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938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Electronics Engineering



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the completion of the subject
Transmission media and Antenna Systems (COMEC513L1)

Submitted By:
Caguimbal, Renz Renan A.
Corpus, Gene Carlo T.
Usana, Billy Michale G.

Submitted To:
Engr. Samuel S. Sabile

October 7, 2013

The following are objectives of this research:

 To conduct a research about a different kind of transmission systems that will be

implemented on CCTV networks

 To be able to

The History of Network Cabling

Samuel Morse sent a message back in 1844, 37 miles from Washington D.C. to

Baltimore, using his new  invention "The Telegraph". Morse code is type of binary

system which uses dots and dashes in different  sequences to represent letters and

numbers, modern data networks use 1's and  0's to achieve the same result. The big

difference is, that while the telegraph  operators of the mid 19th Century could perhaps

transmit 2 or 3 dots and dashes  per second, computers now communicate at speeds of

over 1 Gigabit, or to put it  another way, 1,000,000,000 separate 1's and 0's every


Not long after Morse's Telegraph, a French inventor called Emile Baudot

developed a printing telegraph  machine which used a typewriter style keyboard, this

allowed virtually anyone to send and receive  telegraph messages. Baudot used a

different type of code for his system because Morse code didn't  lend itself to

automation, this was due to the uneven length and size of bits required for each letter.  

Baudot used a five bit code to represent each character, this would normally only give

32 possible  combinations (00000 to 11111 = 32).

It clearly wasn't enough for 26 letters and 10 digits but he got around this

problem by using two 'shift  characters' for figures and letters, which performed the

same sort of function as a typewriter shift key.  Now he had 62 combinations for letters,

figures and punctuation marks. To this day, the speed of serial  communications is still

measured in Baud rate, after Emile Baudot.

Improvements were made to Baudot's machine by an English inventor called

Donald Murray. Murray  sold the rights for his machine to Western Union who gradually

replaced all of its Morse telegraphs with  the new 'teletypewriters'.  

Despite its long running success, the Baudot five bit code could only use 'upper

case', so it had to be  replaced with something that would allow more alphanumeric

characters to be used. In 1966, a group of  American communications companies got

together to devise a new code, this time they used 7 bits  which could represent 128

characters. This is known as the American Standard Code for Information  Interchange

or the ASCII code. It was immediately accepted by nearly all of the worlds computer and

 communications companies, except of course IBM, who decided to make their own


IBM's version is the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code or

EBCDIC, it uses 8 bits and  can represent 256 characters, but apart from using it in their

mid range and mainframe computers, it  never really caught on. Not to be completely out

done, IBM adopted the ASCII code but extended it by  using an eighth bit so it could

represent 256 characters, they called it 'Extended ASCII'.

Although the telegraph and the teletypewriter were the forerunners of data

communications, it has only  been in the last 30 years that things have really started to

speed up. This was born out of necessity, as  the need to communicate between

computers at ever increasing speeds, has driven the development of  faster and faster

networking equipment and, higher and higher specification cables and connecting  


Development of new network technology

Ethernet was developed in the mid 1970's by the Xerox Corporation at their Palo

Alto Research Centre  (PARC) in California, and in 1979 DEC and Intel joined forces

with Xerox to standardize the Ethernet  system for everyone to use. The first

specification by the three companies called the 'Ethernet Blue  Book' was released in

1980, it was also known as the 'DIX standard' after their initials. It was a 10 Mega  bits

per second system (10Mbps, = 10 million 1's and 0's per second) and used a large

coaxial backbone cable running throughout the building, with smaller coax cables
tapped off at 2.5m intervals to  connect to the workstations. The large coax which was

usually yellow became known as 'Thick Ethernet'  or 10Base5, the '10' refers to the

speed (10Mbps), the 'Base' because it is a base band system (base  band uses all of its

bandwidth for each transmission, as opposed to broad band which splits the bandwidth

into separate channels to use concurrently), and the '5' is short for the  systems

maximum cable length, in this case 500m.  

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) released the official  

Ethernet standard in 1983 called the IEEE 802.3 after the name of the working group  

responsible for its development, and in 1985 version 2 (IEEE 802.3a) was released.

