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CX770011A Applied Mini Project

Individual Assessment – Assignment 1

Study block Study Block 2 (March 2019)

Due date 15/05/2019 Time Before 5 PM
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Weighting 90%
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Refer to following website for reference related resources:

Student Name JIGAR PATEL

Student ID No 1000054955
Academic Supervisor SANJAY SHARMA


Student declaration: I confirm that:
This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work.
Where ideas, tables, diagrams etc. of other writers have been used, I
have acknowledged the source in every case.
This assignment has not been, nor will be, submitted as assessed
work for any other academic course.

Signature of student: J.P. PATEL

Date 15/05/2019

Executive summary
The mini project contains the detailed description of the major issue faced by the Crowne Plaza
Auckland. The beginning of the mini project will give a detailed idea about Crowne Plaza as the
popular hospitality sector and after that the major issues will be described which is potentially
affecting the work efficiency of the hotel. the advantage of providing the company background will
give a brief idea about the product/services provided by the hotel so that the basic idea about the
hotel can be obtained. Following the company background, introduction of the report is described
which clearly shows the aims and objectives of the report. Through the introduction, reader can
clearly understand the aim of the report. The next part of the report will be the findings and
discussion which will have the sub-parts methodology to be used to eliminate the issue as well as
the reason of conducting this report along with that limitation and ethical consideration will also be
provided which will prevent the breach of any information related the company. Specifically, in
findings and discussion, information collection methods have been described as well as the literature
reviews related the problem will also be taken in consideration. The final part of the report will be
conclusion and appropriate recommendations relating the issues in the company.

Executive summary...............................................................................................................................2
1 Define and plan of the project, Introduction and Aims......................................................................4
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Company background..................................................................................................................4
1.3 Project aim...................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Project objective..........................................................................................................................5
2 Access and use of data and information, Analysis of data and discussion..........................................5
2.1 Information collection method....................................................................................................5
2.1.1 PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION METHOD.................................................................................6
2.1.2 SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION METHOD............................................................................6
2.2 Rationale......................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Limitations...................................................................................................................................7
2.4 Ethical consideration...................................................................................................................7
2.5 Literature reviews........................................................................................................................7
2.6 Analysis of data (critical review)..................................................................................................9
2.7 Discussion..................................................................................................................................10
3 Finding, Recommendations and a course of action..........................................................................12
3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................12
3.2 Recommendation......................................................................................................................13
4 Bibliography......................................................................................................................................13

1 Define and plan of the project, Introduction and Aims

1.1 Introduction
The introduction will provide the aim of the report which is to do the circumstantial analysis of the
Crowne Plaza and find out the major factors causing the inventory management issue in the hotel.
for the analysis, the standard operating procedures must be examined so the clarity of the problem
can be identified. Due to the inventory management issue, the resources of the hotel cannot be
utilised properly at hotel premises. Hotel faces the large amount of the wastage/spoilage of the
product due to mismanagement of the inventories. So, the aim can help to find out the appropriate
solution which can be implemented for long term. Apart from the project aim, I have described the
major factors which are affecting the inventory management in the hotel. Moreover, the data
collection method has been described which was helpful to get detailed information for the project.
In the findings and discussion, the methodology and the details of the problem have been provided.
At the end, conclusion of the entire report and recommendation have been given.

Crowne Plaza hotel uses different type of the inventory to run the business for example, non-
perishable inventories (oil, flour, wine, beer, spirits, linen etc) perishable products (milk, juice,
vegetables etc). all the inventories need different type of storage to be kept safe. Crowne Plaza has
three type f the storage for all the inventories of the hotel which included refrigerator storage,
freezer storage and normal storage. After examining all the storage areas, I came across many
factors which are causing the inventory management in the hotel. the factors are described below.

 Company does not have permanent staff for the storage area
 Staff turnover is very high
 Equipment for the inventory management are not the latest
 Software is not working sometimes
 Staff members are not trained to follow the standard operating procedure

Due to the inventory management problem, hotel is facing financial risk which might affect their
sale. For example, if the spoiled products are used in the food and served to the customer then
it might be a complaint and hotel might lose their customer base.

