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sia BEAT | Govermenttieia aes RATT 1 Deparment Space fave armang sia / VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE ‘reeioA Thinananthopur 685022 WRITTEN TEST FOR SELECTION TO (CIAN-# (TURNER, ADVT. NO 305) 19a W1396/ Post No. 1398 ‘Rate: 02.06.2018 ‘wetter siMadmum Marks: 320 ‘rafTime, 2 212 hours reef st rrtlame ofthe candidate SRE ello, LT) ueaftiat & few arq@ar /Instructions to the Candidates 1 eee eee eg ee LS ee You have been called forthe writen test based onthe online dala fuished by you inthe web application. have wrongly enfored i information or you ds not possess the _Walficaton as par our advertisement, your candidature il be reacted, 2, emcee apr wee gran wT the he A sah 02 GET | “The Question papers the form of ueson Boks wih 80 questons andthe cron the esis 02 ours 8. ae Reet ar aegis re fe eer at Beet & Rs ow aie By a Ae ea | _ The questens willbe objective type wt fou epions out of which only one wilbe unambiguously comect. 4. ees ee RT 4 afm gat athe i aT Sere ARE Ow Hee HET STOTT | Each queston cats 04 marks and one mark willbe deducted for each wrong answer. 8, et rare a fe aor sere See. YEA 1 soparate OMR answer sheet wth carbon coated copy willbe provided to mak the answer opons. 6. ara, sea gfReran & Rew me aged sarge, eh ean & eh ange eB aoa See eran ater ita a ih CS ET SCT TT TATE ‘You have to select the right answer by marking the comesponding oval on the OMR. answer sheet by bluablack bal pont pen as per the instructions gen in the answer sheet. 1. wap RU ae Fea TAT STAT Mulpe answers fora queston willbe regarded as wrong answer. Pro. 8 sacariata daft wea. offre ats steer ieee ee ear oe FT eston boolet code pine on the top right comer should be writen inthe O int rowed 8 wegen ar eS et Enlr your Name and Roll Nunbercoecty i the question booklet. 10, aires a rr A ar at attra ea ar ge ar er ae ET ‘Al ents inthe OMR answer sheet shouldbe wih blueblack ball point pen only. 8, her gtr there sh safe sr eer ee ATG ETE TAT THAT ‘You shoud sign the hall icket only inthe presence ofthe Invgiato inthe exarination hal calculators, mobile phoné 5 electronic gadgets, text books, not be allowed inside the written test hal, tet ear tho OMR answe Long the perforation mark atthe top and he 3 OMR answer sheet to the invgilator and licate copy with you a weg aarlt e ora weA The queson booklet canbe retained bythe candidate, 15, often as err it ata areata esha ater tga SAR RL Candidates are not perited to leave the examination hal during the irst hour of the examination. ft I ree Oy BY a aMtaTA @ seaeet Pa GT THA BiEteral threads canbe produced by means of (@ Gértaps (©) SIgDies (©) 38 Heh/Lathe machine (34h ANAII ofthe above STAN-B (TURNE] POST NO.1396 aera ig wer zane sete Par aT AT Taper tuning on lathe can be produced by (@) BA gf Fon toot method (&) abv Tags fAf/compound slide method (oer ete sito PATalltock offset method (@) seer walvall of the above eafeta fer a Re me sea wT oeeTfAeildentify the instrument shown in the following figure (@) YBaaTAARadins gauge () Be erastihread pitch gauge (©. Sen Aaeeler emse © BVA TAAL atone ofthe above arifhas fe sue ATT... NPlot hole diling means (@) Hrd care sefh Reo dsilled by a pilot (o) ews water a ara et hg Ow eT A a wher ‘small hole drilled into a material to guide «larger dill (@) Aafia Zant saemA/Drilling