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1st /14th Brighton

Sea Scout troop
Scout Leaders Words
Dear Scout,

If you did not join us last week, please join us next Thursday on Zoom. It’s important to keep in touch and not
get bored. We missed you.

1. Program
The program is back on now. We will play online group games and do badge work quizzes every week in
patrols. The program will be largely run based on the ideas you submit to Tony.
At the end of the night, you will be able to move to other patrol rooms to chat with your friends.

2. Changing you Zoom name

Please change your zoom name to Patrol (Firstname Lastname) when logging in.
If you don’t remember you patrol, a list is attached.

3. Patrol Chat Rooms

After logging in, you will either automatically be assigned to your Patrol Room or use the Break Out Room
button to move into your Patrol Room.
Leaders will move back and forth between rooms. Most games will be run by venturers and leadership.

4. Exercise Challenge Reminder

I’m sure you’re not moving as much as you used to.
Click here to register for the exercise challenge. Start logging your activities from today (Saturday) ready for
instructions on how to enter them into the challenge.

5. Newspaper, Thursday night contributions and competitions

Please send more ideas for our weekly newspaper (jokes, stories, craft ideas and videos - things you spend your
time with in the real word, offline).
You can also run a competition during the week or a game on a Thursday night - run a crafting contest, word
game, teach magic tricks, geeky stuff, standup comedy, poetry slam - we're all bored, so send in ideas in
writing or you can also ask for a few minutes online to present to others or make a video.

6.Email adresses
If you want scout emails to be sent not just to your parent, but also to you, please reply to this email with your
email address.

7. TeamApp
You will receive a link to sign up for TeamApp. It’s a helpful way to receive reminders about Thursday night
meetings and events. It’s optional (we will still send out emails), but recommended.

For questions or to submit contributions and idea, please reply to this email.

Going to send out the newspaper Sunday night’s so if have anything for the paper can please send it before
Friday night. If you can join the groups Facebook page
becouse we going to use it to keep you all informded and activities.

Words to Reflect On


Message board
Remember send me a message so we can post it on the board

Hi Scouts You
Hi Scouts see can use your
you Thursday phones as much
night on as you like
Your scouting

Hi Scouts be nice Hi Scouts please

to you family don’t use words
Yours scouting and number we
Tony C don’t use
Tony C

Tony C

Bear Outdoor Adventures

Sinclair (from Mantaray,s fishing Fred)

Outback bear going driving



1 1/2 cups self raising flour
1/2 cup plain flour
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup light vegetable oil
Fruit of your choice, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, cinnamon & nuts – refer different combinations below.

Preheat oven to 210 degrees Celsius.
Prepare muffin tins by lining them with patty pans – this recipe makes 12 large muffins.
Combine the self raising flour, plain flour & caster sugar in a mixing bowl.
Combine the egg, milk & vegetable oil in a separate bowl & mix together with a fork.
Add the egg, milk & oil mix to the dry ingredients
Mix well to make the muffin batter.
What flavour will you make?
Now that you’ve made your basic muffin batter you can add some flavour by adding fruit or nuts or chocolate
chips or cocoa powder or cinnamon. Here are a couple of ideas:
Blueberry – wash & pat dry 250 grams of fresh blueberries & add to the muffin batter.
Blueberry & pecan/walnut – wash & pat dry 250 grams of fresh blueberries. Finely chop a cup of pecans or
walnuts. Add the blueberries & nuts to the muffin batter.
Blueberry & apple – wash & pat dry 125 grams of fresh blueberries. Wash & peel an apple (pink lady or
granny smith apples work well). Either grate or finely chop the apple. Add the apple & blueberries to the
muffin batter.
Apple & cinnamon - Wash & peel an apple (pink lady or granny smith apples work well). Either grate or
finely chop the apple. Add the apple & a heaped teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the muffin batter. You can
also sprinkle the top of the muffins with raw sugar & cinnamon before cooking.
Apple & chocolate - Wash & peel an apple (pink lady or granny smith apples work well). Either grate or finely
chop the apple. Add the apple & 2 heaped dessert spoons of cocoa powder to the muffin batter.
Banana Choc – Mash a medium to large ripe banana & add to the muffin batter. You can also add milk &/or
dark chocolate chips to the mixture at this point if you’d like. Put half of the batter into the patty pans. Add a
heaped dessert spoon of cocoa powder to the remaining batter & mix well. Distribute the banana choc mixture
evenly across the patty pans.
Raspberry & apple – wash & pat dry 125 grams of fresh raspberries. Wash & peel an apple (pink lady or
granny smith apples work well). Either grate or finely chop the apple. Add the apple & raspberries to the
muffin batter.
Raspberry & white chocolate- wash & pat dry 125 grams of fresh raspberries. Add the raspberries and a
handful or 2 of white chocolate chips to the muffin batter.
Now that you’ve added the flavourings to your muffin batter…..
Spoon the batter into the pre-prepared muffin pans. Try to get an equal amount in each patty pan.
Cook at 210 degrees Celsius for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Allow to cool a little & serve warm. If you want to keep some for later, these muffins also keep for a couple of
days in an airtight container & freeze well


Henry Lomas –Custom Tech Deck Tutorial
No bulling in scouting-
Will’s Fearn teaching how to use ZOOM
Jokes and Cantoons
Lucas Lomas (Venture)
Did you know there is a type of goat that climbs dams to lick the salt for nutrients?
“Dam, That’s amazing!

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know but the flags a big plus.

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

Why do we tell actors to break a leg?
Every play needs a cast

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they’re too good at it.

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction.
So, I packed up my bags and right

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

Dad: Do you want to hear a joke about ghosts?
Son: Dad please no…
Dad: That’s the spirit!

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

A Tasmanian scout came up to me at a jamboree and she said we had met at a vegetarian restaurant in
Melbourne. I was a bit confused. I’d never met herbivore.

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

What did the peanut say when he was chasing after the walnut? I’m a Cashew!

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

Dad: What are you drinking son?
Son: Soy Milk
Dad: Hole Milk! Soy padre.

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

Waitress: notices that my dad hasn’t finished his meal “Would you like a box for that?”
Dad: No but I would wrestle you for it!
My scout leader says Prague is a very cool city. I think we should Czech it out

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

Did you learn to make ice cream at scouts? No, it was at Sundae school.

Lucas Lomas (Venture)

Scouts are making too many apocalypses jokes now, its like there’s no tomorrow.

Scout Leader: Henry, what do you call a person who keeps talking when no one is interested?
Henry: A scout leader?




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