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trate• •c

Negotiating During

Turbulent Times


Table of Contents

1. Negotiating in Turbulent Times 5

Changing Contexts 7

Who Can Use This Book? 9

Negotiation as a Game? 10

.Why I have Written This Book 11

Thinking About the Big Picture 12

Three Stories 15

2. Negotiation Occurs in a Negotiated Context 18

Minimal Requirements for Negotiation 19

Practical Implications 22

3. Changes in Context Can Create Turbulence 23

in Negotiations

Cover photograph by Howard Zehr.

Jean and Sam End Their Marriage 23

Design by Dawn J. Ranck

The Hard Work of a Corporate Merger 26


Making Ecosystem Management a Reality 30

Copyright <0 2005 by Good Books, Intercours e, PA 17534

Internati onal Standard Book Numb er: 1-56148-428-8

Practical Implications 36

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004022059

4. Preparing to Negotiate Strategically 38

All rights reserved . Printed in the United States of America.

No part of this book may be rep roduced in any manner, except for
Jean and Sam End Their Marriage 39

brief quotations in critical art icles or reviews, w ithout permissi on.

The Hard Work of a Corporate Merger 41

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Making Ecosystem Management a Reality 43

Practical Implications 46

Docherty, Jayne Seminare.

The little book of strategic negotiati on : negotiating during turbulent times /
by Jayne [sic] Seminare Docherty. 5. Managing Behind-the-Table Negotiations 47

p. em.
Principal-Agent Relationships' in Negotiation 49

Includes bibliographi cal references.

ISBN 1-56148-428-8 [pbk.]

Structuring Negotiations with Agents 55

1. Negotiation. 1. Title.
and Principals
BF637.N4D623 2004 .

302.3- dc22 2004022059

The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation

• Preparing the parties to educate others and involve

them in the experimental project once it has been
negotiated .
• Helping the parties address the effects of turmoil
created by the actions of other parties who are not
at the table. 5.

Practical Implications
The parties in our case studies are more likely to suc­

ceed in creating and sustaining a negotiation process if

they coordinate negotiation with other processes for ad­

dressing a conflict. Jean and Sam may want to use a

counselor as well as a mediator during their divorce ne­

gotiations. Dialogue processes that involve other stake­

n an unstable context, the negotiators' decisions can
holders may need to continue alongside negotiations.
The parties may agree to negotiate one problem but re­
I have far-reaching effects leading other people to take
a keen interest in their work. Strategic negotiators learn
serve the right to sue one another over other problems.
how to make this outside interest work for the long-term
These limitations should be made as clear as possible
benefit of the negotiated agreement. Rather than seeing
when negotiations commence in order to avoid hard feel­
"interested outsiders" as a nuisance, good strategic nego­
ings and resentment later.
tiators work with those outsiders to create a constituen­
cy that supports the agreement. This constituency is a
necessary supplement to or replacement for the institu­
tions that enact and enforce a negotiated agreement in
stable settings.
It is helpful to think of strategic negotiation in an un­
stable context as improvisational theater with a fluid au­
dience, loose rules about participation, and a set that
keeps changing. Learning to manage or at least anticipate
the actions of parties not at the table is critically impor­
tant. In an unstable setting, negotiators must pay atten­
tion to five types of parties not at the table [see Figure 1,
page 14):

Managing Behind-the-Table Negotiations
The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation
beginning of the negotiation; it is not simply added on at
• Parties involved in the conflict but represented by
the end of the process.
others during negotiation.
• Organized parties who share concerns and issues

Principal-Agent Relationships in Negotiation

with one or more of the negotiators but who have

When the parties send representatives to the table, the

chosen not to participate in the negotiation.
negotiators are "agents" working on behalf of the "princi­
• Institutions and organizations that may be impor­

pals" in the conflict. The use of agents is a common prac ­

tant for implementing the agreement and mayor

tice in negotiations, even in stable settings. But an unsta­

may not have representatives at the table.
ble context increases the complexity of the relationships
• The unorganized general public whose support for
between agents and principals.
a negotiated agreement may be crucial to its suc­
Any agreement made by agents must be approved by
cess. the principals, which raises questions about reliability.
• Powerful external parties not directly involved in the
How accurately is each agent representing the interests
conflict but who can alter the negotiators' BATNA
and positions of his or her party? Can any given agent
(Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) by
"deliver" on a negotiated agreement? In other words, will
changing the context. behind-the-table negotiations validate the agreement
This chapter examines some reached at the negotiation table? Answers to these ques­
In changing tions determine the confidence negotiators have in their
ways that negotiators can man­
age turbulence introduced into contexts, ability to reach a viable agreement, and this factor influ­
the negotiation by parties they ences each party's BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negoti­
represent. It will also discuss ated Agreement).
how negotiators might find po­ can be seen as Answering two questions about each agent at the table
tential allies in the parties in­ improvisational can help parties more realistically assess the risk that
volved in the conflict but who are problems in behind-the-table negotiations will derail the
not at the negotiation table.

theater ,with a main negotiation:

Chapter 7 will examine ways that fluid audience,
• How formal and structured is the relationship be­
negotiators can build and sustain
tween this agent and his or her principals?
loose rules about
public support for their agree­
. ! How much legitimacy does the agent have?
ment among the general public participation,
t .

and with powerful external par­

Using agents need not create turbulence for the nego­
and a set
ties. But it should be clearly un­ tiators. Some principal-agent relationships are formal and
derstood that building public that keeps highly structured, as in the case of an attorney hired by
support for a negotiated agree­ changing. a client. The relationship is professional, not personal; it
ment must start right from the
The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation
Managing Behind-the-Table Negotiations

is contractual, not political. Other agents are selected lose legitimacy by failing. When the party is a group
through political processes that may be more or less for­ rather than an individual, internal conflicts over the
mal and regulated. For example, an elected union repre­ agent's status can disrupt the negotiations, and these
sentative keeps a close eye on her constituency so that should be noted, too.
she will not be turned out of office by the rank-and-file Taken together, the formality of the agent-principal re­
membership. This is a formal and structured process, but lationship and the agent's legitimacy with the party help
it is messier than an attorney-client determine the potential for agent-principal conflicts to
In an relationship. Even more messy are disrupt inter-party negotiations. Figure 5 illustrates the
unstable context, relationships between a principal ways that legitimacy and stability increase or decrease
and agent when the party is a loose the likelihood that conflicts between a party and its rep­
negotiators need coalition or voluntary membership resentative will derail a negotiation.8
to cooperatively group. In groups such as a commu­
nity association or an ad hoc, issue­ Figure 5

build a unified specific activist group , membership Legitimacy and Formality

constituency may fluctuate so that the represen­ of Principal-Agent Relationship

tative has difficulty presenting a co­

capable of herent and consistent position. Fur­ Formal Regulation of Principal-Agent Relationship

supporting their thermore, there are few if any for­ I II

agreement even mal mechanisms for the group to re­ Unstable Prin cipal-Agent
Stable Prin cipal-Agen t re­
move a volunteer agent from the ne­ relationshi p but subject to
while they are gotiation table. regulation .
Regulation possible but
negotiating diffi­ When the relationship between
principal and agent is highly politi­ ~
Disruption of negotiation
not needed.
Disruption of negotiation
cult issues with calor informal, it is particularly im­
o unli kely. ...
one another. portant to ascertain the agent's le­ ~