done by a machine (© Bree wate ga ae BHOT/Dslling continuovsly a numberof toles 3 1396 dere Re at... FRE sep Per STA Brill def is used for (9) sae err an taOT eA/Deawing a il action () meter apo eas st TTFnng a chuck on the machine spindle (©) Brea ew Ge Ge HAUT A FEMA Removing a broken drill from the work (@ RheralpS sera a ere Removing the drill fom the machine spindle 4 Pete... 8F FATT BIL mm is equal to (@) 1000 z1rgaFIet/microns (0) 100 771¢HIet/microns (© 10 mTgRmicrons (@) 10000 =TgRRFT /microns ‘qerarh Harare (ate az) ......% Faw ar WAT Block nut in the micrometer is provided to (abrir Pris wetrcontol the movement ofthe spindle ©) Wade se ae we hae orga a a aT Jock the reading after setting it ver the work pieoe (© whch at Sew-or ATT Measure the workpiece accurately (©) aera ea Fea A Te TATA THA Nock the micrometer when itis notin an awa tat area & Fre srawet Prar sar B/Tape ing gauge is used to (@) mB TTExtemal taper (©) scar 2eveteral taper (© aptra sia EeExteral and intemal taper (© suber Aa AE AeTENone ofthe sbove faeafafrs svercr at apenfAc/denity the following instrument —| renee (@ afar BATAVeMier caliper (©) WET ARTA Ouside micrometer (©) MEMS AB HAMMDepth micrometer (d)_—_ STAT TAT BATANDial test indicator 4 1396 " 12, 13, 4. 18. [WaGET WE ATA ...... WLefthand thread means (o) Brew at efor ee ep at aac BThzead advances as boli rotated clockwise (oy Mtoe at aoa pret ew a a Br Tinead advances as bolt is rotated anticlockwise (aioe ah rer are peer & CET TTAUBolt has tobe tightened by lft hand only (a) Sadea aa aig Magione ofthe above 9g are eB Ta CB 1 HT AT Bl ‘Lead of MB x 1 bot which shaving 3 mult start thread is ia) 1 Preteen © 2A ic) 3 fetAemm @) 4 reteeyimm Same a ST ae BARR eet wha A oa Tar sre at ay... Ae HF aE Best wie size is the one which, when placed inthe thread groove will make contact at (a) SEEM minor diameter (&) ST EATAmajor diameter (fe) FReearapitch diameter (BEF efvtrough of the thread dtr # SOT 2x .... TC RAT aT BiRate of feed in driling depends on (a) afr aReeTooTnish required (b) Water sent aT TeETUype of dil material (©) wafer rameter Tardy Material be delle (@) ST AAIVAIL ofthe above FAR TART SHRM RT TAT Brill may be overheated if G@ teaser senate, A/Cooling is ineffective (bo) ater crore snot sharp (©) -seqelhwtor start &, avClearance angle is incorrect (@ Sxgeer aU ofthe above 3mm tan 2x-V3= 0 At x BT APE... 8The value of iftan2x- V3~ 0157 @ 30 ) 60? © 9° @ 4 s 1596 16, 17 18, 19, aide surat & aide He Preafteas Af ata weer aft at 87 Wihich of the following statement is not tue about Knuring operation ? (9) arder rarer seu ar ar ara uring operation o be done at high speeds Ada rma Us eee FETT Knuring operation is a forming operation ora eae era ef ate are eae Fe ea ae uring is done on a workpiece for gripping snd good appearance (©) Breaker ew see ara wT E Diamond kusling is one type of kustng patter Be GC aT AB A... RT A GAT TAT The and eameris guided ito the hoe by a (0) HYaIa AsIshort bevel lead (&) Saray AsiLong taper lead (9 Att waIstaight utes (6) ah sicSquare end darete a slime aed ge dae & acta a Ric. a ‘The principle followed in turning taper by offsetting the tailstork is (oy ar aren phar rer ter A at Tem a wT BAT eT TTT HATA fT TAT ‘The job axis is kept out of alignment tothe Lathe axis andthe tool made to move parallel tothe lathe axis (o) ar onan ph ar are aera ae zara