts sion profile of the component, type of
used to predict the failure rate of and design tools are discussed in the failure mechanism, and the associated
power electronic components [7], following sections. A case study of a physical statistical model.
[8]. However, temperature cycling, 2.3-MW wind-power converter is also
failure rate change with material, presented to demonstrate part of the Load-Strength Analysis
combined environments, and sup- DFR procedure. The root cause of failures is load-
plier variations (e.g., technology strength interference. A component
and quality) are not considered. Physics-of-Failure Approach fails when the applied load L (appli-
Moreover, as failure details are not A paradigm shift in reliability re- cation stress demand) exceeds the
collected and addressed, the hand- search on power electronics is go- design strength S (component stress
book method could not give design- ing on from today’s handbook-based capability). The load L here refers to
ers insight into the root cause of a methods to more physics-based ap- a kind of stress (e.g., voltage, cyclic
failure and the inspiration for reli- proaches, which could provide better load, temperature, etc.), and strength
ability enhancement. Statistics is a understanding of failure causes and de- S refers to any resisting physical prop-
necessary basis to deal with the ef- sign deficiencies, so as to find solutions erty (e.g., harness, melting point, ad-
fects of uncertainty and variability to improve the reliability rather than hesion, etc.) [3]. Figure 5 presents
on reliability. However, as the varia- obtaining analytical numbers only. a typical load-strength interference
tion is often a function of time and The physics-of-failure (PoF) approach evolving with time. For most power
operating condition, statistics itself is a methodology based on root-cause electronic components, neither load
is not sufficient to interpret the reli- failure mechanism analysis and the im- nor strength is fixed, but instead
ability data without judgment of the pact of materials, defects, and stresses they are allocated within a certain
assumptions and nonstatistical fac- on product reliability [18]. Failures can interval that can be presented by a
tors (e.g., modification of designs, be generally classified into two types: specific probability density function
new components, etc.).

Reliability Design Tools DFR

for Power Electronics
Figure 4 presents a DFR procedure ap- Design
plicable to power electronics design.
The procedure integrates multiple
Analysis Initial Design
state-of-the-art design tools and de- Concept
signs reliability into each development
process (i.e., concept, design, valida-
tion, production, and release) of power Optimized
Verification Design
electronic products, especially in the
design phase. The design of power
electronic converters are mission pro-
file (i.e., a representation of all of the
relevant operation and environmental
conditions throughout the full life cy- Validation Production Release
cle [14]) based by taking into account
large parametric variations (e.g., tem-
perature ranges, solar irradiance vari-
ations, wind-speed fluctuations, load FIGURE 4 – The state-of-the-art reliability design procedure for power electronic systems.

june 2013  ■  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  21

Load-Strength Analysis
Failure Ideal
Case Without


(with Certain
Failure Rate
Ideal Case Without Criterion)
Failure Degradation

Frequency of Occurance


with Time

Stress or Strength
Load Distribution L Strength Distribution S

FIGURE 5 – The load-strength analysis to explain overstress failure and wearout failure in components and systems.

(e.g., normal distribution). Moreover, Reliability Prediction Toolbox Constant parameters in the lifetime
the strength of a material or device Reliability prediction is an important models can be estimated according to
could easily degrade with time. The tool to quantify the lifetime, failure the available testing data. Therefore,
probability of failure can be obtained rate, and design robustness based on the reliability of each critical individual
by analyzing the overlap area between various sources of data and prediction component is predicted by considering
the distributions of load and strength, models. Figure 6 presents a generic each of its associated critical failure
which is based on well-defined and in- prediction procedure based on the mechanisms. To map the component-
depth understanding of mission pro- PoF approach. The toolbox includes level reliability prediction to the system
file and component physics. statistical and lifetime models and level, the system modeling method reli-
Since the variations of load and various sources of available data (e.g., ability block diagram, fault-tree analy-
strength cannot be avoided, it is im- manufacturer testing data, simulation sis, or state-space analysis (e.g., Markov
portant to perform robust design and data, field data, etc.) for the reliability analysis) is applied as discussed in
analysis to minimize the effects of prediction of individual components detail in [9].
variations and uncontrollable factors. and the whole system. The statistical
Safety factors/derating, worst-case models are well presented in [3]. The Case Study of a
analysis, Six Sigma design, statistical lifetime models for failure mechanisms Wind-Power Converter
design of experiments, and Taguchi induced by various types of single or To demonstrate the DFR approach, a
design approach are the widely ap- combined stressors (e.g., voltage, cur- simplified case study of a 2.3-MW wind-
plied methods to deal with variations. rent, temperature, temperature cy- power converter is discussed here. The
It is worth mentioning that the Taguchi cling, and humidity) are discussed in selected circuit topology is a two-level
design approach tests the effect of vari- [20] and [21]. Temperature and its cy- back-to-back (2L-BTB) configuration
ability of both control factors and noise cling are the major stressors that affect composed of two pulse-width-modulat-
factors (i.e., uncontrollable ones) and reliability performance, which could ed voltage-source-converters. A techni-
uses signal-to-noise ratios to determine be more significant with the trend for cal advantage of the 2L-BTB solution is
the best combination of parameters, high-power-density and high-temper- the relatively simple structure and few
which is different from the worst-case ature power electronic systems. Two components, which contributes to a
analysis and other methods. A detailed models presenting the impact of tem- well-proven robust and reliable perfor-
description and comparison of those perature and temperature cycling on mance. The focus is on insulated gate
methods are well discussed in [19]. lifetime are illustrated in detail in [2]. bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules in

