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Dear Student,
At Regenesys, we aim to awaken the potential of each student through
our holistic pedagogy. True to our pedagogy, we are happy to bring to you
a series of academic articles written by our adept Academicians.

The objective of these articles is to provide you with an overall

understanding of the management diaspora and is meant mainly for MBA
and Digital Marketing students.

I hope you gain valuable insights through these articles and they prove as
a stepping stone to a better understanding of the changing education

Best Regards
Dr.Richa Arora
Group CEO & Director
Regenesys Business School
Table of Contents


Data Science Education in the Present 1

How Data Science changing the Education Industry? 4

Need of the hour- Multi-country MBA 6

Data Science Careers You Should Know About 10

Goals of an MBA programme: Quality Education & Pro table employment 12

Data Science Education in the Present

With internet, Internet of Things (IoT),

social media booming and majority of
online transactions, we are living in an
ocean of data. It is natural to ask that
what value this data has? If it has some
value then how do we extract that? More
importantly how can one interpret and use
the results for the benefit of the
organization/business and of the

In came, Data Science – a field that gives an organization the muscle power to process,
analyze and derive insight to take effective decisions.
Data Science became very popular after 2012 when Harvard Business Review called it to be
the most sought-after job of 21st century. Jim Gray, an American computer scientist
consider Data Science as a new paradigm of science. Data Science provides students an
opportunity to learn and meet the rising demands of the industry for this particular subject.

A successful Data Scientist needs a unique set of analytical skills, technical and business
understanding to effectively work on massive data sets for actionable business insights. In
this blog, we are going to look at the present state of the Data Science education. Data
Science is an interdisciplinary field, primarily consists of Mathematics, Computer Science,
and Domain Expertise. Each of these disciplines is important in Data Science work and
optimal use of each of these has its own contribution for an optimal and evolved Data
Science product.

Data Science Education


Mathematics for Data Science mainly comprise of Probability, Statistics, Multivariate

Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Mathematics. This knowledge of mathematics is the
basis for Data Science stages, e.g. analysis, statistical testing, visualization, and Machine
Learning, etc. Various skills are used as job search terms at four main job portals in 2018 (
see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Data Science Job Search Terms 2018 at four main job portals.

Programming Languages

Formal education of the programming languages as part of the Computer Science discipline
started in the 1960s. Data Science uses different computer programming languages, some
of these are more preferred than the others due to various reasons. Some of the
programming languages that we use in today’s time are R programming, Python, SAS, JAVA,
MATLAB®, SQL, NoSQL, Julia, Scala, C, and F#. Most in demand programming languages for
Data Scientists in 2018 from four main professional job portals ( see Figure 2).

Domain Expertise

Domain Expertise is the third and last aspect of Data Science. Experts claim that it is more
important than any best-sophisticated Machine Learning algorithm. Data Scientist must
understand the information that they are processing. Domain Expertise plays a crucial part in
a good Feature Engineering and the model quality is a function of features that we use to
train a Machine Learning algorithm. Building models without domain knowledge is a risky
task and result in a sub-optimal output of limited applicability.

Figure 2. In demand programming languages for Data Science in 2018.

Some of the domains are Finance, Education, Telecom, Healthcare, Retail, Bio-Informatics,
and Manufacturing Engineering. Data is coming from various operations of the business.
Various sources of data are customer transactions, click streams, sensors, social media, log
files, and GPS plots, etc. Data Science skill-sets should be flexible and transferable among
domains. Reading literature and attending presentation can boost one’s domain knowledge.
Talking and asking questions to the domain experts is another important task a Data
Scientist can do to gain domain knowledge and do a good Data Science job.

Some experts claim that the formal university education alone is not sufficient to be a good
Data Scientist. One must get some hands-on experience in various industry related projects.

Written by: Dr. Parmod Kumar (Senior Associate Faculty, Regenesys Institute of

How Data Science changing the Education

The world is changing very fast and the

driving engine behind this change is
technology. One of the hot technology these
days is ‘Data Science’, which has the
potential to answer crucial questions and
add huge value to the business.
Sensor technologies, architecture to
implement it at a large scale and collecting
data from various sources is empowering
various businesses and even resulting in the
start of new ones.
Each and every sector of the industry is trying to use this huge amount of data in one way or
another. So the question that we are asking is “How Data Science is Changing The Education
Industry?” Or “How Data Science can Change The Education Industry?”

