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ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 2 íƇvñ÷J 2020  email: help@eenadupratibha.


He was nonplussed! sir, who are my father and mother'. So, when
B. Reading : The Storeyed House -II
I. Read the following passage
answer the following questions.
The news that Bayaji was building

Social Issues storeyed house spread like a cry from the

Bayaji merely said 'Greetings', Bhujaba rooftops. There was only one storeyed
A: Reading : The Storeyed House - I became furious and said, 'Do you think you house in the village and that belonged to
Reading Comprehension can become a Brahmin merely by saying Kondiba Patil. That Bayaji, an untouchable
'Greetings'? Can you forget your position creature, should think of a rival storeyed
I. Read the following passage and answer
simply because you've turned Buddhist?' house was too much for Kondiba to bear.
the following questions. (10 Marks)
Bayaji was nonplussed. For a moment, Others also murmured that the untouch-
Bayaji had packed his entire household
he was tempted to knock him down with his ables were forgetting their position.
goods in this box. There was no longer any
box but realised that he couldn't afford to do Work on the foundation had started.
reason to hang around in Bombay. He had
so. Besides, now he had come back to his Dattaram Vadar was given the contract of
worked honestly for the past thirty five years in
village for good. He was to spend the rest of construction. The foundation trenches were
the dockyard and had retired from service two
his days on this soil and would be interred in filled with mud, bits of stone and other fill-
months before. Not that he had held an impor-
the same soil. He would not be able to return ings. Work progressed with speed. One day
tant position. He had merely got an extension
to Pune or Bombay hereafter. It was not a Bayaji saw Kondiba coming towards him
for two years; during that period he had
good policy to incur the hostility of anyone in and greeted him. 'It's with your blessings
become a supervisor. Otherwise his entire life
the village, least so of the Patil, the village that I have ventured on this storeyed house'.
had been spent lifting heavy loads. He had
worked very hard whenever he could, day and
headman. Target-2020 'Baiju, you shouldn't lose your head sim-
night. Answer the following questions. Each ply because you've aside some money. Do
Bayaji had crossed sixty but was in sound
health. He had a sturdy frame right from birth,
question has four choices. choose the cor-
rect answer and write A, B, C or D in your 100 Tenth you aspire to an equal status with us by
building this house? The poor should remain
and hard work had given a well formed shape answer booklet. content with their cottage, understand?'
to his strong body. He paid fifteen paisa to the 1. Bayaji got extension for ...........
100 English Paper - I Kondiba remarked rather sharply. 'No Patil,
coolie, put the box, in which he had thrown A) Two years B) Two months please don't misunderstand me.' Bayaji was
Answer in one or two sentences in you
pots, pans and sundry other things, on his a little dizzy with nervousness. 'How do you
C) Three years D) Three months own words.
own head and began to walk in the direction of say that? One should keep to one's position.
2. Bayaji paid fifteen paisa to the cooli. What 5. Who was Bayaji? Where did he work?
his house. You shouldn't let a little money turn your
does this tell us about Bayaji? 6. What would happen if Bayaji did not head. ''I only wish to build a shelter for my
A) He was jealous B) He was sensitive become supervisor? family. Then I shall be free to breathe my
Writer 7. Why was Bayaji tempted to knock down
C) He was kind D) He was serious last'. Bayaji answered. 'Who says you
V. Satyanarayana Rao 3. Bayaji, according to age-old custom should Bhujaba with his box? shouldn't have a house? You can have a
have greeted Bhujaba ....... Answers small house with three convenient portions,
Subject Expert
A) Greetings to you sir 1-A, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A a veranda in the front and at the back and
As he reached Kadam's house, he saw 5. Bayaji was Mahar by caste. He had worked the living section in the middle. Why spend
B) My humble greetings to you sir
Bhujaba coming towards him. Bhujaba was a honestly for the past thirty five years in the unnecessarily on a storeyed house?' Patil
C) Warm greetings, sir, you are my father
known rascal of the village. Bayaji balanced dockyard, Bombay. gave his counsel. 'No, but...' Bayaji faltered.
D) My humble salutations to you sir, who