This  second version is commonly known as 'Thin Ethernet' or 10Base2, in this case the  

maximum length is 185m even though the '2' suggest that it should be 200m.

In 1984, IBM introduced Token Ring which was able to transmit data at 4Mbps,

this system uses a thick  black 2 pair shielded cable with large 4 pole connectors. The

IBM data connector, or IDC as it is  sometimes called, was an engineering masterpiece.

Instead of the normal plug and socket arrangement  of male and female gendered

connectors, the Data Connector was designed to mate with itself, a sort of  

hermaphrodite. Although the IBM Cabling System is to this day a very high quality and

robust data  communication media, it has lost favour with a lot of customers. This is

partly due to its large size and  cost, and partly because it only has 4 cores and therefore

is not as versatile as an 8 core UTP.

It is rumored that Type 1 cable was originally tested to 300MHz even though it

was only categorized as  a 20MHz cable for Token Ring, and the newer version, Type
1A was reportedly tested to 600MHz and  categorized as a 100MHz cable.  There were

many other types of network at that time (too numerous to mention here), which used  

different types of cables and connectors, so it soon became clear that a standard for  

telecommunications wiring was needed.  

In 1985, the Computer Communications Industry Association (CCIA) asked the

Electronic Industries  Association (EIA) to develop a cabling standard which would

define a generic telecommunications wiring  system for commercial buildings, that will

support a multi product, multi vendor environment. In essence  this would be a cabling

system which would run all current and future networking systems over a  common

topology using a common media and common connectors.  

By 1987 several manufacturers had developed Ethernet equipment which could

utilize twisted pair  telephone cable, and in 1990 the IEEE released the 802.3I Ethernet

standard 10BaseT (the 'T' refers to  Twisted pair cable). In 1991 the EIA together with

the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)  eventually published the first

telecommunications cabling standard called EIA/TIA 568, the structured  cabling system

was born. It was based on Category 3 Unshielded Twisted Pair cable (UTP), and was  

closely followed one month later by a Technical Systems Bulletin (TSB-36) which

specified higher  grades of UTP cable, Category 4 and 5 (Cat 4 & Cat 5).

Cat 4 specified data rates of up to 20MHz and Cat 5 up to 100MHz which at the

time  must have seemed like ample bandwidth for future development, but now, less  

than ten years later, even Cat 5 is being pushed to its limits by new networking

UTP Cable

A twisted pair is a type of wiring in which two conductors of a single circuit are

twisted together for the purposes of canceling out EMI, electromagnetic interface, from

external sources. It was designed with the application of the electromagnetic principles

and used along with the various disciplines of the application.

Figure 1

Figure 2
The design of this twisting conductors was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

Bell, the noted inventor of the telephone system came up with an abstract solution to

the Electromagnetic Interference. In balanced pair operation, the two wires carry equal

and opposite signals and the destination detects the difference between the two. This is

known as differential mode transmission. Noise sources introduce signals into the wires

by coupling of electric or magnetic fields and tend to couple to both wires equally. The

noise thus produces a common-mode signal which is canceled at the receiver when the

difference signal is taken. This method starts to fail when the noise source is close to

the signal wires; the closer wire will couple with the noise more strongly and

the common-mode rejection of the receiver will fail to eliminate it.ii

Figure 3

Twisted pair cables are commonly used today that connects home and many

business computers to the telephone company. It reduces crosstalk (any phenomenon

by which a signal transmitted on one circuit or channel of a transmission system creates

an undesired effect in another circuit or channel) or electromagnetic induction between

pairs of wires.

Unshielded Twisted Pair cable, or the UTP cable, is a transmission medium

where it is made up of 100 Ohm copper cable that could consists of 2 to 1800

Unshielded twisted pairs surrounded by an outer jacket. But there is no metallic

shield/foil that surrounds the pair which makes it unprotected to EMI. Though the same

principle of the twist which causes a fair immunity to electrical noise is still applied. iii

Unshielded twisted pair cables are cheaper than shielded ones and are easier to

install. Though it suffers from EMI, it still gives a good transmission of voice and data. A

good verification and proof of its ability to fair transmission are the telephone networks

of today. UTP are used still today as one of the popular and common transmission


UTP is a cost-effective way to create communication between devices. For this

reason, it is the most popular cable in the world. Its lack of shielding, however, can
create problems in certain situations. If the cable is installed near large electrical

equipment or densely wired areas, it is susceptible to electromagnetic interference

(EMI) or crosstalk. EMI and crosstalk can degrade the cable's speed. For that reason,

UTP is not the standard in densely populated areas like Europe.

