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Lesson Plan in TVL Home Economics – COOKERY

Grade 11 & 12
August 06, 2018

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Recognize kitchen tools and equipment to be cleaned sanitized.
b. List of cooking materials, kitchen tools and equipment that are commonly found in the kitchen.
c. Identify the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Kitchen tools and equipment and types of chemicals used in cleaning and sanitizing
Learning Competency: Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Materials: laptop, LCD, Cookery Manual Module 1 of 2.

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activity
1) Routine Activity
a) Prayer
b) Greetings
c) Classroom Management
d) Checking of attendance
e) Review of past lesson

B. Presentation
1. Motivation
Guide Questions:
1. How many of you have known the different kitchen tools and equipment used in the
kitchen and the chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing them?
2. List or names some kitchen tools and equipment and chemicals used for cleaning
and sanitizing.

2. Presentation
The teacher will introduce the topic to the students.

3. Activity
1. The teacher will show the different kitchen tools and equipment.
2. The teacher will show the types of chemicals used for sanitizing and cleaning kitchen
tools and equipment.

4. Application
1. The student will be asked to name the kitchen tools and equipment and types of

5. Evaluation
The teacher ask the student to answer the post test.
 Identify the kitchen tools and equipment and types of chemicals used in cleaning and

6. Assignment
1. What is the meaning of sanitizing?
2. What are the methods in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment?

Prepared by:

Darlene D. Cabrido
TVL- Cookery Teacher

Checked by:

Principal 1

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