the burden on his head. Straightening his 6. He had to spend his entire life lifting heavy Answer the following questions. Each
are my father and mother
neck, he said, 'Greetings to you, sir, how are loads. question has four choices. Choose the
things with you?' 4. Which word among the following words
7. Bhujaba reminded his caste position. Bayaji correct answer and write A, B, C or D in
from the passage means 'confused'?
Bayaji was a Mahar by caste and accord- was nonplussed. For a moment, he was your answer booklet.
ing to age-old custom should have greeted A) nonplussed B) balanced tempted to knock him down with his box. 1. The people in the village were murmur-
Bhujaba with 'My humble salutations to you, C) tempted D) interred But realised that he couldn't afford to do so. ing that the untouchables were forgetting
their positions because .....
A) The untouchables were not respecting
Mother : What is that ? ing ceremony of Bayaji. Write a descrip- the upper cast people.
A, B Reading
tion about how it was celebrated. you B) The untouchables were earning money
The Storyed House Parts I & II Bayaji : I want a storeyed house for them. and were not ready to serve others.
may use the following ideas.
Our house is too small to live.
H Bayaji built a house inspite of threats. C) The untouchables were behaving as if
Major Discourses
Mother : Ok, that is good idea. Do you H Invited guests and Bhujaba and his fol- they were equal to the upper caste
I. You have read the story 'The storeyed have money? lowers. people.
house' Bayaji comes to his house after D) Bayaji was constructing a storeyed
Bayaji : Yes, I have my retirement bene- H During house warming ceremony
retirement. When he comes home his house as that of Kondiba.
fits. Bayaji's new house flared up taking the
mother welcomes him affectionately. 2. Why does Bayaji say, 'It's with your
life of Bayaji.
Write a possible conversation between Mother : Ok, Go ahead. blessings that I have ventured on this
H Reaction of the Bayaji's sons at the
Bayaji and his mother in that context. storeyed house?'
Bayaji : Thank you mum. end.
Answer 2. You have read the story 'The storeyed A) Kondiba has given some money to
II. You have read the story. 'The storeyed Bayaji to build a house
I. Mother : Welcome my son. house'. Bayaji's ambition to build a
house'. Bayaji burnt alive in his newly
storeyed house and live comfortably in it. B) Bayaji is expressing his humbleness
Bayaji : Thank you mum. built own house and died. Now describe
But the house was collapsed because of C) Bayaji is seeking approval from
the feelings of the eldest son and his
Mother : How are you my son? the fire accident. Bayaji's sons and rela- Kondiba for constructing a big house
determination to fulfil his father's desire.
tives suspect the hand of the village head- D) Bayaji is trying to justify his decision to
Bayaji : I am well, what about you? A: Oh God! what a pity! How can I console man Kondiba Patil and his companions in construct a big house.
my family members. My father spent all the tragedy.
Mother : I am fine, we are waiting for his retirement benefits on this house. 3. What type of text is this passage?
you. Why are you late? Imagine that you are the eldest son of A) Narrative B) Description
Now he burnt alive in his newly built
Bayaji and you would like to lodge a com- C) Biographical sketch D) Report
Bayaji : Bus did not run well. It ran like a house. After spending so many years
bullock cart. away came here to spend his life with 4. What does Bayaji mean by saying 'then I
dignity, now is in ashes. Now as eldest Write a possible conversation between shall be free to breathe my last?'
Mother : Here all are very eager to see son I have to fulfil his wishes. Though the inspector of police and you.
5. Who should remain content with their cot-
you, my son. his body burnt his aims should be alive. 3. In the lesson 'The storeyed house - I' tage?
Myself and brothers should rebuild a Bayaji expressed his wish to his chil-
Bayaji : Myself also same, mum. Answers: 1-D, 2-C, 3-A
new house which would be real tribute dren. All were happy with his wish and
Mother : Have you brought any thing for for my beloved father. plan. 4. Bayajis view in constructing the storeyed
children? Now imagine yourself at Bayaji and make house to lead happy life with family in the
Expected Discourses a diary entry of your feelings after your village until his death.
Bayaji : No, I haven't as my wish is dif-
1. Imagine you attended the house warm- children accepted your wish and plan. 5. The poor should remain content with their

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