Report On An Item of Technology

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Gavrilo Milić, IV-2


Report on an item of technology

I decided to write my rapport on the smartphone because it is the most common item of
technology, owned by almost everyone. Smartphones are phones that are distinguished by their high-
end hardware and software. Over time, the cell phone’s use shifted from taking calls to being the
ultimate personal assistant that is able to perform any given task from browsing the internet to reading
e-mails and even taking pictures or writing documents. Smartphones today aren’t designed for a specific
audience, in contrary they are made in such a way that they can be customized by any user for their
specific needs with easy to install applications that create the best possible experience and maximize
the devices productivity.

In order to get the closest possible look at the smartphone and its uses I decided to create an
inquiry amongst people of various ages (11-60). All of the people that were questioned owned a
smartphone, but the things they use it for varied. The younger generations use it for playing games or
chatting with friends. Progressively with age the use shifted towards a more professional one with
teenagers using them for school work and adults using them for work related thing such as writing and
checking e-mails or conference calls. But the one thing that all of the users had in common is keeping in
touch with people through their device which actually shows us that even with those amazing new
features the smartphone was still used for its original purpose: allowing people to stay connected.

I decided to back my research with various information that I found online. Currently there are 3.8
billion smartphone users around the world. The top three most used smartphone apps were Whatsapp,
Facebook and Instagram. All three are social networking apps mostly used for chatting. Another vastly
used category of apps are web browsers, that have quite a convenient use: offering all of the
information known to mankind with just a simple search. Amongst the most used apps we can also find
streaming services such as Netflix.

This report led me to the conclusion that the smartphone offers every type of service available to its
users. With its evolution the smartphone manages to offer an endless amount of uses that include
communication, art, work, amusement etc. I believe that life in today’s society for the active part of the
population is unimaginable without these devices due to the fact the we rely on them for many things.

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