ae eT a eh BTA aa aT TAT | “The jab axis is kept in line with the late axis and the tool ade to move at an angle to the lathe (o)_ ier rar he aa aera a er Gat aT Ser eT A OH BHT aM Re TET The jab axis is kept out of alignment tothe lathe exis and the tool is made to move at an angle tothe lathe axis (© Beha ate rata dagt tater aaa & ftw eh athe qeareclen see Pera star wee The head and tal stocks move in the opposite direction to keep the live and dead centres out of alignment ator a Freitas setae We ear aS Pape ATG ar THT EY ‘The angle of 45° in the above work piece ean be measured by which of the following attachments of combination et? (a) Brora eMyProwractor head () aA erdrsquare head (©) ‘a’ Heb" ahett/Both ‘a’ and ‘b* (@) BefeTH a AE A EHNone ofthe above erat arr as rer ABE Prat mae ET a A For selecting the gears for single start tvead cuting, the formula used is @ Oy © Driver ~ Fitenor laa sere () Bede TAE AM AE None ofthe adove ane suatr A ame stare 200 fase adh sar ax gaa fear aw A Sat 100 Prater &, at ator ste at Reiter Ase? ‘Determine the angle set if the height of slip gauges used is 100mm witha sine bar of 200mm length (@) 45 PBaidegree (&) 60 fBattidegree (©) 30PBehidegree (@) 15 ttidegree B 1396 97. 59, 60. 6. 25 Met dang ww aati Bea aT wea ser & fae 0.2 Meteher wi Hex A ‘ganigar arat Festa ar 3 steiner afat ar fete ara 1 deat at eat wet ae archer Sere ww ON eat ea ey arch Afra A atterg Pat ate fee? In order to align a machine bed of 2.5m length, a spirit level with a sensitivity of 02mm/m shows a eflection of 3 graduation marks. What is the thickness ofthe shim tobe placed undemeath one end of the machine bed to make the bed horizontal (@) 25 Prstehewmm 1s Preeti ©) 4 freeevm (@) 06 freteexmm 10 Pretec smd & oa rai ah agen oaks we Baan art ane dar A aftr Pasar Raat et ‘What isthe maximum radius of eylinder which can be made out of @ regular square eross section rod with side 10 mm? @) 10 Rate Tn () 5 fraeemm (©) fee (@)—5V8 fettehezinm 50 fraitee x 100 rear aeraTe a war athe 10 Fe x 100 Fee sree a ‘fart are gas BE oT HHT EP ow many rectangular picses of size 10 mm x 100 mm can be cu fom a shetof size SO mm x 100 @ 5 @) 50 © 500 @ 5 ‘aft hs, 350 artes oe 0.5 Frrtoter af& quis &, ait 350 Prater ddr atte 50 ratatree careers ww ath chat A ew gah ater & fe aS uote we, rach Fearat een? ‘Whats the turing time required in minutes for one complete cut on a piece of work 350mm long snd S0zam in diameter ifthe fed is 0.Smm per revolution at 350 pm @3 2 o 4 @s “ea ETH (ee) ar Mae, are care at 20n6 Gaver MEA re BI Atte ee oer ance argue arene Re 87 ‘A drawing ofa shaft specifies to tur the outer diameter to 20h6. What isthe maximum permissible size ofthe shaft in mm (@ 19.98 &) 19.994 @ 2 @ “4 “4 1396 62, 63. 66, 67. & araer & fore arene sieeve B/Datum is required to measure (@) WaawaVatness (b) Sa eaTAT/surface roughness (©) WAieAparallelism: (8) BafeTAS AE A AEHINone ofthe above are ae eA aig at et a Pepa are 1 PRR Ret et A seqee BY ‘You have to file an aluminium block to smooth finish. Which one ofthe ‘llowing cut of ile is most suitable (©) THM FdASingle ou () eftrederDouble su (@) Raw EeRasp cut (©) apeeercireuar ew 1-3 4 1-3 4 After (-2 1 2) mae ee 1 2 14 6 14 6 @ 3 © 2 1 @ 0 50 rat A ca aT 3, ETF Bn a class of 50 students, the marks obtained are ‘S/Marks ~ 15 [30 737 [40 [45 [48 wrt F aeaNe.ofsudens |? [8 [| [RB [io |4 FTA... tis mode is (a) 37 @) 40 @ 45 (@) 30 ‘gohbere gear wa a STOTT... Least count ofenginee's tel male is (a) 0.5 efstrevimm (b) 1 etetewmm (© 0.1 retin (®) 2fPratehetimm a 8x tage ah ae fw eal ar Te care Sa 8 “The outer dia ofthe blank for cutting external thvead of M8 x 1 is approximately @ 68 PeteteTam © 19th (© 1 feted @ 85 fRaeheTIm 1s 1396 68. n 73, 74, ‘frafafna a var aidty er B ae BrThe following isnot related to Lathe (TBR PMIpe centre () sata Female cent (9. Sq ReCente punch (@ Prater afawDrving plate FAIA vccncsnins 8 HA BiScrbers are made of () -seaardereetahigh carbon steel (0) THAT Aas iron (©. RFE TAe sel (Firenze Te TA aT FR AG HET... B/The point angle fora standard il is @ o (108° © us @ Bs ate da te & orate & fe ww wa EUS aw Px Hsia A ag aT A sear. BL ‘The process of enlarging the end of a hole to an even depth for housing the socket screw head is (9) Rrmteaming (&) ser HfPeze/counter boring (© RUA THAT spot facing (@ -*eeknurling are at GE Waa... The basic functions of ctng Aude are (e) thee ate ke sere & treat a7 eTETT/Cooling and flushing chips away fom the cating tool () Bags ae age FSA AATTLubricaton and beter surface finish (©) Rags ae era Fert H BPTAMTA/ Lubrication and facilitation of chip removal @ -Wweers foreiFor larger cutting swe BRE a aN Fetes HT ATT Rr The prt that belongs to the hed stock ofthe ae is (@) -AETAFMain spindle (©) ste EFH/TooI post (© taecteall sock @ ResCariege fr wae Fete afar, SIVA jigs a special device (@) -rdah Prats wet Bwhich holds the job () wher sero at eh R/Which locates the cutting took Go) sonst Rea Which guides the tool (©) aber saesqor ah Gea ate RUAN BA RrWhich locates and also gues the euting toot 16 1396 4. 76. 78. a0 ae & dts Adie A erway Pre... fe eed BI ‘The tumbler gear in the feed mechanism of lathe is provided start ear afta To change the tol post (@) Harr ta fem zzwA/To change the direction of the lead screw (©) BRA Rem aaeATo change the direction ofthe chuck (@ aeaaTa aaaTArTo change the spindle speed vow arm ak ther & soa at gaa &, ot 3a ay a. SC UTA ANTI If you have to turn the face of an irregularly shaped work piece, you should mount the piece (@) WHA IE/On a face plate ©) Feta AturBerween centres (©) eh eee ArgavIn a mandrel and hold in-between the centres (@ WH3 FTI a3 jaw chuck FETT... aT Remy Steel isan alloy of (© a ate RexICopper and tin (&) Rerate satin and lead (©. Bier ate ETEeTIcon and carbon (@) ere ate eZine and brass arenes: sath... FRE aT Re aT FGeneally, gauges are used for (o) Bera eee BITE Measuring in mass production () were ae Raa aera aTTeMeasuring the exact rv dimension value (9 Arar Te ae ANGeting a direct read out © Aa seR s sot aaa seria eet Increasing accuracy of measurement over measuring instruments gem BG ah wake ah A ea bythe process by which surface of steel is hardened is () tewrTempering (&) er/Anneling (© ear RTTARodising (@ YS ePwTICase hardening ew wee #8 ora, 7 at ate 6 eft afer Bi es att at anette ae & ga Rar Sat Bi geet war dare & Pe ag a at ae eee a a FAP Ina box there are 8 red, 7 blue and 6 green balls. One ball is picked up randomly. What is the probability that it is neither red nor green? @ 1B 34 © ms @ 31 1” 1396 ‘ea ww & Freee / Space for rough work 18 196 ‘wut ert force / Space for rough work: 9 1396 ‘53 sd & reves / Space for rough work 1396

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