22  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  ■  june 2013

the converter in this case study as an
example. Other components that could Prediction Toolbox
also be reliability-critical are not cov-
Input I Tool Box
ered here. Figure 7 presents the proce-
dure to predict the lifetime of the IGBT • Mission Profile
modules for a given wind-speed profile • Component Reliability Models
application. The main steps are illus- • System
trated as follows: Information
■■ Wind-speed profile and converter Output
Parameter Estimation
specifications: for illustration pur- • Failure Rate
pose, a wind-speed profile during • Lifetime
Input II • Robustness
one-half hour, shown in Figure 7, is
Component Reliability
analyzed. The switching frequency • Testing Data
of the converter is 1,950 Hz and • Field Data
• Simulation
the dc bus voltage is 1.1 kV. Two
kinds of selections for the IGBT System Reliability
modules used in the grid side
converter are analyzed. Selection
I is two 1.6 kA/1.7 kV 125 ºC IGBT Figure 6 – The reliability prediction toolbox for power electronic systems.
in parallel, and selection II is one
2.4 kA/1.7 kV 150 ºC IGBT. for IGBT modules due to tempera- bonds [22]. The coefficients of
■■ Critical failure mechanisms and life- ture cycling, occurring at three fail- thermal expansion for different ma-
time model of IGBT modules: fatigue ure sites: baseplate solder joints, terials in the IGBT modules are dif-
is the dominant failure mechanism chip solder joints, and the wire ferent, leading to stress formation

Temperature Distribution
Power Converter and Based on Rainflow Analysis
Its Mission Profile
Number of Cycles

Junction Temperature
Thermal Model for and Case Temperature
Simulation Profiles
Temperature (°C)

Wind Speed (m/s)


Number of Cycles


DTc Mean Tc and Design
Number of Cycles (N) Number of Cycles (N)

Bond Bondwire
Diode Bond
Chip Solder
Plate Solder DTj_IGBT (°C)
Thermal Base Plate

(Courtesy of SEMIKRON International)

Critical Component(s) Critical Failure Mechanism(s) and Failure

DTc (°C)
Lifetime Models

FIGURE 7 – The case study on lifetime prediction of IGBT modules in a 2.3-MW wind-power converter.

