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Republic of the Philippines


Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga

Date: Class: Grade 8-Integrity

Time: 12:00-1:00 pm Venue: San Roque Dau High School


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) EN8V- IVb-15- use a vocabulary strategy in decoding the meaning of
b) EN8LT-IVb-13- identify the notable literary genre contributed by South
and West Asian writers; and,
c) EN8LT-IVc13.1: Identify the distinguishing features found in a short
stories contributed by South and West Asian writers

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: “The Singa” (Legend of Singapore)
Reference: English Time Journal Vol. No. XVIII no. 4, Fourth Quarter Grade VIII
Changing Perspective
projector, laptop, powerpoint presentation, loose board

III. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Good afternoon, Class! Good afternoon, Ma’am!

How are you? We are fine, ma’am.

Nice to hear that class.

Please stand and let us pray. ( SAY A PRAYER)

Kindly pick up the dirts under your chair and

arrange your chair properly. Okay, Ma’am.

Now, class monitor do we have any

absentees for today? None, Ma’am, we do not have any

Okay, you may take your seat now. Thank you Ma’am.

What do you remember about the legend? (STUDENTS RAISE THEIR HANDS)
Ma’am, they are the stories about the

Before we proceed to the lesson proper,

let’s take a look at these pictures first.


I want you to react on what you see on the ( STUDENTS RAISE THEIR HANDS)

What is common among these pictures? Ma’am, pictures are related with

That’s correct! What do you think is the Ma’am, maybe we are going to study or
reason why these pictures are presented to read literary piece of Singapore.

Exactly! Today we are going to deal with a

story which explains the origin of
Singapore. We are going to read an
example of a story which explains the origin
of a place? Do you still remember what this (STUDENTS RAISE THEIR HANDS)
kind of story is called? Ma’am, legend

What do you remember about legends? Ma’am, They are products of the active
imagination of writers or narrators.

What else can you say about it? (STUDENTS RAISE THEIR HANDS)
Yes,___ Ma’am, they are used to teach, inform
or entertain the reader.

What do they teach? Ma’am, lessons, values which can be

drawn from the qualities of the

Very good!

In what way do they inform? They somehow inform readers about

the origin of things but they do not have
a scientific basis. In addition to that,
events that happen in a legend are
unrealistic/ impossible to happen in real

Precisely. Dear students, legends

present all of the things mentioned by
your classmates. They do fall on a genre
of literature which are considered as
products of imaginative minds which
serve to entertain, inform and teach
however, they do not have a legal or
scientific basis.

Do you still remember the two genres of Yes ma’am. Fiction and Non Fiction
literature, class?

Based on what we talked about earlier,

to what genre of literature, do legends Fiction, ma’am.They do fall on a genre
belong? Why? of literature which are considered as
(EN8LT-IVb-13- identify the notable literary products of imaginative minds which
genre contributed by South and West Asian serve to entertain, inform and teach
writers) however they do not have a legal or
scientific basis.
What we discussed will give you an
overview regarding the activities that
you will do later. You are expected to
analyze the details of the legend so that
you may be able to justify that it really
belongs to fiction and bring out its
striking features embedded in the story.


Before dealing with those activities, we

are going to first to unlock the difficult
words that you will encounter as you
read the selection.

There are instances in which we can know Expected Answer: Getting the meaning
the meaning of word even without of a word through context clues, ma’am.
consulting a dictionary. We can do this by (Note: If no one remembers, reveal the
looking for words which serve as your clues answer to them)
in getting the meaning of a word. What do
we call this strategy class?
(EN8V- IVb-15- use a vocabulary strategy
in decoding the meaning of words)

Yes, that’s correct. Yes, ma’am.

In this vocabulary activity, I want you to Determine the meaning of underlined

identify the meaning of a word through the words through context clue.
use of context clues.

Everybody read the instruction, class. 1. He heard that there was a stag in the
jungle a magnificent animal with a
Let’s do the first one. slender body and prominent antlers on
its head.
Everybody, read number one? a. deer
b. lion
c. deer
d. bull
The choices read…
Ma’am, the answer is b.deer

Who wants to answer?


Let’s check if your answer is correct.

Slender body and antlers, ma’am
Your answer is correct! Among the choices, a deer has those
Will you share to your classmates how you characteristics
were able to get the correct meaning of the
unfamiliar word?
Tell the word which serve as your clues.
2. He was excited and took with him a
Very good! great fleet of ships to Tanjong Bentam.
a. a number of naval vehicles
Number 2, Everybody read and the b. number of aircrafts
choices. c. a group of animals
d. a group of armies

Ma’am, it’s a group of naval vehicles.

What do you think is the meaning of the
underlined word?

Let’s check if your answer is correct.

Your answer is correct! Ma’am, the fleet of ships.

Will you share to your classmates how you

were able to get the correct meaning of the
unfamiliar word? 3. The king drew his silver dagger and
What is your clue? hurled it at the stag.
a. stepped heavily
Very good! b. rolled forcefully
c. threw with violence
Everybody read number 3 class. d. lifted with power

C. threw with violence

“Drew a silver dagger”
It gives me an impression that dagger
will be used to hurt the dear.

What is the meaning of the word hurled? 4. The king followed the stag up the hill,
Correct. Justify it. but climbing reaching the breath taking
summit the stag was nowhere to be
a. lowest point
b. highest point
Number 4, “Everybody, kindly read class. c. eastern point
d. western point

B. highest point

Because of the words breathe taking


Will you give the meaning of the summit?

