Etiquettes 1

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Somehow, you cannot talk about manners

without including ethics, especially in the

business world. They are the proverbial “peas
in the pod.” Manners, or etiquette, is about
more than knowing which fork to use or how
to shake hands, and business ethics goes
much further than simply reading a
company's handbook on policy and

One way or another, our behavior and moral

values define us, positively or negatively.
Everything starts with manners and ethics.
They are the measure of how others will
evaluate you, and both are essential for you
and your business. Manners come into play
every day, all day, and in every area of life.
We will never know how many business deals
have been won or lost because of one's social
skills. Knowing the ins and outs of business
practices plays an important role in your
success, yet it is only part of the overall

How do these things play out in the workplace

and fit into your life? One definition
of etiquette: “A code of behavior that
delineates expectations for social behavior
according to contemporary conventional
norms within a society, social class or
group.” Ethics is defined as “that branch of
philosophy dealing with values relating to
human conduct, with respect to the rightness
and wrongness of certain actions and to the
goodness and badness of the motives and
ends of such actions.” I feel these two
definitions go hand in hand. Most of us were
taught manners and ethics as children, and
what was taught in the home reflects greatly
on the ethics someone will bring into the work

Good manners and ethics do not come and

go, change with the times, or vary from
generation to generation. They are what they
are, and they can be adopted by anyone. In
this case, you can “teach an old dog new
tricks,” if you are willing to apply them to your
life. Without them, it is difficult to develop
trust in the workplace and in the business
Corporate dressing refers to sensible dressing
at work place which helps an individual to
make a mark of his/her own in the first
meeting itself. Corporate dressing teaches an
individual to dress according to the
organization culture. Do not wear something
which will make you feel odd one out at the
workplace. Dressing sensibly makes you feel
confident throughout the day. Believe me;
you do not feel like working if you wear a
wrinkled shirt or ill-fitting pants to work. No
one knows you better than you yourself. It is
not necessary that something which looks
good on your colleague would also look good
on you. Don’t purchase anything just because
it is in fashion. Please use your common
sense. If a dress is not looking good on you at
the showroom, it will look the same even at
home. Dress according to your body type,
weight and complexion. Remember,
appearances are extremely important.
Corporate dressing plays a crucial role in
enhancing one’s personality. An individual
with a pleasing personality is respected and
appreciated by all. He can easily charm
anyone and win people over.
You need to feel good about the way you
look. Make sure your clothes fit you well. You
need to feel comfortable in your dress. Too
tight and revealing clothes make you popular
at the workplace for all wrong reasons.
Nobody bothers to notice you, if you are not
sensibly dressed. Formal dressing, if done
correctly helps you create the first
impression. Remember, you seldom get a
second chance.
Personal grooming and corporate
dressing actually go hand in hand.
Donning an expensive business suit will
not help, if you are not neat and clean.
Here comes the importance of personal
grooming. Personal grooming is defined as
the art of cleaning and maintaining one’s
body parts. Personal grooming is essential for
everyone irrespective of the gender and
nature of profession. Personal hygiene, if
neglected can ruin your personality. Would
you feel like speaking to someone who has
bad breath or someone who has sweat stains
all over his shirt? I am sure the answer would
be a big NO. The same goes with others as
well. Flaunt your clean, simple yet elegant
Male professionals need to:
 Shave Daily/Trim moustache or beard
 Comb hair properly
 Wear crisp, wrinkle free shirts preferably
in subtle colours and well fit trousers in
blacks, blues or greys.
 Wear a mild perfume
 Trim his nails
Female professionals need to:
 Tie hair in a neat ponytail or bun.
 Wear flats to work.
 Wear minimal make up
 Get rid of facial hair or hair in any other
body part(hands, legs, area around the lip)
 Smell good
 Clean their hands, feet and take care of
finger as well as toe nails. Preferably use a
transparent nail paint.
Avoid wearing loud colours to work. Casuals,
chunky jewellery, stacks of bangles, multiple
chains /bracelets are strict no no at
workplaces. Corporate dressing along with
personal grooming help you create a
presence that exudes professionalism,
leadership, confidence and elegance.

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