Keeping our eyes on the education sector, let's start looking at one popular Machine Learning
course at Coursera offered by Andrew Ng (see Table 1). This course has some of the largest
hits/day and helping the students worldwide to acquire this highly sought skill, which is one
of the main elements of the Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.

How one particular course is making an impact globally?

WolframAlpha® analysis of ‘Andrew Ng Machine Learning Course on the Coursera’  (see
Table 1).
Table 1: WolframAlpha® analysis of ‘Andrew Ng Machine Learning Course on the Coursera.’
daily page views -  11 million hits/day 
daily visitors  -  3.1 million visits/day 
site rank -  738th (assuming 3.577 billion, global internet users) 

In parallel to this highly popular course, we also have to look for some other source related to
our topic for this blog, which we go over in the next section.
How Big Data in making an impact in the Education Sector?
WolframAlpha® computational intelligence analysis of the ‘Big Data In Education Sector’ 
(see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Big Data Impact in the Education Industry (Google search and WolframAlpha® results).

The use of the Big Data in education in the last two years is continuously on the rise (see
Figure 1). Now we will focus on what impact Data Science can make in the education sector
addressing its different elements, e.g. students, faculty members, and people working in this
Recognizing and targeting potential students
Educational institutions are always looking for potential students and Big Data is definitely
helping this in a big way. Additionally, it has a lot of options to do this in an innovative way,
e.g. targeting customers on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Improving education delivery
Various data from the students have lots of useful information for the educators, which they
can use to improve their services and also to modify the delivery for more effectiveness. By
analyzing the data from the student's classroom, assignments, exams, presentations and
extracurricular activities we know students progress, strengths, and weaknesses.
Effectiveness can be assessed by analyzing the data related to students performance during
the semester/course. Moreover, educators can come up with new programs for a specific
group of students to meet their specific needs and reduce dropouts.
Addressing specific needs of different demographic
Students from different geographical regions have different educational needs, interests, and
motivation. This we can verify by looking at data from various sources, in the institutions,
outside the institutions, students applications, and queries that students are making related
to their career choices, etc. Big Data has this information in it and we need to tap this to
design effective methods and delivery for the students from different demographics.
Improving satisfaction and retaining students
An institute can use data analysis to measure the satisfaction level of the enrolled students
and their parents. This also tells us about the corrective measures that we can take to
address this lack of satisfaction and build more confidence. By doing so institutes can retain
students, increase future enrollment, and their business.

Building on this information, it is very evident that Data Science has the potential to improve
the education sector and make an impact in a big way. It empowers us at Regenesys not only
to make the education sector more lucrative, profitable, and successful but also the success
of the students in their academic and professional careers.

Need of the hour- Multi-country MBA

The Master of Business Administration

(MBA or M.B.A.) degree originated in the
United States in the early 20th century
when the country industrialized and
companies sought scientific approaches
to management (Source: Wikipedia).
Over the course of the years we have all
come across the following types of MBA:

Part-Time MBA
Evening MBA
Modular MBA
Executive MBA
Distance learning MBA
International MBA

Benefits of each of the courses are manifold and well known. A new type of MBA is on the
blocks and is called “MULTI-COUNTRY MBA”.  What is it and how is it different and why do
we need it especially in India? Let us look at all of these one by one

What is Multi-Country MBA?

Multi stands for multiple and any Institute offering this programme will have campuses in the
respective locations. Students will be given an opportunity to complete the MBA program
across two or three of their campuses.

How is it different from International MBA?

An international MBA is essentially a degree that a student gets from any particular
university outside of India and is a result of him/her studying in that particular university
campus in a single location throughout the entire duration of the course. 

Get the best of two worlds from an Indian based Multi-Country programme

India and China are the biggest consumer markets in the world. Infact China looks upto India
as one of it’s primary markets. Having one’s basic foundation in MBA in India and then
moving on to another foreign location for a diverse international experience can be a dream
come true for an MBA aspirant. Real-time understanding of the Indian market requires for the
student to be present in the country and global business understanding comes from studying
abroad. Both these twin objectives can be achieved by doing a Multi-Country MBA
programme that has its base in India. 
Regenesys Institute of Management is a pioneer in this field. With a vision to provide multi-
country education to Indians,it provides world-class Multi-country MBA programme.
Students enrolling for the Multi-country MBA programme, complete the first year in the
Indian campus and then complete their second year in the South African campus of

Article written by Prof.Sandya Jadhav (Senior Faculty, Regenesys Institute of Management). 

