Chickenpox Treatment

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 Make an herbal tea by steeping tulsi, chamomile and calendula in hot water.

When the water has cooled to

drinking temperature, add a twist of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Drink twice or thrice a day for quick recover
from chicken pox.
 Add oatmeal to the patient’s bathwater to calm inflammation and soothe the skin to make for a superb chicken
pox treatment for itching.
 Applying sandalwood paste to the breakouts can help cool the skin.
 Being antibacterial in nature, honey is also a potent herbal medicine for chicken pox. Honey is an emollient so it
can be applied on the blisters in the mouth as a great way to reduce burning and itching.
 Neem is considered as one of the best natural treatments for chicken pox. Boil neem leaves in water to give the
patient a bath. Being highly antibacterial and astringent in nature, this bitter herb can pacify itching and eruptions
that are faced by the sufferers. Consuming neem juice or chewing on neem leaves is also very helpful during this
 A cooling mud mask applied to the abdomen and chest twice a day can help bring down the feeling of
feverishness and itching.
 Chicken pox scar removal remedy: Sponge the patient with water drained from green peas.
 Essential oils for chicken pox scar removal: Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which relieves your
skin from itchiness, irritation, and redness. Mix 6 drops of tea tree oil, 10 drops of chamomile, 10 drops of bergamot
and 10 drops of lavender. Add this to a cup of fresh aloe gel. Apply all over to quicken the healing process of the red
marks and scars.
 1 gm of Haridra Churna to be taken with juice of bitter gourd leaves twice a day. This will reduce the itching and
is one of the most effective natural remedies for chicken pox.
 Cool blisters and keep discomfort at bay by dabbing calamine lotion over the sores.
 Crush jasmine blossoms and mix with rice water. Add this to warm water and bathe in this to alleviate burning,
reddened skin.

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