Princip al-Agent relation­ :::

gitimacy. Has this agent been cho­ Principal-Agent relation­ .:l

sen in ways that the party considers valid and legal? Does ~
ship ranges from unstabl e
to chaotic.
ship is stable but subject
to changes in political/so­
the party believe the agent is doing a credible and ac­ .s Disrup tion of main nego­ cial context. ~
ceptable job representing his/her interests and needs? An tiation highly likely. Disruption of negotiation
agent selected through a process deemed fair and appro­ depends on political de­
priate by the party will have higher legitimacy than an velopme nts in the party.
agent whose selection was controversial. An agent may IV III
also gain legitimacy by succeeding in the negotiation or
Informal Regulation of Principal-Agent Relationship


The Little Book of Strategic Negotiation Managing Behind-the-Table Negotiations

The turmoil from the surrounding context can seep tions; in this case their ability to deliver on agreements is
into even formal and structured principal-agent relation­ similar to that of the federal agency representatives. Oth ­
ships. The regulations that govern principal-agent rela­ er environmental representatives are probably speaking
tionships may be questioned or challenged, making it dif­ on behalf of more loosely-organized local environmental
advocates that are more like neighborhood associations.
ficult to repair ruptures when they occur. And an unsta­
ble context often produces new, loosely-organized stake­ Here, their ability to deliver on an agreement is more
holder groups whose principal-agent relationships are
particularly difficult to manage. So, during turbulent Figure 6

times, we can expect to see more principal-agent rela­ Negotiation Parties

tionships falling into quadrants III and IV on Figure 5. and Their Social Structure

Some parties can move quickly while others need sig­

nificantly more time to approve or reject a proposed
Type of party Nature of Speed with Coherence of
agreement. Parties capable of
structure which it goals
making quick decisions are in­
can act
One consequence clined to think other parties are Corporation Highly orga­ Quickly-once Very coherent­
nized; hierar­ th e necessary clear, widely­
of an unstable stalling or negotiating in bad chical. component shared stan­
negotiating context faith. Completing a blank version parts become
dards for mea-
suring success
of the table on pages 53-54 by
(i.e., bottom
is high volatility listing specific parties in a negoti­ line).
in the principal­ ation and their structural charac­
teristics can help negotiators un­ Union Highly orga- Moderately Usually coher -
agent relationships. derstand the ways the parties' nized; political. quickly once a ent, but may be
propos al is up less coherent in
structures affect the negotiation. What feels chaotic be­ for a vote, un­ times of rapid
comes understandable and therefore less threatenin g to less there is po­ system change.
Iitical turmoil
the negotiation process." in the union.
In the New Mexico case, environmentalists, ranchers,
and agency staff all act as agents but for very different Advocacy Range from Range from Range from
Groups highly orga­ moderat ely clear, single­
types of principals. The agency staff can probably speak nized, with quickl y to agenda goals,
most confidently for their principals, but the agencies are paid staff to slowly and un­ to clearly art ie­
serve as agents, certainly. ulated concerns
not a single entity. They compete for resources and pres­ to loosely orga­ but unclear
tige, and both agencies are vulnerable to changes in the nized, with vol­ markers for
political arena. The environmental advocates at the table untee rs to act achieving
as agents. success.
may work with highly-structured nonprofit organiza­

52 53

The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation

Managing Behind-tile-Table Negotiations

Type of party Nature of Speed with Coherence of
structure which it goals tenuous. The ranchers are probably the least organized
can act of the negotiators. Participants negotiate on their own be­
Government Hierarchical. Slowly, Maybe half as local ranchers with a significant stake in the out­
Agency Organized, but compared to confused by come, but they also speak as self-nominated representa­
may have some corporations. competing
mand ates and tives for "progressive ranchers." They may have few
incoherence in Quickly,
the system due compared to shifting mechanisms for ascertaining whether other local ranch­
to competing community political scene. ers will accept a negotiated agreement.
mandat es and organizations
the influe nce of and other If the parties acknowledge and address these behind­
political actors political groups the-table factors during negotiation, they can set more re­
on policies and alistic expectations about how quickly a proposed agree­
operating pro­ ment can be ratified or rejected. They can also increase
cedures. the possibility of a successful outcome by helping each
Community Serni-struc- Relatively May not be other figure out what kind of agreement they can each
Organization - ture d. Democ­ slowly - fully coher ent "sell" to their principals.
e.g., Neighbor­ rati c and there- needs tim e to becau se of
hood Associa­ fore op en to build conse n- multi ple com­ In the Acme-Zocon case, the parties should be aware
tion change . sus thr ough petin g goals. that normally routine affirmation of a negotiated agree­
democrati c May lack
processes. shared ment may not be easy to achieve. Management and labor
standards for may both be in disarray as a result of the merger, thus
measuring slowing down their ability to ratify an agreement. Fur­
thermore, if the "shadow" issues of merging corporate
Nond ominant Frequ entl y May be very May be diffi­
cultural group subject to slow, parti cu­ cult to discern cultures, coping with downsizing, and residual "we-they"

Examp le used internal con- lady if trib e becau se of in­ identities are not addressed at the negotiation table, the

here: Native flicts between works by tern al conflicts. proposed agreement may become the battleground

American "progressive" con sensus and

'Tribe and "tra dition­ deliberation . where the principals express their anxiety and dissatis­

al" fac tions. faction with the turmoil in their context.

