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Definition: A product is the item offered for sale.

A product can be a service

or an item. It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form. Every product is made
at a cost and each is sold at a price. The price that can be charged depends
on the market, the quality, the marketing and the segment that is targeted.
Each product has a useful life after which it needs replacement, and a life
cycle after which it has to be re-invented. In FMCG parlance, a brand can be
revamped, re-launched or extended to make it more relevant to the segment
and times, often keeping the product almost the same.

Description: A product needs to be relevant: the users must have an

immediate use for it. A product needs to be functionally able to do what it is
supposed to, and do it with a good quality.
A product needs to be communicated: Users and potential users must know
why they need to use it, what benefits they can derive from it, and what it
does difference it does to their lives. Advertising and 'brand building' best do

A product needs a name: a name that people remember and relate to. A
product with a name becomes a brand. It helps it stand out from the clutter of
products and names.

A product should be adaptable: with trends, time and change in segments,

the product should lend itself to adaptation to make it more relevant and
maintain its revenue stream.
Film Insurance
A major interruption of the shooting can occur when one of the
main actors gets injured or sick, preventing him to show up on
the Film set. A stand still or interruption of the shootings can
cause high extra costs because the fix cost of Film crew,
equipment & material, location cost, etc. will have to be paid
anyway. The same applies when Film equipment gets damaged
and, apart from the material damages of the equipment, the crew
will also be unable to finish the planned shootings.

Scope of services at a glance

The film package insurance policy insures against financial
consequences the production would suffer following a postponement, a
stoppage or abandonment of the shooting in the sole event of a death,
injury by accident or illness of a person being part of the cast. The
insurance will also cover the equipment necessary for the production, the
sets, costumes and entrusted property. Next to material damages the
insurance will also grant cover for legal liability during the production

Professional, real-world know-how: HDI has used their long experience
to build up a professional team that knows what is happening in the Film
and Event world, and is working in a close partnership with Clients and
Brokers to give the best service.

Globally consistent cover and compliance

Thanks to our global network we are able to provide the same consistent
cover throughout most of the countries our Clients are focused on,
whether it be directly or in case of a co-production with a local Film or
Event production company.

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