Figure 4

UTP, being a balanced transmission line, is also finding increasing use

in video applications, primarily in security cameras. Many cameras include a UTP output

with screw terminals; UTP cable bandwidth has improved to match

the baseband of television signals.

UTP comes in different types called Categories, often abbreviated as "Cat". The

most common are Cat 3, Cat 5e, and Cat 6. The higher the category number, the more

twists per foot in the pair, and the better protection from interference. Cat 3 is usually

used for home telephone systems. Cat 5e is the industry standard for computer

networks and large telephone systems. Cat 6 is an improvement on Cat 5e and is

starting to become the favorite for new installs due to its increased speed and protection

from interference.
UTP can also come in many different sizes based upon the number of pairs. Cat

3 used for telephones often come in two pair, as that is all that is needed for a basic

telephone system. Standard Cat 5 or 6 network cables are eight twisted pair. Backbone

cables that run from floor to floor in large buildings are often 25 pair cables. The 25 pair

can be bundled to make cables with as many as 1,400 pair.

The UTP copper conductor cable size varies which depends on application or

transmission and the category of the circuit. The number of pairs are also varied

according to the transmission being done. The copper conductor of both horizontal and

backbone UTP cables are either 22 AWG or 24 AWG. 24 AWG is the most common

size, but higher-performance cables like Category 6 UTP employ the larger 23 AWG

copper wires.

UTP Cable Categories and Performance Specifications iv v

Name Type Bandwidth Applications Notes

Level 1 0.4 MHz Telephone and Not described
modem lines in EIA/TIA
ns. Unsuitable
for modern
Level 2 4 MHz Older terminal Not described
systems, in EIA/TIA
e.g. IBM 3270 recommendatio
ns. Unsuitable
for modern
Cat3 UTP 16 MHz 10BASE-T and Described in
100BASE-T4 E EIA/TIA-568.
thernet Unsuitable for
speeds above
16 Mbit/s. Now
mainly for
Cat4 UTP 20 MHz 16 Not commonly
Mbit/s Token used
Cat5 UTP 100 MHz 100BASE-TX & Common in
1000BASE-T E most current
thernet LANs
Cat5e UTP 100 MHz 100BASE-TX & Enhanced
1000BASE-T E Cat5. Same
thernet construction as
Cat5, but with
better testing
Cat6 UTP 250 MHz 10GBASE-T Et Most
hernet commonly
installed cable
in Finland
according to
the 2002
standard. SFS-
EN 50173-1
Cat6a 500 MHz 10GBASE-T Et ISO/IEC
hernet 11801:2002
Amendment 2.
Class F S/FTP 600 MHz Telephone, CC Four pairs,
-TX in the (shielded pairs,
same braid-screened
cable. 10GBAS cable).
E-T Ethernet. Development
complete -
ISO/IEC 11801
2nd Ed.
Category 7
Class Fa 1000 MHz Telephone, CA Four pairs,
-TX in the (shielded pairs,
same braid-screened
cable. 10GBAS cable).
E-T Ethernet. Development
complete -
ISO/IEC 11801
2nd Ed. Am. 2.
Category 7a

UTP cables were invented for voice applications. Voice UTP cables only needed

to carry analog signals which are very robust and not easily corrupted by electrical noise

or EMI. However, as UTP cables were used for different systems, higher quality UTP

cables were required to support data systems that used digital signaling.

As the applications evolved, different categories or grades of UTP cables were

created  along these years. Higher category UTP cables are referred to as data grade

UTP cables, and low category UTP cables are referred to as voice grade UTP cables.

The following table shows different Category UTP cables, their business

applications and corresponding performance specification.