[Note: What is Culturally
need ed her e is more likely to
a cultural work by Structuring Negotiations with Agents and Principals
an alysis of the conse nsus When agents are negotiating on behalf of principals,
group 's deci­ rath er than by
sion -making majority vote. tp ey must consult with their constituencies during nego­
sty le.] 'ation. If some of the parties are not well organized, or
~y are operating with cultural norms about consulta­
"Di Jhat require lengthy deliberation, the timeframe for
'otiation must be adjusted accordingly. It will be



The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation Managing Behind-the-Table Negotiations

tempting for the more streamlined groups to push others of others seriously, test likely reactions to proposed solu­
to operate as efficiently as they do. However, forcing the tions, keep the door open for others to join negotiations,
agents to work without adequate consultation with their and prepare others to support and implement agree­
principals is a big mistake. The issues that are overlooked ments later.
through forced efficiency will come back to haunt the This strategic approach to negotiating in an unstable
context is best accomplished if the negotiators decide
parties at the time of final ratification.
jointly how to gather information from other parties.
They need to pay close attention to:
Working with Stakeholders Who Decline
to Negotiate • Allotting adequate time for consultations with oth­
Organized parties with a stake in the conflict who do er groups.
not join negotiations can be seen as a threat to the
• Deciding when and how to consult with others.
process or as a potential asset for
• Reaching a shared agreement regarding what infor­
promoting system changes that
mation about their negotiations will be shared with
The organized deal with underlying, deep-root­ others.
parties not at ed conflicts. In reality, they are
both. They have the potential to As with principal-agent relationships, the time required
the table may be for consultation with other stakeholder groups will de­
undercut any agreement. They
the key are organized and they care pend, in part, on the structure of those groups, the speed
with which they can act, and the coherence of their goals.
to creating systems enough about the issues to
protest a settlement they deem (See chart on pages 53-54.) By assessing the situation to­
that support wrong or unwise. These groups gether, negotiators can better calculate the time needed for
a negotiated can also influence the general consultations. To preserve confidentiality, the negotiators
public. Consequently, in unstable can make joint decisions about when and how they will
agreement. situations, we often see ad hoc, share information with others. This includes deciding how
issue-specific groups forming quickly to protest and pre­ to balance informal and more formal consultations,
vent implementation of agreements that others may have whether to present their ideas jointly or separately, and
how to decide what information is ready to be shared.
worked years to craft.
Negotiators can avoid this if they treat other organized Informal consultations occur naturally. For example, in
groups as potential allies and helpful sources of feedback the ecosystem management case, ranchers might discuss
for testing proposed agreements. They can gather infor­ issuesrelated to ecosystem management with fellow mem­
mation from stakeholder groups through formal or infor­ bers of the local cattlemen's association, while agency rep­
mal conversations. By engaging other parties, the nego­ resentatives discuss similar issues at staff meetings or pro­
tiators can demonstrate that they are taking the concerns fessional gatherings. Informal feedback is helpful, but

56 57
The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation
Managing Behind-the-Table Negotiations
gathering it entails risks that need to be managed . Nego­
tiators might only hear what already confirms their own difficulty allocating their time and energy between the
view, and they might unconsciously present a distorted two processes. They may become impatient with the way
version of the ideas being considered by the negotiators. working with other parties slows down their negotia­
They can also unintentionally increase tensions among the tions. Thinking of themsel ves as a temporary "learning
parties if they share information in ways that damage some organization "lI as well as negotiators can help the nego­
negotiators ' standing with other stakeholder groups. tiators balan ce at-the-table and behind-the-table negotia­
To check the validity of informally-gathered informa­
tions. When they are problem-solving or bargaining, they
tion, negotiators can convene more formal meetings such
can focus on negotiating. When they want to test a pos­
as public feedback sessions with a cross-section of stake­
sible agreement, they would do well to become a learn­
holders.10 When doing this, negotia­
ing team that works cooperatively to gather and assess
Negotiators tors should think carefully about
information. Being clear about When and how the y
how to share information in ways
switch between these roles is helpful.
need to think
that don 't incite resistance to the ne­
carefully gotiation process. A facilitator with
about how no stake in the negotiation can help
structure the information-sharing
to share and -gathering process to elicit open­

information in ended, creative, and non-judgmental

responses. Using a facilitator also al­

ways that don't lows the negotiators to listen atten ­

incite resistance tively to the participants' ideas. A
further benefit of public meetings
to the process.
for multiple stakeholder groups is
the way they create space for parties not involved in for­
mal negotiations to converse with others who do not share
their views. This provides a rare and precious opportuni­
ty for people to renegotiate their shared lives when old
ways of managing their interactions are in turmoil.

Practical Implications
When trying to balance behind-the-table negotiations
with the negotiations at the table, negotiators may have

Negotiating Meaning

Missing or broken systems cannot be imposed; they

must be renegotiated and revalidated by the people , and
this is a challenge of meaning-making . In each of our three
case studies, the context of negotiations is unstable in
large measure because the parties _

give different meanings to their
shared environment and to their re­

lationships. Some people talk about

parties in conflict having different are often root
perceptions or different worldviews. f fl' t
. . .
Perceptions and worldviews are not
the same thing , and the differences
causes 0 con IC .

They require
hy all this fuss about people who are not at the ne­ between them are important. careful attention
W gotiation table? What makes it so difficult to pin
down the actors, the scene , and the set for negotiation in
The girls negotiating to divide the
orange in Chapter 2 perceived the or- to the ways
turbulent times? Why can 't we just impose control on the ange differently ; one girl valued the people construct
negotiation process, limit the participation to willing par­ orange for its peel while the other ,
ties, and ignore those who choose not to participate?
valued its fruit and juice. Both girls their senses
treated the orange as a useful com- of reality,
modity suitable for bargaining or
Negotiating the Context trading. If one girl had seen the orange as a sacred object
The answer lies in Figure 2 (page 201· As we saw in
Chapter 3, to negotiate issues the parties need to have a that should not be harmed and the other had seen it as a
coordinated or shared sense of their context. In stable commodity to be traded , we would say they had different
times, the shared sense of reality is enacted through in­ worldviews because they gave different meaning to the or­
stitutions such as the courts, the schools, the political sys­ ange.
tem, local elders , and bureaucracies. In times of turbu­ Perception differences can usually be addressed through
lence, which are often brought on by changes that desta­ gathering or sharing information, which is how the moth­
bilize existing social systems, the parties do not share a er helped the girls recognize that they both could have
sense of their context adequate to support negotiation. what they wanted of the orange. Worldview differences are
The structures that create a shared sense of meaning may more difficult. Such differences require careful attention to
be broken or missing; they can no longer function be­ the ways people construct their senses of reality.
cause they do not have adequate support from the citi­ It is helpful to think about people as worldviewing be­
zenry or because they literally have been destroyed. ings. Worldviewing is an active process of meaning-mak­