june 2013  ■  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  23

in the packaging and continuous failure at the same stress and for A similar concept could be applied
degradation with each cycle until the same cycle type. Therefore, to the output power derating at the
the material fails. A specific lifetime each type of DTi accounts for a converter level or system level.
model is required for each failure portion of damage. Failure occurs ■■ Fault-tolerant design: the design
mechanism. According to the deri- when the sum of the left-hand side involves redundancy design, fault
vation in [2], the applied model is of the above equation reaches 1. isolation, fault detection, and on-
By following the above steps, the line repair. In the event of a hard-
N = k (DT - DT0) - m, lifetime of the two kinds of selected ware failure, the redundant unit
IGBT modules is predicted for the would be activated to replace the
where k and m are empirically de- wind-power converter application. failed one during the repair inter-
termined constants and N is the Further analysis on the robustness val. The repair of the failure would
number of cycles to failure. DT is (i.e., design margins) could also be be online, and the system opera-
the temperature cycle range, and done, as discussed in [14]. tion could be maintained. Fault-
DT0 is the portion of DT in the tolerant design is widely applied in
elastic strain range. If DT0 is neg- Opportunities Toward reliability-critical applications to
ligible compared with DT, it can More Reliable Power Electronics improve system-level reliability, as
be dropped out from the aforemen- From our point of view, the oppor- shown in Figure 8(b). Certain types
tioned equation, which then turns tunities to achieve more reliable of multilevel inverters and matrix
into the Coffin–Manson model, as power electronics lie in the following converters could also have inherent
discussed in [4]. aspects. fault-tolerant capabilities without
■■ Distribution of temperature pro- additional hardware circuitry [9].
file: electrical–thermal simula- Better Understanding of Mission ■■ Highly accelerated limit testing
tion is conducted to analyze the Profile and Component Physics (HALT): a kind of qualitative testing
case temperature and junction With accumulated field experience method to find design deficiencies
temperature of the IGBT modules and the introduction of more and and extend design robustness mar-
based on their thermal models. To more real-time monitoring systems, gins with the minimum required
perform the lifetime prediction, better mission profile data are ex- number of testing units (typically
the analysis of the temperature pected to be available for various four or eight) in the minimum
cycling distribution is necessary. kinds of power electronic systems. amount of time (typically a week)
The rainflow counting method With multiphysics-based simulation [3]. The basic concept of HALT is il-
[23] is applied to extract the tem- tools available in the market, the PoF lustrated in Figure 8(c). The stress-
perature information as shown in of semiconductor devices and capaci- es applied to the testing units are
Figure 7. It can be noted that the tors could be virtually simulated and well beyond normal mission profile
majority of the temperature cy- analyzed. The joint efforts from power to find the weak links in the prod-
cling is of low amplitude (i.e., less electronics engineers, reliability engi- uct design.
than DT0) , which has negligible neers, and physics scientists will en- ■■ Diagnosis, prognosis, and condition
impact on the lifetime. able better understanding of both the monitoring: these are effective ways
■■ Parameter estimation of lifetime mod- components and the specific condi- for fault detection or health moni-
els: the parameters in the aforemen- tions to which they are exposed. toring to enhance the reliability of
tioned applied lifetime model are power converters that are opera-
estimated respectively for baseplate Better Design, Testing, tional [25]. The condition monitor-
solder joints, chip solder joints, and and Monitoring Methods ing provides the real-time operating
the wire bonds based on the lifetime The following methods could be ap- characteristics of the systems by
testing data described in [22]. plied to improve the reliability during monitoring specific parameters (e.g.,
■■ Lifetime prediction: as the ampli- design, testing, and operation of pow- voltage, current, impedance, etc.) of
tude and average temperature level er electronic systems. power electronic components. For
of the thermal cycling are different ■■ Smart derating of power electronic example, impedance characteristics
when the wind is fluctuating, the components and load management: analysis based on electrochemical
Palmgren–Miner linear cumulative investigation into the relationship impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has
damage model [24] is applied in the between failure rate and design been used to monitor the condition
form of margin could provide a smart of batteries [26]. To implement EIS, it
derating guideline of power elec- is necessary to use spread spectrum
/ Nni = 1, tronic components in terms of the signals (e.g., pseudorandom binary
i i
compromise between cost and reli- signals (PRBSs) [26], [27]) to excite
where ni is the number of applied ability, as shown in Figure 8(a). It the system and observe the cor-
temperature cycles at stress DTi, avoids either overengineering de- responding response. By applying
and Ni is the number of cycles to sign or lack of robustness margin. prognosis or condition monitoring

24  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  ■  june 2013

Failure Rate

Fault Tolerance
with Online Repair

N+2 Redundancy
No Repair

N+1 Redundancy
No Repair
High-Failure- Failure-Rate- Failure-
Rate Region Sensitive Free Region
Region No Redundancy

Design Margin Operating Time

(a) (b)

Workstation Online
Condition Remaining
Monitoring Life Prediction

Failure Cause Proactive

and Location Control
Analysis Scheme

Lower Lower Upper Upper
Destruct Operating Operating Destruct Wireless or Wired
Limit Limit Limit Limit
Product Wind-Speed Temperature Humidity Voltage Vibration Current

Sensors Sensors Sensors Sensors Sensors Sensors

Wind-Power Converters Under Operation

(c) (d)

FIGURE 8 – The methods to improve reliability. (a) Smart derating of power electronic components. (b) Reliability improvement by redundancy
design and fault-tolerant design. (c) Concept for HALT. (d) Online condition monitoring and real-time remaining lifetime estimation of wind-
power converters.

