Introduction To Surveying MPV Weighted Errors

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CES 1 ~ 3: Elementary and Higher Surveying Lesson 1: Introduction to Surveying 1.1 Definition of Surveying ‘The art and science of determining angular and linear measurements to establish the form, extent ‘and relative position of points, lines, and areas on or near the surface of the earth and other extraterrestrial bodies through applied mathematics and the use of specialized equipment end techniques. 1.2 Plane and Geodetic Surveying 1. Plane Surveying Is the type of surveying in which the earth is considered to be a flat surface ‘and where distances and areas involved are of limited extent that the exact shape of the earth is disregarded. 2. Geodetic Surveying-are surveys of wide extent which take into account the spheroidel shape of the earth, Geodetic surveys which are usually of a national character, are mostly undertaken by government agencies to serve as a basis for the production of accurate base and topographic maps. Plane Surveying vs. Geodetic Surveying ane Surveying surface, The earth surface is considered as plain The earth surface Is considered as curved surface “The curvature of the earth is ignored. e triangle formed by any three points considered as plain. 's considered to ‘The curvature of earth is taken into account. The line joining any two stations is considered as spherical The triangle formed by any three points Is considered as spherical. ‘The angles of triangle are considered as plain angles. 1.3 Types of Surveys ‘The angles of the triangle are considered as spherical angles. | jostrol Surveys are usually closed surveys which are undertaken in urban and rural locations for the purpose of determining and defining property lines and boundaries, corners and areas. ‘These surveys are also made to fix the boundaries of municipalities, towns and provincial juris City Surveys~ are surveys of the areas in and near a city for the purpose of planning expansions Cor improvements, locating property lines fixing reference monuments, determining the physical features and configuration ofthe land and preparing maps. Construction Surveys these are surveys which are undertaken at a construction site to provide: data regarding grades, reference lines, dimensions, ground configuration, and the location and ‘elevation of structures which are of concern to engineers, architects and builders. Forestry Surveys a type of survey executed in connection with forest management and ‘mensuration, and the production and conservation of forest lands. Hydrogropble Surveys~ refer to surveying streams, lakes, reservoirs, harbors, oceans and other bodies of water. These surveys are made to map shore lines, chart the shape of areas underlying water surfaces, and measure the flow of streams. They are of general importance in connection with navigation, development of water supply and resources, flood control, irrigation, production of hydroelectric power and recreation. Industria! Surveys~ sometimes known as optical cooling. It refers to the use of surveying techniques in ship building, construction and assembly of aircraft, layout and installation of heavy and complex machinery, and in other industries where very accurate dimensional layouts are required. (Wine Surveys= are surveys which are performed to determine the position of all underground ‘excavations and surface mine structures, to fix surface boundaries of mining claims, determine geological formations, to calculate excavated volumes and establish lines and grades for other related mining work. Photogrammetric Surveys a type of Survey which makes use of photographs taken with specially designed cameras either from airplanes or ground stations. Measurements are ‘obtained from the photographs which are used in conjunction with limited ground surveys. Route Surveye= involves the determination of alignment, grades, earthwork quantities and location of natural and artificial objects in connection with the planning, design and construction cof highways rllroads, pipelines, canals transmission lines and other linear projects. Topographle Surveys~ are those surveys made for determining the shape of the ground, and the location and elevation of natural and artificial resources upon it. The features shown include such natural objects as hills, mountains, rivers, lakes and relief of the ground surface and works lof man such as roads, buildings, ports, towns, municipalities and bridges. 