Negotiating Meaning
The Little Book of Strategic Negotiation
er activities that help them create a sense of reality that is
ing that shapes our sense of reality and our understand­
adequately shared to allow for joint action in the world,
ing of our options for action. Everyone engages in world­ including the joint action of negotiation.
viewing , but our worldviewing activities are largely un­
In many unstable settings, the parties' competing sens­
conscious, and our own worldview is such "common es of reality are among the root causes of their conflict.
sense" to us that we see it only when we encounter
For example, Jean may uncon- 1
someone who does not share our "common sense." sciously think about marriage as a In an unstab e
We cannot easily answer the question, "What is your

shared journey in which partners context,

worldview?" but our worldviews are revealed in our lan­

guage and behaviors. They are particularly evident in the

support one .another through. life negotiators

changes, while Sam may see It as
stories we tell about our lives and the world around us.
a contract with clearly spelled out must make room
In our storytelling and our actions, we indirectly answer

roles and expectations. This for storytelling

five questions: makes her return to school and all
• What is real?
of the change that has brought to in order to
• How is the world organized? their home life and their relation- negotiate the
• What do we value and devalue about the world? ship problematic for him and a litv i
• What constitutes real knowledge about the world? natural progression of life for her. rea tty III which
• How should we (and others) act in the world? They may not even recognize this they are trying
Worldviews are not infinitely malleable, but neither
difference until they start telling
. .. h f
t0 I'ive together.
their stones m t e presence 0 an­
are they fixed and immutable. They contain uncertainties
other person who can help them explore the meaning
and internal inconsistencies, and they change in response they attach to their lives.
to shifting circumstances, including encounters with oth­
Parties in a conflict may even do worldviewing in ways
ers who do not share the same worldview. Remember
that exclude or make invisible some parts of reality, in­
Bobby's mother in Chapter 2? She changed her sense of
cluding parties who are involved in the conflict! For ex­
reality and her understanding of how she should act in
ample, some environmentalists assume that human be­
order to negotiate with Bobby about his school clothes.
ings are not part of "natural" ecosystems; they are inher­
Her worldviewing changes were necessary to create the
ently detrimental to fragile landscapes such as desert
context for negotiation. rangeland. Therefore, the rural communities that depend
Unstable settings expose the uncertainties, inconsisten­
on the land are either invisible to environmentalists or
cies, and conflicts in the parties ' worldviewing, and this
they are identified as the problem. In similar fashion ,
forces them to expend energy on making sense of the five
some ranchers dismiss ecosystems as mere fancy talk, a
worldviewing questions listed above. Therefore , they
ploy by environmentalists to destroy ranching as a life­
must spend more time than usual on storytelling and oth­



Negotiating Meaning
The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation
storytelling (renegotiating reality) and problem-solving
style. Self-identified progressive ranchers, by contrast, (negotiating issues).
claim that bad ranching practices have caused damage to Divorce mediation (assisted negotiation) is one practice
the rangelands. They see ecosystems as real, but they ar­ that often makes room for the parties to share their stories.
gue that human communities are part of the ecosystem This may happen during mediation, or the couple may
and good ranching practices can improve ecosystem work on retelling their stories
health. At the core of this conflict are worldviewing ques­ with a counselor and coordinate Negotiating
tions: Are ecosystems real? If yes, are human communi­ renegotiating their reality in coun- ff to 1
ties that live off the land part of the ecosystem, or are 1·
se mg WIt
0 h . .
negotiating t h e l
ega i e ec lye y
they an unnatural intruder into the ecosystem? An inter­ and technical details of their di- in an unstable
est-based negotiation process alone cannot create space vorce in mediation. The stories context requires
for the parties to explore this worldviewing problem. crafted in the counseling sessions 0

In unstable settings, the parties need to identify and shape the negotiations in the me- increased
wrestle with their worldviewing differences in order to diation session. If a divorce medi- awareness of the
create a sense of a shared reality that can sustain new re­ ator is also a counselor, he may .
lationships and new ways of living together. The tradi­ weave these processes together types of stones
tional rational-analytical processes of negotiation and the rather than sending the couple to people tell
instrumental and relational language of negotiation are another counselor. h th
not adequate for shared meaning-making. Stories must be 0 • w en ey are
C omp 1ex mu 1tiparty negotia­
told, listened to deeply, and new shared stories must be tions such as "Making Ecosystem in conflict
created if the parties are going to stabilize a sense of real­
Management a Reality" may be and the potential
ity that accommodates a peaceful future. preceded by or accompanied by .
processes for building positive pitfalls as well
Making Room for Storytelling in Negotiation relationships among the parties. as the benefits
Storytelling enters any negotiation when the parties This creates some opportunity to ,
use persuasion to make their case for a particular agree­ negotiate reality, but the possibil- of focusing
ment. Party A says , "Because the world is this way and ities are limited since meaning- on stories
our relationship is like this, then you should do X. " Party making is about more than just d ' ti t'
B counters with an alternate story about reality and a dif- . buildi . . lati hi
Ul mg positive re ations IpS; It
° unng nego la lon,
ferent suggested outcome. In spite of this, few negotia­ is also about building a shared story about the world that
tion guides focus on the nature of the stories people tell can include all of the parties in ways they find mean­
during negotiation and the way these stories shape the ingful and appropriate. For example, one usually unspo­
negotiation process. And little attention has been given to ken story that influences environmental negotiation is
the ways negotiators can combine processes of shared

