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Reg No. 15830 APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY IESTER B.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2018 Course Code: BE307 Course Name: SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS (EE) FIFTH SE Max. Marks: 100 a) ») PART A Answer all questi (0 are the output and input respectively. Define Laplace transform and show that af) (QP) =se¢@-1@ at State and prove the following properties of Fourier transform: ii) Time scaling ‘Time shift Find the solution of the difference equation. y(n + 1) + 2y(n) = Find Z transform of the sequences: i) xafn] = Find inverse Z transform of X(Z) = log [-— ~2,0,4,2))ii) xeln) i, each carries 5 marks Check theLinearity and Time-invariance of the system y()= t2x(t), where y(t) and ‘What is a random signal? Explain with an example. State and prove the discrete Fourier transform property phase shifting, PART B Answer any two full questions, each carries 10 marks The pole-zero plot of a system is shown in Figure 1. Obtain the differential equation model of the system. Figure | * Saft 21] Obtain the unit step response of the system represented by Figure 1. (No plot is required), Page 1 of 2 Duration: 3 Hours 6) 6) oo) 6) i) (3) 6) (3) 8) o D 5830 Pages: 2 10 a) Obtain the differential equation representation of the circuit shown in Figure 2 B 4 15 » a) ») a) » a) ») a) » a) ») a) ») i Figure 2. Using Laplace transform, solve the differential equation obtained for Qn. 10(a) and get voltage across the capacitor. (Assume all initial conditions are zeros). Find x(t) + h(t) where, x(t) = u(t) ~ ut 2),h(t) = e°*u(tand * represents the convolution operator. How will you determine the stability of a system from its transfer function? Comment on the stability of the following systems: = i) G6) =e PARTC Answer any two full questions, each carries 10 marks Obtain complex exponential Fourier series of 0 o 4 2 the signal x(t) shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 DGS Find the Fourier transform of e~* State and prove sampling theorem. ‘The impulse response of a system is given by h(n) = [23 1]. Find the response of the system when it is excited by the input x(n) = u(n ~ 1) ~ u(n~ 5) Explain energy spectral density and power spectral density. PARTD Ansiver any two full questions, each carries 10 marks State and prove following properties of Z transform i)Mukiplication byn ii) Accumulation _i) Convolution Find inverse 2 transform of rea SZ XQ) = Ta State the properties (atleast eight) of discrete Fourier transform(no proof is required). Obtain Discrete Fouriertransform of the following signals: ‘xfn] = 0.5%u[n] iiyx{n] = 0.5"! Determine the stability ofthe following discrete transfer function: DL@ = aera L@) = asa Give any five properties of nonlinear systems. Page 20f2 4) © (6s) ©) (3) (0) ©) @ © “ (6) a ) 6)

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