1 Astrolabe 2 Telescope 3. Transit | altitude The astrolabe of Hipparchus i] | considered tobe one of the best | town of the | measuring Instruments that have come down trom aciet times. was | | developed sometime In 140 BC, and. further” Improved by Ptolemy. The instrument had metal ‘cle with. 2 pointer Hinged at ks center and held by | a ring at the top, and a cross Staff, 2 wooden tod about 125, meters tong with an adjustable | cross arm at right angles to it. | The known length ofthe arms of | the cross staff allow distances and angles to be determined by | | proportion. wes. orignal Gesigned Yor determining, the tar, The invention of the telescope] in 1607 is generally accredited | {0 Uppershey. In 1609, Galleo | constructed a refracting | | telescope for astronomical cbserations. However, it was ‘only when cross hairs for fixing | the line of ght were | introduced, that the telescope | was used in early surveying instruments, The Invention of transis credited to Young and. draper | who worked Independently froen each other sometime In 1830. Both men were able to put together in one instrument | the essential parts of what have been known as the universal | | surveying instrument 4. Semicrcumferentor 5. Plane Table | ‘An early surveying Instrument Which was used to measure and lay off angles, and establish lines ‘of sight by employing peep | sights, One of the oldest types of ‘surveying instruments used in field mapping. It consists of a board attached to a tripod in such a way that It can be leveled or rotated to any desired | direction. 6. Dioptra 7. Roman Groma The dioptra which was perfected by Heron of Alexandria, was used in leveling and for measuring horizontal | and vertical angles. it consists essentially of a copper tube supported on a standard and could be rotated in either a horizontal or vertical plane. For | measuring horizontal angles, 2 flat circular ise with graduations in degrees is used. ‘An arm containing sighting apertures at either end could be fotated to any desired position fonthedisc. __| The Roman surveyors used the roma as an instrument for aligning points, it consisted basically of cross arms fixed at | right angles and pivoted eccentrically upon vertical staff, Plumb fines were suspended from the ends of the arms. By employing the groma ‘two lines at right angles to each ‘other could be established on the ground where itis set up. (8. Ubella ‘The Assyrians and Egyptians are believed to be the first users of the labella. The instrument had an A- frame with a plumb line | suspended from Its apex and was used to determine the horizontal. Archeologists are of the belief that the horizontal foundations of the great pyramids of Egypt were probably defined by this device 9. Vernier |The Vernier is a short auxilary scale placed alongside the graduated the graduated scale cof an instrument, by means of which fractional parts of the smallest or least division of the main scale can be determined precisely without having to interpolate, it was invented in 1631 by a Frenchman named Pierre Vernier. Surveying instruments employ either a direct or retrograde Vernier. 10. Diopter | invented during the time the ‘An instrument developed by the Greeks sometime In 130 BC, and known to be their most famous surveying instrument. The diopter was used for surveying instrument. The diopter was used for leveling, laying off right angles, and for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. Since the telescope was not yet | diopter was used, peep sights ‘were employed for sighting and inaligning the device. Hi Compass The magnetic compass came into wide use during the 13” century for determining the direction of fines and in calculating angles between the | lines. It was first introduced for | use in navigation. The compass | consists of magnetized ste! | needle mounted on a pivot at the center of a graduated circle. | The needle continues to point toward magnetic north and gives a reading which dependent upon the position of the graduated circle. [2 Gunter chain | [The Gunter’s Chain which was invented by Sir Edmund Gunter in 1620, was the forerunner of Instruments used for taping | distances. It is 66 ft long and contains 100 links, so. that distances may be recorded in ‘chains and in decimal parts of the chain, Each part called a link, | is 0.66ft or 7.92 inches fong._ "13. Chorobates ‘The insuument was designed for leveling work It consisted of 2 horizontal straight ~ edge about 6 meters. long with | supporting legs, and 2 groove 2.5 cm deep and 1.5 m long on top. Water is poured into the aroove and when the bar is leveled so. that. water stood ‘evenly in the groove without |spiling, a horizontal ine. is established. 