The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation

Negotiating Meaning

the story of human beings as managers of the natural

ries sequentially because the second narrator can easily
world. This story makes it difficult to raise issues of val­
become trapped in the story told by the first narrator.
ues, ethics, and meaning that might envision another re­
Let's assume that the mediators ask Jean to tell her
lationship between nature and human communities.
story about the divorce first, and she says:
The parties can spend time together and build positive
interpersonal relationships, but if they don't focus on We are getting a divorce, because Sam started
creating a story that embraces other possible relation­ an affair with his secretary after I went back to
ships between human beings and nature, they will have school in order to resume my career when Jen­
a hard time negotiating intractable environmental con­ nifer goes to college. He clearly does not want
flicts. me to develop my own career. Things would
The lack of attention to storytelling in negotiation is have been fine for him if I continued to be a
unfortunate. The dividing line between negotiating reali­ stay-at-home wife...if I were always there to
ty and negotiating issues is never clear and bright. The meet his needs rather than think about what I
processes are necessarily intertwined because there is need to be happy and healthy. He obviously
great power associated with the process of "naming the feels threatened by my growing independence
reality" of a relationship. In stable settings the reality is and he prefers the company of his new girl­
named by the institutions and relationships that are rec­ friend who admires him and focuses all her en­
ognized as legitimate by the parties. That shared or cre­ ergy on him.
ated reality establishes and sustains the context for ne­
Sam is already put in a low power position, because
gotiation. In unstable settings, the contest over naming
he must use his storytelling opportunity to counter the
reality is as important as-or possibly more important
negative images in Jean's story. Given the cultural
than-the particular issues being negotiated.
stereotypes of successful men trading in first wives for
younger trophy wives, Sam must also counter the nega­
World-Naming Power and Storytelling
tive images that jean's story conjures from the sur­
Even if we acknowledge the importance of meaning­ rounding culture.
making in negotiation, it is not always easy to include
Consider how differently negotiations might unfold if
storytelling in ways that are fair and helpful. The great­
Sam told his story first and said:
est power in any relationship is the power to name re­
ality and entice, coerce, or persuade others to live inside I don't understand why we are getting a di­
the reality we have named. In negotiation, there is a risk vorce. Things were fine. Then Jean said she
that one party will impose a story that prevents the oth­ wanted to go back to school and resume her ca­
er party from speaking his or her sense of reality. This reer. I tried to be Supportive, but nothing I do
risk is greatly increased when the parties tell their sto­ seems to be enough for her. She seems so angry
about having stayed home to raise Jennifer, so


The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation Negotiating Meaning

must embrace a story in which they each give up a part

angry about the support she gave me in my ca­

of their own righteous self-identity.

reer. I come home and she is not there; she is

out at some meetin g or with her study group. I

want to go away for a long weekend like we

Negotiated Agreements Are World-Naming Stories

A negotiated agreement is a world-naming story; it em­
used to do, but she has to write a paper. Noth­

bodies new ways of talking about and acting in the world

ing is the same. We don't have a marriage any­

and it accepts a limited array of possible relationships

more, because Jean has "checked out" of our
among parties. As with any world-naming story, it can ex­
marriage. clude or include others. Because
i~ The power associated with telling the story of a shift­ all of the parties involved are not In an
ing relationship, as in the case of a divorce, has serious at the table, the negotiators can t bl tti
implications for negotiating legal and financial settle­ easi'1y f a11 .mto a trap 0 f creatmg
creati a uns a e se mg r
ments. If the mediators and Jean consciously or uncon­ shared narrative that displaces negotiators can
sciously shape the reality within which issues will be the blame for their current situa­ maximize their
decided using Jean's story, they diminish Sam's capaci­ tion and loads the cost of fixing .
ty to make claims related to financial resources. They the problem onto someone not in potential
and even he may think he needs to "pay" for his wrong­ the negotiation. Negotiators need for success
doing. If, on the other hand, the mediators and Sam to remember that the parties they. .
I consciously or unconsciously shape the reality usin g a are blaming are part of the "audi- If they recogmze
story that portrays Jean as having betrayed the unspo­ ence " that needs to validate and and embrace
ken rules of her relationship with Sam, then she is put suppo~t the. agreement. There- their opportunity
at a disadvantage. Sam, the mediators, and even Jean fore, displacing the blame for the
may assume that the "cost" of her independence is a di­ problem and the burden for fix- to help the
minished right to make claims on Sam for support. ing it is a recipe for failure. wider system
Similar problems exist in all of our cases. If Acme is Even if blame is not displaced, ..
portrayed as rescuing Zocon from poor management others will experience the world- stabilize around
practices, then persons, practices, and policies associat­ naming story of a negotiated a new shared story.
ed with Zocon will be disadvantaged in formal or infor­ agreement as an attempt to re­
mal negotiations to enact the merger. The ecosystem shape their reality and control their options in life. They
management parties can 't negotiate if the ranchers may embrace this story, or they may reject it, particularly
think of all environmentalists as "city-dwelling tree-hug­ if they are not "in" the story or if they think enacting the
gers" who know nothing about living on the land, and story will cause harm to them or to things and people they
if the environmentalists think all ranchers are "bad cherish. Their resistance can take the form of lawsuits,
guys" who care nothing about the environment. They

1 l!,


The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation Negotiating Meaning

questions such as these : If we agree to "X," what will our

protests , media campaigns, or even violence.
Iii future look like? Who will need to be involved? How will
As discussed in the previous chapter, consulting with
il stakeholders not at the table can prevent the negotiation it feel? What will this allow us to do? What will it prevent
of an agreement (the creation of a world-naming story) us from doing? How will it affect others? Is it sustain­
\\ that incites resistance from key groups. More difficult to able? Is this new way of being together in keeping with
'I our community values? Does this agreement reshape the
manage is the way the general

I public will respond to a proposed

world in ways that are positive and beneficial?
It may be
agreement. Negotiators can work
When doing this kind of exploration , it is helpful if the
important to with this challenge by altering negotiators can carve out a time and place for the free
I\ consult with their self-identity. In the last flow of creativity without judgment or risk of getting
chapter, I suggested that negotia­ trapped into an agreement or commitment. This can be
J\' stakeholders tors also need to become a learn­ done with brainstorming sessions, visioning activities ,
not at the table. ing organization in order to work role-playing (parties take on the roles of others in the
with parties not at the table. They conflict), and other creative learning activities. It is use­
Negotiators may ful to mark these times clearly as "not negotiating" so
also need to think of themselves
need to think of as community leaders, particular­ that the parties participate freely and creatively. Literal­
ly when they look ahead to get­ ly moving to a different location and setting the furniture
ting an agreement approved and in the room differently can help free participants from
as community implemented. In times of crisis or the mind-set of negotiating. Getting a facilitator to help
leaders. instability, effective community with the process can also change the parties' under­
leaders help people articulate a standing of what they are doing. The key to success ,
new vision and move effectively toward making that vi­ however, is finding ways to engage participants in cre­
sion real. The next chapter looks at ways negotiators can ative conversations, or what Stephen Littlejohn calls
"transcendent communication," that invites the partici­
build support for their agreement.
I~I pants to shift the way they view themselves , others, and
their problem. 12
Practical Implications
Moving back and forth between storytelling and prob­
lell lem-solving can be difficult. Storytelling about the past is

one part of the process, but there is also a need to play

with and envision new stories for the future . These new
stories direct attention to the context and the way the ne­
gotiated agreement will affect the context for good or for
ill. Negotiators need to play with and explore answers to

70 71
Mobilizing and Sustaining Support for the Agreement

picture when they enact the divorce agreement. It is im­

portant to note that the case of Jean and Sam makes
many cultural assumptions and reflects dominant-cul­
ture attitudes toward marriage and divorce.
In a multicultural society, many families have cultural

7. assumptions about marriage that would require involving

extended family members in the di­
vorce negotiation from the beginning. Negotiators
Mobilizing Even in families that don't expect ex- rna have to ell
tended family to be involved in di- Y s

and Sustaimng vorce negotiations, Jennifer's adjust-
ment to the divorce may be easier if
the agreement
to those not
Support for die extended family members cooperate.
with and speak positively about the mvolved m the

Agreement agreement between Jean and Sam.

