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1. Various types of turbines used in Hydro
Power Plant

Hydraulic turbines may be defined as prime

movers that transform the kinetic energy of
the falling water into mechanical energy of
rotation and whose primary function is to drive
an electric generator. Hydroelectric plants
utilise the energy of water falling through a
head that may vary from a few meters to 1500
or even 2000 m. To manage this wide range of
heads, many different kinds of turbines are
employed, which differ in their working

The various types of turbines used in the hydro

power plants are classified as follows based
on the different criteria.
a.) Impulse Turbine –Pelton, Turgo turbine ‰
b.) Reaction Turbine –Francis, Kaplan and
Propeller turbine

Based on flow direction, they are further

classified as:
a.) Tangential Flow
b.) Radial Flow
c.) Axial Flow
d.) Mixed Flow

a.) Impulse Turbines:-

The flow energy to the impulse turbines is
completely converted to kinetic energy before
transformation in the runner. The impulse
forces being transferred by the direction
changes of the flow velocity vectors when
passing the buckets create the energy
converted to mechanical energy on the turbine
shaft. The flow enters the runner from jets
spaced around the rim of the runners. The jet
hits momentarily only a part of the
circumference of the runner.
(i) Pelton Impulse Turbine:
-Invented by Pelton in 1890.
-The Pelton turbine is a tangential flow
impulse turbine.
-Pelton wheels are most efficient in high
head application
with the water head ranging from 200m-
-The largest units can be up to 200 MW.
-These are best suited for high head & low
flow sites.
-Horizontal arrangement turbine is found
only in medium
and small sized turbines with usually one
or two jets.
-Large Pelton turbines with many jets are
arranged with vertical shaft.

(ii) Turgo Impuse Turbine:

-Turgo impulse turbine design was developed
by Gilkes in
1919 to provide a simple impulse type
machine with
considerably higher specific speed than a
single jet
Pelton. The design allows larger jet of
water to be
directed at an angle onto the runner face.
-The Turgo turbine is an impulse water
turbine designed
for medium head applications.
-The Turgo can handle a greater water
flow than the
Pelton because exiting water does not
interfere with
adjacent buckets.

b.)Reaction Turbines:-
In the reaction turbines two effects cause the
energy transfer
from the flow to the mechanical energy on the
turbine shaft.
Firstly, it follows from a drop in pressure from
inlet to outlet
of the runner. This is denoted as the reaction part
of the energy
conversion. Secondly, the changes in the directions
of the flow velocity vectors through the runner
blade channels transfer impulse forces. This is
denoted as the impulse part of the energy

(i) Francis Turbine:

-The Francis turbine is a reaction turbine,
which means that
the working fluid changes pressure as it
moves through the
turbine, giving up its energy.
-The inlet is spiral shaped. The guide vanes
direct the water
tangentially to the runner causing the
runner to spin.
-Power plants with net heads ranging from 20
to 750 m.
-Units of up to 750 MW are in operation.

(ii) Propeller Turbine:

-The propeller turbines have the following
Characteristics- relatively small dimensions
combined with
high rotational speed, a favourable
efficiency curve & large
overloading capacity.
-The runner has only a few blades radially
oriented on the
hub and without an outer rim.
-Accordingly, the runner diameter becomes
smaller and the rotational speed more than
twice than that
for a Francis turbine of the rotational speed
more than
twice than that for a Francis turbine of the
head and discharge.

(iii) Kalpan Turbine:

-The Kaplan turbine is a propeller-type water
turbine that
has adjustable blades. It was developed in
1913 by the
Austrian professor, Viktor Kaplan.
-Kaplan turbines are now widely used
throughout the world
in high-flow low-head power production
ranging from 10m
Apart from the above mentioned types of turbines,
there are some special types of turbines which
shall be discussed below.

• The Diagonal flow turbine is an improvement of

Kaplan turbine with better performance for
high head. The Diagonal flow turbine, as a
result of using adjustable runner result of
using adjustable runner blades, has high
efficiency over a wide range of head and load.
Thus, it is suitable for a power station with wide
variation of head or large variation of
• Tubular/Bulb turbine is a type of Kalpan
turbine of reaction type. The tubular turbine is
equipped with adjustable wicket gates and
adjustable and adjustable runner blades. This
arrangement provides the greatest possible
flexibility in adapting to changing net head and
changing demands for power output, because the
gates and blades can be adjusted to their
optimum openings.
• The Pump turbine is used at pumped storage
hydroelectric plants, which pump water from a
lower reservoir to an upper reservoir during
off-peak load periods so that water is
available to drive the machine as a turbine
during the peak power generation needs. Pump
turbines are classified into three principal
types analogous to reaction turbines and
pumps. i.e. (i)Radial flow –Francis: 23-800 m
(ii)Mixed flow or diagonal flow: 11-76 m
(iii)Axial flow or propeller: 1-14 m