14. Merchet |The merchet was a device for ‘measuring time and meridi was first used by the Chaldeans | in about 4000 BC. It consisted of 2 slotted palm leaf through which to sight and 2 bracket from which a plumb bob was suspended. By sighting through the slot and past the plumb bob string, a straight line could be Lesson 2: Surveying Measurement: A measurement isthe process of determining the extent, size or dimensions of a particular quentity in comparison to a given standard. In surveying, measurements are usually concentrated on angles, elevations, times ins, areas and volumes. In surveying, measurements may be made directly or indirectly. Direce Measurement & direct measurement is a comparison of the measured quantity with @ standard measuring unit or units employed for measuring a quantity of that kind. Some common examples of direct measurements are applying @ tape to a line, determining horizontal of vertical angle with a transit, or fitting @ protractor between two intersecting lines to determine the intersection angle. 2 Indirect Measurement= When it is not possible to apply a measuring instrument directly to @ {quantity to be measured an indirect measurement is made. near Measurement= the common units for length are the kilometer, meter, centimeter and the millimeter. Length may also refer to other linear dimensions such as width, depth, thickness, height or distan: 2. Angular Measurement= the St unit for plane angles is the radian. The radian is defined as the angle subtended by an arc of a circle having 2 length equal to the radius ofthe circle. To find the number of significant digits: Counting from left to right, start with the first non ~ zero digit and continue counting until the last digit; be it zero or not. Exomples: Identify the number of significant figures in each of the following. 1. 100 16. 10.1 : 2. 400 17. 0.000249 ed = 38. 0.0120 4. 8000 = 19. 7654 ——9 5. 0.001 20. 32.25 6. 0.000005 21. 0.8742 7. 26 22. 15.00 8 024 23. 0.00006712 9. 0.020 — 24, 364.0 10. 0.000065 25, 12345 11. 0.024 26. 0.86740 12.36 27. 100.00, 13. 365 oe 28. 46,609, 14. 123 29, 40,000 15. 3.65 30, 155.28 : ff Numbers Digit is Jess tham 5, When the digit to be dropped is less than 5, the number is written without the digit Example: 24.244 = 24.24 2 Digit is equal to 5. When the digit to be droppedis exactly 5, the nearest even number is used for the preceding digit. Example: 26.175 = 26.18 2. Digit i greater than 5. When the digit to be dropped is greater than 5, the number is written with the preceding digit increased by one. 4 MOST FRetBLE uatve ache acne ehetee onjec ha eenge one Ae SWAN, Beat 309" ad Co aes 5” high pated on avcleble Kelerwine he derpinay Lor a give ehinaion daha. hat more dnances, ond Me matt fuebable value oh each angle ang arte han bs a toms Ae BAC nq ates ue = pele eo quanhity Troe, fa gen quantity, & meocoved mete han re Lime, reciting te wore than ont yalog, net all Ye derived valves ore coed. Tae it only one > ie Wed wolie thot chosld be wasidered, we wrens ait atin che dihere core for tdahed peatorement’s ten the tum chald cqual lo a tegle meotremet SS Pee a aatsy'a a ween yo 3” ere the ok yale lies on atin by dividing shores wprs + mock cbible wlve of tke quonity Fhe Bergan, ey eng ab he meses nding veassred tha. oom, (EAE wnealen trated em adh othe far com oh Mee iedvidual meactremerds Headed mestree ts, A aed Ae he mutta 10+ fatal wunter ch sbiervolions nade, Teqouting fer 0 ond ve, wt, 4. Heatne ment ak tre einortel eagle ab Sample Problems we AE BINS, stants od CO. A cuneying inthrader Cent a six grips ob cider H be macrement fe to measire & didana belween tuo peicts marked onthe grovnd. The eludenls came fut the Lclosing tx allecemt values » $60.8 , 50.15, 244090, 161 09, 240-50 ond, 351.1 m Ascoming Are, values ow tqialy wilde aad hol variations waste fem excideatal cers, dcermine. tho work proba, wlue ok the dikante qeasued. apts T+ Bo. 4 £80 tigua 04261 of tte 54281 22 “ 4 heal ne nm Ve ne R eke mpy a Wetecate of elaled measurements very he com ste a dhovld eal 4 withemaliely cxotk qianbity, the wait ~ Si . pretobte volves are te dhteved vals wrreded by on Naxens gyal yt tthe Wal enor. 1 The andes akon a prc @ bare the lowieg cicrcd i; volves, Bo'ys20", 4a 58730" ond @1"'40" Dedeumine the as a t moth probable value of each angle mcr 5 easels fe fen sash" + we - Dac wats 24a et ETT Gating Nee introduction to Surveying Lesson No. 3 ‘The residual which is sometimes referred to as the deviation, is defined as the difference between any ‘measured value of a quantity and its most probable value. vex-B where: v= residual in any