to power electronic systems, Better Power Electronic Components the life cycle cost of power electron-
proactive maintenance work could Application of more reliable and cost- ic systems. A new paradigm shift
be planned to avoid failures that effective active components and pas- is going on from handbook-based
would occur. Figure 8(d) shows an sive components is another key aspect calculations to more physics-based
example of a condition monitoring to improve the reliability of power approaches. This article defines the
system for wind-turbine power electronic converters and systems. scope of reliability of power elec-
converters. With the advances in semiconductor tronics from three aspects, i.e., ana-
■■ Reactive power control and thermal materials, packaging technologies, and lytical physics, DFR, and verification
optimized modulation: thermal load- film capacitor technologies, the reli- and monitoring. A state-of-the-art
ing of switching devices in power ability of active switching devices and design procedure based on mission
electronic converters can be im- passive components is expected to be profile knowledge, PoF approach,
proved by reactive power control improved. and DFR is presented. The major
and modified modulation schemes opportunities toward more reliable
as discussed in [28] and [29]. The Conclusions power electronics are addressed.
power losses and therefore the More effort has been devoted to al- Joint efforts from engineers and sci-
thermal stresses on switching de- leviate the challenges in reliability- entists in multiple disciplines are
vices are reduced. critical applications and to reduce required to fulfill the defined scope

june 2013  ■  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  25

[10] G. Petrone, G. Spagnuolo, R. Teodorescu, M.
Veerachary, and M. Vitelli, “Reliability issues
A state-of-the-art design procedure based in photovoltaic power processing systems,”
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 7, pp.

on mission profile knowledge, PoF approach, 2569–2580, July 2008.