5. When the tourist went to his farm, he
That’s right. How were you able to get its climbed a knoll, a low mound of land to
meaning? Share it to the class. take a good look at the beautiful
a. small hut
b. little pyramid
Number 5. Will you read? All of you. b. small castle
d. little hill

D. little hill

Because of the phrase low mound of


What is the meaning of knoll?

Your answer is correct. Justify it No, ma’am.


Now, let’s deal with the story “THE SINGA”
Are you familiar the word “SINGA?
You are going to find the meaning of
SINGA after reading the story.

You are going to read the slides

Before that I will divide you into groups. You
will be grouped according to who, what,
where, how and why. Each group will be
given a question to answer. For the WHO GROUP:
Who was Sang Nila Utama? Give all his
qualities including his habits and
Each group will read the set of questions inclinations.
assigned to them
What did he decide to do so that he
may satisfy his desire in hunting?

Expected Answer:
Sang Nila Utama was an adventurous,
imaginative king. He liked going to
faraway places and he also loved
hunting wild animals.


Where did he decide to go? Did he
manage to get what he wanted? Why or
why not?

He decided to go to different places to

search and hunt for wild animals.

He decided to go to the jungles of

Tanjong Bentam but he was not able to
catch a deer instead he caught a
glimpse of stretch of white island and he
wanted to go there.


Sang Nila Utama wanted to go to
TEMASEK but their journey there was
not that easy right? Were they able to
get there? How were they able to reach
How did he stop the storm?

As their ship was about to be sunk

because of the storm, Sang Nila Utama
kept calm. He thought of an idea on
how he could stop the storm.
He threw his crown on the sea and the
FOR EVERYBODY storm suddenly stopped.
Do you think that event can happen in real
What do you think aside from that magical THE WHY GROUP
thing, how was Sang Nila Utama able to Why did Sang Nila Utama decide to
successfully go to the island? stay in the island of Singapore?

Very well said, Tristan! Because when Sang Nila Utama and
Take note of his answer. his men set foot on the island, the first
That can be considered as one of features creature they saw was a lion. They
of a legend exemplified in the story. believed that it was good omen or an
(EN8LT-IVc13.1: Identify the distinguishing indicator of good luck because lions for
features found short stories contributed by them are considered bringers of good
South and West Asian writers) luck. Because of this, Sang Nila Utama
decided to stay there for good and later
What features of a legend are presented? name the island, Singapore which Lion
Yes,___ City.

Another? Ma’am, that event cannot happen in

(EN8LT-IVc13.1: Identify the distinguishing real life.
features found short stories contributed by Perhaps it’s the leadership of Sang Nila
South and West Asian writers) Utama served as the key in getting
there. He remained calm during the
I want you to apply the concepts presented (STUDENTS RAISE THEIR HANDS)
to you earlier. Do the activity: Ma’am, It explains the origin of a place.

It showcases the culture particularly the

beliefs of people in a certain place.

Arrange the events in the story in

proper order. Use numbers 1-5.
________Sang Nila Utama and his men
decided to stay in Temasek because
they believe that they would find good
luck in that island for the first creature
they saw in that island was a lion,
considered to be a bringer of good luck.
_________Sang Nila Utama was an
adventurous, imaginative king. He loved
going to faraway places and he liked
hunting wild animals.
_________He tried his best to catch the
stag he saw in the jungle but he was not
able to do so. Instead of catching the
stag, he saw a stretch of white island,
Temasek and he wanted to go there.
GENERALIZATION _________They encountered a storm
What is the genre of literature in the given on their way to Temasek. Through the
selection? leadership of Sang Utama, he keep
calm and he thought of an idea on how
he could stop the storm. He threw his
The story singa falls under what category of crown on the sea then suddenly the
fiction? storm stop.
________He decided to go the jungle of
Tanjong Bentam when he heard there
Correct! were stags in that island.

What are features of a legend emphasized

in the story? The genre of literature in the given
selection is fiction.


Ma’am, Legend
Is that all? Do you want to add something?

Ma’am, It explains the origin of things. It

emphasizes the good qualities of
people living in a certain place as
demonstrated by the main character like
Sang Nila Utama.

Ma’am, It exposes culture and beliefs of

a group of people like the instance in
which Sang Nila Utama decided to stay
in Temasek because they saw a lion. It
led into knowing that Sinagporeans
believe in the luck that lions bring.
IV. Evaluation:
Classify the sentences according to the ideas indicated in the 2 columns.

Instances in the story Feature of a legend it exemplifies

Sang Nila Utama led his crew in going to the

island successfully through his leadership.

It explains the origin of the name of a place or an object.

The king and his men decided to stay in that

place because they believe that it was lucky
place for the first creature they saw in that
island was lion, a bringer of good luck.

It emphasizes the good qualities of people living in

a certain place as demonstrated by the main character.

Since, he saw a lion in that place, he decided

to change its name to Singapura, Lion City.

It exposes culture and beliefs of a group of people.

V. Assignment: February 14, 2018

Determine the other features of a legend. Research for a Philippine legend similar to the
legend “ Singa”.

Prepared by:

Mrs. Anabel T. Matammu

Student- Teacher

Checked by:

Mrs. Judith P. Calara

Cooperating- Teacher

Date Signed

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