measurement x= 1s a measurement made of a particular quantity = is the most probable value of the quantity measured Probable Error ‘The probable error is a quantity which, when added to and subtracted from the most probable value, defines a range within which there is a So percent chance that the true value of the measured quantity lies inside (or outside) the limits thus set. PE, = 40674 Vinal a PE, =40.6745 | ay Yin) where: PE,= probable error of any single measurement of a series PE,, = probable error of the mean 3v’ = summation of the squares of the residuals n= number of observations Relative Precision Relative error sometimes called relative precision, Is expressed by a fraction having the magnitude of the error in the numerator and the magnitude of magnitude of a measured quantity in the denominator. Sample Problem: 1. The following values were determined in a series of tape measurements of a line: 1000.58, 1000.40, 1000.38, 1000.48, 1000.40 and 1000.46 meters. Determine the following. ‘a, Most probable value of the measured length. Probable error ofa single measurement and probable error of the mean. ‘c. Final expression for the most probable value. 4._ Relative precision of the measurement. ve ve @ F So. $027 , 1000.45 7 Weighted Observations or Weighted Measurements Pe Suwew) N N where: X = measurement of a particular quantity W= weight ‘= number of observations Weighted Average ‘Sample Problems: 1. Four measurements of a distance were recorded as 284.18, 284.19, 284.22 and 284.20 meters ‘and given weights of 1, 3,2 and 4 respectively. Determine the weighted mean. Tiitiect ste Reh es s BF Typ BAA © 20080 om sts ° 184 ag Wy OO Te 2. tis desired to determine the most probable value of an angle which has been measured at diferent times by different observers with equal care. The values observed were as follows: 74 39°45" (in two measurements), 74\ 39/27" (In four measurements) and 74’_38'35" (in six measurements). O45 "54 4G" w Sue Taga It is not always possible to obtain measurements of equal reliability under similar conditions, Many surveying measurements are made under different circumstances and conditions and therefore have different degrees of reliability. For such a situation itis necessary to estimate the degree of reliability for each of the measurements before they are combined and the most probable values are determined. The ‘assignment of relative weight to different measurements is usually done by assuming that the weights are inversely proportional to the square of the probable errors. 3. Lines of levels to establish the elevation of a point are run over four different routes. The ‘observed elevations of the point with probable errors are given below. Determine the most probable value of the elevation of the point Une [Observed Eevation | Probable | = [719882 m re 2 219.930 m td jud / 3 | 219701m Tome sna 4 [220021 m rer Se pfs §056,865 2a 505t, as 214.85 as 4, The length of a line was measured repeatedly on three different occasions and the probable error of each mean value is computed with the following results: 1" Set of Measurement = 1201.50 4 0.02 m 2° Set of Measurement = 1201.45 £0.04 m 3” Set of Measurement = 1201.62 £0.05 m Determine the weighted mean of the three sets of measurements. ‘Measurement Probable | & w Relative P=Elevx Error ‘Weight (RW) RW [Sea pot | treo | $500 Toe 8 [eso | as 1ot.4 pe LoeP28) ce 2ol.g2 ] aR: interrelationship of Errors Summation of Errors '¥ several measured quantities are added, the probable error of the sum is given by the square ‘oot of the sum of the squares of the separate probable errors arising from the several sources. £yPE? + PE) + PE) +..4 PE? where: PE, = probable error of the sum E;, PE,, PE, = Probable error of each measurement Product of Errors For a measured quantity which is determined as the product of two other independently ‘measured quantities such as Q1 and Q2 (with their corresponding probable errors), the Probable error ofthe product is given by PE, =4V(Q,xPE,) +(Q,3PE,)° where: PE, = probable error of the product Q, and Q, = measured quantities PE, and PE,= probable error corresponding to each quantity measured Sample Problems: 1. The three sides of a triangular shaped tract of land is given by the following measurements and corresponding probable errors: a = 162.54 + 0.03 m, b = 234.26 # 0.05 m and ¢ = 195,700.04 ‘m. Determine the probable error of the sum and the most probable value of the perimeter. Trowsy* +0 + O01 Fe 12.044 234.264 195.10 = BAG Ba2,6m 0.0 2, The two sides of a rectangular lot were measured with certain estimated probable errors as