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Marbie C. Ocampo Dr.

Guillerma Bilog

BEED 4A April 4, 2020

TOPIC: 21st Century Teacher


1. How did you feel when you read this quotation” If we teach today as we taught yesterday we
rob our children of tomorrow”- John Dewey

Answer: i felt quite lonely because of the word rob, literally the word rob means negative to me
but as a future educator of the 21 st century, I have to face the fact that we live in an
information driven world. Students are communicating more and more through
technological sources and the need to adapt to their learning curve is more crucial than
ever. The technology we have at our fingertips can help us to become those memorable
teachers of tomorrow.

2. Tell something about the 21st Century Teacher in the classroom and in the community by
completing this Acronymn.
T- eachers are facilitator of student learning and creatorof productive classroom environment.
E- mbrace new teaching strategies.
A-dapt the new curriculum in teaching-learning process.
C-ollaborative project-based curriculum used in the classroom.
H-olds responsibility as a multitasking teacher.
E-ncourage students to do something for the betterment of their community or society.
R-elevant on what the students need to learn and experience in the 21 st century.

3. Why is important to teacher to adapt the 21st century skills.?

Answer: Teachers need to adapt the 21st century skills so that we will be able to cater to
learners' needs and align to their interests. As we are aware, teachers' roles are more of
facilitators in the current 21st century era and thus, multimodal teaching practices have to
considered as supplementary tools in the classroom undeniably to facilitate effective learning.

4. Supposed you are engaged in the teaching profession, what practice will you do to
demonstrate the qualities of 21st century teacher?

Answer: To demonstrate the qualities of 21st teacher, I must be flexible in adapting to new
ways of how students learn in the 21st Century classroom. As such, they are required to life long
learners, which may include even having a virtual identity and always updating their skills in
order to meet the changing demographics of students in their classrooms. I should use the full
range of digital-age tools to improve student engagement and achievement. I must work with
the students to co-create new learning opportunities and the most important practice and lastly
I have to be a lifelong learner as well so that I can give my full potential that is needed by the


Write an essay describing the 21st century teacher by completely presenting the 21st
century skills with at least 500 words.

The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and
character traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors,
employers, and others. The 21st century skills concept is motivated by the belief that teaching
students the most relevant, useful, in-demand, and universally applicable skills should be
prioritized in today’s schools. Teachers nowadays need have a good pedagogical content
knowledge, high self-efficacy, must be professionally focus, must know how to use ICT and have
personal quality consist of teaching strategies, motivation and interaction, professional
development, and experience. A teacher who has good personal quality will know the
appropriate teaching strategies to employ for a particular topic. Besides, such a teacher will
know how to motivate students to learn with real interaction. Teacher must be experienced in
the teaching profession and always update his or her knowledge, otherwise, he or she will not
be able to meet the need of the students in the 21 st Century. The 21st century teacher must
embrace current trends and uphold changes in the field of education in tandem with global
trends. Only then, we will be able to cater to learners' needs and align to their interests. As we
are aware, teachers' roles are more of facilitators in the current 21st century era. They use
appropriate resources and opportunities to create a learning environment that allows each child
to construct his or her own knowledge. The teacher is in tune with her students and knows how
to pace lessons and provide meaningful work that actively engages students in their learning.
Teachers know that they must engage their students in learning and provide effective
instruction using a variety of instructional methods as well as technology. As lifelong learners,
they are active participants in their own learning. They seek out professional development that
helps them to improve both student learning and their own performance.


Develop a questionnaire that makes use of a Likert Scale to determine the extent to
which a teacher possesses the 21st century skills. The first is done for you.

Direction: To what extent do you do the each the following? Check the column that
corresponds to your answer.
Legend: 1- never

21st Century 1 2 3 4 5
1. Use the computer with ease when I lecture. √
2. Use the full range of digital-age tools to
improve student engagement and √
3. Facilitate and inspire student learning and √
4. Most students have learned communication √
skills while in my class.
5. Use idea creation techniques such as √
brainstorming or concept mapping
6. Use specific criteria to assess the quality of their √
work before it is completed
7. Use information or ideas that come from people √
in other countries or cultures
8. Give feedback to peers or assess other students’ √
9. I have been able to effectively assess students’ √
self-direction skills.


Make a research on the 21st century qualities and skills of teacher. Present the importance of
having the said qualities.

1. They're Adaptive
One of the qualities a teacher have is to be able to adapt to whatever comes there
way. The importance of this, we as a teacher in today's world wherein there are ever-
changing tools and changes that are being implemented in the schools we could fill the
needs of our learners, we can cope with the ability of our learners most especially they live
in a world of technology.
2. Lifelong Learners
Educators don't just expect their students to be a lifelong learner, but they are as
well. It is important to stay up-to-date with current educational trends and technology
and know how to tweak their old lesson plans from years before to make them more
current so that they are more comprehensive and reliable when it comes to teaching.

3. Are Tech Savvy

Technology is changing at a rapid pace and that means that a 21st-century teacher
is right along for the ride. The latest technology, whether it's for lessons or grading, will
allow the teacher and student to be able to learn better and faster. It is important to
become an effective teacher who knows that learning about the latest gadget can truly
transform their students' education, so they are not just current on the new trends, but
really know how to master them.
4. Know How to Collaborate
An effective 21st-century educator must be able to collaborate and work well within a
team. This important skill has grown quite rapidly in schools. Learning is deemed to be more
effective when you can share your ideas and knowledge with others. Sharing your expertise
and experience, and communicating and learning from others is an important part of the
learning and teaching process.
5. Are Forward Thinking
An effective 21st-century educator thinks about their students' future and is aware of
the career opportunities that may arise from them. The imp[ortance of this is to ensure that
no child gets left behind so they focus on preparing today's children for what's to come in
the future.
6. Are Advocates for the Profession
They are an advocate not only for their students but their profession. Today's teachers
are being watched with a close eye because of all of the changes in curriculum and the
Common Core. The 21st century teaching means teaching as you have always taught but
with today's tools and technology. It means utilizing everything that is important in today's
world so that students will be able to live and prosper in today's economy, as well as having
the ability to guide students and to prepare them for the future.

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