To get an appropriate solution for the inventory management problem, data collection method
and certain methodology to implement the data collection methods are mandatory. The data
collection method I am going to implement for my research will be Qualitative research method
which will include communication for instance, interviews, questionnaires as well as group
discussion and observational method. Specifically, for my project, I am going to use interviews as
well as questioners (to certain extent).

1.2 Company background

Crowne Plaza Auckland is an IHG hotel which is based in the Auckland city centre. Crowne Plaza is
considered as the regional head quarters of New Zealand for all the IHG hotels as well as it has
experience of providing excellent service to the guests for more than 30 years. There are so many
types of products/ services offered by the hotel for guest satisfaction. For example, room service,
valet parking, laundry service, in-house dining and free WI-FI. The hotel has 8 banquet halls as well

as restaurant and bar. In addition, the hotel has 352 rooms divided in different categories. The main
market segmentation of Crowne Plaza is the business travellers [ CITATION CRO \l 5129 ]. The hotel
has the large number of experienced staffs which is the major advantage for the hotel. for such big
operation the hotel needs equal inventory, so the proper management of inventory is compulsory
for the hotel.

Food and beverage department is known as the most money-making department of the hotel but
recently one key issue has been identified which is causing the decreasing work efficiency to certain

1.3 Project aim

The main aim of this project is to examine the current situation of the hotel and find out the
potential factors which are causing the inventory management problem in the hotel. it is essential to
examine the current situation of he storage department of the hotel which may be helpful for the
researcher to get more information about the inventory management problem. in addition, the
project aim will be beneficial to stick to the problem only as well as it will help to observe the
internal and external factors which are potentially causing the inventory management problem.

1.4 Project objective

1 to investigate the potential factors which are causing the inventory management issue to certain
extent. In addition, to investigate the current system being used for monitoring the inventories in
the hotel.

2 to eliminate the financial threats to the organisation caused by the improper inventory

3 to create a strong brand image of the organisation with the help of best product/service quality.

4 to recommend the appropriate strategy/method (or updated standard operating procedure) which
can be proven beneficial for the organisation in future.

5 using the thematical analysis and follow the pattern which is the interview pattern for the report
and get conclusion

2 Access and use of data and information, Analysis of

data and discussion

2.1 Information collection method

Data collection methods are the step by step process of gathering certain information regarding the
specific object or matter. Data collection methods can be helpful to find out the appropriate answer
using the resources which may lead to the answer of a certain question [ CITATION Bha19 \l 5129 ].
Data collection methods can be divided into major two categories which are PRIMARY DATA

Primary data collection method is the type of method which can help the researcher to get
information direct from the original source of information. In addition, there are many ways of
implementation of primary data collection method. For example, face to face interviews, group
discussion, questioners, telephonic communication etc. Primary data collection method is very easy
to implement, and it provides the accurate information about the emptions and human behaviours.
In addition, it is not complex as other collection method and with the help of primary data collection
method, different opinions can be obtained and from the comparison of those opinions, conclusion
can be drawn [ CITATION Tho19 \l 5129 ]. There are number of advantages of primary data collection
method such as with the help of this method, the major issues can be addressed so that the
unnecessary data can be avoided. In addition, the information collected from this method can be
easily interpreted to get the result which can be considered as the huge advantage for the
researcher. Moreover, the data collected from secondary data collection method is not the most
recent when the primary data collection method provides the most recent data which is beneficial
for the better understanding of the current circumstances [ CITATION Pen19 \l 5129 ]. On the other
side, this method also has some drawbacks. For example, it can cost to get information for the
researcher as well as this method is very time consuming and researcher needs to put high efforts to
collect information [ CITATION Pen19 \l 5129 ].