follows: W = 253.36 + 0.06 m and L = 624.15 + 0.08 m. Determine the area of the lot and the probable error in the resulting calculation, PAU Y OORT + ( UI S008 ap Ac LaW = IBY IA £42.58 4? Lesson 4: Measurement of Horizontal Distances The accurate determination of the distance between two points on any surface is one of the basic ‘operations of plane surveying. Such linear messurements are understood to mean the horizontal distance. f the points are at diferent elevations, the distance isthe horizontal length between plumb lines atthe points. Distance by Pacing Pacing consists of counting the number of steps or paces in a required distance. ‘A pace is defined as the length of a step in walking. It may be measured from heel to heel or from toe to toe. in surveying, pacing means moving with measured steps, and if steps are counted, distances can be determined if the length of the step is known. A stride is equivalent to two paces or a double step. fae 1 ede. Sample Problems: 1. A45 m course, AB, on level ground was paced by a surveyor for the purpose of determining his pace factor. The number of paces for each trial taken are shown in the accompanying tabulation. Pacing Data Trial Une | Taped Distance | No. of Paces ~ AB T i BA rc BA AB BA 45m Determine the following: a. Pace Factor 'b. Ifthe surveyor then took 771, 770, 768, 770, 772 and 769 paces in walking an unknown distance CD, whats the length of the line? ‘& Assuming that the taped length of line CD is 667.0 m, determine the relative precision of the measurement performed? a‘ ip vrners OF ME UM © TAOED DICTANOE \ . pps F (tr) oe raion VE a tae ee ran ML Mo dag ato 112 Ms rs 6 Wan ® Tro (aes wean tD) + sox ea bslt6s Fo + Wo yous (0.07 Vente) ¢ pas a ke Poe We so ty ; We 66 e 0-81 Peace 0-00 \ o> io » 2. In five trials of walking along a 90 m course on fairly level ground, a pacer for a survey party counted 51, 52.5, 51.5, 52.5 and 51.5 strides respectively. He then started walking an unknown distance XY in four trials which were recorded as follows: 88.5, 89, 88 and 87 strides. Determine the following: a. Pace factor of the pacer. Length of the line XY. c. Percentage error in the measurement f the taped length of XY is 150.5 m. 2 Oe oe Tact sesus MESES, LO eyes (2a )) : ror feta ewer W2 y 00% 10 05 188.48 Sa * N00 be ei acyae Metta HE “gat gh. 8 sre XE ‘ Va Distance by Tachymetry Tachymetry or tacheometryis another procedure of obtaining horizontal distances. itis an indirect method of measurement. A transit or theodoliteis used to determine subtended intervals and angles on 2 graduated rod or scale from which distances are computed through trigonometry. 4. Stadia Method ‘This method provides a rapid means of determining horizontal distances. eeER CAMA } \\ stacialine —/ ane ‘The equation D = Ks + Cis employed. Where: D = Horizontal distance “ is the distance from the instrument to the principal focus. (ost FE#® = stadia interval factor; most instruments are designed that this value is made equal to 100. 4) > 5 difference between the upper stadia hair reading and the lower stadia hair reading. ‘Sample Problem: 1. A stadia rod held at a distant point 8 is sighted by an instrument set up at A. The upper and lower stadia hair readings were observed as 1.30 m and 0.90 m, respectively. if the stadia interval factor K is 100, and the instrument constant s zero, determine the length of line AB. Diet Ke be? 130 500 he 6.90 7p eeene cnn Daw = roo (180-90) 4 2 40m k ‘ 2. Distance Subtense Bar ‘The subtense bar is a convenient and practical device used for quick and accurate measurement of horizontal distances. The procedure for determining the distance between two points consists of setting up the subtense bar at the distant station, and measuring the horizontal angle subtended by the istance between the two targets. A theodolite, set up at the other end of the line to be ‘measured, is used in measuring the subtending ang! 7K I In 1 1 \ p= cota? tan(a2 °N'?) t Wher: D= hoon distance i= angle subtended by the targets ~—— ‘Sample Problems: 1. The following subtended angles were read on a 2m long, subtense bar using a theodollte: 01.54’13", 0..22°20", 01.32'6" and 0.19/46". Compute the horizontal distance from the theodolite to each position ofthe bar. . ores - Wo mE) « ony, 2. Asubtense bar 2 m long is set up near the middle ofa traverse line PQ. Using a theodolite set up at P, the angle subtended reads 0.20/14". When the theodolite was transferred and set up at Q the corresponding subtended angle was observed as 0. 