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Binding means to make, from the city of

fasten, or secure (bind in Pergamum from where it

Latin is ligare, and lygein initially was first made),
in Greek, means to knot). soon substituted
The Greek word, lygos papyrus and eventually
(wickerwork) stems from ousted it completely. The
the Sanskrit ling-ami, surface of parchment
which means "to fold or to was smoother and
embrace"; so, the presented advantages
etymological connections such as greater
are evident. In our case, toughness, flexibility, and
bookbinding stands for the possibility of reusing
securing one sheet or it. In fact, it could even
folio, a term used for be written on again
writing paper, with a when scraped.
thread. Continuing our The parchment bands, at
journey into the meaning first tied in volumes, were
and connection of words, soon bound in codex
we come to the Latin form. However, we are
word folium, which means still far from being able
"a leaf, like the leaf of a tree. The Latin word for book, to say that binding had become established since it
liber, means "the bark or rind of a tree." had not developed according to specific criteria.
Book (liber), therefore, is the innermost part of the We must await the Middle Ages before binding can
three strata making up the bark of a tree: rind, be considered as "clothing" or written sheets.
sapwood, and bark—the surface on which our With the fall of the Roman Empire, a whole
ancestors mainly wrote. From this use came the word civilization was dissolving. The need to preserve its
"book," understood as any material containing writing. memory through the written word stimulated
research on the part of those who held works judged
The first materials used to carve writing on were clay, worthy to be handed down and preserved.
stone, wood, bronze, and papyrus, which is the inner This is the case of the monad ligatores, the "monk
part of the tree (from 3,000 to 200 BCE). The first binders of books" who, during the Middle Ages,
tablets, called "codex", were fastened together with developed this craft in their monasteries and
hinges, rings, or ox gut, and folded over to form a created real masterpieces by covering the sheets by
diptych, triptych, or polyptych (from the Greek word fastening them together with wooden boards
diptychos meaning "folded twice"). covered in inlaid ivory and then embroidering silk
This type of "book" was in opposition to the "volume" and precious stones onto them. The sacred writings
that the Egyptians made with papyrus bands. The of this period give vivid testimony of this.
sheets were rolled up and the bands of papyrus In the monasteries, the art of bookbinding grew more
were glued together around a stiff roller, forming the and more refined. With the invention of printing press
scroll. The papyrus bands were written on in narrow in the 15th century by Gutenberg, the document and
parallel columns called paginae (from the Latin bookmaking scenario changed completely. The
pango, "to write") that indicated the written sheets. bookbinding craftsmen were ready to develop new
When papyrus exportation fell heavily, new methods techniques that were better suited for volumes made
were invented for treating animal skins. This new in a new manner. Hemp cords substituted ox gut
material obtained, parchment (which gets its name while heavy wooden boards gave way to
pasteboards, to which the first page (the frontispiece people—guided by their love of books—went on to
or title page) was glued on as a flyleaf. enrich the art of bookbinding and to adapt it to the
This was a considerable step forward. The ease of style of the times.
handling books together with protection (insects are For a long time innovations were mainly concerned
less fond of paper than of wood) now seemed with the techniques and the decorative motifs,
assured, or almost. By the 16th century the form of the and it could be said that the history of bookbinding is
book and the binding techniques had become essentially a history of ornamental styles.
definitive. During the course of the following centuries Alongside the ancient intaglio decoration on leather,
only people's taste and their sensibility towards the blind printing technique (without the use of gold)
books were to change. became popular (this would eventually oust the
intaglio style completely). This type of decoration was
very common in the 15th century and up to the
middle of the 16th century. Gilding with heated tools
and gold leaf, an imitation of the ancient process that
the Arabs used, began to dominate bookbinding.
This technique has been handed down and is still
The history of bookbinding developed along with the used today by master bookbinders in leather.
evolution of furnishing styles. Important bookbinding The 17th and 18th century decorations begin to take
centers sprang up all over Europe. Gradually, on different characteristics according to the tastes of
religiously inspired decorations were abandoned in the various periods and countries. Craftsmen-artists
favor of lay emblems and regal symbols. This is the were able to express their individual styles as they
era of the great master printers: in Venice, Aldo pleased.
Manuzio invented a new type of punch for From this moment on production began to diversify:
reproducing book decorations and—encouraged by on one hand the precious materials intended for
the famous French bibliophile, Grolier, and the aristocrats and wealthy bibliophiles were enriched
Milanese Masoli—went on to create new motifs for with artistic bindings while on the other the
his bindings. Manuzio, Grolier, and Masoli were the production of commercial bindings began and
trio who gave new impetus to the book making craft already contained a hint of future mass production.
in Europe. The Court bookbinders worked under the For economic reasons even the material itself began
protection of their art patrons, and often the covers of to be used sparingly, or worked so as to be usable