Perhaps Jean and Sam belong to reli­
gious communities that have their own legal proceedings
et' s assume the negotiators in each of our three cases
L have reached an agreement. Now what happens? That
depends on the support systems that exist and on the sup­
or rituals for ending a marriage. In other words, if Jean
and Sam need or want others to support their agreement,
they must negotiate for that support.
port that negotiators can win from those who were not in­ The Acme-Zocon negotiators can rely on institutional
volved in the negotiation. If support systems are missing or supports for their agreement, but those supports may be
lack legitimacy, then the negotiators will need to sell the limited or fragile. If they have used this round of negoti­
agreement to others . This is not an either/or situation;
ations to address issues arising from merging corporate
rather, it is a matter of degree. Even if support mechanisms
cultures, they may need to garner unusual types of sup­
such as the courts are fully functional , the parties may
port and resources to implement the agreement. Let's
need to build political support so that other parties don't
say, for example, that they have agreed to general guide­
prevent the ratification and implementation of the negoti­
lines for workplace discipline, but they are also propos­
ated agreement . Let's look at our three cases. ing that workers and managers participate in a facilitat­
Thus far we have addressed Jean and Sam's negotia­
ed process to talk about blending the cultural norms of
tions as though Jennifer were the only other party they
Acme and Zocon. They also want to establish an over­
need to consider. This may not be entirely accurate.
sight committee to monitor and evaluate the effective­
Legally they are responsible only for Jennifer, but cul­
ness of the new disciplinary process and make necessary
tural or family norms may bring other people into the

The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation
Mobilizing and Sustaining SUeP0rt for the Agreement

adjustments prior to their next round of bargaining. Understanding Why Others Resist the Agreement
They need resources for the facilitated meetings and the Having worked hard to craft an agreement on difficult
monitoring project, and they need political support from issues, negotiators are frequently surprised when others
workers and management to ratify an agreement that is resist their proposed plans, and they often are unprepared
less definitive than normal. to manage the negative responses. Before doubting the
The negotiators in the rangeland management case merits of their work or getting angry with others for be­
have designed a learning activity that requires the cre­ ing uncooperative, negotiators must consider the envi­
ation and maintenance of long-term ronment in which they are working. Negative responses
relationships organized around a may not be a reactions to the proposal as much as they
Negative multi-year experiment in ecosystem are expressions of frustration with a world that feels
responses to . management. They need other par­ chaotic.
ties either to support the project or, at There is much evidence that change and social conflict
an agreement
a minimum, to remain neutral long go hand-in-hand . Since change destabilizes the existing so­
maybe enough for the experiment to be con­ cial order, some people benefit from change while others
expressions of ducted and evaluated. They must suffer from the same change. In many cases, people don 't
marshal the resources to conduct the know whether they will benefit or suffer from change ;
frustration experiment in a manner that will pro­ they just find it uncomfortable. Or they assume that they
at a chaotic duce widely validated results. They will be the losers rather than the beneficiaries of change.
may even want parties not involved The negotiators have reclaimed a sense of control over
world. in the negotiation to help with data­ their lives through the negotiation process. Others have
gathering and data analysis, or they may want them to not shared their experience. Consequently, when the ne­
serve as an oversight committee for the project. gotiators enthusiastically introduce their proposal, others
Carrying out the agreement in this case relies heavily may only hear that yet another change is being thrust
on the ability of the federal agencies to sustain a com­ upon them.
mitment to the project. Since Congress controls their The following factors influence the way people re­
budgets and their policy directions are set by political ap­ spond to change:
pointees, the agencies are indirectly influenced by the • Did they choose the chan ge or was it imposed on
will of the public. If the general public mobilizes against
the project, Congress or the agency directors can end the • Did they anticipate the change or was it unexpected?
project. This is a case where wooing public support is
• Is the change seen as a minor inconvenience or a
particularly important, but the negotiators may not see major disruptive force?
that clearly. • Does the change feel positive or negative to them?


The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation Mobilizing and Sustaining Support for the Agreement

If negotiators understand and work with these reali­ necessary to get their work done, and they are right in
some ways. You can't do hard negotiating and problem­
ties, they can introduce the changes they are proposing
solving with television cameras tracking your every
in ways that maximize the potential for support.
.move. In strategic negotiations, finding the balance be­
tween sharing information to prepare the public for an
Anticipating, Preventing, and Working with agreement and creating the space for negotiators to take
Public Resistance risks and be creative is a delicate process.
The previous chapter described ways the negotiators When thinking about how much information to share
can work with other stakeholder groups to make sure their with the public, negotiators should consider two factors:
agreement considers a broad array of interests and needs.
But what about people not tied to stakeholder groups? Do • How significantly will the negotiated outcome af­
they need to be considered in strategic negotiations? fect the general public?
In unstable settings, the negotiators lack the capacity • How much public support will be necessary to im­
and legitimacy to make others cooperate with their plans, plement the negotiated agreement?
and the institutions that might oth­
erwise enforce an agreement are Preparing the Public
Finding the too unstable to fulfill that role. To find the balance between secrecy and transparen­
balance between Therefore, the negotiators must cy, the negotiators need a shared map of the overall situ­
take responsibility for building the ation. Before they even begin discussing particular prob­
sharing political will and , wherever possi­
lems or issues, they can use Figure 1 (page 14) and Fig­
information and ble, the institutional mechanisms
ure 4 (page 34) as templates for identifying other actors.
creating the space for supporting and sustaining new­
Even if they do not reach complete agreement on this
ly negotiated cooperative relation­ map, they can still use it to make plans for managing the
for negotiators ships. Exactly how much an agree­ behind-the-table interactions needed to support their
to take risks ment depends on political support work . They can also revisit the map periodically to make
from the public must be deter­ sense of contextual changes that develop during their ne­
and be creative mined case by case. In some situa­ gotiations.
IS a tions, just getting the public not to As they build their map and later as they craft an
protest or resist an agreement is agreement, the negotiators need to think about how
delicate process much public support will be required to implement their
adequate. In other situations, the
public must actively cooperate to implement the agree­ agreement. Does their agreement need voter approval?
Does it need citizen cooperation? Does it expect people to
Secrecy is antithetical to the slow process of building change their behaviors? Does it simply need public tol­
political will. But many negotiators think that secrecy is erance rather than active support? Does it require the