2. Various generations of the Nuclear


Nuclear reactor designs are usually

categorized by “generation”; i.e. Generation I, II,
III, III+, and IV. The key attributes characterizing
the development and deployment of nuclear
power reactors illuminate the essential
differences between the various generations of
reactors. The present analysis of existing
reactor concepts focuses on six key reactor
attributes: cost-effectiveness, safety, security
and non-proliferation features, grid
appropriateness, commercialization roadmap
(including constructability and licensability),
and management of the fuel cycle.

Three generations of nuclear power systems,

derived from designs originally developed for
naval use beginning in the late 1940s, are
operating worldwide today.

(a.) Generation I:
Gen I refers to the prototype and power
reactors that launched civil nuclear
power. This generation consists of early
prototype reactors from the 1950s and
1960s, such as Shippingport (1957–1982) in
Pennsylvania, Dresden-1 (1960–1978) in
Illinois, and Calder Hall-1 (1956–2003) in the
United Kingdom. This kind of reactor
typically ran at power levels that were

(b.) Generation II:

Gen II refers to a class of commercial
reactors designed to be economical and
reliable. Designed for a typical
operational lifetime of 40 years,2
prototypical Gen II reactors include
pressurized water reactors (PWR), Canada
Deuterium Uranium reactors (CANDU), boiling
water reactors (BWR), advanced gas-cooled
reactors (AGR), and Vodo-Vodyanoi
Energetichesky Reactors (VVER). Gen II
systems began operation in the late 1960s
and comprise the bulk of the world’s 400+
commercial PWRs and BWRs. These reactors,
typically referred to as light water
reactors (LWRs), use traditional active
safety features involving electrical or
mechanical operations that are initiated
automatically and, in many cases, can be
initiated by the operators of the nuclear
reactors. china’s existing and planned
civilian power fleet is based on the PWR. Two
important designs used in China are the
improved Chinese PWR 1000 (the CPR-1000),
which is based on framatome’s 900
megawatt (MW) three-loop Gen II design, and
the standard PWR 600 MW and 1,000 MW
designs (the CNP series).

(c.) Generation III:

Gen III nuclear reactors are essentially
Gen II reactors with evolutionary, state-of-
the-art design improvements. These
improvements are in the areas of fuel
technology, thermal efficiency,
modularized construction, safety systems
(especially the use of passive rather than
active systems), and standardized design.
Improvements in Gen III reactor technology
have aimed at a longer operational life,
typically 60 years of operation,
potentially to greatly exceed 60 years,
prior to complete overhaul and reactor
pressure vessel replacement. Confirmatory
research to investigate nuclear plant
aging beyond 60 years is needed to allow
these reactors to operate over such
extended lifetimes. The Westinghouse 600 MW
advanced PWR (AP-600) was one of the first
Gen III reactor designs. On a parallel track,
GE Nuclear Energy designed the Advanced
Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) and obtained
a design certification from the NRC. Only
four Gen III reactors, all ABWRs, are in
operation today. No Gen III plants are in
service in the United States.

(d.) Generation III+:

Gen III+ reactor designs are an
evolutionary development of Gen III
reactors, offering significant improvements
in safety over Gen III reactor designs
certified by the NRC in the 1990s. In the
United States, Gen III+ designs must be
certified by the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR Part
Examples of Gen III+ designs include:
• VVer-1200/392M Reactor of the AES-2006
• adVanced candu reactor (acr-1000)
• ap1000: based on the ap600, with
increased power
• european Pressurized Reactor (EPR):
descendant of the Framatome N4 and
Siemens Power
Generation Division KONVOI reactors
• economic simplified boiling water reactor
based on the ABWR, and many more.
Manufacturers began development of Gen
III+ systems in the 1990s. Perhaps the most
significant improvement of Gen III+ systems
over second-generation designs is the
incorporation in some designs of passive
safety features that do not require active
controls or operator intervention but
instead rely on gravity or natural
convection to mitigate the impact of
abnormal events.

