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1. a). Distinguish internal consulting from external consulting.

b).You are faced with a business problem. You have therefore decided to

engage an external consultant. What factors would you consider for such

a consultant?

2. Distinguish the role of a consultant from that of a client in the

consulting process. Identify and discuss the various consulting problems

that clients may face. Demonstrate with practical examples.

3. a). Identify and discuss FIVE ways consultants can secure consulting


b). It is often said that securing an assignment is much easier than

managing the assignment successfully. Clearly identify and discuss the

basic issue you would consider in managing assignments more


4. a). Distinguish between open competition and restricted competition.

b). Distinguish between a Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal.

5. Identify and discuss any FIVE principles governing the procurement


6. It is often argued that entry phase in the consulting process is critical.

Clearly discuss this statement.

7. Differentiate the role of the client from that of the client in the

consulting process.


8. a).What do you understand by a “consulting contract”?

b). Why should a consultant enter into a signed contract before

embarking on the extension of the assignment?

9. Differentiate Transformational Change from Remedial Change, giving

theoretical examples.

10. What factors may cause employees to resist anticipated changes in an


11. If you were a manager managing change in the organization, what

techniques would you use to minimize employee’s resistance to

anticipated changes?

12. How does marketing of physical goods differ from marketing of

consultancy services?

13. ‘Marketing of consultancy service is more than selling the service’.

Clearly elaborate on this statement.

14. You just formed your own consulting company in the city of Dar es

Salaam. Detail all the technique you would use to gain entry into the Dar

es Salaam consulting market.

15. a). Distinguish chargeable services from non-chargeable services.

b). Why is environmental analysis important in determining consultancy


16. Outline and discuss the critical aspects that influence the pricing of

consultancy services.

17. a). Distinguish between contingency fees from retainer fees.


b). what factors would influence the use of retainer fees in paying for

consultancy assignments?

18. You are a practicing professional accountant working for a large

multinational firm. You have now decided to start your own audit firm

in Arusha. Outline and discuss the major issues you would consider

before you settle down to your new business.

19. Identify and discuss the major activities you would carry out in

preparing a marketing plan of your newly formed consulting firm.

20. What are the similarities and difference between internal and external


21. Both internal and external consultants add different value, clients can

assess their needs and make the choice of which to use based on the

contribution each makes. What situation makes client either to choose

internal or external consultant?

22. Masanja consulting firm works in XYZ Company. His main role in

client organization is to help the management on finding new areas of

investments. Unfortunately Masanja goes beyond his duties and start to

help staff and managers on how to use new computerized accounting

system. As a future consultant, critically; discuss this scenario.

23. What is the difference between consulting and research?

24. The management consulting is a profession .Discuss.

25. What are the advantages of collaborative consulting

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