76 77
The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation Mobilizing and Sustaining SUEP0rt for the Agreement

support of powerful actors such as Congress and the • Invite media to do in-depth stories about the issues
president in the rangeland case? to increase public awareness of the problems the
While working through problems and building sup­ negotiators are addressing.
port among organized stakeholder groups not at the When anticipating public responses to their agreement,
table, the negotiators should also think about how much negotiators should give careful consideration to the prob­
information they need to share with the public, when to lems that arise when changes threaten
share the information, and how best to share it. The people 's identities. Conflict feels
The more
more changes a negotiated agreement demands of the chaotic to people, but a sustained con­ changes
general public, the more transparent the negotiations flict develops a stability of its own. In­
need to be. People change more readily if they under­
a negotiated
stitutions and organizations form
stand why a change is needed and if they feel they had around the conflict and derive their agreement
some input into the ways the change will be implement­ purpose from the conflict. Individuals demands of the
ed. Similarly, the more the agreement depends on active and groups begin to derive their iden­
support from the public, the more the negotiators need to tities in opposition to an "enemy oth­ general public,
educate and prepare the public to understand the agree­ er." Thus, positive changes in relation­ the more
ment. ships can actually be very threatening
Educating the public requires much more than peri ­ to people and organizations. Imple­
transparent the
odic announcements that the negotiations are going well menting positive changes is a long, negotiations
or floating proposed agreements to see how the public re­ difficult process of reshaping organi­
sponds. Strategies negotiators might consider for keeping
need to be.
zations and institutions and helping _
the public informed about their work include: people find new ways of defining a positive self-identity
• Have stakeholder groups not at the table educate that does not rely on an oppositional enemy.
their constituents about the positive work being
done .
Being Realistic About the Agreement
• Get normally hostile stakeholder groups to make a After long and difficult negotiations, the negotiators
joint statement of support for the negotiation may be both exhausted and elated. In celebrating their
success, they run the risk of over-selling the agreement
• Prepare joint press releases about the negotiation by saying or implying that all will now be well; the peace
and invite feedback from the public. was won. The people may celebrate with them but
• Make sure the general public is aware of public quickly become disillusioned by the normal and in­
feedback meetings and structure those meetings so evitable setbacks in implementing the agreement.
that persons not tied to stakeholder groups can par­ The negotiators are also tired. They probably don 't
have the energy to implement the agreement, and they

The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation Mobilizing and Sustaining SUeP0rt for the Agreement

important. Keeping in mind the lesson from Acme-Zo­

are often not the correct people for that job. If they have
con (Figure 3, page 29), negotiators need to think about
done their work well and brought others into the nego­
cultivating visionary leadership at all levels of the sys­
tiation as consultants or shadow negotiators, they can
tem in which they are working. Again, this is part of
hand the process of executing the agreement to others.
the behind-the-table negotiation process during negoti­
At the same time, the negotiators, or perhaps another
ation, and it is a significant factor in the success of an
oversight group created as part of the negotiated agree­
ment, need to be prepared to revisit issues and renego­
The biggest challenge here is creating a sense of
tiate unanticipated problems as they arise.
shared leadership. In times of turmoil, people often look
.f or strong leaders who can "fix things." Insofar as the ne­
Mobilizing Resources
gotiators have taken on the role of community leaders in
Implementing agreements in complex cases is a long-

order to cultivate support for the agreement, others may

term undertaking that involves mobilizing resources and

want them to remain in leadership roles or assume more

coordinating the activities of multiple - - - - - - ­

Negotiators responsibility for the long-term success of the agreement

organizations and actors. Of our
than is realistic or appropriate. If the negotiators have
three case studies, only Jean and Sam need to identified leaders throughout the system, invited them
appear to be in control of the re­
sources needed to implement their
think about into the negotiation process through behind-the-table
consultations, and garnered their support for the agree­
agreement. Everyone else will need cultivating ment, then the negotiators can feel more confident that
support of various types from parties vmonary others will put energy into making the agreement a re­
not in the primary negotiation. The
leadership ality.
more a settlement depends on re­
sources not controlled by the parties at all levels Introducing and Explaining the Agreement
at the table, the greater the need for
When introducing their agreement, negotiators need
negotiators to work throughout their ofthe system.
to be clear about what they have and have not negotiat­
process on behind-the-table negotia- - - - - - - ­
ed. Otherwise, many people will expect more than is re­
tions to mobilize those resources. Creating a shared vi­
alistic from the agreement. They should also help people
sion and shared realistic plans for mobilizing resources is
understand how this small agreement will help promote
an important part of strategic negotiation in unstable set­
long-term changes for the better. Here, the negotiators do
tings. well to remember that they are inviting people into a
new story; they are not presenting a list of rational, logi­
Cultivating Visionary Leadership cal steps that people will follow because they make
When there are few stable institutions to support a
sense. People act out of their stories more than their
negotiated agreement, visionary leadership is critically

80 81
The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation Mobilizing and Sustaining Support for the Agreement

sense of logic. They need to see and feel how this agree­ Conclusion
ment opens new possibilities for a better life.
Obviously, negotiating in an unstable context is a dif­
James Laue, who taught at the George Mason Uni­
ficult and complicated endeavor. I hope this book has
versity Conflict Analysis and Resolution Program , often
pointed to some of the ways negotiators can be success ­
said, "You can resolve any conflict if you don't care who
ful even in turbulent times, and can help negotiators
gets the credit. " This is a hard piece of wisdom to follow
bring about positive social changes in the midst of what
when you have dedicated immense amounts of time and feels like chaos to many people.
energy to a negotiation. But in an unstable setting, this
can make or break the success of an agreement. Nego­
tiators should ponder carefully who makes the an­
nouncement of the agreement. Clearly, they need to
own their work. But their work may have a better
chance of succeeding if they share the limelight with
others less involved in the negotiation, particularly if
they can get a coalition of normally-hostile groups who
were not at the table to stand with them in support of
the agreement.