[11] G. A. Klutke, Peter C. Kiessler, and M. A. Wort-
man, “A critical look at the Bathtub curve,” IEEE
and DFR is presented. Trans. Rel., vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 125–129, Mar. 2003.
[12] M. Krasich, “How to estimate and use MTTF/
MTBF would the real MTBF please stand up?,”
in Proc. IEEE Annu. Reliability and Maintenance
Symp., 2009, pp. 353–359.
and promote the paradigm shift in Frede Blaabjerg earned his Ph.D. [13] Military Handbook: Reliability Prediction of Elec-
tronic Equipment, MIL-HDBK-217F, 2 Dec. 1991.
reliability research. degree from the Institute of Energy [14] Handbook for Robustness Validation of Automo-
Technology, Aalborg University, Den- tive Electrical/Electronic Modules, ZVEI, Frank-
furt, Germany, 2008, pp, 1–44.
Biographies mark, in 1992, where he became a [15] G. Adinolfi, N. Femia, G. Petrone, G. Spagnuolo,
Huai Wang ( earned full professor in power electronics and M. Vitelli, “Design of DC/DC converters for
DMPPT PV applications based on the concept
his Ph.D. degree in electronic engi- in 1998. Since 2011, he has been the of energetic efficiency,” Trans. ASME, J. Sol. En-
neering from City University of Hong director of CORPE at Aalborg Univer- ergy Eng., vol. 132, pp 1–10, May 2010.
[16] S. Aldaco, H. Calleja, F. Chan, and H. Grajales,
Kong in 2012. He is currently an assis- sity, researching reliability of power “Effect of the mission profile on the reliability of
tant professor at CORPE, Aalborg Uni- electronic components, converters, a power converter aimed at photovoltaic appli-
cations—A case study,” IEEE Trans. Power Elec-
versity, Denmark. In 2009, he worked and systems. He was editor-in-chief tron., vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 2998–3007, June 2013.
as an intern at ABB Corporate Re- of IEEE Transactions on Power Elec- [17] J. Biela, S. Waffler, and J. W. Kolar, “Mission
profile optimized modularization of hybrid ve-
search Center, Dättwil, Switzerland. tronics from 2006 to 2012 and a Distin- hicle DC/DC converter systems,” in Proc. IEEE
He has been conducting research on guished Lecturer for the IEEE Power Int. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conf.,
2009, pp. 1390–1396.
reliable power electronics since 2010. Electronics Society from 2005 to 2007 [18] M. Pecht and A. Dasgupta, “Physics-of-failure:
He is the recipient of an individual and for the IEEE Industry Applications An approach to reliable product develop-
ment,” in Proc. Int. Integrated Reliability Work-
postdoctoral grant on reliability of ca- Society from 2010 to 2011. He was the shop, 1995, pp. 1–4.
pacitors in power electronic systems chairman of EPE in 2007 and of PEDG [19] A. Coppola. (1996, Jan.). Creating robust de-
signs. DOD Rel. Anal. Center: Select. Topics As-
from the Danish Council for Indepen- in 2012, Aalborg. He has published sur. Related Technol. [Online]. Available: http://
dent Research. He has published 25 over 800 scientific papers, received
[20] Failure Mechanisms and Models for Semicon-
papers and filed three patents. He is numerous national and international ductor Devices, JEP122C, JEDEC Solid State
a Member of the IEEE and a member awards, and held visiting professor Technology Association, Arlington, VA, Mar.
2006, pp. 1–36.
of IEEE Power Electronics Society positions in several universities. He is [21] How to Measure Lifetime for Robustness Vali-
(PELS), Industrial Electronics Society a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of dation-Step by Step, ZVEI, Frankfurt, Germany,
2012, pp. 1–35.
(IES), Industry Applications Society IEEE IES. [22] ABB. (2012). Application note: Load-cycling
(IAS), and Reliability Society (RS). capability of HiPakTM IGBT modules. [Online].
Marco Liserre earned his M.Sc. and References Available:
[1] IEEE Standard Framework for the Reliability Pre- scot256.nsf/veritydisplay/ec2cf0cf56cf47e8c
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer- diction of Hardware, IEEE Standard 1413, 2009. 1257a02002776e1/$file/5SYA%202043-03%20
[2] H. Wang, K. Ma, and F. Blaabjerg, “Design for May%2012%20(Load-cycling%20capability%
ing from Bari Polytechnic University, reliability of power electronic systems,” in 20of%20HiPak%20IGBT%20modules).pdf
Italy, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. Proc. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annu. [23] Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue
Conf. (IECON), 2012, pp. 33–44. Analysis, ASTM International E1049-85, 2005.
In 2004, he became an assistant pro- [3] P. O’Connor and A. Kleyner, Practical Reliabil- [24] M. A. Miner, “Cumulative damage in fatigue,”
fessor at Bari Polytechnic University, ity Engineering, 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, J. Appl. Mech., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. A159–A164,
2012, chs. 2, 4, 7. Sept. 1945.
where he was an associate professor [4] C. Busca, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, S. Munk- [25] S. Yang, D. Xiang, A. Bryant, P. Mawby, L. Ran,
in 2012. He is currently a professor of Nielsen, L. Helle, T. Abeyasekera, and P. Rodri- and P. Tavner, “Condition monitoring for de-
guez, “An overview of the reliability prediction vice reliability in power electronic converters:
reliable electronics at Aalborg Univer- related aspects of high power IGBTs in wind A review,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 25,
sity, Denmark. He has worked in the power applications,” Microelectron. Reliab., no. 11, pp. 2734–2752, Nov. 2010.
vol. 51, no. 9–11, pp. 1903–1907, 2011. [26] R. Al-Nazer, V. Cattin, M. Montaru, and P. Gran-
field of reliability of power electronic [5] A. Testa, S. De Caro, and S. Russo, “A reliability jon, “Broadband identification of battery elec-
systems since 2011 cooperating with model for power MOSFETs working in avalanche trical impedance for HEV,” in Proc. Research In-
mode based on an experimental temperature novation Transport Systems Future (RITF 2012),
CORPE, Aalborg University, where he distribution analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power Elec- pp. 1–10.
is currently a manager. He is an edi- tron., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 3093–3100, June 2012. [27] B. Miao, R. Zane, and D. Maksimović, “System
[6] E. Koutroulis and F. Blaabjerg, “Design optimiza- identification of power converters with digital
tor or associate editor of several IEEE tion of transformer-less grid-connected PV in- control through cross-correlation methods,”
journals. He was a founder and editor- verters including reliability,” IEEE Trans. Power IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 20, no. 5, pp.
Electron., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 325–335, Jan. 2013. 1093–1099, Sept. 2005.
in-chief of IEEE Industrial Electronics [7] C. Rodriguez and G. A. J. Amaratunga, “Long- [28] K. Ma, M. Liserre, F. Blaabjerg, “Reactive
Magazine, cochair of ISIE 2010, and IES lifetime power inverter for photovoltaic AC power influence on the thermal cycling of
modules,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, multi-MW wind power inverter,” IEEE Trans.
vice-president of publications. He has no. 7, pp. 2593–2601, July 2008. Ind. Applicat., vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 922–930, Mar.–
received several IEEE awards. He is a [8] F. Chan and H. Calleja, “Reliability estimation Apr. 2013.
of three single-phase topologies in grid-con- [29] K. Ma, F. Blaabjerg, M. Liserre, “Thermal
Fellow of the IEEE; a member of IAS, nected PV systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., analysis of multilevel grid side converters for
PELS, IEEE Power and Energy Society vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 2683–2689, July 2011. 10 MW wind turbines under low voltage ride
[9] Y. Song and B. Wang, “Survey on reliability of through,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 49,
(PES) and IES; and a senior member of power electronic systems,” IEEE Trans. Power no. 2, pp. 909–921, Mar.–Apr. 2013.
the IES AdCom. Electron., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 591–604, Jan. 2013. 

26  IEEE industrial electronics magazine  ■  june 2013

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