Data Science Careers You Should Know About

The most important thing for a student is

his/her career. Career takes a majority of our
day to daytime, and passion for doing
different things makes young students take
different career paths. One of the career
paths on the rise these days is in the Data
Science. A Data Science is undoubtedly one
of the best career any science and
engineering graduate can pursue. So, what
does a Data Scientist need to know and do?

A Data Scientist knows how to extract meaning/insight from the data and interpret it. This
requires tools and methods from different domains. Data Scientist must be proficient in
multiple programming languages, e.g. R, Python, MATLAB® and SQL, etc.
A Data Scientist must have a good mathematical foundation, specifically the topics in the
following visual (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Mathematical topics in Data Science.

In parallel to mathematics, machine learning, and programming languages, one must have a
good knowledge and understanding of the domain, which is very important for Feature
Engineering. Based on the problem and data in hand, a Data Scientist needs to formulate
questions and answer those questions by working on the data. A Data Scientist should be
flexible enough in his/her approach to modify and rethink on the question and rework on the
Data Science pipeline. Reproducible research and storytelling are the other important skills a
Data Scientist must possess.

Across the globe, Data Scientist job has a high median salary and high satisfaction score ,
which further makes this a popular career path. Data Scientist is at the top of the list in ‘50
Best Jobs in America’ by Glassdoor .

A Data Scientist can specialize in different types of skills to work on a specific career path.
Some of these are as follows (see Figure 2).

This list covers the majority of the careers a Data Scientist can explore. Moreover, an
aspiring Data Scientist must keep himself/herself up to date with the latest advances and
development in this fast evolving domain with new technologies and systems. We at
Regenesys will also cover advanced topics in Data Science where students will get a chance
to do some research and present their findings in a seminar.

Figure 2. Data Science career paths.

Written by: Dr. Parmod Kumar (Senior Associate Faculty, Regenesys Institute of

Goals of an MBA programme: Quality Education &
Profitable employment

I recently came across an Economic

Times article that reported a study of B-
schools in 2016.The report states that

“Barring a handful of top business

schools like the IIMs, most B-schools in
the country are producing sub-par
graduates who are largely un-employable
and therefore earning less than Rs.10,000
a month, if at all they find a job, a report
has pointed out. 
Return on Investment on your MBA degree

The report blames the lack of quality control and infrastructure, low-paying jobs through
campus placement and poor faculty as the major reasons behind India’s unfolding B-school
The report observed that while on an average each student spends nearly Rs. 3-5 lakh on a
two-year MBA programme, their current monthly salary is a measly Rs.8,000 to Rs.10,000.”
In the article, Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat said that "The quality of higher
education in India across disciplines is poor and does not meet the needs of the corporate
This article helped me reflect on some of my interactions at my previous workplaces. Having
worked across organizations in healthcare, consumer durables, children’s publication and a
HR start-up, one of the most regular tasks that I had to do was to assist in recruiting. Some
of the openings have been for simple administration roles but the resumes we would get,
would be of candidates who have completed their MBA and are looking for a good
administration role. I used to wonder why an MBA graduate was applying for an
administration role. This article helped me answer my decade old query. 
After entering the education arena two years back as a faculty, with my corporate experience
and the current understanding of the operations of a B-school, I cannot help but agree to the
‘lack of quality control and low-paying jobs’ that more than 5,500 B-schools (as of 2016 does
not include unapproved Institutes) in India are churning out every year for students.
A faculty colleague brought to my attention a few days back a term called ‘Profitable
employment’. Online search for this keyword didn’t through up any results but my colleague
was kind enough to explain this term. For example, let us say,a student pays Rs.7 lakhs as
fees for doing an MBA programme. After he/she completes the programme, their first salary
turns out to be Rs. 20,000 per month (Annual package of 2.4 Lakhs). He/she has got a job
but is not profitable because the returns on the money invested in the programme is far
higher. The quality of education has also contributed to the low salary. 

Two Survey reports help us in concluding that India is seeing a rise in higher education while
unemployment is also on the rise.

An All-India Survey on Higher Education in 2017-18 showed that the survey has estimated
that total enrolment in higher education is about 36 million. International Labour
Organisation (ILO) states that India will be seeing its unemployment rate at 3.5 per cent in
2018 and 2019, the same which was seen in 2017 and 2016.

Hence it is vital for every Management Institute to have an ideal pedagogy that provides
academic knowledge and grooms necessary skill sets for a student to be profitably

Article written by: Prof. Sandya Jadhav (Senior Faculty, Regenesys Institute of

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