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Yayasan Islamic Center Badan Pendidikan Islam (BPI)
Al Markaz Al Islami
Sekretariat : Jl. Masjid Raya No. 57 Telp/Fax (0411) 451825 Makassar 90153
Published on Saturday, 22 February 2020

Poverty Around the World

By Asry
After world war II, industrialized countries such as US and Russia emerged as the winners.
Their dominance in the economic, politic, and military sectors enabled them to influence all
countries around the world. Extensive poverty around the world can be seen in the income
inequality between developing and developed countries by the international world bank in
the US. The inequality can be observed in health care, education, income, and technology.
This paper will discuss those issues.
Based on health care, comprises treatment of disabilities, mental illness, and disease,
African countries such as Zambia, Sudan, and Mali cannot provide effective medical
treatment. Additionally, education within poorer countries is substandard and insufficient
for managing natural resources effectively, and for creating quality jobs. Inadequate
education results in leadership unequipped to deal with fluctuating monetary systems,
recession, and inflation as well as government deficiencies which result in misallocation of
funds and/or corruption in the developing countries. To assure the transition of a
developing country to becoming a developed country, the country must be able to utilize
and produce technology as well as become economically stable including incentivising and
training the farmer to use new techniques and technologies to increase their harvests.
On the other hand, developed countries such as the US must consider how to help the
developing countries in the right way to develop poorer countries. Building needed
facilities, such as schools and offices, will enable qualified teachers to teach pupils
effectively, resulting in human resources ready to advance the status of their country. Next,
poverty cannot be eliminated by donations which feed countries for a short time but do not
help the poor to learn how to feed themselves. Poverty is best addressed by creating jobs
such as training citizens in the manner of managing natural resources or making farms
more productive so that the country can develop economically.
In the conclusion, poverty around the world is affected by the differences in the distribution
of wealth but it could be solved by developing both human and natural resources with
assistance from more advanced countries and utilization of existing technologies to
increase prosperity of farmers in agricultural countries especially in Indonesia.

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