a book became true masterpieces. An example is even if shoddy or defective. This is the reason why
the cover in gold and precious stones by Benvenuto leather started to be marbled in the 17th century, as
Cellini commissioned by Cardinal Dei Medici, who an expedient to cover up defects. In the 18th century
presented it to the Emperor Charles V. Other famous the use of leather for the spine was only tested,
names of the craft in France are the Clovis brothers, which led to the half-cloth binding that was to
Nicolas Eve, and "le Gascon", whose real name is dominate the 19th century.
unknown. In England the great names were Reynes Influenced by radical social changes and the
and Berthelet. Louis XIV, a monarch whose reign was increase in the demand for books, techniques were
extremely long and who was a patron of all the arts, adopted to meet this demand.
upon ascending the throne made his mark also on It was during this period that the technique of sewn
the art of bookbinding. The style became even more sunken cords, instead of cords protruding along the
precious, often too ornate, complicated, and laden spine, was invented: it was a Greek style imitation of
with gold. the medieval bindings in the Byzantine East. In 1775,
Madame de Pompadour gathered around her the Alexis-Pierre Bradel created the separate cover in
artistic flower of her time and left her imprint on cloth and paper, similar to a file, into which the book
everything, from beautiful bookbinding (though very block could be cased and glued to the first page.
ornate and laden with gold) to a whole series of On the threshold of the 20th century a new decorative
small objects in leather: cases, caskets, telescope technique called "symbolic" or "speaking" made its
handles, and sword sheaths. appearance on the scene, breaking with tradition.
The Pompadour style has curves covered in twisted From then on decoration and the type of binding
leaves, clusters of flowers, cherubim, and birds. could never again be separated from the contents
After Louis XVI other sovereigns, princes, and ordinary and the spirit of the book.
BACK: the side of the BOARDS: the cover boards publisher's postcript, it is, in which covers the cover
signatures along which the when they are made of a printed book the final structure; also the operation
leaves are folded; a wood annotation which gives the of applying it
synonym for spine printer's name, location, and
BOOK BLOCK all of the CREASING: the groove,
date of publication
BACKING: a light-weight sheets making up the book; which in bookbinding is
strip of cardboard that is understood as an entity CORNERS: the covering for made with a particular
placed between the spine independent of the cover the coiners of the cover machine or manually with a
and the covering to stiffen boards in half-cloth binding; bone folder, that folds paper
BOOKMARK: a ribbon or
the latter it is made of the same and cardboard without
cord inserted between the damaging them
material that is used for
BACLINING: a stiff strip pages and attached to the
covering the spine and the
that acts as the base for upper-inside part of the spine EDGE: the three-side
making the spine; it is surfaces along which the
BRIEF DRYING: bookbinding
made of the same material COVER BOARDS: the two book opens; corresponds
jargon which means a very
as the cover side parts of the cover that to the outer borders of the
short drying time once the
cover the surfaces of the sheets
BANDS: the sewing glue is spread on
book; also the cardboard
supports (cords) when they FLAPS: the cover board
CASING: the operation in pieces before they are
are not sunk, but are turn-ins of typographic
which the book block is covered
outside the spine covers
inserted and joined to the
COVER: the structure or
BINDING: all the operations cover by pasting the FLYLEAVES: situated at the
material that covers the
used in making a book by flyleaves beginning and the end of a
book block
sewing the signatures to book; the leaves are folded
the spine COLOPHON: also called COVERING: the material in two parts, one of which is
pasted to the inside of the ROUNDING: the operation result of folding the printed edges of the sheets and
cover while the other forms involved in making the or blank sheets the backs of the signatures
the first and last pages of spine rounded aligned
SPINE the side of the book
the book
SCRUBBING BRUSH: a in which the signatures are TITLE PAGE: the page that
FORE-EDGE: in books with horsehair or plastic brush, sewed together proceeds the text and
rounded spines, this is the normally used for washing, bears the title and author's
SPLIT NUTS: the wooden
rounded recess along the that is good for making name
nuts placed under the head
whole edge of the book materials (paper and mull)
beam of the sewing frame; TRIMMING: carried out on
GAP: a small space left they are used to pull the individual signatures to
between the shoulder and SEWING: the operation that cords and tapes taut even them out and make
the tip of the cover boards enables the signatures to them the same size
so that they can open more be kept together; it can
EDGE): slight protrusion TURN-INS: strips of the
easily be done in link-stitch,
of the cover boards covering material that are
half-stitch, or full-stitch
GROOVE: the groove beyond the page edges folded in and pasted onto
between the spine and the SHOULDER: obtained by for protection purposes the borders of the reverse
board covers rounding; it is the same side of the cover boards and
SURFACES: the front and
thickness as the cover the two ends of the backing
back surfaces of the book
HEAD: the upper part of the boards
WASTE PAPER: a technical
book TAIL lower part of the book
SIGNATURE or term to define all the paper
HEADBAND: the silk band SECTION: two or more TAPPING (ALIGNING): a (newspaper and wrapping
that encircles the spine and sheets folded in half and recurring operation that is paper) that are used as a
protrudes at the head and tail inserted into each other; the necessary for keeping the support while working

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