Linkedin Learning Review For Job Seekers

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Linkedin Learning Review for Job

I mentioned earlier that this is particularly useful for job seekers, or someone
applying for a promotion/raise.

Basically, anyone who needs to boost their resume and get the attention of a hiring

Here’s why: Employers want to hire (and promote) people who are proactive about
improving/learning. People who are motivated and want to succeed.

Why do they love this so much? Because you can’t teach this stuff! People either
“have it” or they don’t. So when you show employers you have this trait, it will set you
apart from most other job seekers immediately.

Examples of How LinkedIn Learning Can Boost Your

Job Search
If you want to transition into a different field, gaining the basic know-how is essential.
You can’t really go to an interview for a marketing position and not know how
Facebook Ads work, can you?

So taking an online LinkedIn Learning course on this topic is a great way to start!

And even if you’re not going for a career change, there’s still a lot you can get from
LinkedIn Learning courses.

Employers and HR love it when you’re proactive.

Imagine you’re the hiring manager who is comparing two candidates – one is less
experienced but spends half of their free time improving themselves. The other has
more experience in the field but spends most of their free time binge-watching
Which one would you pick if you’re hiring someone for the long-term?

Probably the person who’s focused on growing/improving, because they’re going to

help your company more and more as time goes on.

Show Off Your New Skills on Your Resume

Of course, doing all the coursework is useful, but you  need a way to let employers
know about it.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by including it in your resume.

If you’ve done specific courses for a certain subject or software, you can  mention it
under your “Skills” section.

Basics of Java Programming – LinkedIn Learning Course; Completed April 2019
If, on the other hand, you’ve completed an entire learning path, that can even go to
the “Education” section. And yes – it does count as actual education.

Talk About the Courses You Completed in Your

Other than that, you can also mention your experience with self-education in the
interview itself.

One of the most common questions you’ll get asked is “What have you been doing
lately to keep your skills up-to-date?”

Well, as you could have guessed, “nothing” isn’t the best answer here.

Do make sure to give more information on this, though.

Don’t just say you’ve done “some online course.” Get into the details – what was the
course? What did you learn from it? And how will this allow you to help the employer
more in THEIR job?
LinkedIn Learning is Powerful Even
if You’re NOT Job Searching
Imagine… being able to walk into your next performance review and surprise your
manager by talking about the online course you completed, and how it will help you
perform your job better.

Or imagine going for a promotion or raise, and being able to stand out immediately
because you’re the only one of the candidates who took the initiative to complete a
relevant LI Learning course.

LinkedIn Learning isn’t just a job search booster; it’s a career booster for any
professional who wants to stand out and advance their career faster.

Drawbacks of LinkedIn Learning

As with any other software, LinkedIn Learning isn’t perfect.

While the platform itself works like a charm, you’ll need to personally put some effort
into researching the quality of the courses you’re taking.

Since there are hundreds of lectures available, you need to do a bit of digging to find
which one’s the best.

Another issue is that you can’t know how recent a course is.

This is OK for some fields – the “how-to” of writing doesn’t really change much over
the years.

With anything to do with technology, though, this might be a problem. You’ll need to
make sure that the course you’re taking is recent, otherwise, you might spend hours
learning outdated techniques or skills.
Conclusion – Are LinkedIn
Learning Courses Worth It?
In my opinion, yes – it’s definitely worth it.

As long as you do minor research on your instructors & courses, there are no real
drawbacks with the platform.

And you can get started with a free month here.

The skills you’ll end up gaining can be priceless for your personal development,
whether it’s a single skill you’re after or a completely new area of knowledge.

And if you play your cards right, what you learn from LinkedIn Learning can even
play an essential part in landing your next job!

What to Do Next:
1. Sign up for LinkedIn Learning and get your free trial month
2. Complete at least one relevant course in your field

3. Put it on your resume under “Education” or “Skills” to stand out from the
competition in your next job search, promotion, or performance review

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