 TIA/EIA-568 only recognized cables of Category 3 ratings or above. Category 1

cable (Cat 1) and Category 2 (Cat 2) voice-grade coppers are a misnomer,

probably adopted by those who assumed that TIA set up “Categories” for all

types of cables originally defined by Anixter International, the distributor, under

the grades called “Levels.”

 Cat 1 cable is used in earlier times. It is used for typically voice networks that

carries only voice traffic example telephones.

 Anixter Level 2 (Cat 2) was a grade of UTP cable capable of transmitting data at

up to 4 Mbit/s. It is the first cable which can transmit voice and data up to 4mbps.

Anixter Level 2 cable was frequently used on ARCnet and 4 Mbit/s token ring
networks, it is also used in telephone networks but it is no longer commonly


Solid Conductor UTP Cable and Stranded Conductor UTP Cable vi

1) Solid Conductor UTP Cable

Figure 5Solid Conductor UTP Cable Picture

As its name implies, solid conductor UTP cables have a single, solid conducting

copper wire as the conductor. In addition to being physically stronger and easier to work

with, these larger wires have superior electrical characteristics that remain stable over a

wider range of frequencies.

Solid conductor cables have a lower DC resistance and a lower susceptibility to

high-frequency effects based on their larger diameters alone. These properties allow

solid conductor cables to support longer transmission runs and higher data rates than

their stranded cable counterparts.

UTP cables used for both horizontal and backbone applications are typically solid

conductor cables.

2) Stranded Conductor UTP Cable

Figure 6 Stranded Conductor UTP Cable Picture

Stranded-conductor UTP cables are typically used as patch cables in either work

areas or telecommunication rooms. They are the most common Category-type cables

we often directly work with.

Inside the twisted pairs of a stranded cable, each individual conductor is made up

of a bundle of smaller-gauge wire strands. These are arranged so that several wires

(commonly 6 or 18) surround a single wire at the bundle’s center. The outer wires are

wrapped helically around the central wire through a process called stranding. The

stranded wires together form a single conductor with an overall diameter about the

same as that of a conductor in a solid cable, but with a much smaller conducting area

(based on the smaller diameters of the conducting wire strands).

The stranding of the wire conductors serves to protect them, and gives stranded

cables their flexibility.

UTP Cable Color Codesvii

1) UTP Horizontal Cable Color Code

Horizontal UTP cable is four-pair construction by industry cabling standard. Each

pair has two conductors. One wire of the pair is assigned the pair color with a white
stripe and the other wire is assigned the color white with the pair color stripe. The table

below lists the pair and color code for a four-pair horizontal UTP cable.

Wire Number Pair Number Color

1 1  white/blue

2 1  blue

3 2  white/orange

4 2  orange

5 3  white/green

6 3  green

7 4  white/brown

8 4  brown

2) UTP Backbone Cable Color Code

UTP backbone cables are large, multi-pair cables. These cables are constructed

of 25-pair binder groups. Each binder group is individually color coded and each pair

within a 25-pair binder group is individually color coded.

(a) 25-pair Binder Group Color Code

The 25-pair binder group is organized into five groups and there are five pairs in

each group. The five color groups in a 25-pair binder are

White – pairs 1 to 5
Red – pairs 6 to 10

Black – pairs 11 to 15

Yellow – pairs 16 to 20

Violet – pairs 21 to 25

Within each color group, the five pairs are designated with the group color code

and the pair color code. The pair color code for each of the five pairs with a color coded

group are

Blue – 1st pair of the color code group

Orange – 2nd pair of the color code group

Green – 3rd pair of the color code group

Brown – 4th pair of the color code group

Slate – 5th pair of the color code group

The color code for a 25-pair binder group is shown in the following table.

