Unit 1 - : Key Term Link

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EPR3503 terms

Unit 1 - Science and scientific methods

Key Term Definition Link

 is the process of breaking down a
something into its parts to learn what
they do and how they relate to one
1 another. https://www.yourdictionary.com/analysis
2 area  is a specific extent of land or space.  
instrument. Balance, instrument for
comparing the weights of two bodies,
usually for scientific purposes, to www.britannica.com › technology › balance-
determine the difference in mass (or measuring-instrument
3 weight).
  is defined as the group in an
experiment or study that does not
receive treatment by the researchers  
Control group
and is then used as a benchmark to
measure how the other tested subjects www.yourdictionary.com › control-group
4 do
criteria  a standard by which something may be www.biology-online.org › dictionary › Criterion
5 judged.
  is measured, collected and reported,  
and analyzed, whereupon it can be
visualized using graphs, images or other en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Data
6 analysis tools. 
 is a measure of mass per unit of  
volume. ... The average density of an
object equals its total mass divided by its www.sciencedaily.com › terms › density
7 total volume.
dependant  A dependent variable is www.thoughtco.com › independent-and-
variable the variable being tested and measured dependent-variables-difference...
8 in a scientific experiment
  is the applied science of acquiring and
applying knowledge to design, analysis,
and/or construction of works for practical  
purposes. . They apply
the scientific method in deriving their www.sciencedaily.com › terms › engineering
9 solutions.
  is evidence that serves to either
evidence support or counter a scientific theory or en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Scientific_evidence
10 hypothesis.
11 experiment   is an investigation in which a  
hypothesis is scientifically tested
www.simplypsychology.org › experimental-
EPR3503 terms

fair test  making sure that you change one factor www.sciencebuddies.org › science-fair-projects ›
at a time while keeping all other doing-a-fair-test-varia...
12 conditions the same.
hypothesis   is an idea or explanation that you then www.vocabulary.com › dictionary › hypothesis
13 test through study and experimentation
 is the variable that is changed or
controlled in a scientific experiment to www.thoughtco.com › independent-and-
independent test the effects on the dependent dependent-variables-difference...
14 variable variable
  inference  is an idea or conclusion
that's drawn from evidence and www.vocabulary.com › dictionary › inference
Infer (v) but to infer is to make an educated
15 inferrence (n) guess.
scientific study.com › academy › lesson › what-is-scientific-
investigation   is a quest to find the answer to a investigation-definitio...
16 question using the scientific method.

  is defined as the straight-line distance scienceworld.wolfram.com › physics › Length

17 length between two points along an object.
mass  is a measure of the amount of matter in www.chemicool.com › definition › mass
18 an object

measure (v)  is a collection of quantitative or www.thoughtco.com › definition-of-

numerical data that describes a property measurement-605880
19 of an object or event.

metric system   a decimal system of weights and www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › metric

measures based on the meter and on system
20 the kilogram
 is an instrument with lenses which is
microscope used to make really small objects look www.yourdictionary.com › microscope
21 bigger by magnifying them.
  A systematic description of an object or  
phenomenon that shares important
characteristics with the object or www.dictionary.com › browse › model
22 phenomenon.
EPR3503 terms

 Any data recorded during an
observation experiment can be called explorable.com › scientific-observation
23 an observation.
 a belief or judgment that rests on
opinion www.dictionary.com › browse › opinion
grounds insufficient to produce complete
24 certainty.
prediction   It's a guess, sometimes based on facts www.vocabulary.com › dictionary › prediction
25 or evidence, but not always.
www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary ›
  knowledge about the natural world that science
is based on facts learned through
26 experiments and observation.
science www.researchgate.net › publication ›
process skill  "the rational and logical 296654679_Exploring_the_devel...
27 thinking skills used in science

Scientific law   is a statement that describes an study.com › academy › what-is-a-scientific-law-

observable occurrence in nature that definition-examples-quiz
28 appears to always be true
a method of research in which a problem
is identified, relevant data are gathered,
a hypothesis is formulated from these
data, and the hypothesis is empirically https://www.dictionary.com/browse/scientific-
29 tested. method
 a coherent group of propositions
formulated to explain a group of facts or
phenomena in the natural world and
repeatedly confirmed through
30 experiment or observation https://www.dictionary.com/browse/variable?s=t
spring scale
(Tool)  a balance that measure weight by the www.vocabulary.com › dictionary › spring scale
31 tension on a helical spring
The definition of technology is science or  
knowledge put into practical use to solve
problems or invent useful tools. www.yourdictionary.com › technology

unit www.thoughtco.com › definition-of-unit-in-

 A unit is any standard used for making chemistry-605934
33 comparisons in measurements
34 variable  is any factor, trait, or condition that can  
exist in differing amounts or types
www.sciencebuddies.org › science-fair-projects
EPR3503 terms

› science-fair › variables

www.thoughtco.com › definition-of-volume-in-
  is the quantity of three-dimensional chemistry-604686
35 volume space occupied by a liquid, solid, or gas.

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