Secondary data collection methods are used to get the information which has already been collected
by someone and that information can be used to draw the conclusion of the research. The data
collected with the help of secondary data collection method is easily obtainable and it gives quick
result. Though, the information collected from this method is sometimes not most accurate or the
most updated. There are many ways of implementation of this data collection method such as
articles, journals, newspapers, balance sheets and many more [ CITATION Nic09 \l 5129 ]. There are
numerous advantages of this data collection method. For instance, this method is economical as well
as it saves expenses for collection of certain data. Moreover, it is very time saving as well as it helps
the primary data more specific and is beneficial for the better understanding of the certain matter. In
addition, another advantage of this method is that it provides wide range of the information based
on other’s point of view and the certain numerical. On the other hand, this data collection method
has various disadvantage such as the data collected from this method may not be the most accurate
as well as the data may be outdated so the certainty cannot be obtained. In addition, the
information collected from other sources may not be the most relevant for the researcher’s matter
as well as sometimes the sufficiency of the data is not enough to draw the certain conclusion
[ CITATION Man \l 5129 ].

2.2 Rationale
After the deep examination of both the data collection methods, I decided to utilise primary data
collection for my research regarding inventory management at Crowne Plaza Auckland. The reason
behind selection this method is this method provides the depth of information required for the
project as well as the implementation is easily as the interviews can be taken from the staff

members who are facing inventory management problem at the hotel. This method allows me to get
the exact idea of the staff member’s opinion and their perspectives regarding this problem. Another
reason behind choosing this method is the problem taking place in the hotel is internal, so the staff
members can provide the most accurate information regarding the problem [ CITATION Bha19 \l
5129 ].

As the part of qualitative research method, I will use face to face interview of staff members of food
and beverage department as well as the description of their answers will be provided in the findings
and discussion part of the project.

2.3 Limitations
Leniency: leniency of the interview may affect the outcome of the interview which may result into a
difference in conclusion.

Self-reported data: as the only researcher for the project, I had to take the interviews from the staff
members and due to the amount of information, I had to minimise some information which were
less useful for better recommendation. Self-reported project can rarely be verified.

Constant errors: the efforts made by the previous interviewee may be affected to the next
interviewee, so the result can be affected according to the interviewer’s decision.

2.4 Ethical consideration

During the time of information collection, I followed some ethical considerations of the company.
Such as the information collected from the interview must not be realised to the third party except
the academic supervisor. All the data collected must be utilised for the project purpose only. Only
the necessary information regarding the project has been described as well as information is kept
safe and prevented from any type of privacy breach. All the information gathered for the project is
collected with the consent of the company which is highly confidential [ CITATION Moh171 \l 5129 ].

2.5 Literature reviews


Once the food or beverage product received at the premises, it must be checked the weight,
temperature (if required to be kept under 5 degree Celsius or kept hot). The food or beverage
product must be checked properly so that the spoiled or damaged products may be identified and
rejected. In addition, after checking the products, another step in the procedure is to storage the
food and beverage product. The received products must be kept in a clean and away from the insect
accessible area. The most important part of storing the product is FIFO (FIRST IN, FIRST OUT). It
states that the product which has been received first must be used first and should be stored
accordingly [ CITATION BNG151 \l 5129 ]. In addition, all the products must be stored in a way that it
can be prevent from the time and temperature abuse. On the other hand, the storage area
conditions must meet the requirement of standard conditions [ CITATION Ade17 \l 5129 ]. For
instance, the storage area should be away from the regular human contact as well as it should be
clean, and the air should flow through the storage so that the products can be kept fresh. Most
importantly, the meat product should be placed in a way that the raw meat cannot be placed above
the cooked meat as the blood may drop on the food and may get spoiled. For beverages, red wines

and spirits must be stored at the room temperature when beers and white wine must be stored
below 4 degree Celsius [ CITATION Kli15 \l 5129 ].