Wire Number Pair Number Group Color Pair Color Color

Code Code
1 1 white blue white/blue stripe
2 1 blue/white stripe
3 2 orange white/orange stripe
4 2 orange/white stripe
5 3 green white/green stripe
6 3 green/white stripe
7 4 brown white/brown stripe
8 4 brown/white stripe
9 5 slate white/slate stripe
10 5 slate/white stripe
11 6 red blue red/blue stripe
12 6 blue/red stripe
13 7 orange red/orange stripe
14 7 orange/red stripe
15 8 green red/green stripe
16 8 green/red stripe
17 9 brown red/brown stripe
18 9 brown/red stripe
19 10 slate red/slate stripe
20 10 slate/red stripe
21 11 black blue black/blue stripe
22 11 blue/black stripe
23 12 orange black/orange stripe
24 12 orange/black stripe
25 13 green black/green stripe
26 13 green/black stripe
27 14 brown black/brown stripe
28 14 brown/black stripe
29 15 slate black/slate stripe
30 15 slate/black stripe
31 16 yellow blue yellow/blue stripe
32 16 blue/yellow stripe
33 17 orange yellow/orange stripe
34 17 orange/yellow stripe
35 18 green yellow/green stripe
36 18 green/yellow stripe
37 19 brown yellow/brown stripe
38 19 brown/yellow stripe
39 20 slate yellow/slate stripe
40 20 slate/yellow stripe
41 21 violet blue violet/blue stripe
42 21 blue/violet stripe
43 22 orange violet/orange stripe
44 22 orange/violet stripe
45 23 green violet/green stripe
46 23 green/violet stripe
47 24 brown violet/brown stripe
48 24 brown/violet stripe
49 25 slate violet/slate stripe
50 25 slate/violet stripe
(b) More than 25-pair binder groups

Multi-pair UTP cables that have more than 25 pairs organize the 25-pair binder

groups in color-coded groups using the same color-coding sequence. This is shown in

the following table.

Pair Count Binder Group Color
1—25 White—blue
26—50 White—orange
51—75 White—green
76—100 White—brown
101—125 White—slate
126—150 Red–blue
151—175 Red—orange
176—200 Red—green
201—225 Red—brown
226—250 Red—Slate
251—275 Black—blue
276—300 Black—orange
301—325 Black—green
326—350 Black—brown
351—375 Black—slate
376—400 Yellow-blue

UTP Cable Connectors

1) RJ45 Jack and Plug

Four-pair UTP horizontal cables are terminated with an 8-position modular

connector in the work area as shown below. The RJ45 jack is an 8-conductor, compact,

modular jack used to terminate UTP data cable. RJ45 jacks are engineered to maintain
specific Category 5, 5e, 6, or 6A performance, and therefore must match the category of

the cable they are terminating.

When we refer to a jack or patch panel’s wiring connection, we refer to either the

568A or 568B wiring scheme. 568A and 568B wiring scheme define the pin-pair

assignments for terminating UTP cable. These assignments define the pinout, or order

of connections, for wires in 8P8C eight-pin modular connector plugs and sockets.

In UTP cable, each pair is represented by a specific color. Pair 1 is Blue, Pair 2 is

Orange, Pair 3 is Green, and Pair 4 is Brown. In each pair, one wire is a solid color, and
the other is predominantly white with a color stripe. When terminating UTP cable, each

pair corresponds to a specific pin on the IDC contacts of the jack or patch panel.

The following charts illustrate the difference between 568A and 568B wiring


Notice that the only difference between 568A and 568B is that pairs 2 and 3

(orange and green) are swapped. Both configurations wire the pins “straight through”,

i.e., pins 1 through 8 on one end are connected to pins 1 through 8 on the other end.

One can use cables wired according to either configuration in the same

installation without significant problem. The primary thing one has to be careful is not to

accidentally wire the ends of the same cable according to different configurations.

P T56 T56 Wi T568A T568B Pins on plug face

in 8A 8B re Color Color (socket is reversed)

Pair Pair
1 3 2 tip

white/gr white/or

een ange

stripe stripe
2 3 2 rin

g green orange

solid solid
3 2 3 tip

white/or white/gr

ange een

stripe stripe
4 1 1 rin

g blue blue

solid solid
5 1 1 tip

white/bl white/bl

ue stripe ue stripe
6 2 3 rin

g orange green

solid solid
7 4 4 tip

white/br white/br

own own

stripe stripe
8 4 4 rin

g brown brown

solid solid
As UTP is a balanced transmission line, a balun is needed to connect to unbalanced

equipment, for example any using BNC connectors and designed for coaxial cable.

