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N.Odbileg, B.Bayarsuren, Ts.Tsevegjav
Mechanical Engineering School of Mongolian University of Sciences and Technology

Absract Wavelet means “small wave”, 5 wavelets are shown

in Fig.1.
In this article, wavelet analysis to analyze signals in
the engine faults diagnose is studied. Taking If compare WT with Fourier Transformation it has
advantage of the wavelet analysis tools of advantages such as making analysis in certain
MATLAB6.0 software, it calculates the wavelet location on signals.
transform coefficients of the normal and abnormal
signals, analyzes differences between normal and
abnormal signals by using the parameters, such as
average evolution root, kurtosis factor and average
index. Moreover, it put forward a new method, in
which the missing cylinder fault can be detected by
the wavelet analysis. Fig.1. Different wavelets.

I. Introduction Wavelet Transformation mathematically looks like

Automotive electronic control systems have big the equation (1). In this study the MATLAB Wavelet
changes due to fast developments in electronics and Toolbox is used for transformation and analyzing
computer science. But those sophisticated systems signals.
have more new faults and require more accurate 
Wg f (a, )   f (t ) g a (t )dt  f (t ), g a (t )

instruments, tools, and well trained personals to
identify and isolate faults.  (1)
Many operations on signal, for example, signal
In other hand, since 1990, Mongolia imports a lot of filtering and decomposing can be done by WT.
used cars from countries such as Japan, Korea, and
Germany. Nowadays over 70% of cars used in III. Comparing normal and fault signals using WT
Mongolia is produced before 1997. Volvo B230F engine has an induction sensor for
measuring engine speed and crankshaft position. CRS
These used cars online diagnostic systems can not signal is sine as shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3 (on the top).
identify and isolate faults fully. Faults like Two rotation signal of CRS is shown in Fig.2 and
intermittent missing cylinders are not identified even Fig.3.When engine has no fault, CRS signal has
by scanners. almost the same period and amplitudes no matter
what cycle runs in the cylinders. There is small
It is still important for us to study methods which fluctuation in period and amplitudes (engine has
could be used in designing cheap but accurate flywheel on the rear end of the crankshaft that
diagnosing tools. balances engine, so why fluctuation is small).

In this work normal and fault signals (when 2 When B230F engine is idling, rotation speed is 780
cylinder are missing) of Volvo B230F engine CRS rpm, and no fault, firstly the normal two rotation
sensor are transformed into Wavelet transformation signal (shown on the top of Fig.2) is acquired, then
coefficients lines then compared for making a method the 4th and 2nd cylinders are shut off and engine speed
using Wavelet Transformation in detecting missing raised up to around 780 rpm, the fault two rotation
cylinders. signal acquired (shown on the top of Fig.3). In two
rotation of crankshaft all four cylinders work. So the
II. Wavelet Transformation two rotation signal has enough information about four
Wavelet Transformation is the one powerful tool to cylinders work.
analyze any signal.
B230F engine firing order is 1-3-4-2. It means in first 1
part of signal 1st and 3rd cylinders, in second part 4th
and 2nd cylinders work.
 a 2j
F peak
When analyzing two signals, firstly the signals are FCBE 
filtered, then WT coefficients are estimated and FRMS (3)
coefficients lines are built by MATLAB Wavelet
Toolbox (shown on the bottom of Fig.2 and Fig.3). Here FPEAK  max xi  ;
 a1  a2    an 

In Fig.2, when engine runs no fault, WT coefficients E A  a1a2 an  

line amplitudes are almost even, except small  n  (4)
fluctuation. But when 4th and 2nd cylinders are Here a1 , a2 ,an are amplitudes of normal and fault
misfired, amplitudes in the second part of the signal is
started to fall down clearly (in Fig.3, on the bottom). signal WT coefficient lines;
Without WT, on the acquired signal it is not seen. Table 1.
n, 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
rpm part part part part part part
Normal 780 2.31 2.35 1.26 1.34 0.57 0.59
Faulty ≈780 2.23 1.87 1.41 1.46 0.11 0.41
Changes ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓
% 3.5 20.5 12.1 9.3 81.2 30.9

IV. Conclusions
After studying WT functions and comparing the
normal and fault signal WT coefficient lines the authors
1. When a cylinder is misfired, CRS signal has
fallen amplitudes and longer periods, but it is not
Fig.2. Normal signal and its WT coefficient line of CRS. seen directly on the sensor signal because of
balancing by flywheel. But if WT is used it is
obvious and clear on the coefficients lines.
2. WT coefficient line can be used in determining
100% not working cylinder, also could be in
determining partially not working cylinders.
3. This methodology can be used in comparing
cylinders operations.

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