According to literature it can be written that the person who works in storage areas, should be either
experience of working in storage department or they should get an appropriate amount of training
of working in storage department. it is essential for the storekeeper to have a good knowledge of
storage areas because they are responsible to look after the areas [ CITATION Wor18 \l 5129 ]. They
should know the standard receiving procedures of all the inventories in the hotel as well as they
should be able to fill the documents regarding the deliveries received (for example inventories form,
spoilage/wastage report). Most importantly, they should be able to manage to keep the garbage
area clean as the storage areas may be near to that[ CITATION Kli15 \l 5129 ]. Moreover,
storekeeper should know how to label the product according to their receiving and expiry dates.


According to literature review that the hotel can only have a high level of efficiency when all the
departments are provided with the well-maintained equipment. Specifically, in the storage
department, there are numerous equipment which are used in daily routine. For example, weighing
machine, trollies and wastage bins and many more [ CITATION SSI17 \l 5129 ]. So, all the equipment
should be well maintained, and they should be kept clean all the time. It has many advantages such
as the product are transfer with the help of these equipment and if the equipment will be dirty,
product may get spoiled. Moreover, according to health and safety it is essential for the hotel
management to look after the safety of workers as well because broken equipment may pose a
threat of injuries at work. If these factors are not looked after well, it may result into a huge loss in
product which is a financial threat or high risk of injuries for workers [ CITATION WOR17 \l 5129 ].


There are various factors which are responsible for creating a strong brand image of any business.
The factors behind a strong brand image are, employee satisfaction, customer loyalty, promises
delivered, better communication, better equipment and high level of efficiency of all the
departments of the hotel [ CITATION Str02 \l 5129 ]. noticeably, storage department plays a key role
in brand image because for the hotel like Crowne Plaza is known for is best customer service and
food and beverage service. The products can be kept at the best level when the storage is done at
the best level. So, inventory management is very important in the hotel. in addition, employee
satisfaction is also important as it can be said “A HAPPY EMPLOYEE REPRESENTS THE COMPANY AT


Poor inventory management has different types of disadvantages to the hotel as it is a major issue.
First, improper inventory management may result into overstocking or the threat off product being
stolen or theft. In addition, due to improper inventory management, the products may be misplaced

which can cause a financial threat to the hotel. the effects of poor inventory management are mainly
decreasing the efficiency of the worker as well as increasing staff member’s complaints. In addition,
poor inventory management also effects the storage area space as the products are not stored
properly [ CITATION Sut13 \l 5129 ].

Literature review 6: HIGH STAFF TURNOVER

Staff turnover is one of the common and important part of any organisation. The company which
faces high amount of staff turnover cannot perform to its extreme level in the market because of the
lack of required Human Resources. The reasons behind the staff turnover is legality, prevalence, cost
and working hours. Any organisation should have management of the employees working in the
company so that all the employees get proper hours of work and the work-life balance can be
maintained. In addition, sometimes the lack of training creates the disappointment towards the
company, so it also can be considered as one of the reasons [ CITATION Eve97 \l 5129 ]. Moreover,
sometimes the employee does not feel empowered enough to perform well therefore management
should consider towards motivating the employees [ CITATION Pel11 \l 5129 ].

2.6 Analysis of data (critical review)

According to the literature reviews I described above, I was able to find out many important
information about the ideal storage area conditions, procedures and many more things. In addition,
after researching on the inventory management system, I was able to compare that with the current
storage area conditions of the hotel, therefore I found out number of factors which are potentially
responsible for causing inventory management system in the hotel. as per the literature reviews and
the face to face interviews, there were many common factors which can cause inventory
management system. Those factors are described below.


After the comparison of hotel’s food receiving procedure with ideal food receiving procedure, I
noticed that there are number of improvements need to be brought in hotel’s storage department.
firstly, the amount of staff turnover in the storage department is very high as well as it takes so
much time for training the new staff members. Due to that sometimes food and beverage products
get misplaced or they are not kept according to their required temperature. Due to time and
temperature abuse, products get spoiled and they are wasted. In addition, new staff members do
not have much knowledge about the hotel’s procedure of labelling the food and documents like
transfer sheet or daily inventory sheets. This factor was commonly considered during the literature
review and staff member’s interview.