23'47". Determine the horizontal length of line Pa. WEACUREHENT of HoRIzOATAL UCAS + Mem Teping gd Taps) Meatremerhs weay made dincy long Leyes ltt Ae qyond “ifm indivation and faly smeete, ralher than bak Aap cery fay mclers Maskeakion .o eet oa Greta Bey Khe dope dihonee bacon Ay emdc o a lie 8 erpnements. rete, Bee peadere of oping ie the came at en Ve) quand the nea- sured Lape elope, difhans it fen reduced be AS omapording Weevental dahace by cafe song” ‘aes trem iguomey a Oat or a from Fyre Them cows a —_—_— aren | Sangh tives: cK mmacvrement if mabe along a ine that ie indined by @ Maal angle oA 18°28" mentored ing «ard leh a diner THe the Here ee Kivemeat us 16.5 Whal the tones ronding Iherisontal — ditlance.” 1A hevivembal ditance ak 425.5 mw ie be he clblihed along a Now that cleat ak 6 veri mle oh WC at ape dione can Yen wid vob? Peed pete 9° 25. m nies = . ot or wo BU eit weasined om the ape, ioe tM Mog ee Weck ageenh ey mcatuct GL Em Segments he and. the send deqment ge mtacuret (C44. 36 1F the ditlerence im devalion behucen pieht X ord ge Ate aod at belanen y aed 2 is CAT determing (he Heviental gts cf hy rmcassied lire z dep bot 4 day ek der + 1066 005 cesion ie Taping Taping awctiens add ether be ck the lo ing, to Klawning 09 urkinoun Lengthy > grr We taping Ge tre porgote et laying ec requited oe rytcGied longi [> vein Gomnsion to faring ore apalied. by Bre te ct the faeaing, ler Whee Fe ie weaned aitle a lage fhat it he lenge wmeiONS ore age Le tee eto lenge Wy adding, eased 9 tee longo ob we a. when a speci et requ Leoath ste be Wad eck with « ape that 18 Ge long”, the Cenediens ere cabitatled Gum the length to dckecaure Ame cerrecled engi to be laid out Lod out § then west woe fb R rudanplan leh wot magne’ ating & 50% Sike to he ated re Ns ane agp ogee Hed lope which wat foond bo We 0.015 he ear oar Gad fue oles hort Mk We ecard tength and vidty of The chide whe oe te vmchon wt Moe Tuk ore 100-455 and UHLOULn, reegeched Length deermnch fon tke aloe flan Ot eee ta a Ridin, rence Troe ot adual Length ok be Lore gd re mee! a. Adaal dwcationt 0k He Uk eensgtd 9 wwebrad = duced doe te He ervonems Nag of the Hage be sherk 4k Ce = (4-5) (26 -o+b4 tes art. pes 2.0Ki0") Rs De Lbs 2395.25 4 0.4m = 004m * 239) for Bg As 0:03 C= veccottt"e + 2.010% kg fem 2. 8.50.m steel tape is of standard length under a pull of 55 kg when supported throughout its entire length. The tope weighs 0.05 kg/m, has a cross — sectional area of 0.04 and being made of steel, its modulus of elasticity is 2.10 x 106 kg/em2. This tape was used inthe field to ‘measure a distance that was determined to be 458,650 m. At the time the measurement was made, the constant pull applied was 8 kg with the tape supported only at its end points Determine the correc length ofthe line. vac U6 - C+ (pedal Last. vt 0.04 ee Te ot (2x10) (0.05) (50) - oat, 94 (B\) 5 Ga + (oa6) SUSY. C01 m 24 (8g)* Coe b.203m (4)4 0-60lm > |. 801 = \W80\ + 0.014 0 86m 3. In the previous problem, if the tape used was standardized at 20 \.C and during the ‘measurement the mean temperature observed was 18 |C, determine the correct length of the line forthe combined effects of tension, sag and temperature. Assume the coefficient of linear ‘expansion ofthe tape to be equal to 0,0000116/ | C. Ce O.00e01Nele (488, 45)( {p-20) = 0.0) y+ 458.45 dorot - Lol- Oot = 466. ou Measuring Angles with Tope ‘A tape is not frequently used in engineering construction for measuring or laying out angles. There may bbe some occasions, however, when a transit or theodolite Is not readily available that the tape is instead Used. The measurement of very small angles with tape usually gives satisfactory results. All angular ‘measurements by tape are accomplished by the application of very basic geometric and trigonometric principles Somple Problems: 1. The angle between two intersecting fences is to be determined with a tape. A point on each fence line is established 30 m from the point of intersection. If the distance between the established points is 12.20 m, whatis the intersection angle? sims 209 © 19 (2) 98 AY Byways Om a {ce LEY). ascan?50” 2. In the quadrilateral ABCO shown in the figure, the following lengths were measured by tape: AB = 760.5 m, BC = 390.8 m, CD = 371.6 m, DA = 595.8 m and AC = 765.4 m. Compute the interior angle at each corner. 4 Determining Obstructed Distances nple Problem: : 1. In the figure shown, lines NQ and PR are established perpendicular to line MNP, and points Q. ‘and R are lined up with the distant point M. If NQ = 318.55 m, PR = 475.62 m and NP {determine the length of MN which represents the width of the river

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