Planning for Resiliency

The turbulent context means that any negotiated
agreement is going to encounter difficulties and setbacks.
Negotiators can prepare for this by building into their
agreement mechanisms for revisiting the agreement
when problems occur. For example, in the Acme-Zocon
case and the ecosystem management case, the negotia­
tors created oversight teams, including teams that in­
volve others not at the table. When presenting the agree­
ment, the fact that setbacks will occur should be openly
acknowledged. Then when the first problem happens,
the negotiators can help immensely if they stand united
in their commitment to the agreement, normalize the dif­
ficulties, and provide leadership for getting through the

82 83
Strategic Negotiation Checklist

• Think strategically about the forum for negotiation

(Chapter 3).
• Clearly mark the transition from dialogue or other
activities to negotiation (Chapter 4, ecosystem case).
• Decide whether to use a mediator or facilitator

(Chapter 4).
• Calculate your BATNA (Chapter 4).

Negotiating Strategically. The following activities ad­
dress the big picture that separates strategic from tactical
negotiations. When negotiating strategically, remember to:
• Identify the sources of instability in your situation
he following checklist captures some of the special fea­
T tures of strategic negotiation. Chapter and figure num­
bers direct the reader to discussions of each issue in this
(Chapter 3).
• Work together to make the forum serve negotia­
tions; don 't squeeze negotiations into an existing fo­
book. This is not an exhaustive checklist of the entire nego­
rum (Chapter 3).
tiation process. • Make shared maps of the actors in the wider con­
text (Chapters 5, 7; Figures 1, 4, 5 & Table in Chap­
Preparing to Negotiate . Other conflict resolution
ter 5).
processes can be used to help parties determine whether
• Help each other manage behind-the-table negotia­
to negotiate, who will come to the table, and what they
tions (Chapter 5).
are willing to negotiate. Dialogue groups allow people to
• Keep the negotiation open to information from oth­
build positive relationships and explore issues without
ers involved in the conflict (Chapters 5, 7) .
any pressure to reach an agreement. Joint problem analy­
• Make the negotiators a "learning team" when gath­
sis helps parties reach a commonly-held definition of
ering information from others (Chapter 5).
their problems. And, visioning processes can help the
• Set realistic time lines for consultation with others
parties think about an ideal future that might accommo­
not at the table (Chapter 5).
date all of their needs. This can also help the parties iden­
• Prepare others for the agreement (Chapters 5, 7).
tify a shared goal before they negotiate specific issues.
• Check proposed agreements against the needs and
When moving into negotiation, don't forget to:
concerns of others not at the table (Chapters 5,6,7) .
• Meet the preconditions for negotiation (Chapter 2). • Plan ahead for implementation (Chapter 7) .
• Use confrontational tactics with care (Chapter 21 · • Find a balance between transparency and secrecy
(Chapter 7).

The Little Book ofStrategic Negotiation
_ _ _ _S_tr_at......lleg"-ic_N_egotiation Checklist

• Act as community leaders not just self-interested

• Prepare themselves and others for setbacks (Chap­
negotiators (Chapters 6, 7). ter 7).
• Coordinate negotiation with other conflict resolu­
• Build mechanisms into the agreement for revisiting
tion activities (Chapters 3, 5, 6). negotiations (Chapter 7).

Negotiating Meaning: The following activities ad­

dress the need to create new meaning in times of tur­
moil. When negotiating strategically, remember to:
• Combine problem-solving activities and creative
meaning-making activities at the table and behind
the table (Chapters 2, 6, 7).
• Invite others into the process of making new mean­
ing (Chapter 6).
• Prepare others for the world-naming story of the
agreement (Chapters 6, 7).
• Avoid a world-naming story that places all of the
blame onto others not at the table (Chapter 6).
I • Share the story and not just the technical details of
I, the agreement when bringing it out to the public
(Chapter 7).
I; ~ll
Implementing the Agreement. The agreement is
: only the beginning of the process of bringing stability to
an unstable setting. Strategic negotiators are more effective
when they:
• Plan ahead for implementation (Chapter 7).
• Negotiate for support from others not at the table
(Chapters 5, 6, 7).
• Cultivate visionary leadership throughout the sys­
tem (Chapter 7).

86 87


ing Negotiators to Analyze Conflict Structure and Antici­

Endnotes pate the Consequences of Principal-Agent Relationships,"
Marquette Law Review 87 (2004) : 661.
9 An earlier version of this table appeared in Jayne
1 (New York: The Free Press , 1986), l.
Seminare Docherty and Marcia Caton Campbell, "Teach­
2 These three cases are fictionalized composites of cas­
ing Negotiators to Analyze Conflict Structure and Antici­
es. "Making Ecosystem Management a Reality," comes
pate the Consequences of Principal-Agent Relationships,"
closest to being an actual case; it is based, in part, on re­
Marquette Law Review 87 (2004): 663.
search conducted by Murl Baker during his practicum
10 For a comparative study of nine attempts to incor­
with the Conflict Transformation Program at Eastern
porate different types of consultation processes into a de­
Mennonite University.
cision-making negotiation, see Martha Brand, "Consen­
3 Figure 2 is adapted from Jayne Seminare Docherty,
sus Building and 'Smart Growth," Conflict Resolution
Learning Lessons from Waco: When the Parties Bring Their
Quarterly 21 (2003): 189-209.
Gods to the Negotiation Table (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse
11 See
University Press , 2001).
12 See Stephen W. Littlejohn, "The Transcendent Com­
lilt 4 This book is too small to address the processes used
munication Project: Searching for a Praxis of Dialogue,"
to create the conditions for negotiation in any detail. For
and Susan O'Malley Wade, "Using Intentional, Values­
more information on this , see Lisa Schirch, The Little
Based Dialogue to Engage Complex Public Policy Con­
Book of Strategic Peacebuilding (Intercourse, PA: Good
flicts," both in Conflict Resolution Quarterly 21 (2004): 337­
Books, 2004), and Jennifer Gerarda Brown et al., "Nego­
359 and 361-379. While these papers focus on multiparty
tiation as One of Many Tools," Marquette Law Review 87
stakeholder dialogues, similar communication techniques
(2004): 853-860.
can also be applied to interpersonal and organizational ne­
5 Figure 3 is adapted from John Paul Lederach , Build­
ing Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies
(United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997).
6 See­
sessment.jsp and­
ment.cfm for descriptions of conflict assessments as they
are conducted by third-party intervenors. The same tech­
niques can be used by negotiators themselves.
7 See­
8 An earlier version of Figure 5 appeared in Jayne
Seminare Docherty and Marcia Caton Campbell, "Teach­


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