(e.) Generation IV:

Conceptually, Gen IV reactors have all of
the features of Gen III+ units, as well as the
ability, when operating at high
temperature, to support economical
hydrogen production, thermal energy off-
taking, and perhaps even water
desalination. In addition, these designs
include advanced actinide management.
Gen IV reactors include:
• high temperature water-, gas-, and liquid
salt–based pebble bed thermal and
epithermal reactors.
• liquid metal–cooled reactors and other
reactors with more-advanced cooling.
• Traveling wave reactors that convert
fertile material into fissile fuel as they
operate, using the process of nuclear
transmutation being developed by
• hyperion power module (25 mw module).
According to Hyperion, uranium nitride fuel
would be beneficial to the physical
characteristics and neutronics of the
standard ceramic uranium oxide fuel in
Gen IV reactors are two-to-four decades
away, although some designs could be
available within a decade. The Next
Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) project is
developing one example of a Gen IV reactor
system, the Very High Temperature Reactor.


Table 1. Characteristics and Operating

Parameters of Eight Generation IV Reactor
Systems under Development
3. Site selection parameters for Nuclear
Power Plant

An important stage in the development of a

nuclear power project is the selection of a
suitable site to establish the site-related
design inputs for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The
selection of suitable site is the result of a
process in which the costs are minimized. It is
also to ensure adequate protection of site
personnel, the public and the environment from
the impacts of the construction and operation
of NPP.

Generally, a site is considered acceptable from

the safety point of view if:
a) It cannot be affected by phenomena against
which protection through the design is
b) The probability of occurrence and the
severity of destructive phenomena against
which the plant can be protected (at
reasonable additional cost) are not too high;
c) The site characteristics (population
distribution, meteorology, hydrology, etc) are
such that the consequences of potential
accident would be at acceptable limits.

Above mentioned points are described further

as parameters:-
• Site shouldn’t fall within enVironment
Sensitive Area (ESA) and high population
• It should fulfil the Suitability criteria
parameters- local topographic features,
access considerations, important species
habitat, impingement/entrainment effects,
and optimizing location of the site with
respect to the load centre.
• Preferred sites are those with a minimal
likelihood of surface or near-surface
deformation and a minimal likelihood of
earthquakes on faults in the site vicinity
(within a radius of 8km).
• Sites with competent bedrock generally have
suitable foundation conditions.
• The following geologic and related man-made
conditions should be avoided in determining
the suitability of the site:
a) Areas of active (and dormant) volcanic
b) Subsidence areas caused by withdrawal of
sub-surface fluids, such as oil or
groundwater, including areas which may be
affected by future withdrawals;
c) Potential unstable slope areas, including
areas demonstrating paleo-landslide
d) Areas of potential collapse (e.g. karstic
areas in limestone, salt or other soluble
e) Mined areas, such as near-surface coal
mined-out areas, as well as areas where
resources are present and may be exploited
in the future; and
f) Areas subject to seismic and other induced
water waves and floods.
• At the early steps of site selection,
applicant should identify areas based upon
consideration of the size (length) of faults
(which may be capable, and hence capable
tectonic structures) and their distance to a
site for various distances out to 320km from a
• Applicant should identify all tectonic and
non-tectonic structures and faults with a
potential for surface deformation or
displacement at a regional scale (in general,
a 320km radius around the area of interest)
based on available geologic reports.
Unfavorable areas which do not meet the
criteria will be avoided.
• Applicant should identify and exclude all
areas in regional scale which shows peak
ground accelerations (PGA) exceeding 0.10g 3
at a probability of exceedance of 2% in 50
years. Sites with the highest values of PGA in
combination with deleterious site soils would
be less favorable than those sites with
lowest values of PGA and no known
deleterious site soil conditions.
• However, in conjunction to the determination
of surface deformation in later step,
applicant should identify and avoid all areas
containing poor foundation conditions.
• The potential effect of natural atmospheric
extremes on the safety-related structures
of a NPP shall be considered.
• If the case of dispersion of radioactive
material released caused by a design basis
accident is insufficient at the boundary of the
exclusion area or at the outer boundary of
the low population zone, the design of the NPP
would be required to include appropriate and
adequate as well as compensating safety-
engineered features
• An applicant should designate an exclusion
area and have the authority to determine all
activities within that area, including removal
of personnel and property.
• In particular, adequate plans shall be
established for appropriate emergency zone.
The plume exposure pathway for emergency
planning of NPP generally consists of an area
of about 16km in radius, and the ingestion
pathway covers an area about 80km in radius.
• Applicant should ensure adequate and highly
dependable system of water supply sources
shall be shown to be available under
postulated occurrences of natural and site-
related accidental phenomena or
combinations of such phenomena. The adequacy
of water supply should also be considered for
the entire lifetime of NPPs.
• Migrations of important species and migration
routes that pass through the site or its
environs should be identified. Generally, the
most critical migratory routes relative to
NPP siting are those of aquatic species in
water bodies associated with the cooling

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