There are number of equipment are required in the storage area. For example, flat trollies, weighing
machine and temperature measurement machine. This equipment should be checked on time and
they should be maintained because the products are transfer with the help of these equipment. The
weighing machine is sometimes kept dirty and it stops working due to that the actual weight of the
product cannot be obtained, and products gets spoiled because of dirty machine. As well as the

storekeeper does not have enough knowledge of the inventory software used in the hotel, so all the
products are not entered in the system. This increases the chances of the products misplacement or
being theft or stolen. Due to the bad conditions of the equipment, there is a high chance of injuries
to staff members. So, these factors need to be taken in consideration of management.


Brand image is created with many factors, promises towards guests is one of them. And if guests do
not get their desired product/ service from the hotel, that may lead to a disappointment for guests.
For example, if guests order specific food and the ingredients required for the dish are not available
in the hotel, that may result into a customer complaint. The main reason behind this is POOR
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT. as per the response from staff members, I got to know that the
products are not placed to their respective stores so that they cannot find the product on the busy
time. Because of that staff members must face customer complaint and guests leave with
disappoint. If the number of customer complaints keep increasing, it may be harmful for Crowne
Plaza’s brand image.

The consequences of poor inventory management are very alarming for the hotel as it is considered
as one of the most common and important issues in any hotel. If this issue is not taken care of, it
might affect the level of work efficiency, create financial threats to the hotel as well as may result
into a poor brand image for the hotel.

2.7 Discussion

As I mentioned above, I used primary data collection method as the main approach and in that
method, I used face to face interview method to get more information about the inventory
management issue taking place within the hotel. I conducted a special session for interviews with
the banquet’s manager and the staff members. As the inventory management is the internal
problem of the hotel therefore it is better to examine the internal situation and get information to
achieve relevant solution. The entire interview with answers is described below and the responses
from staff members provided more information about improper inventory management issue.

1 What types of storage areas hotel have?

Crowne Plaza Auckland has 3 different type of the storage for the inventories required in the hotel.
for instance, regular storage for red wines, spirits, take away cups, leads, etc. second storage is the
refrigerator which contains temperature between 0 to 4 degree Celsius. In this storage, we keep the
milk, juices, smoothies and other product which required to be kept under 4 degree Celsius. The
third type of the storage is freezer which has temperature below -18 degree Celsius. All these
storages are located on the level 3 of Crowne Plaza Hotel.

2 How many staff members are hired for the storage department?

Generally, we only have one storekeeper who looks after all the deliveries and place the product in
their storage areas. Due to the high amount of employee turnover, management decided to hire
only one storekeeper for storage department.

3 How do you transfer the product from store to its respective departments?

When we need something from the store, we take the product from the store and then keep the
record in the transfer sheet along with the information like name, date, amount and department.
then we place the document in the storekeeper office. This is how we transfer the product. And
when the storekeeper is not there on duty, we get the storage key from front office and transfer
product with same procedure.

4 What problem do you face due to inventory management?

When we are very busy, and we have back to back functions, we need the inventories as soon as
possible but due to improper inventory management, we are not able to find the product on time
and sometimes the place of storage is change which is very time consuming and we are not able to
find the product on time. In addition, we borrow some product from the restaurant as that product
is not available in the storage. These all problem we face due to improper inventory management.

5 Are all the inventories enough when you need?

Mostly the inventories are enough if they are ordered prior to its finish. But sometimes product gets
misplaced, so we are not able to find. Sometimes the unnecessary product is overstocked which is
kept in the storage for long time without being used and finally thrown away.

6 Have you drawn management’s consideration for the inventory management issue?

Yes, we have communicated with our manager so many times about this problem but due to
insufficient room for storage in our department, we do not have any other choice but the storage
area. Though, management has assured us that they will take serious actions and will be beneficial
for the staff members and the storage department.