Figure 7 diagram for UTP video balun use with CCTV cameras

CCTV—Which Wire Should You Use?viii

Coaxial cable: Coax is good for short wire runs in low-noise environments. Its

thick copper construction yields low signal losses. As an unbalanced transmission-line,

its interference immunity is poor compared to that of balanced twisted-pair cables and it

has no ground-loop immunity. Coax doesn’t fit in with “structured cabling” standards

such as EIA/TIA568B and will not natively support IP (ethernet). It is bulky, expensive

and has limited flexibility and bendradius. Termination (connectorization) is more

difficult, time-consuming, and costly. Separate wire pulls are required for camera power

and/or RS-485 telemetry.

Figure 8 Coaxial Cable

Siamese cable: This cable is a coax with attached power conductors. The result

is fewer installation pulls. This wire is more bulky than coax and more expensive. All

other coax considerations apply.

Figure 9 Siamese Cable

UTP cable: Offering the lowest cost of all, it is most immune to interference,

smallest diameter and easiest to terminate. It also meets EIA/TIA568B structured

building wiring standards, allowing it to be used for video, telemetry, camera power,
voice, IP/ethernet. Performance varies from voice-grade to gigabit (Category 6), and

any category-rated UTP may be used for video.

Untwisted conductor cable: Susceptible to interference and should not be used

for video applications.

FTP and STP cable: This foil or braid shielded cable is designed for datacom

environments. Before using it, check its data-sheet for parasitic capacitance, also called

“mutual capacitance.” With special exceptions, this value should be below 20pF per

foot. STP wire should never be used for passive-to-passive video.

Figure 10 STP

Multi-pair cable with an overall shield: This cable is suitable for video

transmission provided there are six or more pairs in the bundle. Fewer pairs means that

the shield is close to each wire-pair with resulting elevated capacitance. Check the

specification sheet.

Copper-plated steel: This looks just like Category 5. It is not suitable for datacom

applications but may be used at short distances in passive-to-active video applications.

Although not nearly as broad as the choices for cameras, there is still wide open

selection when it comes to choosing the proper wire for CCTV. Selecting the correct

wire can result in crisp clear video, low material and labor cost and a clean future-ready

installation. The wrong wire can be costly, deliver a noisy and/or blurry picture, waste

valuable time and cause embarrassment. Here are the prevailing characteristics you

should look for in deploying the proper wire for CCTV:

Interference immunity: Coaxial is an unbalanced transmission line and is

susceptible to interference. Technicians should avoid placing it near noise sources such

as power cables. Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) [and its cousins, foiled twisted-pair

(FTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP)] are balanced transmission lines. They are

inherently immune to interference.

Ground loop immunity: Coaxial has no ground-loop immunity and can suffer from

“hum-bars” in the image. UTP with passive-to-passive transceivers is slightly better,

however UTP with passive-to-active transceivers produces hum-free transmission every


Low frequency attenuation: At low frequencies less then 100KHz, the only thing

that matters is wire resistance.Thicker conductors yield lower losses, visible as picture

brightness. Coax has slightly better low-frequency performance than UTP wire.

High frequency attenuation: At high frequencies greater then 1MHz, copper

losses are dwarfed by inductive and capacitive parasitics. These losses can be

substantial and are the dominant limit to distance, showing up in the image as soft detail
or loss of color. A good receiver can boost these frequencies, delivering a flat frequency

response. The result is “lossless” transmission that delivers detail.

Plenum versus non-plenum cable: Plenum-rated wire is typically teflon-based

and is used within buildings where toxic gasses released during a fire could enter

ventilation systems.

Direct-burial rated cable: This cable must be used in any environment where it

could be exposed to moisture. This wire is polyethelene-jacketed (looks like drip-

irrigation pipe) and gel-filled. Never use PVC jacketed wire in these environments, as

water will permeate the jacket and the increased capacitance will ruin high-frequency


Installers have many cable choices. While some choices are clearly wrong (STP,

untwisted wire and failure to meet environment needs), others are more about

performance and cost. The world is rapidly migrating to standards-based UTP solutions

because they offer competitive improvements in both.

Networking cable help





Dan Nitzan

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