7 Do you find and serious consequences due to improper inventory management? does it affect the
over all sale? (to the manager)

Certainly, as a manager I am obliged to look after the department as well as the staff members. The
main consequences I observed is the increasing staff member’s complaint and their disappointment
with inventory management. in addition, as far as sales is concerned, we have the increase in
customer complaints that they are not happy with the availability of their favourite dish and
sometimes taste in the dish changes due to ingredients. So yes, sales are little bit affected due to
inventory management issue.

8 Do you have best quality equipment for transferring the product to its respective department? (to
the manager)

In food and beverage department, we use different type of equipment for staff members. For
example, banquet trolley, flat trolley, chair trolley, table trolley and many more. We keep them well
maintained and make sure that no injury takes place due to bad conditions of the equipment. In
addition, we provide training to staff members. Moreover, we call the maintenance staff for the
regular checking of all the equipment. On the other hand, we use the equipment for long time, so
they are not latest. Though we are looking forward to buying new equipment till December.

9 What actions is required to get rid of the inventory management problem? (to the manager)

According to my point of view, hotel should only hire staff members for storage department if they
are ready to work fulltime and pay them a handsome amount of money so that they do not leave. In
addition, management should provide them training to manage the storage area more efficiently.

10 What type of monitoring system do you have for storage area?

We have the whole storage area covered with CCTV cameras as well as we have the smoke alarm
which makes sure that the storage area is prevented from any danger. In addition, we have special
staff for security as well who look after the security of storage so that none of the product are stolen
or we can prevent the entry of unauthorised person in the storage area.

The information collected from the interviews above was helpful for me to find out the appropriate
solution as well as when I compared the responses from different staff members and management, I
was able to find the mutual solution which can be recommended to the management to get rid of
the inventory management problem.

3 Finding, Recommendations and a course of action

3.1 Conclusion
At the end of the report, the information obtained for the report purpose was about the inventory
management issue at Crowne Plaza Auckland. As this issue was affecting the level of efficiency,
customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction as well as the brand image. There were number of
potential factors were identified which are responsible for the improper inventory management.
these factors were high amount of staff turnover, lack of proper food receiving procedure, lack of
knowledge in storekeeper. These factors were identified with the help of primary data collection
method and the face to face interview. This information collection method was easy to implement as
well as it was not time consuming so within the stipulated timeframe I was able to find the major
information regarding this issue.

From the interviews conducted with staff members of food and beverage department and the
banquet manager, I was able to find out the different perspective for this issue. In addition, the
major consequences were identified. In the interview, the key point for inventory management issue
was the hotel does not have a proper layout for the storage department as well as the Human

Resources required to look after this department is not permanent. Moreover, due to this issue,
hotel faces the financial threat as the food product gets spoiled due to improper storage. Therefore,
it is mandatory for the hotel to bring the appropriate food receiving procedure and train the
employees accordingly.

It can be concluded that the inventory management issue poses many threats to the company and it
must be eliminated to achieve the increasing efficiency, customer satisfaction as well as employee

3.2 Recommendation
After the research on the inventory management issue at Crowne Plaza Auckland, I examined the
potential factors behind this issue and find out the proper solution for this issue. There are number
of different recommendations which can help the hotel to get rid of the inventory management
issue. Firstly, hotel should hire the professional staff members who has long time of experience in
working in storage department so that they can create the layout for the storage department. in
addition, management should hire the people who are deserving for the position as well as who are
willing to work permanently. Moreover, as this issue is internal therefore it is better to hire the
person who is from the staff only, that way the staff turnover can be reduced. For food receiving
procedure, proper training should be provided to the staff members (training includes the regular
temperature check, following FIFO, filling the documents like daily inventory sheet and transfer
sheet as well as the delivery sheet) so that hotel can prevent any wastage or spoilage of product. On
the other hand, management should keep auditing the food and beverage consumption so that the
wastage amount can be identified. For equipment, there must be a fix day of the month when all the
equipment is checked and the equipment which needs maintenance, get repaired so injuries can be

These all recommendations are drawn according to the information obtained. However, there are
many other ways to get rid of the inventory management problem.

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